<=== observer ===>
"Coustenis, A.",\
"Observatoire de Meudon",\
"5, place J. Janssen",\
"33 1   45077720",\
"33 1   45077469",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"THE team:","Th.Encrenaz","E.Lellouch","J.Crovisier","R.F.Knacke",\
"LWS team:","D.Gautier","M.Griffin","G.S.Orton",\
"SWS team:","Th.de Graauw","E.van Dishoeck",\
"SOT team:","P.Claes","A.Salama"}

<=== title ===>
Titan: a study of the composition and temperature of the atmosphere.

<=== abstract ===>
Totally covered by thick hydrocarbon clouds, Titan has parsimoniously 
revealed some of its aspects through the Voyager 1 mission in 1980 and 
through some recent infrared and mm ground-based observations. The data 
point to a highly complex organic chemistry of N2-CH4 reactions in the 
dense nitrogen-dominated atmosphere. Many of the expected organics 
remain to be detected (water, isotopes, hydrocarbons and nitriles) in 
both their gaseous and solid phases. The nature of the surface and the 
structure of the satellite's lower atmosphere are yet to be determined. 
Until future space missions to Titan bring back in situ measurements, ISO  
observations, free of interference from the Earth's atmosphere, is the best 
opportunity offered to study Titan.

We will use both LWS and SWS spectrometers in the grating mode to explore 
the Titan full spectrum (S/N of 70-500). 
LWS/GR will cover Titan's continuum and lines seen in emission or absorption 
in the submm range (45-180 micron), which has never been investigated before, 
with a S/N of about 200 in 1.4 hours. A higher S/N (about 400) will be 
attempted in 0.62 hrs for two dedicated concatenated 
observations of the weak absorptions 
(flux of about 60 in the continuum) of two dimers: CH4-CH4 at 61.8 micron 
and N2-N2 at 178 micron. This programme has special pointing requirements. 
In the case of LWS01 and LWS02 AOTs, allowance has been made for an 
"off-source" observation for each "on-source" observation. For example, 
observations 2,5 and 6 are actually "off-source" points. The ideal off-source 
position is the same position with respect to Saturn, but observed at a 
different time (several days before or after the Titan observation), when 
Titan is not in the beam. This observing mode does not appear to be consistent 
with the current restrictions. In fact, even simple raster observations 
of solar system targets are not allowed. At the moment, therefore, specifying 
sensible off-source positions for solar system targets is not possible. 
This will need attention if a number of key observations in the solar 
system programme are to be made feasible. 

The submm range is rich in rotational lines of CH4, H2O, HCN and CO, which, 
although intrinsically weak, can be observed on Titan due to the high 
abundances of these species. These lines will be measured for the first 
time at a spectral resolution of about 0.5 wavenumbers during the LWS/GR scan. 
Emphasis with the LWS/FP will be given to H2O and CH4 measurements. H2O is 
expected on Titan to account for the oxygen content, but has not yet been 
detected. We will attempt the detection of water by searching for two of its 
rotational lines near 66.7 and 145 micron (expected line fluxes of 175 and 
80 Jy respectively) with a S/N of 7-10 on the line. A total of 2.29 hrs will 
be allocated to these observations. In addition, the LWS/FP will be used during 
1.4 hrs to study two CH4 lines with S/N of 10 on the line: one near 87 micron 
and the other near 120 micron (expected line flux 165-170 Jy for both). 
The study of these two lines will allow the retrieval of the methane vertical 
content and of the temperature structure in Titan's lower stratosphere (60-120 
km). Combined with SWS measurements in the other methane band near 7.7 micron 
(diagnostic of the higher stratosphere), the methane abundance and the 
temperature on Titan will become known from 60 to 500 km of altitude. 

The far-infrared range (7-45 micron) will be covered with the SWS/GR at a 
spectral resolution 10 times higher than previous measurements. A full scan 
in this region will yield information on the vertical abundances of numerous 
species with emission signatures. Combined (and concatenated in the case of (a) 
and (b)) observations will be performed to cover simultaneously: 
(a) the 7-12 and 29-45 micron in 2.9 hrs (S/N of 20-50 in the first 
region and about 300-500 in the second for an expected flux 
level of about 3 Jy in the continuum); (b) the 12-16 and 2.3-3.0 micron 
region (S/N of 150 in the first region and 20 near 2.7 micron, for a 
continuum flux of about 10 Jy); (c) the 16-29 and the 3.0-4.0 micron region 
with S/N of about 35 near 3 micron, increasing up to 300 near 29 micron 
for a flux of around 25 Jy. The time dedicated to these observations is 
about 4.2 hrs. 
Finally, 2 hrs will be allocated to spectrophotometry in single pointing 
using the PHT-S sub-instrument simultaneously in both 2.5-5 micron 
(expected S/N of 40-100) and 6-12 micron (expected S/N of about 16 at 12 
micron and increasing at shorter wavelengths).

<=== scientific_justification ===>
The reader is advised to consult the Central Programme proposals compiled 
by the LWS and MS teams for a full account of the following observations.

Time distribution for autumn lauch targets:

        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
        LWS :   7509         4464         4470
        PHT :      0            0            0
        SWS :   4989            0            0
        THE :   7509            0        10096
        SOT :      0            0         3600
      total :  20007         4464        18166

Time distribution for spring launch targets:

        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
        LWS :   7509         4464         4470
        PHT :      0            0            0
        SWS :   4989            0            0
        THE :   7509            0        10096
        SOT :      0            0         3600
      total :  20007         4464        18166

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

1,"LWS01",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,2520,0
2,"LWS01",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,2520,0
3,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,661,4
4,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,450,0
5,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,661,6
6,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,450,0
7,"LWS04",2.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,4464,0
8,"LWS04",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,1854,0
9,"LWS04",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,3780,10
10,"LWS04",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,3110,0
11,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,1862,12
12,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,2662,0
13,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,10443,0
14,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,7200,0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

1,"LWS01",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,2520,0
2,"LWS01",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,2520,0
3,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,661,4
4,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,450,0
5,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,661,6
6,"LWS02",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,450,0
7,"LWS04",2.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,4464,0
8,"LWS04",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,1854,0
9,"LWS04",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,3780,10
10,"LWS04",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,3110,0
11,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,1862,12
12,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,2662,0
13,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,10443,0
14,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Titan                   200606",0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,7200,0