<=== observer ===>
"Telesco, C. M.",\
"Space Science Laboratory",\
"NASA Marshall Space Flight Center",\
"Mail Code ES-63",\
"Huntsville AL 35812",\
" 1 0205 5447723",\
" 1 0205 5447754",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"brown dwarfs","star formation","stellar evolution"},\
{"H. Walker","M. Wells"}

<=== title ===>
A Search for Brown Dwarfs as Companions to Nearby Stars

<=== abstract ===>
No brown dwarfs have been detected yet with certainty.  The definitive
detection of even one brown dwarf will have a major impact on our ideas about
the evolution of stars.  We propose to use ISOCAM to search for brown-dwarf
companions to the nearest main-sequence stars.  We will image the fields
centered on these stars in two passbands in the 5-15 um spectral region which,
because of the high thermal background, cannot be observed from the ground
with sensitivities even close to those of which CAM is capable.  These
observations are aimed at the detection of brown dwarfs which are as cool as
several hundred Kelvins, which is much cooler than brown dwarf candidates
detectable from the ground in the low-thermal-background 1-3 um spectral
region.  We also propose a variety of observations with CAM and PHOT of brown-
dwarf candidates observed previously from the ground.

We propose to use ISOCAM to search for brown dwarfs that are companions to
known late-type main-sequence stars located within 10 pcs of the Sun.  The 3
arcsec pixel field-of-view will be used to permit resolution of brown-dwarf
companions as close as 15 AU to the star and to provide sufficiently large
spatial coverage (1.5 arcmin) that even widely separated companions will fall
within the field subtended be CAM.  We will survey 43 M-dwarf stars, each with
two CAM passbands for 64 seconds in each band.  The microscanning AOT will be
used for all observations.  At 10 pcs, a 500 K brown dwarf is expected to have
and 8 um flux density of about 0.4 mJy. The resultant signal-to-noise ratios
in the two selected passbands (LW2 and LW10) are then expected to be in the
range 4-9, which should be the worse case. We will also observe with ISOCAM
and ISOPHOT a sample of eight brown-dwarf candidates discovered prior to the
ISO mission.

** Please note that correct proper motions are not yet given for all objects
   The proper motion information will be completed a.s.a.p **

<=== scientific_justification ===>

		Team	top 40%		second 30%		last 30%
Autumn launch	PHOT :	11220		9142			10114

Spring launch	PHOT :	8424		5812			5362		


The mass of a brown dwarf (BD) is so low -- < 0.08 Mo -- that the maximum
central temperature it attains during formation is insufficient for the
ignition of nuclear reactions in its core.  However, it is thought that BDs
form by the same processes of cloud fragmentation as more massive objects
which ultimately become stars with nuclear-burning cores.  It is their
postulated origin by stellar-like cloud fragmentation that distinguishes BDs
from planets; numerical simulations imply that the minimum mass of a
protostellar fragment is near 0.01-0.02 Mo (Boss 1987), whereas planets, which
are of lower mass, form from the circumstellar disks remaining after cloud
fragmentation and collapse.  Therefore, the mass range 0.01-0.08 Mo is that
occupied by BDs.  BDs cool from effective temperatures near 3000 K to several
hundred Kelvin in 10 Gyr (see Nelson et al. 1986), radiating at IR wavelengths
the energy derived from their gravitational contraction and ultimately being
supported against gravity by the degenerate electron gas.

The number of stars formed per mass interval (i.e., the initial mass function,
IMF) increases dramatically with decreasing mass, and, while the exact form of
the IMF for masses below 0.1 Mo is unknown, reasonable extrapolations of the
most reasonable IMFs to lower masses imply that the Galaxy may contain large
populations of BDs.  Determining the IMF in the mass interval spanned by the
BDs is fundemental to our understanding of low-mass stellar, sub-stellar, and
planetary formation.  In addition, BDs may contribute significantly to the
"dark matter" inferred from its gravitational effect in our own and other
galaxies and in galaxy clusters.  Because BDs are expected to emit nearly all
of their radiation longward of a few microns, the unprecedented capabilities
of ISOCAM and ISOPHOT offer the opportunity to securely detect and understand


It is likely that BDs are common in the Galaxy and elsewhere, and yet they
have been very difficult to find.  Just as for stars, BDs are expected to
exist as single field objects, in binaries, and in stellar clusters.  So far,
sensitive searches for BDs have not been carried out at wavelengths longer
than a few microns.  Groundbased near-IR observations can be expected to
result in detections of only the hottest, and hence youngest, BDs.  The
typical BD is probably significantly cooler than the candidates found so far,
all of which appear to have effective temperatures greater than 2000 K.  The
primary open problems, and currently the greatest challenges, are to find BDs
and determine their properties.  Once these problems are addressed, we may
begin to put our understanding of the evolution of sub-stellar objects on a
firm footing.


ISOCAM will permit for the first time with high sensitivity the search for BDs
out to wavelengths significantly longer than a few microns.  Detailed
consideration of the spectral energy distributions expected for BDs indicate
that BDs as cool as 400 K (0.01-0.02 Mo) should be detectable in at least two
passbands (those near 7 and 11 um) if they are within 10 pcs of the sun; keep
in mind that many of our program objects are closer than 5 pcs.  With the
extraordinary sensitivity of ISOCAM, even cool BDs, which probably constitute
most of the BD population, may at last become accessible to observation.

We propose to use ISOCAM to image the fields centered on M dwarf stars (MDs)
located within 10 pcs of the Sun.  We will search for BD companions to those
MDs.  MDs are the faintest known componants of the main sequence, and
therefore it will be easier to detect a faint BD companion close to an MD than
it would be to detect a BD companion associated with a more massive primary.
In addition, MDs are sufficiently numerous near the sun that a reasonable
sample can be defined. There is also some theoretical evidence (Boss 1987)
that the stars which form in binary systems tend to be of comparable mass, so
that our choice of the lowest mass main-sequence stars may positively bias our
sample toward BD secondaries.

We plan to use ISOCAM with the 3.0 arcsec pixel field-of-view because that
configuration provides a useful balance between spatial resolution and spatial
coverage.  At 10 pcs, the 1.5 arcmin spatial coverage of the array corresponds
to 900 AU, so that we will detect a BD located as far away as 450 AU in
projection from the MD.  The average projected radial separation for visual
binaries is several hundred AU (see Figure 2 in Probst 1986), so that there is
a reasonable probability that a BD companion will fall within the CAM field.

How many BDs should we be able to discover in our 43 MD fields?  Referring to
the analysis by Zuckerman and Becklin (1987), we assume that half the MDs are
in binary systems, half have acceptable separations from the BDs (< 450 AU),
and the IMF follows a Salpeter function (admittedly a dubious assumption)
below a few solar masses.  We should discover about 9 BDs among our sample.

We also propose to observe seven objects suspected to be BDs prior to the ISO
mission.  These objects are fairly bright, so that higher-spectral-resolution
observations will be possible for some of them.  Some of the objects are very
close to the theoretical 0.8 Mo boundary between stars and BDs, and their
detailed study will provide insight into the properties of that star-BD
transition region.


The major development bearing on this program will be the substantial increase
in the use of detector arrays at large groundbased telescopes, especially
those in the 8-to-10 meter class.  Imaging at 1-5 um will continue to find
higher-temperature BDs for which ISOPHOT and ISOCAM should determine the SEDs
at > 5 um.  Also interesting is the possibility that very sensitive arrays
operating near 10 um will be able to make the first detections of much cooler
BDs.  It is very difficult to predict the sensitivities of these arrays, but a
very naive extrapolation from current instrument performance suggests that a
cool BD may be detectable at 10 um in two nights of integration with a 10
meter telescope at Mauna Kea.  Given the pace of technological advance,
however, it is probable that the groundbased 10 um detector systems on large
telescopes will not fulfill their potential until well after the ISO mission.


For our MD survey, we propose observations at 6.8 um (LW2) and 11.5 um (LW10).
Those CAM bands have excellent sensitivities (typically achieving S/N = 1 for
a source emitting 0.1 mJy in the survey integration time), and they span the
spectral region of maximum emission anticipated for nearly all BDs.  During
each observation, we will center the 1.5 arcmin CAM field on each of our
program MD stars.  We will use the microscanning AOT for all observations in
this proposal, which should be especially suitable for the detection of faint
point sources.  For brighter sources, this AOT should also provide a better
data set for super-resolution analyses.

The strategy to be taken for the seven known BD candidates will differ among
the objects, depending on source brightness and multiplicity.  For several of
these objects, higher spectral resolution observations will be made in an
attempt to search for absorption features diagnostic of a cool BD photosphere
(Lunine 1986).

The 43 M dwarfs that we propose to observe in our survey are listed in Table
1.  The first 24 objects (left side of table) are from the list of Henry and
McCarthy (1990) and constitute all known MDs within about 5 pcs and at Dec >
-30 deg; that Dec limit is useful for permitting preparatory and follow-up
observations of each object.  Using speckle interferometry at 2 um, Henry and
McCarthy searched unsuccessfully for low-mass companions closer than a few
arcsecs to each of these MDs.  Our search will substantially extend their
study to much greater radii and much longer wavelengths.  The last 19 entries
in Table 1 (right side of table) are from the list of Skrutskie et al. (1989),
and all are within 10 pcs of the Sun.  Using an array at 2 um, Skrutskie et
al. searched a 14 arcsec field centered on each of these stars for low-mass
companions, thereby discovering GL 569 (their only BD candidate) which we
propose to observe as part of the current program with ISO (see below).
Again, our proposed observations of the Skrutskie et al. sample will employ a
much greater FOV and vastly extended wavelength coverage.

The eight previously discovered BD candidates for which we propose more
detailed observations are listed in Table 2.  Total integration times for each
object are also given in the table.  The proposed observations differ among
the sample, depending on known or estimated source properties.  Both ISOCAM
and ISOPHOT are proposed for these observations.  This sample constitutes
nearly all of the objects currently considered to be possible BDs (see, e.g.,
Henry and McCarthy 1990).  Note that when CAM is used for these observations,
the PFOV will be 1.5 arcsec, in contrast to the MD survey use of CAM for which
the PFOV will be 3.0 arcsec.  Field coverage is not important for the BD
candidates; we prefer having the higher spatial resolution, which will
facilitate resolution boosting where feasible.

M dwarfs in the Orion hole are flagged with a double asterisk in Table 1, and
those in the Galactic Center hole are flagged with a single asterisk.

Table 1. M Dwarfs to be Searched for Cool Companions

Gliese    RA       Dec      D    Gliese    RA       Dec      D
Number   H M S    D M S    pcs   Number   H M S    D M S    pcs

1002   00 04 13 -07 47 30  4.7   35     00 46 31 +05 09 12  4.2
15     00 15 31 +43 44 24  3.4   65AB   01 36 25 -18 12 42  2.7
54.1   01 09 59 -17 16 24  3.8   555    14 31 35 -12 18 36  6.3
83.1   01 57 28 +12 50 06  4.5   638   *16 43 15 +33 35 42  9.6
166C   04 13 04 -07 44 06  4.8   644   *16 52 48 -08 14 42  6.4
273  **07 24 43 +05 22 42  3.8   654   *17 02 37 -05 00 42  9.9
1111   08 26 53 +26 57 12  3.6   655   *17 05 01 +21 37 06  9.8
388    09 16 54 +20 07 18  4.9   694   *17 42 25 +43 24 24  9.7
LHS292 10 45 41 -11 03 06  4.6   695   *17 44 28 +27 44 42  7.8
406    10 54 06 +07 19 12  2.4   799    20 38 44 -32 36 36  8.2
411    11 00 37 +36 18 18  2.5   803    20 42 04 -31 31 06  9.3
445    11 44 35 +78 57 42  5.2   829    21 27 12 +17 25 06  6.5
447    11 45 09 +01 06 00  3.4   831    21 28 34 -10 00 36  7.5
526    13 43 12 +15 09 42  5.2   846    21 59 39 +01 09 42  9.5
628   *16 27 31 -12 32 18  4.0   849    22 07 00 -04 53 12  8.9
687    17 36 42 +68 23 06  4.7   852    22 14 42 -09 03 00  9.6
699   *17 55 23 +04 33 18  1.8   867    22 36 01 -20 52 48  9.2
725    18 42 12 +59 33 18  3.5   880    22 54 10 +16 17 24  6.8
729   *18 46 45 -23 53 30  2.9   896AB  23 29 20 +19 39 42  6.5
1245   19 52 16 +44 17 30  4.7
866A   22 35 45 -15 35 30  3.4
873    22 44 40 +44 04 24  5.0
876    22 50 35 -14 31 12  4.8
905    23 39 26 +43 55 12  3.2

Table 2.  Brown Dwarf Candidates

Name         D        RA         Dec       tint(total)
            pcs      H M S      D M S        hours

GL569B      10   *14 52 08    +16 18.3        0.4
GD165B	    29   *14 22 12.0  +09 30 47       0.4
LHS2924     11   *14 26 36.1  +33 24 07.5     0.6
LHS1047B     5    00 12 53    -16 24.3        0.5
G29-38      14    23 26 15.0  +04 58 25.6     0.5
GL473B       4    12 30 51    +09 17.6        0.3
GL623B       7   *16 22 39    +48 28.4        0.4
PC0025+0447  -    00 25 07.3  +04 47 14       0.4		

We will use microscanning for each object and each passband in the MD survey.
Only CAM will be used for the survey, with the 3 arcsec PFOV, which provides a
total array FOV of 1.5 arcmin.  Except for the slight positional changes
during the microscanning procedure, the array field will be centered on each M

CAM will be used for nearly all of the observations of the BD candidates.  In
all cases, the 1.5 arcsec pixel FOV will be used. For the one object that will
be observed with ISOPHOT, photometry with PHT-P and a spectrum with PHT-S will
be obtained. These observations are summarized in Table 3, where t(each) is
the integration time for each discrete filter or at each CVF step, and t(all)
is the total integration time for all the filters or for all the CVF scans.

For the survey of 43 nearby M dwarfs using CAM, we will use the microscanning
AOT for the two CAM passbands LW2 and LW3.  Only those ttwo bands will be used
for the survey, with both being used on each object.  The observing modes and
integration times for the seven individual BD candidates are presented in
Table 3.

For the MD/BD survey, we will observe each object for 64 seconds in each
passband. If we allow 180 s to slew to the object, 2 s to rotate the filter
wheel to each of the two filter positions, and 6 s as overhead for the 2x2
microcan, we derive a spacecraft time of 324 s to observe each survey object.
Note that we will integrate for 16 s at each of the four microscan
positions. For an autumn launch, the total spacecraft time to observe the 42
available survey objects will be 3.8 hours, whereas, for a spring launch it
will take 3.0 hours of spacecraft time to observe the 33 available survey
objects.  For the eight BD candidates, the total integration time is the
summation of the values of t(all) in Table 3, which is 3.5 hours.  The space
craft times for the individual candidates will be 4.9 h (Autumn) and 2.5 h
(Spring).Note that we will use the ISO-supplied flat fields, which are
expected to provide flat fielding accuracy at least as good as 1%.

Table 3.  Observing Modes for Brown-Dwarf Candidates

Name   Instrument     Filter     t(each)   t(all)    Comments
sec      hours

GL569B    CAM      SW4,3                           10 equal steps
                   LW2,10,3        64      0.09    for each CVF
                   CVF-SW                          = 30 steps
                   CVF-LW1,LW2     32      0.27
GD165B    CAM      SW4,3
                   LW2,10,7        256     0.36
LHS2924   CAM      SW4,3                           6 equal steps
                   LW2,10,3        64      0.09    for each CVF
                   CVF-SW                          = 18 steps
                   CVF-LW1,LW2     128     0.64
LHS1047B  PHOT     P3.29,4.85,7.7  64      0.14
                   P11.3,16,20,25  124     0.05
                   S               ---     0.35
G29-38    CAM      SW4,3                           10 equal steps
                   LW2,10,7,3      64      0.11    for each CVF
                   CVF-LW1,LW2     64      0.36    = 20 steps
GL473B    CAM      CVF-SW                          20 equal steps
(Wolf 424)         CVF-LW1,LW2     16      0.27    for each CVF
                                                   = 60 steps
GL623B    CAM      SW4,3                           10 equal steps
                   LW2,10,3        64      0.09    for each CVF
                   CVF-SW                          = 30 steps
                   CVF-LW1,LW2     32      0.27
 	  CAM	   SW4,3
		   LW2  	256	0.21
		   LW7  	512	0.14


Boss 1987, ApJ, 319, 149
Henry and McCarthy 1990, ApJ, 350, 334
Lunine 1986, in The Astrophysics of Brown Dwarfs, p.170
Probst 1986, in The Astrophysics of Brown Dwarfs, p.22
Skrutskie, Forrest, and Shure 1989, AJ, 98, 1409
Zuckerman and Becklin 1987, Nature, 330,138

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL1002", 0.07028, -7.79167, 1950, 0., 0.,324,0
2, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL15", 0.25861, 43.74000, 1950, 2.875, 0.404, 324,0
3, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL54.1", 1.16639, -17.27333, 1950, 1.17, 0.62, 324,0
4, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL83.1", 1.95778, 12.83500, 1950, 1.07, -1.79, 324,0
5, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL166C", 4.21778, -7.73500, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
6, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL1111", 8.44806, 26.95333, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
7, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL388", 9.28167, 20.12167, 1950, -0.487, -0.049, 324,0
8, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "LHS292", 10.76139, -11.05167, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
9, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL406", 10.90167, 7.32000, 1950, -3.85, -2.70, 324,0
10, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL411", 11.01028, 36.30500, 1950, -0.566, -4.743, 324,0
11, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL445", 11.74306, 78.96167, 1950, 0.75, 0.48, 324,0
12, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL447", 11.75250, 1.10000, 1950, 0.65, -1.22, 324,0
13, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL526", 13.72000, 15.16167, 1950, 1.778, -1.454, 324,0
14, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL628", 16.45861, -12.53833, 1950, -0.07, -1.18, 324,0
15, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL687", 17.61167, 68.38500, 1950, -0.364, -1.258, 324,0
16, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL699", 17.92306, 4.55500, 1950, -0.75, 10.31, 324,0
17, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL725", 18.70333, 59.55500, 1950, -1.331, 1.869, 324,0
18, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL729", 18.77917, -23.89167, 1950, 0.70, -0.17, 324,0
19, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL1245", 19.87111, 44.29167, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
20, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL866A", 22.59583, -15.59167, 1950, 2.34, 2.27, 324,0
21, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL873", 22.74444, 44.07333, 1950, -0.69, -0.46, 324,0
22, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL876", 22.84306, -14.52000, 1950, 0.95, -0.63, 324,0
23, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL905", 23.65722, 43.92000, 1950, 0.11, -1.60, 324,0
24, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL35", 0.77528, 5.15333, 1950, 1.26, -2.71, 324,0
25, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL65AB", 1.60694, -18.21167, 1950, 3.31, 0.58, 324,0
26, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL555", 14.52639, -12.31000, 1950, -0.30, 0.62, 324,0
27, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL638", 16.72083, 33.59500, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
28, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL644", 16.88000, -8.24500, 1950, -0.797, -0.875, 324,0
29, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL654", 17.04361, -5.01167, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
30, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL655", 17.08361, 21.61833, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
31, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL694", 17.70694, 43.40667, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
32, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL695", 17.74111, 27.74500, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
33, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL799", 20.64556, -32.61000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
34, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL803", 20.70111, -31.51833, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
35, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL829", 21.45333, 17.41833, 1950, 1.00, 0.38, 324,0
36, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL831", 21.47611, -10.01000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
37, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL846", 21.99417, 1.16167, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
38, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL849", 22.11667, -4.88667, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
39, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL852", 22.24500, -9.05000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
40, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL867", 22.60028, -20.88000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
41, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL880", 22.90278, 16.29000, 1950, -1.032, -0.269, 324,0
42, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL896AB", 23.48889, 19.66167, 1950, 0.55, -0.02, 324,0
43, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "GL569B", 14.86889, 16.30500, 1950, 0., 0., 540, 44
44, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL569B", 14.86889, 16.30500, 1950, 0., 0., 400, 45
45, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL569B", 14.86889, 16.30500, 1950, 0., 0., 400, 46
46, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL569B", 14.86889, 16.30500, 1950, 0., 0., 400, 0
47, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GD165B", 14.37000, 9.51306, 1950, 0., 0., 1500, 0
48, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "LHS2924", 14.44336, 33.40208, 1950, 0., 0., 540, 49
49, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "LHS2924", 14.44336, 33.40208, 1950, 0., 0., 824, 50
50, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "LHS2924", 14.44336, 33.40208, 1950, 0., 0., 824, 51
51, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "LHS2924", 14.44336, 33.40208, 1950, 0., 0., 824, 0
52, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "LHS1047B", 0.21472, -16.40500, 1950, 0., 0., 1255, 53
53, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "LHS1047B", 0.21472, -16.40500, 1950, 0., 0., 2567, 0
54, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "G29_38", 23.43750, 4.97361, 1950, 0., 0., 612, 55
55, "CAM04", 2.0, "N", "G29_38", 23.43750, 4.97361, 1950, 0., 0., 720, 56
56, "CAM04", 2.0, "N", "G29_38", 23.43750, 4.97361, 1950, 0., 0., 720, 0
57, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL473B", 12.51417, 9.29333, 1950, 0., 0., 620, 58
58, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL473B", 12.51417, 9.29333, 1950, 0., 0., 460, 59
59, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL473B", 12.51417, 9.29333, 1950, 0., 0., 460, 0
60, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL623B", 16.37750, 48.47333, 1950, 0., 0., 540, 61
61, "CAM04", 2.0, "N", "GL623B", 16.37750, 48.47333, 1950, 0., 0., 400, 62
62, "CAM04", 2.0, "N", "GL623B", 16.37750, 48.47333, 1950, 0., 0., 400, 63
63, "CAM04", 2.0, "N", "GL623B", 16.37750, 48.47333, 1950, 0., 0., 400, 0
64, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "PC0025", 0.41869, 4.78722, 1950, 0., 0., 1492, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL1002", 0.07028, -7.79167, 1950, 0., 0.,324,0
2, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL15", 0.25861, 43.74000, 1950, 2.875, 0.404, 324,0
3, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL54.1", 1.16639, -17.27333, 1950, 1.17, 0.62, 324,0
4, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL83.1", 1.95778, 12.83500, 1950, 1.07, -1.79, 324,0
5, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL166C", 4.21778, -7.73500, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
6, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL273", 7.41194, 5.37833, 1950, 0.59, -3.72, 324,0
7, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL1111", 8.44806, 26.95333, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
8, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL388", 9.28167, 20.12167, 1950, -0.487, -0.049, 324,0
9, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "LHS292", 10.76139, -11.05167, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
10, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL406", 10.90167, 7.32000, 1950, -3.85, -2.70, 324,0
11, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL411", 11.01028, 36.30500, 1950, -0.566, -4.743, 324,0
12, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL445", 11.74306, 78.96167, 1950, 0.75, 0.48, 324,0
13, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL447", 11.75250, 1.10000, 1950, 0.65, -1.22, 324,0
14, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL526", 13.72000, 15.16167, 1950, 1.778, 1.454, 324,0
15, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL687", 17.61167, 68.38500, 1950, -0.364, -1.258, 324,0
16, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL725", 18.70333, 59.55500, 1950, -1.331, 1.869, 324,0
17, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL1245", 19.87111, 44.29167, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
18, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL866A", 22.59583, -15.59167, 1950, 2.34, 2.27, 324,0
19, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL873", 22.74444, 44.07333, 1950, -0.69, -0.46, 324,0
20, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL876", 22.84306, -14.52000, 1950, 0.95, -0.63, 324,0
21, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL905", 23.65722, 43.92000, 1950, 0.11, -1.60, 324,0
22, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL35", 0.77528, 5.15333, 1950, 1.26, -2.71, 324,0
23, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL65AB", 1.60694, -18.21167, 1950, 3.31, 0.58, 324,0
24, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL799", 20.64556, -32.61000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
25, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL803", 20.70111, -31.51833, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
26, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL829", 21.45333, 17.41833, 1950, 1.00, 0.38, 324,0
27, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL831", 21.47611, -10.01000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
28, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL846", 21.99417, 1.16167, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
29, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL849", 22.11667, -4.88667, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
30, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL852", 22.24500, -9.05000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
31, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GL867", 22.60028, -20.88000, 1950, 0., 0., 324,0
32, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL880", 22.90278, 16.29000, 1950, -1.032, -0.269, 324,0
33, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GL896AB", 23.48889, 19.66167, 1950, 0.55, -0.02, 324,0
34, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "LHS1047B", 0.21472, -16.40500, 1950, 0., 0., 1255, 35
35, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "LHS1047B", 0.21472, -16.40500, 1950, 0., 0., 2567, 0
36, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "G29_38", 23.43750, 4.97361, 1950, 0., 0., 612, 37
37, "CAM04", 2.0, "N", "G29_38", 23.43750, 4.97361, 1950, 0., 0., 720, 38
38, "CAM04", 2.0, "N", "G29_38", 23.43750, 4.97361, 1950, 0., 0., 720, 0
39, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL473B", 12.51417, 9.29333, 1950, 0., 0., 620, 40
40, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL473B", 12.51417, 9.29333, 1950, 0., 0., 460, 41
41, "CAM04", 3.0, "N", "GL473B", 12.51417, 9.29333, 1950, 0., 0., 460, 0
42, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "PC0025", 0.41869, 4.78722, 1950, 0., 0., 1492, 0