<=== observer ===>
"Waelkens, C",\
"Instituut voor Sterrenkunde",\
"KU Leuven",\
"Celestijnenlaan 200B",\
"32 16  200656",\
"32 16  201241",\

<=== proposal ===>
"VEGASTAR", 1, 3,\
{"circumstellar discs"},\
{"Th. de Graauw",\
"SRON Groningen",\
"L.B.F.M. Waters",\
"SRON Groningen",\
"P.R. Wesselius",\
"SRON Groningen",\
"H. Plets",\
"Astronomisch Institu",\
"Katholieke Universit",\
"H.J. Habing",\
"Sterrewacht Leiden",\
"N.R. Trams",\
"R. Siebenmorgen",\

<=== title ===>
The evolution of proto-planetary discs

<=== abstract ===>


The discovery of cool material around main-sequence stars
such as Vega and Beta Pictoris has maybe been most the impacting
new result from the IRAS mission, and is widely seen as one of the
most promising new facts that may lead to a better understanding
of the formation of planetary systems.

The spectroscopic capabilities of ISO provide the ideal tool
for studying the circumstellar emission in Vega-type stars in more
detail.  Measurements from the ground have provided a first hint
that cometary-like silicate emission is present around Beta Pic,
HD 98800, and 51 Oph.  With SWS, this feature can be studied much
more accurately and can be detected in other stars as well.  The
precise determination of the onset of the IR excess provides an
important test on the size of the circumstellar grains.

Important emphasis is put on the study of the evolution of
the proto-planetary disks from YSOs (studied in the Wesselius et
al. proposal) to main-sequence stars.  We have chosen to focus on
objects in the 2-solar-mass range (Herbig Ae/Be stars), because
it appears that for such objects the transition toward the main
sequence can be studied in objects that are relatively free from
background emission.  The energy distributions of these objects
suggest that the IR excess first weakens in the mid-IR region,
i.e. the spectral region covered by SWS.  An interesting
possibility is that this happens through the formation of
larger bodies.


Measurements with SWS will be performed for all stars for
which the expected S/N ratio is sufficient.  The goal of these
observations is to detect and describe solid-state features and to
determine accurately the onset of the IR excess. Only
medium-resolution (R = 200) AOT-01 observations (full scans) are requested.

For all objects a PHOT-S (AOT-40) 6-12 micron scan will be
observed, in order to describe accurately the photospheric flux,
and so to determine accurately the onset of the IR excess.  For some
stars these PHOT-S spectra are included in the relevant PHOT proposal.
PHOT-P (AOT-03) and PHOT-C (AOT-22) data are requested for those stars
and wavelength ranges for which the expected S/N ratio is not
sufficient for SWS and LWS.

Measurements with LWS (AOT 01; 43-197 mu full-grating spectra; 4 samples
per resolution element) are requested in a more exploratory
mode, since the far-IR emission of these stars is essentially
unknown so far; an interesting possibility is the detection of
the water-ice bands at 44 and 62 micron.  We propose to observe
those stars not considered in the Barlow et al. proposal and for
which a reasonable S/N ratio is expected.

The spatial extent of the excess at 20 micron is expected to
be small for most program stars.  CAM data (filter 3, 6"/pix) are
nevertheless requested in an exploratory mode; such data are not
very time-consuming and may prove essential for detecting background
sources that would complicate the analysis.
The spatial extent of the sources at 60 micron will be probed with
multi-aperture PHOT observations.  We will use PHOT AOT's 03 (P2/11),
04 (P3/13) and 22 (C100 and C200).

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Time distribution for spring launch targets
Team:     top 40%    second 30%     last 30%
SWS:      27758        8250           7792
SOT:       2880        2160           2160

Time distribution for autumn launch targets
Team:     top 40%    second 30%     last 30%
SWS:      25664        8278           2366
SOT:       2880        2160           2160

Table 1. Cross-references source names
    name1       name2        name3    Sp. T.
1   HD172167     HR7001      Alf Lyr  A0   V
2   HD39060      HR2020      Bet Pic  A5   Vsh
3   HD216956     HR8728      Alf PsA  A3   V
4   HD22049      HR1084      Eps Eri  K2   V
5   HD158643     HR6519      51 Oph   B9.5 Ve
6   HD109573     HR4796               A0   V
7   HD98800                           K5   V
8   HD102647     HR4534      Bet Leo  A3   V
9   HD139006     HR5793      Alf CrB  A0   V
10  HD31295      HR1570      Pi1 Ori  A0   V
11  HD125162     HR5351      Lam Boo  A0   p
12  HD58647                           B9   IV
13  HD95881                           A2   Ve
14  HD104237                          A0   pe sh
15  HD36112                           A3   e
16  HD37806                           B9   Ve sh
17  HD100453                          A9   Ve
18  HD100546                          B9   Ve
19  HD139614                          A7   Ve
20  HD142527                          F6   IIIe
21  HD142666                          A7   Ve
22  HD144432                          A7   Ve
23  HD169142                          B9   Ve
24  HD65372                           A3   V
25  HD72106                           AO   IV
26  HD141569                          AO   Ve
27  HD149914                          B9.5 IV
28  HD113766                          F3   V
29  HD135344                          F4   Ve
30  HD240604                          A0   Vesh
31  HD40932     HR2124       Mu Ori   A2   V

Table 2. Positions and offsets.
No       ra           dec       precision   offset  ref. pos.  window
             (1950.0)             (",")      (")
1   18 35 14.6  +38 44 09          1,1        0        1       saf
2   05 46 05.9  -51 05 02          1,1        0        1       spr
3   22 54 53.5  -29 53 16          1,1        0        1       saf
4   03 30 34.4  -09 37 35          1,1        0        1       spr
5   17 28 21.7  -23 55 33          1,1        0        1       aut
6   12 33 19.6  -39 35 38          1,1        0        1       aut
7   11 19 37.1  -24 30 11          1,1        0        1       saf
8   11 46 30.5  +14 51 04          1,1        0        1       saf
9   15 32 34.1  +26 52 53          1,1        0        1       aut
10  04 52 08.4  +10 04 23          1,1        0        1       spr
11  14 14 29.0  +46 19 02          1,1        0        1       saf
12  07 23 38.2  -14 04 40          1,1        0        1       spr
13  11 00 14.4  -71 14 41          1,1        0        1       saf
14  11 57 33.4  -77 54 51          1,1        0        1       saf
15  05 27 22.5  +25 17 43          1,1        0        1       spr
16  05 38 31.7  -02 44 29          1,1        0        1       spr
17  11 30 43.4  -54 02 53          1,1        0        1       saf
18  11 31 14.1  -69 55 07          1,1        0        1       saf
19  15 37 22.9  -42 20 14          1,1        0        1       aut
20  15 53 16.3  -42 10 42          1,1        0        1       aut
21  15 53 43.3  -21 53 00          1,1        0        1       aut
22  16 03 53.7  -27 35 08          1,1        0        1       aut
23  18 21 18.0  -29 48 28          1,1        0        1       aut
24  07 55 53.6  +03 04 20          1,1        0        1       spr
25  08 27 43.6  -38 26 17          1,1        0        1       spr
26  15 47 20.2  -03 46 41          1,1        0        1       aut
27  16 35 34.4  -18 07 17          1,1        0        1       aut
28  13 03 42.8  -45 45 58          1,1        0        1       aut
29  15 12 36.9  -36 58 12          1,1        0        1       aut
30  05 29 10.3  +11 15 33          1,1        0        1       spr
31  05 59 37.9  +09 38 57          1,1        0        1       spr
References for positions and accuracy:
1: SAO Catalogue

Table 4. Photometric data (fluxes in Jy; IRAS data colour corrected).
no  ident       J     H       K     L     M    12    25    60     100
1   Alf  Lyr    -     -     609.0 284.8 162.4 29.0  9.0   8.9    7.6
2   Bet  Pic    61.6  43.0   27.2  11.3  -     3.5  9.2  18.7   10.9
3   Alf  PsA   627.4 422.1  264.7 110.3  63.5 12.7  4.1   8.9   11.2
4   Eps  Eri   209.7 213.5  141.5  61.7  35.2  6.7  2.1   1.6    1.9
5   51   Oph    23.4  16.8   12.6  11.4  14.9 13.2  7.8   0.7     -
6   HR4796                                     0.3  3.7   8.1    4.1
7   HD98800      4.3   4.8    3.6   1.8   1.0  2.0  9.5   7.9    4.5
8   Bet  Leo   254.4 174.4  107.4  49.9   -    5.0  1.7   1.0     -
9   Alf  CrB    -     -      83.3  38.9  21.6  4.2  1.4   0.7     -
10  Pi1  Ori                                   0.7  0.4   0.5     -
11  Lam  Boo                                   1.2  0.4   0.5     -
12  HD58647      4.1   3.8    4.5   6.4   7.0  5.0  2.9   0.5     -
13  HD95881      1.7   2.1    3.0   4.9   5.7  9.1  6.9   1.5     -
14  HD104237     8.3   9.8   11.4  15.2  16.3 23.6 23.0  14.7    9.6
15  HD36112      1.7   2.3    2.9   3.2   2.9  5.6 12.6  28.0   19.0
16  HD37806      3.5   5.5   13.6   7.7    -  11.0  9.4     -     -
17  HD100453     2.7   3.3    4.2   5.3   5.3  7.8 33.6  39.4   23.9
18  HD100546     4.4   4.9    5.6   5.5   5.3  71   243   165   98.6
19  HD139614     1.3   1.3    1.3   1.4   1.1  4.4 18.2   18.2  13.6
20  HD142527     3.6   4.7    5.6   7.0   7.0 10.4 21.2  105.0  84.7
21  HD142666     1.9   2.3    2.6   2.6   2.3  8.1 10.2    6.8   5.4
22  HD144432     2.2   2.3    2.3   2.2   1.9  7.0  8.5    5.2   3.2
23  HD169142     1.8   1.7    1.6   1.4   1.0  3.2 18.4   29.6  23.4
24  HD65372      5.1   3.6    2.2   1.0   0.5  1.0  0.8     -     -
25  HD72106      0.7   0.5    0.4   0.4   0.5  2.2  3.6    1.9    -
26  HD141569     2.8   1.9    1.2   0.6    -   0.6  1.9    5.3   3.4
27  HD149914     7.1   5.3    3.4   1.4   0.9  0.4  0.5    3.5  12.3
28  HD113766                                   1.6  1.8    0.7   -
29  HD135344                                   1.6  6.7   25.6  25.7
30  HD240604     0.54  0.67   0.88  1.14  1.24 2.0  1.3    1.1   -
31  HD40932                                    1.5  0.99   3.26  2.77

Table 5. Priorities, Time and Coordination with other consortia.
no    ident  prio   AOT  time  lnch LWS   CAM   PHT    Other observations
                         (secs)                     needed in SWS time:
1  Alf_Lyr     1   SWS01  1906 aut  +          +
2  Bet_Pic     1   SWS01  3554 spr  +          +
3  Alf_PsA     1   SWS01  1906 saf  +          +
4  Eps_Eri     1   SWS01  1142 spr             +
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   LWS01  1800 spr
5  51_Oph      1   SWS01  1906 aut                   PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT40   120 aut
6  HR4796      1   SWS01  1906 aut                   PHT-S, LWS
                   PHT40   120 aut
                   LWS01  1800 aut
7  HD98800     1   SWS01  1906 saf  +          +     PHT-P
                   PHT04   400 saf
8  Bet_Leo     2   SWS01  1906 saf             +     PHT-S
9  Alf_CrB     3   SWS01  1906 aut             +     PHT-S, PHT-P
                   PHT40   120 aut
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT22   150 aut
10 Pi1_Ori     3   PHT40   300 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P
                   PHT03   150 spr
                   PHT22   150 spr
11 Lam_Boo     2   PHT40   300 aut                   PHT-S, PHT-P
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT04   400 aut
12 HD58647     1   SWS01  1906 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P, PHT-C
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   PHT03   150 spr
                   PHT22   370 spr
                   CAM01   150 spr
13 HD95881     2   SWS01  1142 saf                   PHT-S, PHT-P, PHT-C
                   PHT40   120 saf
                   PHT03   150 saf
                   PHT22   270 saf
                   PHT04   400 saf
                   CAM01   150 saf
14 HD104237    1   SWS01  1142 saf             +     PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT40   120 saf
                   PHT03   150 saf
                   PHT04   400 saf
                   LWS01  1200 saf
                   CAM01   150 saf
15 HD36112     1   SWS01  1906 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   PHT03   150 spr
                   PHT04   400 spr
                   LWS01  1200 spr
                   CAM01   150 spr
16 HD37806     3   SWS01  1906 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   PHT03   150 spr
                   PHT04   400 spr
                   LWS01  1800 spr
                   CAM01   150 spr
17 HD100453    1   SWS01  1142 saf                   PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT40   120 saf
                   PHT03   150 saf
                   PHT04   400 saf
                   LWS01   600 saf
                   CAM01   150 saf
18 HD100546    1   SWS01  1142 saf                   PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT40   120 saf
                   PHT03   150 saf
                   PHT04   400 saf
                   LWS01   600 saf
                   CAM01   150 saf
19 HD139614    2   SWS01  1142 aut +           +     PHT-S, PHT-P
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT04   400 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
20 HD142527    1   SWS01  1142 aut             +     PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT40   120 aut
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT04   400 aut
                   LWS01   600 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
21 HD142666    1   SWS01  1142 aut +           +     PHT-S, PHT-P
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
22 HD144432    1   SWS01  1142 aut +                 PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT04   400 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
23 HD169142    1   SWS01  1142 aut +           +     PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
24 HD65372     2   SWS01  1906 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P, PHT-C
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   PHT03   150 spr
                   PHT22   370 spr
                   CAM01   150 spr
25 HD72106     1   SWS01  1906 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P, PHT-C
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   PHT03   150 spr
                   PHT04   400 spr
                   PHT22   270 spr
                   CAM01   150 spr
26 HD141569    1   PHT40   300 aut +           +     PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT04   400 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
27 HD149914    3   PHT40   300 aut                   PHT-S, PHT-P, LWS
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT04   400 aut
                   LWS01  1200 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
28 HD113766    2   PHT40   300 aut                   PHT-S, PHT-P, PHT-C
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT22   370 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
29 HD135344    2   SWS01  1818 aut                   PHT-S, PHT-P
                   PHT40   120 aut
                   PHT03   150 aut
                   PHT04   400 aut
                   CAM01   150 aut
30 HD240604    2   SWS01  1906 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P, PHT-C
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   PHT22   150 spr
                   PHT04   400 spr
                   CAM01   150 spr
31 HD40932     3   SWS01  1906 spr                   PHT-S, PHT-P, PHT-C, LWS
                   PHT40   120 spr
                   PHT22   150 spr
                   PHT04   400 spr
                   LWS01  2100 spr
                   CAM01   150 spr

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Alf_Lyr   ", 18.58739,  38.73583, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  0
 2, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Alf_PsA   ", 22.91486, -29.88778, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  0
 3, "SWS01",1.,"N", "51_Oph    ", 17.47269, -23.92583, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  4
 4, "PHT40",1.,"N", "51_Oph    ", 17.47269, -23.92583, 1950, 0.,0.,   120,  0
 5, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HR4796    ", 12.55544, -39.59389, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  6
 6, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HR4796    ", 12.55544, -39.59389, 1950, 0.,0.,   120,  7
 7, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HR4796    ", 12.55544, -39.59389, 1950, 0.,0.,  1800,  0
 8, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD98800   ", 11.32697, -24.50306, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  9
 9, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD98800   ", 11.32697, -24.50306, 1950, 0.,0.,   400,  0
10, "SWS01",2.,"N", "Bet_Leo   ", 11.77514,  14.85111, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  0
11, "SWS01",3.,"N", "Alf_CrB   ", 15.54281,  26.88139, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 12
12, "PHT40",3.,"N", "Alf_CrB   ", 15.54281,  26.88139, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 13
13, "PHT03",3.,"N", "Alf_CrB   ", 15.54281,  26.88139, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 14
14, "PHT22",3.,"N", "Alf_CrB   ", 15.54281,  26.88139, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
15, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Lam_Boo   ", 14.24139,  46.31722, 1950, 0.,0.,   300, 16
16, "PHT03",2.,"N", "Lam_Boo   ", 14.24139,  46.31722, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 17
17, "PHT04",2.,"N", "Lam_Boo   ", 14.24139,  46.31722, 1950, 0.,0.,   400,  0
18, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 19
19, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 20
20, "PHT03",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 21
21, "PHT22",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   270, 22
22, "PHT04",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 23
23, "CAM01",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
24, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 25
25, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 26
26, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 27
27, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 28
28, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,  1200, 29
29, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
30, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 31
31, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 32
32, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 33
33, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 34
34, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   600, 35
35, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
36, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 37
37, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 38
38, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 39
39, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 40
40, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   600, 41
41, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
42, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD139614  ", 15.62303, -42.33722, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 43
43, "PHT03",2.,"N", "HD139614  ", 15.62303, -42.33722, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 44
44, "PHT04",2.,"N", "HD139614  ", 15.62303, -42.33722, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 45
45, "CAM01",2.,"N", "HD139614  ", 15.62303, -42.33722, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
46, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD142527  ", 15.88786, -42.17833, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 47
47, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD142527  ", 15.88786, -42.17833, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 48
48, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD142527  ", 15.88786, -42.17833, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 49
49, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD142527  ", 15.88786, -42.17833, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 50
50, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD142527  ", 15.88786, -42.17833, 1950, 0.,0.,   600, 51
51, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD142527  ", 15.88786, -42.17833, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
52, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD142666  ", 15.89536, -21.88333, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 53
53, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD142666  ", 15.89536, -21.88333, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 54
54, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD142666  ", 15.89536, -21.88333, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
55, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD144432  ", 16.06492, -27.58556, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 56
56, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD144432  ", 16.06492, -27.58556, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 57
57, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD144432  ", 16.06492, -27.58556, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 58
58, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD144432  ", 16.06492, -27.58556, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
59, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD169142  ", 18.35500, -29.80778, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 60
60, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD169142  ", 18.35500, -29.80778, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 61
61, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD169142  ", 18.35500, -29.80778, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
62, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD141569  ", 15.78894,  -3.77806, 1950, 0.,0.,   300, 63
63, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD141569  ", 15.78894,  -3.77806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 64
64, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD141569  ", 15.78894,  -3.77806, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 65
65, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD141569  ", 15.78894,  -3.77806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
66, "PHT40",3.,"N", "HD149914  ", 16.59289, -18.12139, 1950, 0.,0.,   300, 67
67, "PHT03",3.,"N", "HD149914  ", 16.59289, -18.12139, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 68
68, "PHT04",3.,"N", "HD149914  ", 16.59289, -18.12139, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 69
69, "LWS01",3.,"N", "HD149914  ", 16.59289, -18.12139, 1950, 0.,0.,  1200, 70
70, "CAM01",3.,"N", "HD149914  ", 16.59289, -18.12139, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
71, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD113766  ", 13.06189, -45.76611, 1950, 0.,0.,   300, 72
72, "PHT03",2.,"N", "HD113766  ", 13.06189, -45.76611, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 73
73, "PHT22",2.,"N", "HD113766  ", 13.06189, -45.76611, 1950, 0.,0.,   370, 74
74, "CAM01",2.,"N", "HD113766  ", 13.06189, -45.76611, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
75, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD135344  ", 15.21025, -36.97000, 1950, 0.,0.,  1818, 76
76, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD135344  ", 15.21025, -36.97000, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 77
77, "PHT03",2.,"N", "HD135344  ", 15.21025, -36.97000, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 78
78, "PHT04",2.,"N", "HD135344  ", 15.21025, -36.97000, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 79
79, "CAM01",2.,"N", "HD135344  ", 15.21025, -36.97000, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Alf_Lyr   ", 18.58739,  38.73583, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  0
 2, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Bet_Pic   ",  5.76831, -51.08389, 1950, 0.,0.,  3554,  0
 3, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Alf_PsA   ", 22.91486, -29.88778, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  0
 4, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Eps_Eri   ",  3.50956,  -9.62639, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142,  5
 5, "PHT40",1.,"N", "Eps_Eri   ",  3.50956,  -9.62639, 1950, 0.,0.,   120,  6
 6, "LWS01",1.,"N", "Eps_Eri   ",  3.50956,  -9.62639, 1950, 0.,0.,  1800,  0
 7, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD98800   ", 11.32697, -24.50306, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  8
 8, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD98800   ", 11.32697, -24.50306, 1950, 0.,0.,   400,  0
 9, "SWS01",2.,"N", "Bet_Leo   ", 11.77514,  14.85111, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906,  0
10, "PHT40",3.,"N", "Pi1_Ori   ",  4.86900,  10.07306, 1950, 0.,0.,   300, 11
11, "PHT03",3.,"N", "Pi1_Ori   ",  4.86900,  10.07306, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 12
12, "PHT22",3.,"N", "Pi1_Ori   ",  4.86900,  10.07306, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
13, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Lam_Boo   ", 14.24139,  46.31722, 1950, 0.,0.,   300, 14
14, "PHT03",2.,"N", "Lam_Boo   ", 14.24139,  46.31722, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 15
15, "PHT04",2.,"N", "Lam_Boo   ", 14.24139,  46.31722, 1950, 0.,0.,   400,  0
16, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD58647   ",  7.39394, -14.07778, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 17
17, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD58647   ",  7.39394, -14.07778, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 18
18, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD58647   ",  7.39394, -14.07778, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 19
19, "PHT22",1.,"N", "HD58647   ",  7.39394, -14.07778, 1950, 0.,0.,   370, 20
20, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD58647   ",  7.39394, -14.07778, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
21, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 22
22, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 23
23, "PHT03",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 24
24, "PHT22",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   270, 25
25, "PHT04",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 26
26, "CAM01",2.,"N", "HD95881   ", 11.00400, -71.24472, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
27, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 28
28, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 29
29, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 30
30, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 31
31, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,  1200, 32
32, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD104237  ", 11.95928, -77.91417, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
33, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD36112   ",  5.45625,  25.29528, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 34
34, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD36112   ",  5.45625,  25.29528, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 35
35, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD36112   ",  5.45625,  25.29528, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 36
36, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD36112   ",  5.45625,  25.29528, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 37
37, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD36112   ",  5.45625,  25.29528, 1950, 0.,0.,  1200, 38
38, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD36112   ",  5.45625,  25.29528, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
39, "SWS01",3.,"N", "HD37806   ",  5.64214,  -2.74139, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 40
40, "PHT40",3.,"N", "HD37806   ",  5.64214,  -2.74139, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 41
41, "PHT03",3.,"N", "HD37806   ",  5.64214,  -2.74139, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 42
42, "PHT04",3.,"N", "HD37806   ",  5.64214,  -2.74139, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 43
43, "LWS01",3.,"N", "HD37806   ",  5.64214,  -2.74139, 1950, 0.,0.,  1800, 44
44, "CAM01",3.,"N", "HD37806   ",  5.64214,  -2.74139, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
45, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 46
46, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 47
47, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 48
48, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 49
49, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   600, 50
50, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD100453  ", 11.51206, -54.04806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
51, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,  1142, 52
52, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 53
53, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 54
54, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 55
55, "LWS01",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   600, 56
56, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD100546  ", 11.52058, -69.91861, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
57, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD65372   ",  7.93156,   3.07222, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 58
58, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD65372   ",  7.93156,   3.07222, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 59
59, "PHT03",2.,"N", "HD65372   ",  7.93156,   3.07222, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 60
60, "PHT22",2.,"N", "HD65372   ",  7.93156,   3.07222, 1950, 0.,0.,   370, 61
61, "CAM01",2.,"N", "HD65372   ",  7.93156,   3.07222, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
62, "SWS01",1.,"N", "HD72106   ",  8.46211, -38.43806, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 63
63, "PHT40",1.,"N", "HD72106   ",  8.46211, -38.43806, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 64
64, "PHT03",1.,"N", "HD72106   ",  8.46211, -38.43806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 65
65, "PHT04",1.,"N", "HD72106   ",  8.46211, -38.43806, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 66
66, "PHT22",1.,"N", "HD72106   ",  8.46211, -38.43806, 1950, 0.,0.,   270, 67
67, "CAM01",1.,"N", "HD72106   ",  8.46211, -38.43806, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
68, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD240604  ",  5.48619,  11.25917, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 69
69, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD240604  ",  5.48619,  11.25917, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 70
70, "PHT22",2.,"N", "HD240604  ",  5.48619,  11.25917, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 71
71, "PHT04",2.,"N", "HD240604  ",  5.48619,  11.25917, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 72
72, "CAM01",2.,"N", "HD240604  ",  5.48619,  11.25917, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0
73, "SWS01",3.,"N", "HD40932   ",  5.99386,   9.64917, 1950, 0.,0.,  1906, 74
74, "PHT40",3.,"N", "HD40932   ",  5.99386,   9.64917, 1950, 0.,0.,   120, 75
75, "PHT22",3.,"N", "HD40932   ",  5.99386,   9.64917, 1950, 0.,0.,   150, 76
76, "PHT04",3.,"N", "HD40932   ",  5.99386,   9.64917, 1950, 0.,0.,   400, 77
77, "LWS01",3.,"N", "HD40932   ",  5.99386,   9.64917, 1950, 0.,0.,  2100, 78
78, "CAM01",3.,"N", "HD40932   ",  5.99386,   9.64917, 1950, 0.,0.,   150,  0