<=== observer ===>
"Keplerlaan 1",\
"2200 AG ",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 1719 84365",\
"31 1719 85434",\
<=== proposal ===>
{"active galactic nuclei","quasars"},\
<=== title ===>
The infrared flux distribution of Broad Line radio Galaxies and the 25mu
bump in 3C390.3
<=== abstract ===>

We propose a detailed study of the IR spectrum of 3 Broad Line Radio galaxies
from 2-200 microns using PHT-S,PHT-P and PHT-C in order to determine the origin
of the 25 micron emission peak seen in IRAS data and search for other possible
emission. Such a program will;

 - determine the relative contributions of thermal and non-thermal emission
components to the IR and bolometric luminosities, and thus search for the IR
signature of the 'naked central engine';

 - probe the physical conditions in the central engine via studies of the
spectrum of any IR synchrotron continuum component(s)


The continuum flux distribution of 3C390.3 will be measured between 2.5 and 200
microns using PHT-S-S,PHT-S-L, PHT-P (20,25 microns), PHT-C (60,100,120,135,160
microns). Same measurements to be made for 3C120. For 3C279, the continuum flux
distrubution will be measured with PHT-P in seven filters (3.5,4.85,7.3,12.8,
16,20,25 microns) and PHT-C (60,100,120,135,160 microns). For each source all
observations will be concatenated to avoid intrinsic continuum variability
perturbing the results. Times were calculated as follows; 3C390.3, 1Jy source
in PHT-C, 250mJy in PHT-S,PHT-P; for 3C120,1Jy source in PHT-C, 250mJy in
PHT-S,PHT-P; for 3C279, 1Jy in PHT-C and 50mJy in PHT-P. Times include
rectangular chopping and aim for S/N of 10.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for spring launch targets
Team  Top 40%   second 30%  third 30%
SOT:   0         1927        4567

Time distribution for autumn launch targets
Team  Top 40%   second 30%  third 30%
SOT:   0         1927        4567

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1,"PHT03",2.0,"N","3C390.3",18.76042, +79.71833, 1950, 0., 0., 449, 2
2,"PHT40",2.0,"N","3C390.3",18.76042, +79.71833, 1950, 0., 0., 1111, 3
3,"PHT22",2.0,"N","3C390.3",18.76042, +79.71833, 1950, 0., 0., 367, 0
4,"PHT03",3.0,"N","3C120",4.50878, +5.25000, 1950, 0., 0., 449, 5
5,"PHT40",3.0,"N","3C120",4.50878, +5.25000, 1950, 0., 0., 1111, 6
6,"PHT22",3.0,"N","3C120",4.50878, +5.25000, 1950, 0., 0., 367, 0
7,"PHT03",3.0,"N","3C279",12.89328, -5.51889, 1950, 0., 0., 2258, 8
8,"PHT22",3.0,"N","3C279",12.89328, -5.51889, 1950, 0., 0., 382, 0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1,"PHT03",2.0,"N","3C390.3",18.76042, +79.71833, 1950, 0., 0., 449, 2
2,"PHT40",2.0,"N","3C390.3",18.76042, +79.71833, 1950, 0., 0., 1111, 3
3,"PHT22",2.0,"N","3C390.3",18.76042, +79.71833, 1950, 0., 0., 367, 0
4,"PHT03",3.0,"N","3C120",4.50878, +5.25000, 1950, 0., 0., 449, 5
5,"PHT40",3.0,"N","3C120",4.50878, +5.25000, 1950, 0., 0., 1111, 6
6,"PHT22",3.0,"N","3C120",4.50878, +5.25000, 1950, 0., 0., 367, 0
7,"PHT03",3.0,"N","3C279",12.89328, -5.51889, 1950, 0., 0., 2258, 8
8,"PHT22",3.0,"N","3C279",12.89328, -5.51889, 1950, 0., 0., 382, 0