<=== observer ===>
"Pequignot, D.",\
"Observatoire de Paris",\
"2, Place Janssen",\
"Meudon Principal Cedex",\
" 33  1 45077438",\
" 33  1 45077469",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"supernova remnants","diffuse interstellar medium","molecular clouds",\
"stellar evolution","dust properties"},\
{"LWS consortium"}

<=== title ===>

<=== abstract ===>
Large amounts of cold nuclearly processed gas (primarily oxygen and iron)
are expected to be present in the inner unshocked regions of young supernova
remnants (SNRs). It is proposed to detect and establish characteristics of this
material by means of fine-structure lines. About 20 targets are considered, some
of which being observed at several positions.

Determining the mass and chemical composition of supernova ejecta is crucial
for three theories: stellar evolution, supernova explosions, and galactic
evolution. This is a priori best performed in young SNRs in which mixing with
the ISM is not yet achieved. Current information from X-ray, UV, and optical
studies is scarce and far-IR spectroscopy appears as a valuable alternative. 
Information about the dominant elements present in the inner part of SNRs 
(e.g., O, Ne, Si, S, Fe, and Ni) will provide a basis to connect SNRs to the 
events from which they were born. SN1987a is clearly a special target.

The grating mode of ISO/LWS is well-suited to this programme since overall
velocity fields of a few thousand km/s are typical. Wavelength oversampling
should provide useful information on velocities in bright objects. Full
grating spectra are necessary in most cases because SNRs are complex objects.
The probability of "unexpected" spectral features and of projection of
different components of the SNR in the observation lobe is large.

The targets should include all classical young SNRs because they are all 
different and even their progenitors may be controversial. In a few cases 
several positions should be observed to study composition variations and to 
allow subtraction of possible "foreground" emission from, e.g., the outermost 
shocked ISM. This "foreground" emission is evidently most interesting in 
studying other aspects of SNRs (interstellar shocks, dust heating, 
molecules...) not explicitly considered here. This "multipurpose" aspect of any 
spectroscopic programme about young SNRs should be kept in mind.

Since the proposal mainly concerns detection of emission lines of ionic
species not expected in the background emission, no "off-source" positions are

<=== scientific_justification ===>
The selected objects are listed in the following TABLES 1 to 4, according to 
the general three classes:
 - The "Plerions", like the Crab, are defined as non-thermal radio sources 
showing a central condensation which may reveal the influence of a pulsar. The 
progenitor should be massive. The Crab probably results from an (untypical?) 
SNII (red supergiant?).
 - The "Oxygen-rich", like Cas A, show oxygen-dominated emission in part of the
remnant and should correspond to massive or very massive progenitors. Cas A
looks like a shell in the radio range but some plerions (unlike the Crab) are
also oxygen-rich. Some are also Neon- or Sulfur-rich. Cas A is the probable
by-product of a SN Ib (Wolf-Rayet star?).
 - The "Balmer dominated", like Tycho, show exclusively hydrogen lines,
signature of a non-radiative interstellar shock, and should often correspond
to white dwarf deflagrations (SN Ia).

The angular sizes are obtained from radio, optical, or X-ray maps. The sizes 
may be different with different technics and should be considered as orders of 
magnitude. Also there are often several components of very different sizes.

The IRAS fluxes are mainly from Arendt (1989, Ap J. Suppl. 70, 181). More 
detailed studies are used in some cases.

TABLE 1: Pure plerions (PP), plerion+shell (PS)(only plerion component size).
name(s)      position (1950)    age distance size           fluxes(Jy)
               RA       DEC    1E3yrs  kpc  arcmin 12um  25um  60um 100um  1GHz
1a) Pure Plerion
G184.6-5.8  05 31 31  +21 59     0.9   1.9   6x4     40.   73.  200.  180. 1000.
(Crab, SN 1054)      (4 positions with different composition filaments)
G 21.5-0.9  18 30 47  -10 36      2.   15.   1.3     -                      6.4
G130.7+3.1  02 01 53  +64 35     0.8    3.   8x5     <2.   <1.   <4.  <16.  33.
(3C58, SN 1181)      (1 position = brightest radio filaments, near centre)
G 54.1+0.3  19 28 10  +18 46                 1.5    <20.   21.   23. <600.  0.5
N157B (LMC) 05 38 09  -69 11 40        55.   0.5     -                       -
1b) Plerion shell
G 29.7-0.2  18 43 48  -03 02          7.     0.5     -                      8.5
G  6.4-0.1  17 57 36  -23 25          2.      1.     -                       3.
G320.3-1.2  15 10 00  -58 57     1.6? 4.      7.   100.   150.  700. 1900.   -
(MSH15-52)           (1 position = "young" pulsar)
G 68.8+2.6  19 51 03  +32 45     0.6? 2.      1.     -                       2.
(CTB80)             (1 position = core with "young" pulsar)
G  0.9+0.1  17 44 12  -28 08        10.?      2.     -                      4.7
G326.3-1.8  15 48 50  -56 00          5.    15x8     -                      40.

TABLE 2: Oxygen-rich SNRs (massive stars?)
name(s)        position (1950)    age  distance  size         fluxes(Jy)
                RA         DEC   1E3yrs   kpc   arcmin  12um  25um  60um 100um
G111.7-2.1   23 21 10  +58 32    0.31    2.9       3.    18.  150.  120.   70.
(Cas A)             (3 positions = centre and 2 optically bright zones)
G292.0+1.8   11 22 22  -58 59    <1.6     5.      1.4     3.   15.   47.   38.
(MSH11-54) (also PP) 
G260.4-3.4   08 20 30  -42 50      4.     2.      50.    74.  230. 1100. 1600.
(Pup A) (also adolescent SNR)  (1 position = "omega" filament)
05 40        05 40 34  -69 21 20  0.8    55.       .13    -
(LMC) (Crab-like)   
N132D (LMC)  05 25 24  -69 41 10  1.3    55.       1.     -
1E0102-72    01 02 25  -72 18 05   1.    60.       .5     -
SN NGC 4449  12 25 45  +44 23    0.12  5000.     <.01     -

TABLE 3: "Balmer dominated SNRs" (often white dwarf deflagration?)
name(s)        position (1950)     age  distance  size         fluxes(Jy)
                RA        DEC    1E3yrs   kpc    arcmin  12um  25um  60um 100um
G120.1+1.4   00 22 33  +63 52     0.4     2.3     3.6      2.   28.   38.   17.
(Tycho 1572)         (2 positions including centre)
G327.6+14.5  14 59 30  -41 45      1.     1.7     35.    <50.  <70.   12.   16.
(SN 1006) (Fe II UV in abs.)  (1 position = centre)
G  4.5+6.8   17 27 41  -21 27     0.4      5.     2.6      1.   11.    7.    3.
(Kepler 1604) (Type Ib SN?) (2 positions including centre)
0505-67.9    05 05 50  -67 57 00   -      55.     1.2      -
(DEM71 LMC)         
0519-69.0    05 19 52  -69 05 01  0.5     55.      .5      -

TABLE 4: Young shell SNRs (completing Tables 2 and 3)
name(s)        position (1950)     age  distance  size         fluxes(Jy)
                RA         DEC    1E3yrs   kpc   arcmin  12um  25um  60um 100um
G 25.5+0.2                        <0.1    12.?    0.3     -
(youngest in Galaxy or H II region?)  
G 11.2-0.3   18 08 31  -19 26      1.6?    12.     5.     80.  120.  340. 1700.
(SN 386?)          
G315.4-2.3   14 39 08  -62 15      1.8     1.      5.     22.   41.   36.  110.
(RCW 86, SN 185)   (1 position = centre)
G 41.1-0.3   19 05 08  +07 04      <1.?    13.     5.    <12.  <23. <200. <400.
(3C 397) (irreg.)   
G332.4-0.4?  16 13 54  -50 56      1.3?     3.     9.   <200. <200.    -
(RCW 103)         ( 2 positions = centre and bright zone in shell)
G 43.3-0.2   19 08 43  +09 00 40    1.      5.    3.6
N63A (LMC)   05 35 40  -66 04 00           55.    0.5
N49 (LMC)    05 25 55  -66 07 40           55.     1.
N103B (LMC)  05 09 17  -68 47 20           55.    0.3      -
SN1987A      05        -6

A full LWS grating scan is required for all objects considered. Several 
positions are requested for important angularly resolved targets. Observations 
are made with AOT LWS01 with 4 samples per resolution element and the "fast" 
scanning mode.

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:
	Team	top 40%		second 30%	last 30%
	LWS:	9536 sec	7216 sec	8368 sec

Time distribution for spring launch targets:
	Team	top 40%		second 30%	last 30%
	LWS:	7408 sec	5744 sec	5744 sec

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #1        ",23.35333,+58.53833,1950,0.,0., 656, 2
2, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #2        ",23.35306,+58.56139,1950,0.,0., 496, 3
3, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #3        ",23.35083,+58.51722,1950,0.,0., 496, 4
4, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #4        ",23.36056,+58.56528,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
5, "LWS01",1.0,"N","G292.0+1.8      ",11.37528,-58.98750,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Tycho #1        ",00.37528,+63.86250,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
7, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Kepler #1       ",17.46167,-21.45417,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
8, "LWS01",1.0,"N","LMC/N132D       ",05.42417,-69.68611,1950,0.,0., 656, 9
9, "LWS01",1.0,"N","SN1987 A        ",05.58056,-69.29944,1950,0.,0., 496,10
10,"LWS01",1.0,"N","LMC/0540-69.3   ",05.67611,-69.35556,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
11,"LWS01",1.0,"N","SMC/1E0102-72   ",01.04028,-72.30139,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
12,"LWS01",1.0,"N","G21.5-0.9       ",18.51333,-10.60694,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
13,"LWS01",2.0,"N","G54.1+0.3       ",19.47167,+18.75889,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
14,"LWS01",2.0,"N","G29.7-0.2       ",18.73000,-03.03056,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
15,"LWS01",1.0,"N","RCW103 #1       ",16.23167,-50.93333,1950,0.,0., 656, 16
16,"LWS01",1.0,"N","RCW103 #2       ",16.23167,-51.00833,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
17,"LWS01",1.0,"N","3C 58 #1        ",02.03000,+64.59167,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
18,"LWS01",1.0,"N","Pup A #1        ",08.34972,-42.70389,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
19,"LWS01",2.0,"N","LMC/N63 A       ",05.59417,-66.06444,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
20,"LWS01",2.0,"N","SN NGC4449      ",12.42917,+44.38972,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
21,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/DEM 71      ",05.09722,-67.94250,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
22,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/0519-69.0   ",05.33111,-69.08361,1950,0.,0., 656, 23
23,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/N103 B      ",05.15361,-68.78750,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
24,"LWS01",2.0,"N","LMC/N157 B      ",05.63694,-69.19944,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
25,"LWS01",2.0,"N","W 28            ",17.96000,-23.41667,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
26,"LWS01",2.0,"N","RCW 86          ",14.65222,-62.25000,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
27,"LWS01",3.0,"N","W 49 B          ",19.14528,+09.01111,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
28,"LWS01",3.0,"N","G320.3-1.2      ",15.16667,-58.95000,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
29,"LWS01",2.0,"N","G68.8+2.6       ",19.85083,+32.75000,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
30,"LWS01",3.0,"N","G0.9+0.1        ",17.73667,-28.13333,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
31,"LWS01",3.0,"N","SN 1006         ",14.99167,-41.75000,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
32,"LWS01",3.0,"N","G25.5+0.2       ",18.57333,-06.53694,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
33,"LWS01",3.0,"N","G11.2-0.3       ",18.14194,-19.43611,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
34,"LWS01",3.0,"N","3C 397          ",19.08556,+07.05833,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
35,"LWS01",2.0,"N","Kepler #2       ",17.46056,-21.43472,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
36,"LWS01",2.0,"N","Tycho  #2       ",00.37528,+63.89389,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
37,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/N49         ",05.43250,-66.12556,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
38,"LWS01",2.0,"N","3C 58 #2        ",02.02611,+64.59444,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
39,"LWS01",3.0,"N","Pup A #2        ",08.35250,-42.74861,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
40,"LWS01",3.0,"N","RCW 103 #3      ",16.23167,-50.97083,1950,0.,0., 656, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Crab Neb. #1    ",05.52639,+21.97611,1950,0.,0., 656, 2
2, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Crab Neb. #3    ",05.52472,+21.97778,1950,0.,0., 496, 3
3, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Crab Neb. #2    ",05.52556,+21.99917,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
4, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #1        ",23.35333,+58.53833,1950,0.,0., 656, 5
5, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #2        ",23.35306,+58.56139,1950,0.,0., 496, 6
6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #3        ",23.35083,+58.51722,1950,0.,0., 496, 7
7, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Cas A #4        ",23.36056,+58.56528,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
8, "LWS01",1.0,"N","G292.0+1.8      ",11.37528,-58.98750,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
9, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Tycho #1        ",00.37528,+63.86250,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
10,"LWS01",1.0,"N","LMC/N132D       ",05.42417,-69.68611,1950,0.,0., 656,11
11,"LWS01",1.0,"N","SN1987 A        ",05.58056,-69.29944,1950,0.,0., 496,12
12,"LWS01",1.0,"N","LMC/0540-69.3   ",05.67611,-69.35556,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
13,"LWS01",2.0,"N","SMC/1E0102-72   ",01.04028,-72.30139,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
14,"LWS01",2.0,"N","G54.1+0.3       ",19.47167,+18.75889,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
15,"LWS01",2.0,"N","RCW103 #1       ",16.23167,-50.93333,1950,0.,0., 656,16
16,"LWS01",2.0,"N","RCW103 #2       ",16.23167,-51.00833,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
17,"LWS01",2.0,"N","3C 58 #1        ",02.03000,+64.59167,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
18,"LWS01",1.0,"N","Pup A #1        ",08.34972,-42.70389,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
19,"LWS01",2.0,"N","LMC/N63 A       ",05.59417,-66.06444,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
20,"LWS01",3.0,"N","SN NGC4449      ",12.42917,+44.38972,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
21,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/DEM 71      ",05.09722,-67.94250,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
22,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/0519-69.0   ",05.33111,-69.08361,1950,0.,0., 656, 23
23,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/N103 B      ",05.15361,-68.78750,1950,0.,0., 496, 0
24,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/N157 B      ",05.63694,-69.19944,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
25,"LWS01",2.0,"N","G68.8+2.6       ",19.85083,+32.75000,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
26,"LWS01",3.0,"N","3C 397          ",19.08556,+07.05833,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
27,"LWS01",2.0,"N","Tycho  #2       ",00.37528,+63.89389,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
28,"LWS01",3.0,"N","LMC/N49         ",05.43250,-66.12556,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
29,"LWS01",2.0,"N","3C 58 #2        ",02.02611,+64.59444,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
30,"LWS01",3.0,"N","Pup A #2        ",08.35250,-42.74861,1950,0.,0., 656, 0
31,"LWS01",3.0,"N","RCW 103 #3      ",16.23167,-50.97083,1950,0.,0., 656, 0