<=== observer ===>
"Gruen, E.",\
"Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik",\
"Saupfercheckweg 1",\
"49 6221 516478",\
"49 6221 516324",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"abundances","comets","dust properties"},\
{"Leinert, Ch.", "Campins, H.", "Crovisier, J.", "Cruikshank, D.",\
"Encrenaz, T.", "Hanner, M.S.", "Knacke, R.", "Kraetschmer, W.", "Lamy, P.",\
"Lemke, D.", "Solc, M.", "Sykes, M.", "Vanysek, V."}

<=== title ===>
Comet observations with ISOPHOT:
Study of bare nuclei, onset of activity, composition of comets and dust
Part 2

<=== abstract ===>
Comets comprise the most primitive material in the solar system. Observations
of their composition are diagnostic of the environment during their formation.
Phenomena to be studied are bare cometary nuclei and onset of activity at large
heliocentric distances and gas and dust emissions in the inner solar system.
Objectives of observations of gas and dust are to characterize the physical
parameters of the dust (total production, sizes and surface properties) and to
analyze the chemical composition of both volatile and refractory constituents
with special emphasis on organic compounds. The first priority target, P/Kopff,
is most productive among the here proposed comets: not only in dust, but also
in gas production (OH up to 5x10^28). Also, a cometary trail of this comet was
observed by IRAS. Results from this observational programme have to be compared
with the results from the programme "Properties of Solar System Dust" and other
CP-comet observations by CAM, SWS and LWS.

Observations of active comets (P/Kopff and P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko or P/Wild 2)
should be made through 4 apertures (13.8 to 120 arcsec at three wavelengths
between 12.8 and 25 microns) centered on maximum brightness and through 9
filters (3.6 to 160 microns) to obtain thermal energy spectrum of the dust
emission. Spectra in the 2-12 micron range will be obtained with PHT-S,
in order to determine the strength and shape of features due to organic grains,
silicate grains and various molecular species (H2CO, CO, CO2, CH-X, etc.).
Observations of cometary nuclei and onset of activity (Chiron and
P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1) should be made in several sets of flux measurements
from 25 to 160 microns with PHT-P and PHT-C. Observations through 3 different
apertures (52 to 99 arcsec) with the 60 micron filter may allow separation of
a dust coma from the nucleus.

Active comets have high proper motion. They are tracked in the solar system
objects mode. No ephemeris are given here. The astrometric observation of the
target objects shortly before launch and during the ISO operation should be
used for ephemeris improvement. Background is determined by a subsequent (a few
days later) staring observation at the mid-term position of the previous
observation ("shadow" object). Targets for observations of bare nuclei are in
the outer solar system and hence have slow proper motion (< 0.1'/h). They are
observed as solar system objects with staring mode. In order to determine the
background, the method of "shadow" object is also used.

FIXED TIME OBSERVATIONS: The active comet observations are time-critical
(within a few days) because of the time-variable activity. It is planned to
specify the accurate observation time after the exact ephemeris are known and
an analysis of the background has been made. For planning purposes the
following time periods are given (S = spectro-photometry, P = photometry):
autumn launch:
	4. P/Kopff: Dec. 1996 (P)
	1. P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Dec. 1995 (S)
	2. P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Jan. 1996 (P)
spring launch:
	4. P/Kopff: Jan. 1997 (P)
	1. P/Wild 2: Nov. 1996 (S)
	2. P/Wild 2: May 1997 (P)

Each comet observation starts with a peaking-up of the tracked comet. For
time-economy this is done only once per observation which includes several
filters-, apertures- and one spectrometer-observation. In addition the 3.6
micron observation has to be concatenated with the PHT-S observation in order
to provide absolute calibration of the spectra.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
The estimation of the infrared flux of comets is a most difficult task. Data is
only available for relatively bright comets. Therefore, the assumptions for
brightness calculations are based on comparison of various activity parameters
of comets determined mostly from observations in the visual and near infrared
spectral range. The best candidate, chosen as the first priority target, comet
P/Kopff, according the photometric visual data has about 0.03 of the dust
production of P/Halley. Thus, no more than 100 to 200 kg/sec can be expected.
Comparable with comet Kopff are for instance P/Wild 2 (also in our target
list). Other periodic comets observable in the proposed period of ISO
observation are less active in the dust production. The expected infrared flux
in continuum has been estimated with an assuption that a dust coma with radius
of 10000 km and with "grey" optical thickness tau, radiates as "grey" body with
albedo 0.2. Thus the flux of the coma at heliocetric and geocetric distances r
and D is proportional to Planck function B(T,r,D) x tau. The optical thickness
for given coma radius is a function of dust particles effective cross-section
and their density, dust production and the dust velocity. For micron size
patricles with density 1000 kg/m^3 and velocity about 0.3 km/sec is tau about
10^-6 to 10^-5 for the dust production between 10 to 100 kg/sec. The
temperature of black body at r = D = 1 AU is assumed to be 330 K (the dust
particles are somewhat superheated). The calculted coma flux in the case
P/Kopff (r = 2 AU, D = 1.6 AU) at 25 microns wavelength is 3 to 30 Jy. The flux
from nuclei is computed for spherical body with the albedo 0.05. Nucleus radius
has been estimated from the minimal observed brigthness taken from The Comet
Light Curve Atlas (Kamel 1992). Almost all nuclei radii are in range 2 to 3 km
with exception of Chiron (radius 150 km) and of comet P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
(20 km). The fluxes of nuclei are at 25 microns about 10 mJy with exception of
Chiron and P/S-W-1 (650 mJy, and 80 mJy, respectively). Visibility for ISO
observation of P/Kopff, P/S-W-1, were provided by Dr. Salama. For other comets
the visibility plots (computed for 93/94 launch !) were used. It must be noted,
that actualized visibility plots were not available at the time of prepration
of this proposal. Therefore, more information is vital for more precise
determination of the observing period for the individual targets and should be
distributed as soon as possible.

Comet P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova, which will be bright early 1996, must be
deleted from the observation programme. The daily motion of this comet is
greatly over the limit 2'/day. Also comets P/Churyomov-Gerasimenko, and P/Wild
2 are about at this daily motion limit, but still in the range of
acceptability. The integration times for various modes of observations and
instruments were silmulated with the AOT simulator programme. After many tests
and variations of imput parameters, the targets were divided in 3 categories.
Relatively bright (more than 1 Jy at 25 microns), medium bright (more than 0.5
Jy) and fainter comets than 500 mJy. For each group of comets the integration
times are estimated, so that at 25 microns the S/N should be about 100, for
bright targets, 20 to 60 for medium bright and about 10 to 5 for faint targets.

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:

           Team         top 40%       second 30%    last 30%
           PHT :         5912         10198         17076
           total :       5912         10198         17076

Time distribution for spring launch targets:

           Team         top 40%       second 30%    last 30%
           PHT :         5912         10198         17076
           total :       5912         10198         17076

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
 1, "PHT04", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  875, 2
 2, "PHT04", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 3
 3, "PHT04", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 4
 4, "PHT25", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 5
 5, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  332, 6
 6, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 7
 7, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 8
 8, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 9
 9, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 10
10, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 11
11, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 12
12, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
13, "PHT04", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  275, 14
14, "PHT04", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 15
15, "PHT04", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 16
16, "PHT25", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 17
17, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  332, 18
18, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 19
19, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 20
20, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 21
21, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 22
22, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 23
23, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 24
24, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
25, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  875, 26
26, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 27
27, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 28
28, "PHT25", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 29
29, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 30
30, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 31
31, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 32
32, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 33
33, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 34
34, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 35
35, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 36
36, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 37
37, "PHT40", 2.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 2152, 0
38, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  275, 39
39, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 40
40, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 41
41, "PHT25", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 42
42, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 43
43, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 44
44, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 45
45, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 46
46, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 47
47, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 48
48, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 49
49, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 50
50, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 2152, 0
51, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  875, 52
52, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 53
53, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 54
54, "PHT25", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 55
55, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 56
56, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 57
57, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 58
58, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 59
59, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 60
60, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 61
61, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 62
62, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
63, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  275, 64
64, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 65
65, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 66
66, "PHT25", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 67
67, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 68
68, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 69
69, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 70
70, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 71
71, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 72
72, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 73
73, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov-Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 74
74, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Churyumov Gera. shad  220013", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
75, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 76
76, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 77
77, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  292, 78
78, "PHT25", 2.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 79
79, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0
80, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 81
81, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 82
82, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  292, 83
83, "PHT25", 2.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 84
84, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0
85, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 86
86, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 87
87, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 88
88, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  190, 89
89, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0
90, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 91
91, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 92
92, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 93
93, "PHT25", 3.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  190, 94
94, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
 1, "PHT04", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  875, 2
 2, "PHT04", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 3
 3, "PHT04", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 4
 4, "PHT25", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 5
 5, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  332, 6
 6, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 7
 7, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 8
 8, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 9
 9, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 10
10, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 11
11, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 12
12, "PHT05", 1.0, "Y", "P/Kopff                 220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
13, "PHT04", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  275, 14
14, "PHT04", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 15
15, "PHT04", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 16
16, "PHT25", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 17
17, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  332, 18
18, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 19
19, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 20
20, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 21
21, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 22
22, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 23
23, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 24
24, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "P/Kopff shadow          220015", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
25, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  875, 26
26, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 27
27, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 28
28, "PHT25", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 29
29, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 30
30, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 31
31, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 32
32, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 33
33, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 34
34, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 35
35, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 36
36, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 37
37, "PHT40", 2.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 2152, 0
38, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  275, 39
39, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 40
40, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 41
41, "PHT25", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 42
42, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 43
43, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 44
44, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 45
45, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 46
46, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 47
47, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 48
48, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 49
49, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 50
50, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 2152, 0
51, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  875, 52
52, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 53
53, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 54
54, "PHT25", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 55
55, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 56
56, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 57
57, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 58
58, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 59
59, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 60
60, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 61
61, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 62
62, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "P/Wild 2                220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
63, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  275, 64
64, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  228, 65
65, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  255, 66
66, "PHT25", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 67
67, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  323, 68
68, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  296, 69
69, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  132, 70
70, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  130, 71
71, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  194, 72
72, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 73
73, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  196, 74
74, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "P/Wild 2 shadow         220020", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  294, 0
75, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 76
76, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 77
77, "PHT05", 3.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  292, 78
78, "PHT25", 3.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 79
79, "PHT04", 3.0, "Y", "Chiron                  212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0
80, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 81
81, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 82
82, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  292, 83
83, "PHT25", 3.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  128, 84
84, "PHT04", 3.0, "N", "Chiron  shadow          212060", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0
85, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 86
86, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 87
87, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 88
88, "PHT05", 2.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  190, 89
89, "PHT04", 2.0, "Y", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1      220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0
90, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0., 1344, 91
91, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  418, 92
92, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 93
93, "PHT25", 2.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  190, 94
94, "PHT04", 2.0, "N", "P/Schwassmann-W. 1 sha  220001", 0., 0., 2000, 0., 0.,  609, 0