"Hot and Cool: Bridging Gaps in Massive Star Evolution"
             November 10-12 2008, Caltech, Pasadena CA

You are cordially invited to participate in the workshop on research
topics focused on bridging the evolutionary and observational
relationships between massive stars in the hot and cool regions of
the upper Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HRD).

We would like to remind all interested participants that the late
registration period ends on Nov. 10, 2008.  Attendance is limited
to 80 people and there will be no on-site registration unless
arranged with the LOC, so please register early.

For more information, or if you have any questions about the meeting,
please send an email to


1.  Scientific Program Update

The final agenda for the scientific program is posted on the
HotAndCool website (Home Page or Scientific Program tab).

2. Author Instructions Posted

Instructions for Authors have been posted to the website, please
click on the "Instructions" link.

3. Reception at the Pasadena Hilton, Sunday 9 November

The reception and pickup of your conference materials
will start around 5:30 PM.

4. Venue and Weather Preparations

Please review the information given on the Venue/Transportation
page of the website.

There is some construction underway at various places across
campus, including near the Beckman Institute Auditorium.
When approaching the Auditorium from Wilson Ave, you will
see a number of trailers and protective fencing, but access
to the Auditorium is not impeded, just walk around.

The extended forecast shows sunny to light clouds
over 9-12 November, with highs in the upper 70s F (~25 C)
and overnight lows in the 50s F (~12 C).
The weather can suddenly change at any time, so please be
prepared.  If you are going to Mt. Wilson on Thursday 13 Nov,
you should remember to bring an outer shell or jacket that
will keep you warm in case of windy/rainy conditions.

5. Transportation between the Pasadena Hilton and Caltech

The Hilton Hotel has a shuttle service available for
transportation to Caltech.  The evening before, you should
add your name to the list for 8:00 AM departure to the
Beckman Institute Auditorium at Caltech.   They will
give you a number to call for (group) pickup at the end
of the day.

Should you have any questions about this, please see an LOC
person at the reception on Sunday evening at the hotel.

If you prefer to walk (distance ~1.1 miles each way), or
take the local bus, we will have a map and bus info with
your registration materials.

If you are bringing/renting your own vehicle, please refer to

Parking Structure #1 (N. Wilson) and #3 (California
Structure) are recommended.

We look forward to seeing you next week!

  Sincerely yours,

  The Hot and Cool SOC                   The Hot and Cool LOC

  Phil Bennett (St. Mary's Univ)         Adwin Boogert (NHSC)
  Gloria Koenigsberger (UNAM)            Schuyler van Dyk (SSC)
  Claus Leitherer (STScI) - chair        William Latter (NHSC)
  Jacco van Loon (Keele Univ)            Alesia McCrary (NHSC)
  Phil Massey (Lowell Obs)               M.E. McElveney (NHSC)
  Jon Monnier (Univ Michigan)            Pat Morris (NHSC) - chair
  Pat Morris (Caltech/IPAC)              Helga MyCroft (IPAC/JPL)
  Stan Owocki (Univ Delaware)            Elena Scire (SSC)
  Nathan Smith (Univ Cal/Berkeley)       Susan Stolovy (SSC)

"Hot and Cool: Bridging Gaps in Massive Star Evolution"
November 10-12, 2008