<=== observer ===>
"Leinert, Ch.",\
"Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Astronomie",\
"K\"onigstuhl 17",\
"49 6221 528264",\
"49 6221 528246",\

<=== proposal ===>

{"interplanetary medium"},\
{"Salama,A.", "Gr\"un,E.", "Staude,J.", "Lemke,D.",\

<=== title ===>
Global mapping, seasonal variation and search for arcminute structure
of zodiacal light, Section 4

<=== abstract ===>

The purpose of this proposal is twofold. First, to provide a global
 picture of the zodiacal light as seen by ISOPHOT. This skeleton allows
 us to make consistent use of the large amount of serendipity background
 measurements to be expected; it allows us to adopt the results obtained with
 the infrared satellite COBE for use or comparison with ISO; it helps to
 determine reliable backgrounds, which is important in particular
 for studies of galactic and extragalactic background, but also for
 the study of faint objects. Second, it allows us to study aspects of
 the spatial distribution of interplanetary dust which have not been
 treated sufficiently so far: the search for arcminute structure in the
 zodiacal light, the out-of-ecliptic distribution, the variation of
 absorption cross section per unit volume with heliocentric distance,
 and the location of the plane of symmetry as a function
 of heliocentric distance, where distance is measured by the temperature
 of the dust. For these measurements the ability of ISO to avoid stars and
 bright infrared cirrus and therefore to measure "pure" zodiacal light, is
 an important advantage.
This proposal is part of the ISOPHOT effort to measure diffuse sky
brightness. It is coordinated in some detail with the ISOPHOT proposals
"Measurement of the extragalactic background radiation", "Properties of
interplanetary dust" and "Diffuse infrared emission of the galaxy".

=== summary === 

  The distribution and absolute brightness  of zodiacal light is studied by
means of multiband photometry. There are three parts to this proposal:

	1. To determine the global distribution of zodiacal light
	2. To measure the seasonal variations of the zodiacal light
	3. To search for arcminute structure in the zodiacal light

The first two parts will be performed in sufficient extent to allow
an intercomparison with COBE and use of the COBE results for inter-
polation. The choice of filters has been coordinated with the
proposal on "extragalactic backgound light", to which the zodiacal
light constitutes an important foreground. The filter at 180 micron
is most sensistive to cirrus emission and is always included to
improve the correction for this emission.
  We aim at relative photometric accuracies of a few percent or better,
which is needed to separate extragalactic background light from the much
brighter zodiacal light and which is highly wanted for modelling of the
interplanetary dust distribution.
Object lists and breakdown of observations by AOT's will be given in the
three separate parts. The common observing plan for photometry
will be given in this summary. For all measurements the largest
available aperture (180 arcsec) will be used.


    Observations          priority 1   priority 2   priority 3   sum
    global mapping            -        13590 s      9060 s     22650 s  (6.3 h)
    seasonal variation     21066 s       -            -        21066 s  (5.9 h)
    arcminute structure     4614 s      4614 s      4614 s     13842 s  (3.9 h)
    total                  25680 s     18204 s     13674 s     57558 s
                           (7.1 h)      (5.1 h)    (3.8 h)    (16.0 h)
                            45 %         32%         24%

=== Detailed observing plan ===

1. Wideband photometry

           Filter      t(on object)     t(performance)  
           P_3.6          256 s             562 s        
           P_7.3           32 s             114 s        
           P_11.5          32 s              98 s        
           P_25            32 s             198 s        
           P_60            32 s             200 s        
           C_160           32 s              76 s        
           C_180           32 s              82 s        
	   Acquisition                      180 s 
           Performance time                1510 s    (0.42 h)

2. Mid-IR photometry

           Filter      t(on object)     t(performance)   
           P_12.8          32 s             106 s        
           P_25            32 s             198 s        
           P_60            32 s             200 s        
           C_180           32 s              82 s        
	   Acquisition                      180 s
           Performance time                 766 s    (0.21 h)

3. "Slew" photometry

         filter            " slew "            performance time
         P_11.5      start beta = -5.0            2408 s
                     four sparse maps, each about
                     2.5 deg
                     end of beta = +5.0
         P_25        same                         2788 s 
         P_60        same                         2796 s
	 total                                    7992 s  (2.22 h)

=== Special requirements ===

1.  It is the nature of the objects studied here that they are moving with the
annual motion of the sun. This leads to the following consequences:
       a. FIXED TIME OBSERVATIONS are needed in most cases, because
          visibility and aspect conditions are only fulfilled around
	  certain dates (defined by a value of lambda(sun), but also
	  depending on launch date). These observations will be clearly
          indicated in the object lists of the three parts of this proposal.
	  Typically, the time window for execution of these observations
	  is one or a few weeks.
       b. COORDINATES in alpha, delta can and will be provided for these
          moving objects, but only after more is known about
	  lauch date and final visibilities. Therefore they will not be given
          now but after the required information is available.
       c. Observations have to be performed at low background positions
	  and at correct angles with respect to the sun. Therefore, even for
	  non-fixed-time-observations strong constraints result,
          and we give PREFERRED TIME WINDOWS for these observations.

2.  In contrast to most other observing programmes, the measurements of this
    proposal require absolute measurements. This needs both calibration and
    a knowledge of the dark current of the detectors for the integration
    times used. We assume, that - as part of the general calibration effort -
    DARK CURRENT MEASUREMENTS of sufficient quality will be available
    for the proposed measurements.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

       Team      top 40%   middle 30%  remaining 30%  total performance time    
       PHOT     13886 s     15369 s      10839 s            40094 s  (11.2 h)
       SOT       3780 s      2835 s       2835 s             9450 s  ( 2.6 h)
       Sum      17666 s     18204 s      13674 s            49544 s
                (4.9 h)     (5.1 h)      (3.8 h)            (13.8 h)
                 36 %        37 %         28 %            

=== Part 3: Search for arcminute structure ===

Three selected fields of the size of the COBE beam or, more precisely,
2x2 COBE pixels are covered by a raster scan. The observations are performed
in filter P_25, which gives maximum signal from the zodiacal light, with 4 s 
integration time. Two of the fields are at high ecliptic latitude,
one is in the ecliptic plane.
The fields are to be observed on low background positions with about
| lambda - lambda(sun) | = 80.
   These are FIXED TIME OBSERVATIONS WITH time windows dictated
by the visibilities.

=== Object list ===

The list is given both for an autumn launch (30.11.95) and a spring
launch (31.5.96).

        object (autumn)     object (spring)      Observations    Priority
	ECL80,0              ECL80,0              25 micron map     2/2
	ECLLOCK              ECLLOCK              25 micron map     1/1
	ECLMAT               ECLNGP               25 micron map     3/3


   ECL80,0 is a position in the ecliptic with | lambda - lambda(sun) |
     about 80 deg.
   ECLLOCK is a low background position in the northern sky at about
     beta =+45 deg.("Lockman hole")
   ECLMAT is a low background position on the southern sky at about
     beta = -40 deg.(position "EBL_22")
   ECLNGP is a low background position near the north galactic pole.


According to presently available visibilities the following approximate 
time windows result (to be updated after launch).

             object                  autumn              spring
             ECL80,0               340-380          80-87,250-260,400-420
             ECLLOCK,ECLNGP        160-180               180-200
             ECLMA                 220-240          80-87, 240-260
once new information on launch date and visibility is available, 
updated windows will be presented.


	Priority 1           4614 s    (1.3 h)
	Priority 2           4614 s    (1.3 h)
	Priority 3           4614 s    (1.3 h)
	Sum                 13842 s    (3.9 h)

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
   1, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "ECL80,0                       ",  0.00000,    0.00000, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  4614,   0
   2, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "ECLLOCK                       ", 10.58944,   57.51639, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  4614,   0
   3, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "ECLMAT                        ",  2.10833,  -28.71967, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  4614,   0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
   1, "PHT05", 2.0, "N", "ECL80,0                       ",  0.00000,    0.00000, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  4614,   0
   2, "PHT05", 1.0, "N", "ECLLOCK                       ", 10.58944,   57.51639, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  4614,   0
   3, "PHT05", 3.0, "N", "ECLNGP                        ", 13.67306,   40.73861, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  4614,   0