<=== observer ===>
"Salama, A.",\
"Keplerlaan 1",\
"2200 AG",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 1719 84871",\
"31 1719 85434",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"novae", "stellar atmospheres", "stellar evolution", "circumstellar envelopes"},\

<=== title ===>
ISO Observations of Cataclysmic Variables

<=== abstract ===>


Cataclysmic variables (CV) include classical and recurrent novae, dwarf
novae and symbiotic stars. They are unique laboratories for
investigating several important astrophysical processes, including
mass-transfer, thermonuclear runaway, dust nucleation and processing,
nebular and coronal emission and fine structure line cooling. Most of
these processes are accessible only to the satellite infrared. The aim of
this proposal is to carry out an investigation of examples of each of
the above types of CV, to study (a) the origin, extent and processing
of dust in CVs; (b) the energetics of fine structure line emission;
(c) the long-term evolution of nova renmnants.


We will perform a study of the infrared properties of CVs using LWS and
SWS, CAM and PHOT-S, PHOT-C and PHOT-P. The AOTs have been selected to
give a signal-to-noise of at least 10 at the highest wavelength resolution
possible, over the wavelength range available with ISO. PHOT-P observations
will be used to determine the flux distributions of dwarf novae, classical
novae and symbiotic stars. PHOT-S observations of selected classical novae
and symbiotic stars will be used to investigate dust emission and the
photospheres of CVs with giant secondaries. LWS and SWS observations of
selected classical novae and symbiotic stars will investigate nebular,
coronal and fine structure line emission, and in particular will resolve
ambiguities posed by the inconclusive IRAS broad band observations.
Extended emission around classical and recurrent novae with known resolved
shells will be carried out with PHOT-C and CAM to investigate the
distribution and excitation of molecular, dust and nebular emission.
Observation details are in the section "scientific justification".


The intrinsic variability of all the objects in this proposal requires
all observations on the same target to be concatenated.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for autumn launch targets:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    third 30%
        SOT :   39186      27144         25090
      total :   39186      27144         25090

Time distribution for spring launch targets:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    third 30%
        SOT :   24015      19423         17139
      total :   24015      19423         17139


CAM observations

On all targets, pfov 1.5" has been chosen.
On the targets V842 Cen and QV Vul, filters SW10, LW1 and LW5 are used.
On the targets DQ Her, HR Del, BT Mon, T Pyx, RR Pic, CP Pup, BZ Cam filters LW1,LW3,LW4,LW5,LW6 and LW10 are used.
On the targets Her91, Cyg92 filters SW10 and LW5 are used.

LWS observations

On all targets (GK Per, Cyg92, V842 Cen, Her91, RR Tel, Cas93) a full grating scan is proposed with
2 steps per res. element.

SWS observations

On Her91, Cyg92 and Cas93, bands 3A and 3D are observed with AOT SWS06.
On HR Del, DQ Her and CP Pup, band 3D is observed with AOT SWS02.
Full grating scans are performed with AOT SWS01 on the targets EG And, RR Tel, UV Aur and BI Cru (with tr=1),
and on the target V741 Per (with tr=2).

PHOT observations

S/C = stare/chop mode; n = chop throw
T/R/S = tri/rect/saw chop mode

Filters   |  Apertures (")
-------   |  ------------
3.29 = a  |    5  = A
3.6  = b  |  7.6  = B
4.85 = c  |   10  = C
7.3  = d  |  13.8 = D
7.7  = e  |    18 = E
10   = f  |    23 = F
11.3 = g  |    52 = G
11.5 = h  |    99 = H
12.8 = j  |   120 = J
16   = k
20   = l
25   = m
60   = n
100  = p

PHOT-P observations (P03)

No chop avoidance specified yet

AE Aqr   CT90  c/B d/C
AG Dra   CT120 f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
AG Peg   CT120 f/E g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/J
AS201    CT120 f/E g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
AS296    CT120 f/E g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
AX Per   CT120 f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G
BF Cyg   CT120 f/E g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G
BI Cru   CT120 f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
BX Mon   CT120 f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G
CI Cyg   CT120 f/F g/F h/F j/F k/F l/G m/G n/J
Cyg 92   CT90  h/E j/E k/F
DQ Her   CT105 b/A c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
EG And   CT120 f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H p/H
EX Hya   CT90  b/A h/E l/G
FH Ser   CT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
GQ Mus   CT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
Her 91   CT90  h/E j/E k/F
HR Del   CT105 b/A c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
LW Ser   CT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
MU Ser   CT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
NQ Vul   CT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
PW Vul   CT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
QU Vul   CT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
QV Vul   CT105 b/A c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
RS Oph   CT120 k/F l/G m/G n/H
RT Ser   CT120 f/D h/E j/E k/F m/G
SS Cyg   CT90  b/A d/C
T CrB    CT120 k/F l/G m/G n/H
V1370 AqlCT105 c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
V426 Oph CT90  c/B m/G
V471 Per CT120 n/H p/H
V842 Cen CT105 b/A c/B d/C e/C f/D g/E h/E j/E k/F l/G m/G n/H
Z And    CT120 f/E g/E h/E j/F k/G l/G m/G n/J

PHOT-S observations (P40)

All observations in both L and S spectral ranges.

AG Dra   CT90
AG Peg   CT120
AS201    CT120
AS296    CT90
AX Per   CT120
BF Cyg   CT90
BX Mon   CT120
CI Cyg   CT90
EG And   CT120
Her 91   CR90
RR Pic   CT120
RS Oph   CT90
RT Ser   CT90
T CrB    CT90
Z And    S

PHOT-C observations (P22)

GK Per extended emission at wavelengths 120, 180 micron (C200 detector).

3 raster maps centred on star, and on SW & NE IRAS 100 micron emission.
Each map consists of 4 raster points x 4 raster legs, separation 180".
Orientation N at zero degrees for all 3 maps.

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "AS296", 18.20917,   -0.33139, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   542,   2
2, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "AS296", 18.20917,   -0.33139, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1032,   0
3, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "Z And", 23.52092,   48.54222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   414,   4
4, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "Z And", 23.52092,   48.54222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1322,   0
5, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "V1370 Aql", 19.34725,    2.39306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
6, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "AE Aqr", 20.62619,   -1.04917, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1134,   0
7, "SWS06", 1.0, "N", "Cas 93", 23.65619,   57.23961, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2923,   0
8, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Cas 93", 23.65619,   57.23961, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1890,   7
9, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "V842 Cen", 14.53706,  -57.40861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2690,   0
10, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "V842 Cen", 14.53706,  -57.40861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1890,   9
11, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "V842 Cen", 14.53706,  -57.40861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1050,  10
12, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "T CrB", 15.95678,   26.06055, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   982,   0
13, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "T CrB", 15.95678,   26.06055, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   382,  12
14, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "BI Cru", 12.34453,  -62.36083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   826,   0
15, "SWS01", 2.0, "N", "BI Cru", 12.34453,  -62.36083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   980,  14
16, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   566,   0
17, "PHT40", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1150,  16
18, "SWS06", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2943,  17
19, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1890,  18
20, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   320,  19
21, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "BF Cyg", 19.36533,   29.57611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   798,  22
22, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "BF Cyg", 19.36533,   29.57611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1213,   0
23, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "CI Cyg", 19.80583,   35.55667, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   350,  24
24, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "CI Cyg", 19.80583,   35.55667, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1280,   0
25, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "SS Cyg", 21.67903,   43.35639, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2544,   0
26, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "HR Del", 20.66781,   18.97972, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2690,   0
27, "SWS02", 1.0, "N", "HR Del", 20.66781,   18.97972, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   296,  26
28, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "HR Del", 20.66781,   18.97972, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   780,  27
29, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "AG Dra", 16.02311,   66.94028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   798,  30
30, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "AG Dra", 16.02311,   66.94028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1498,   0
31, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "Her91 ", 18.73664,   12.17878, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1092,   0
32, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "Her91 ", 18.73664,   12.17878, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1026,  31
33, "PHT40", 1.0, "N", "Her91 ", 18.73664,   12.17878, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1150,  32
34, "SWS06", 1.0, "N", "Her91 ", 18.73664,   12.17878, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2943,  33
35, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Her91 ", 18.73664,   12.17878, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1890,  34
36, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "Her91 ", 18.73664,   12.17878, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   320,  35
37, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "DQ Her", 18.10161,   45.85000, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2690,   0
38, "SWS02", 1.0, "N", "DQ Her", 18.10161,   45.85000, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   296,  37
39, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "DQ Her", 18.10161,   45.85000, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   780,  38
40, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "EX Hya", 12.87344,  -29.24889, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  2523,   0
41, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "GQ Mus", 11.82642,  -66.92861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
42, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "RS Oph", 17.79211,   -6.69417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   950,   0
43, "PHT40", 1.0, "N", "RS Oph", 17.79211,   -6.69417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1150,  42
44, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "V426 Oph ", 18.09022,    5.85556, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2577,   0
45, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "AG Peg   ", 21.81005,   12.39083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   350,  46
46, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "AG Peg   ", 21.81005,   12.39083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   888,   0
47, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "AX Per   ",  1.55328,   53.99581, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   542,  48
48, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "AX Per   ",  1.55328,   53.99581, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   773,   0
49, "PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GK Per extended emission #1   ",  3.46333,   43.73500, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1470,  50
50, "PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GK Per extended emission #2   ",  3.46333,   43.73500, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1470,  51
51, "PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GK Per extended emission #3   ",  3.46333,   43.73500, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1450,   0
52, "SWS01", 3.0, "N", "V471 Per ",  1.92581,   52.65417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   980,  53
53, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "V471 Per ",  1.92581,   52.65417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   478,   0
54, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "T Pyx    ",  9.07817,  -32.37972, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,   760,   0
55, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "FH Ser   ", 18.47131,    2.57778, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
56, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "LW Ser   ", 17.81658,  -14.80222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
57, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "MU Ser   ", 17.88400,  -14.01444, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
58, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "RT Ser   ", 17.61781,  -11.91750, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   798,  59
59, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "RT Ser   ", 17.61781,  -11.91750, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1997,   0
60, "SWS01", 1.0, "N", "RR Tel   ", 20.00489,   -55.86250, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   980,  61
61, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "RR Tel   ", 20.00489,   -55.86250, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1870,  0
62, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "NQ Vul   ", 19.45114,   20.36194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   
63, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "PW Vul                        ", 19.40083,   27.26500, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
64, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "QU Vul                        ", 20.41125,   27.68000, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
65, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "QV Vul                        ", 19.04228,   21.69333, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2690,   0
66, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "QV Vul                        ", 19.04228,   21.69333, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1050,  65
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "SWS01", 2.0, "N", "EG And                        ",  0.69797,   40.40611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   980,   2
2, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "EG And                        ",  0.69797,   40.40611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   900,   0
3, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "Z And                         ", 23.52092,   48.54222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   414,   4
4, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "Z And                         ", 23.52092,   48.54222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1322,   0
5, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "V1370 Aql                     ", 19.34725,    2.39306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
6, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "AE Aqr                        ", 20.62619,   -1.04917, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1134,   0
7, "SWS01", 3.0, "N", "UV Aur                        ",  5.30925,   32.46417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   980,   0
8, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "AS201                         ",  8.49356,  -27.58889, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   778,   9
9, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "AS201                         ",  8.49356,  -27.58889, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   896,   0
10, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "BZ Cam                        ",  6.39625,   71.10956, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   760,   0
11, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "Cas 93                        ", 23.65619,   57.23961, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2923,   0
12, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "Cas 93                        ", 23.65619,   57.23961, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1870,   0
13, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "BI Cru                        ", 12.34453,  -62.36083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   826,   0
14, "SWS01", 3.0, "N", "BI Cru                        ", 12.34453,  -62.36083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   980,  13
15, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92                        ", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   586,   0
16, "PHT40", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92                        ", 20.48536,   52.4620,  1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1150,  15
17, "SWS06", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92                        ", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2943,  16
18, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92                        ", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1890,  17
19, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "Cyg 92                        ", 20.48536,   52.46206, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   320,  18
20, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "CI Cyg                        ", 19.80583,   35.55667, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   350,  21
21, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "CI Cyg                        ", 19.80583,   35.55667, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1280,   0
22, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "SS Cyg                        ", 21.67903,   43.35639, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2544,   0
23, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "HR Del                        ", 20.66781,   18.97972, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1276,   0
24, "SWS02", 1.0, "N", "HR Del                        ", 20.66781,   18.97972, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   296,  25
25, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "HR Del                        ", 20.66781,   18.97972, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   780,  23
26, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "AG Dra                        ", 16.02311,   66.94028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   798,  27
27, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "AG Dra                        ", 16.02311,   66.94028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1498,   0
28, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "EX Hya                        ", 12.87344,  -29.24889, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  2523,   0
29, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "BT Mon                        ",  6.72978,   -2.02056, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,   760,   0
30, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "BX Mon                        ",  7.38167,   -3.50000, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   542,  31
31, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "BX Mon                        ",  7.38167,   -3.50000, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1633,   0
32, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "GQ Mus                        ", 11.82642,  -66.92861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0
33, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "RS Oph                        ", 7.79211,    -6.69417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   950,   0
34, "PHT40", 1.0, "N", "RS Oph                        ", 17.79211,   -6.69417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1150,  33
35, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "V426 Oph                      ", 18.09022,    5.85556, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2577,   0
36, "PHT40", 2.0, "N", "AG Peg                        ", 21.81005,   12.39083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   350,  37
37, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "AG Peg                        ", 21.81005,   12.39083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   888,   0
38, "PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GK Per extended emission #1   ",  3.47146,   43.60167, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1470,  39
39, "PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GK Per extended emission #2   ",  3.46333,   43.73500, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1470,  40
40, "PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GK Per extended emission #3   ",  3.45633,   43.83500, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1450,   0
41, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "RR Pic (shell)                ",  6.59342,   62.64147, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,   780,  42
42, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "RR Pic (blob)                 ",  6.59297,   62.64244, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,   780,  43
43, "PHT40", 1.0, "N", "RR Pic (shell)                ",  6.59342,   62.64147, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  1290,  44
44, "PHT40", 1.0, "N", "RR Pic (blob)                 ",  6.59297,   62.64244, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,  1290,   0
45, "SWS02", 2.0, "N", "CP Pup                        ",  8.16442,  -35.20194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   296,  46
46, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "CP Pup                        ",  8.16442,  -35.20194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   760,   0
47, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "T Pyx                         ",  9.07817,  -32.37972, 2000,     0.000,     0.000,   760,   0
48, "SWS01", 1.0, "N", "RR Tel                        ", 20.00489,  -55.86250, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   980,  49
49, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "RR Tel                        ", 20.00489,  -55.86250, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  1870,   0
50, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "QU Vul                        ", 20.41125,   27.68000, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,  2038,   0