<=== observer ===>
"Rouan, D.",\
"Observatoire de Paris-Meudon",\
"Place J. Janssen",\
"92195 ",\
"Meudon Cedex",\
"33 1   45077715",\
"33 1   45072806",\
<=== proposal ===>
{"diffuse interstellar medium","dust properties","bipolar outflows"},\
{"Minard F.","Boulanger F.","Lequeux J.","Vigroux L.","Lacombe F."}
<=== title ===>
Polaro-Imaging of different components of the Interstellar Medium and
circumstellar dust
<=== abstract ===>
   The  polarization  in  the  infrared can be due either to scattering of the
light  from  a  source,  or  from  dichroic  absorption or emission by aligned
grains.  The effects on the polarization vector of each of those mechanism are
strongly  wavelength,  size and material dependant:  combining the information
at  many  different wavelengths and in several spectral lines of the intensity
and  distribution  of  the  linear  polarization  vector  provides  a powerful
information,  partly  independant from spectro-photometry, on the composition,
size and shape of the grains in the interstellar or circumstellar medium.  The
polarimetric  capability  of  ISOCAM offers a unique opportunity to put severe
constraints  on  the grain component and to probe the magnetic field intensity
and direction in various phases and radiation environments of the Interstellar
and  Circumstellar  Medium:   Galactic Center, Bipolar outflows (L1551-IRS5, R
Mon,  Cep  A  ),  reflection  nebula and HI/HII interfaces (NGC 2023, NGC7023,
M17),  star  forming complex (Mon R2, S140), circumstellar envelopes (HD44179,
OH231.8+4.2, Frosty Leo, CRL2688).
   The CAM routine for Polarization Observation will be used. The polarization
measurements  require  a  S/N  ratio of the order of 70.  The proposed program
consists  in  covering  the  entire  spectral range of CAM with the broad-band
filters:   SW1,  SW3,  LW1, LW4, LW6, LW7, LW8 and LW9.  The PFOV 1.5, 3 and 6
arc-sec are used, depending on the object.
 -  Galactic Center:  the sources are bright (15 to 120 Jy for IRS 1 to IRS 10
at  13  microns)  and  require  the  smallest elementary integration time with
coaddition.   The  cluster  of  sources  around  IRS16  lies within 30 arc-sec
typically, allowing the choice of the 1.5 arc-sec PFOV.
 -  The Bipolar outflows L1551-IRS5, R Mon and Cep A:  bright central sources,
requiring an elementary integration time of 1 to 2 sec.  The PFOV 3 arc-sec is
well adapted to the extension of the region.
 -  The  Reflection  nebulae  NGC 2023, NGC 7023 and the HI/HII interface M17:
the  extended part of the sources are of moderate brightness (typically 30 mJy
per  6  arc-sec pixel at 10 microns), and requires a long integration.  A PFOV
of 6 arc-sec is selected.
 -  The  star  forming  complex  Mon  R2  and S140:  several bright structures
(typically  30  and  150  Jy  at  respectively  5  and  10  mu) requires short
integration times on the whole spectral range.  The extension of the region is
1 arc-min, and is well covered with the 3 arc-sec PFOV.
 -  The  circumstellar  bipolar  envelopes  HD44179, OH231.8+4.2, CRL 2688 and
Frosty  Leo:   bright  and centrally peaked objects, requiring the 1.5 arc-sec
PFOV, and small elementary integration time (.28 to 2 sec) in co-added mode.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
               Team : top 40%  second 30%  last 30%
                CAM :    28800      0         14400

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM05", 1.0,"N","Galactic Center",17.70825, -28.98806, 1950, 0., 0.,3600, 0
2, "CAM05", 1.0,"N","NGC 7023",     20.75694, +67.77889, 1950, 0., 0., 16200, 0
3, "CAM05", 1.0,"N","S140", 	    22.29478, +63.06222, 1950, 0., 0.,  5400, 0
4, "CAM05", 1.0,"N","Frosty Leo",   09.62000, +12.20861, 1950, 0., 0.,  3600, 0
5, "CAM05", 3.0,"N","M17 ", 	    18.29222, -16.22917, 1950, 0., 0.,  5400, 0
6, "CAM05", 3.0,"N","Cep A", 	    22.90250, +61.75194, 1950, 0., 0.,  3600, 0
7, "CAM05", 3.0,"N","CRL 2688",     21.00556, +36.49528, 1950, 0., 0.,  5400, 0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM05", 1.0, "N", "NGC 2023",    05.65195, -02.28222, 1950, 0., 0., 16200, 0
2, "CAM05", 1.0, "N", "L1551-IRS5",  04.47769, +18.03110, 1950, 0., 0.,  5400, 0
3, "CAM05", 1.0, "N", "Mon R2",      06.08861, -06.37139, 1950, 0., 0.,  3600, 0
4, "CAM05", 1.0, "N", "HD 44179",    06.29353, -10.61167, 1950, 0., 0.,  3600, 0
5, "CAM05", 3.0, "N", "R Mon", 	     06.60417, +08.78139, 1950, 0., 0.,  3600, 0
6, "CAM05", 3.0, "N", "S140", 	     22.29478, +63.06222, 1950, 0., 0.,  5400, 0
7, "CAM05", 3.0, "N", "OH 231.8+4.2",07.66636, -14.59556, 1950, 0., 0.,  5400, 0