<=== observer ===>
"Franceschini, Alberto",\
"Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova",\
"Vicolo Osservatorio 5",\
"35122 ",\
"3949       ",\
<=== proposal ===>
{"galaxy clusters"},\
{"CAM consortium","Franceschini, A.","Arnaud, M.",\
"Chase, S.","Cesarsky, C. J.","Mandolesi, N.",\
"Moorwood, A.F.M.","Vigroux, L.","Desert, F.X.","Elbaz, D."}
<=== title ===>
Deep imaging of intermediate and high redshift clusters
<=== abstract ===>
We propose to perform deep imaging of the cores of clusters of galaxies at
redshifts in the range 0.2 < z < 1.0 and which have already been observed at
other wavelengths. The objective is to look for evidence of evolution in the
general galactic population of clusters, for example in the frequency and
luminosity of mergers, interactions and starbursts, by using mid and far IR
colours and luminosities. We will perform imaging with ISOCAM in two wavebands
(5-8.5 and 12-18 microns),and with PHOT-C in two other wavebands, 90 and 200
microns. With ISOCAM, we expect to detect the brightest cluster members, while
with PHOT we will measure the integrated light of the cluster. Comparison with
optical, radio and NIR data obtained by ground based observations will then
provide a very large database for statistical studies, that will be a useful
complement to the ISOCAM Deep Survey.
All the ISOCAM observations will be performed in the microscanning mode. For z
< 0.4 we will use displacements of 6 pixels of 6 arcsec; the area covered twice
will be close to 5'x5'. We will spend up to 6000 sec per filter. We expect to
reach S/N = 4 on sources of 0.05 mJy with LW2 and 0.2 mJy with LW3.
For z > 0.4, we will use the same type of raster but with a PFOV of 3 arcsec.
The area covered twice will be of 2.5'x2.5'. For z > 0.6 the displacements will
be of only 4 pixels. Then, an area of 1'x1' will be covered 4 times, but the
area observed is 4 times as large. Typical observing times per raster will be
of 5 to 6000 sec, allowing to observe sources of 0.03 mJy with LW2 and 0.12 mJy
with LW3, with S/N = 4.
The axis of all the rasters will be aligned with the spacecraft axis.
As a complement, all clusters will be observed with PHOT in the camera mode,
using the chopper with a beam throw of 180". We will use C100 with the 90 micron
filter, and C200 with the 200 micron filter. For z of order 0.2, we will
perform a raster of 3x3 positions, displacing the array by steps of 1.5' in
both directions, covering a field of 4.5'x4.5'. For higher z clusters, we will
just take an image over a 3'x3' field of view. We intend to stay more than 10
min on the source with each filter, changing the position by 20" in the middle
of the observation. In both channels, we expect to go beyond the confusion
limit (> 1 mJy at 90 microns, and > 10 mJy at 200 microns), and aim to
measure the integrated light from the cluster.
<=== scientific_justification ===>
           Cluster redshifts
    Name            RA        DEC       z
   "GHO 1603+4313"  16.0461  43.2167  0.895
   "CL 1322+3029 "  13.3669  30.4775  0.697
   "3C 295       "  14.1593  52.4369  0.461
   "A1689        "  13.1492  -1.0739  0.193
   "CL 1603+4329 "  16.0482  43.4925  0.920
   "GHO 1322+3027"  13.3746  30.4528  0.754
   "0016+16      "  0.266139 16.1603  0.546
   "GHO 1600+412 "  15.9992  41.2367  0.303
   "J 1888.16 CL "  0.908778 -27.945  0.563
   "CL 1415+5244 "  14.2528  52.7333  0.989
   "GHO 1612+420 "  16.2103  42.0600  0.291
   "3C 330       "  16.1544  66.0761  0.549
   "II Zw 1305.4 "  13.0909  29.6956  0.240
   "GHO 2155+0334"  21.9233  3.55861  0.820
   "A851         "  9.6600   47.2333  0.407
   "AC 118       "  0.19666  -30.666  0.308
   "CL 0020+0407 "  0.33833  4.1303   0.698
   "3C 263       "  11.6193  66.0742  0.652
   "A 777        "  9.35825  78.4747  0.224
   "AC 114       "  22.9367  -35.066  0.301
   "A 1758       "  13.5081  50.7683  0.280
#Time distribution for autumn launch targets
#        TEAM    top 40%   second 30%    last 30%
#        CAM:      36000        34200       36000
#        AFM:      14400        14400       14400
        Total      50400        48600       50400
#Time distribution for spring launch targets
#        TEAM    top 40%   second 30%    last 30%
#        CAM:      36000        34200       24400
#        AFM:      14400        14400       14400
        Total      50400        48600       38800
<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
 1,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GHO 1603+4313",16.0461, 43.2167,1950,0.,0.,12000,2
 2,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GHO 1603+4313",16.0461, 43.2167,1950,0.,0., 2000,0
 3,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "CL 1322+3029 ",13.3669, 30.4775,1950,0.,0.,12000,4
 4,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "CL 1322+3029 ",13.3669, 30.4775,1950,0.,0., 1500,0
 5,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "3C 295       ",14.1593, 52.4369,1950,0.,0.,10700,6
 6,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "3C 295       ",14.1593, 52.4369,1950,0.,0., 1200,0
 7,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "A1689        ",13.1492, -1.0739,1950,0.,0.,10000,8
 8,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "A1689        ",13.1492, -1.0739,1950,0.,0., 1000,0
 9,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "CL 1603+4329 ",16.0482, 43.4925,1950,0.,0.,12000,10
10,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "CL 1603+4329 ",16.0482, 43.4925,1950,0.,0., 1800,0
11,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GHO 1322+3027",13.3746, 30.4528,1950,0.,0.,10000,12
12,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "GHO 1322+3027",13.3746, 30.4528,1950,0.,0., 1800,0
13,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "0016+16      ",0.266139, 16.1603,1950,0.,0.,10000,14
14,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "0016+16      ",0.266139, 16.1603,1950,0.,0., 1600,0
15,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "GHO 1600+412 ",15.9992, 41.2367,1950,0.,0.,10000,16
16,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "GHO 1600+412 ",15.9992, 41.2367,1950,0.,0., 1400,0
17,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "J 1888.16 CL ",0.908778, -27.945,1950,0.,0.,10000,18
18,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "J 1888.16 CL ",0.908778, -27.945,1950,0.,0., 2400,0
19,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "CL 1415+5244 ",14.2528, 52.7333,1950,0.,0., 9000,20
20,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "CL 1415+5244 ",14.2528, 52.7333,1950,0.,0., 1600,0
21,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "GHO 1612+420 ",16.2103, 42.0600,1950,0.,0., 8000,22
22,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "GHO 1612+420 ",16.2103, 42.0600,1950,0.,0., 1200,0
23,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "3C 330       ",16.1544, 66.0761,1950,0.,0., 8000,24
24,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "3C 330       ",16.1544, 66.0761,1950,0.,0., 1200,0
25,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "II Zw 1305.4 ",13.0909, 29.6956,1950,0.,0., 7000,26
26,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "II Zw 1305.4 ",13.0909, 29.6956,1950,0.,0., 2000,0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
 1,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "GHO 2155+0334",21.9233, 3.55861,1950,0.,0.,12000,2
 2,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "GHO 2155+0334",21.9233, 3.55861,1950,0.,0., 2200,0
 3,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "0016+16      ",0.266139, 16.1603,1950,0.,0.,11000,4
 4,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "0016+16      ",0.266139, 16.1603,1950,0.,0., 2000,0
 5,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "A851         ",9.6617, 47.2094,1950,0.,0.,10000,6
 6,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "A851         ",9.6617, 47.2094,1950,0.,0., 1600,0
 7,"CAM01", 1.0, "N", "AC 118       ",0.196667, -30.666,1950,0.,0.,10600,8
 8,"PHT22", 1.0, "N", "AC 118       ",0.196667, -30.666,1950,0.,0., 1000,0
 9,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "CL 0020+0407 ",0.33833, 4.1303,1950,0.,0.,11000,10
10,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "CL 0020+0407 ",0.33833, 4.1303,1950,0.,0., 2400,0
11,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "3C 263       ",11.6193, 66.0742,1950,0.,0.,12000,12
12,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "3C 263       ",11.6193, 66.0742,1950,0.,0., 1800,0
13,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "3C 330       ",16.1544, 66.0761,1950,0.,0.,10000,14
14,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "3C 330       ",16.1544, 66.0761,1950,0.,0., 1200,0
15,"CAM01", 2.0, "N", "A 777        ",9.35825, 78.4747,1950,0.,0., 6600,16
16,"PHT22", 2.0, "N", "A 777        ",9.35825, 78.4747,1950,0.,0., 3600,0
17,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "AC 114       ",22.9367, -35.0667,1950,0.,0.,12000,18
18,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "AC 114       ",22.9367, -35.0667,1950,0.,0., 2200,0
19,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "J 1888.16 CL ",0.908778, -27.945,1950,0.,0.,12000,20
20,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "J 1888.16 CL ",0.908778, -27.945,1950,0.,0., 1800,0
21,"CAM01", 3.0, "N", "A 1758       ",13.5081, 50.7683,1950,0.,0., 9600,22
22,"PHT22", 3.0, "N", "A 1758       ",13.5081, 50.7683,1950,0.,0., 1200,0