"Hot and Cool: Bridging Gaps in Massive Star Evolution"
              November 10-12 2008, Caltech, Pasadena CA

We would like to remind all interested participants that the abstract
deadline is September 26, 2008 and the registration deadline is
Oct. 3, 2008. Attendance is limited to 80 people and there will be
no on-site registration, so please register early.

Several updates have been made to the website:

* Announcement of optional Mt. Wilson Observatory tour on Thursday,
  Nov. 13
* Updated list of invited speakers on home page
* Additional details on transportation
* New Caltech campus map with conference location (Beckman Institute
  Auditorium) indicated
* New hand-annotated map of locations of interest in Pasadena

You are cordially invited to participate in the workshop on research
topics focused on bridging the evolutionary and observational
relationships between massive stars in the hot and cool regions of
the upper Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HRD).

Research communities addressing the hot and cool parts of the
uppermost HRD have been stubbornly disjoint. This workshop aims to
bridge the gap between researchers studying these different sides
of the HRD. While morphologically separated, stars occupying these
extremes of the HRD are intimately related via evolution, as well
as both having atmospheric properties affected by extension and
stellar wind outflow. At cosmological scales, like in distant
starburst galaxies, the historical distinction between blue and red
stellar populations becomes obsolete, and understanding the complex
relation between the red and blue parts of the HRD is mandatory.

This meeting will allow us to investigate similarities and
differences between hot and cool stars, identify the most challenging
questions in evolutionary connections, and discuss latest theoretical
and observational progress and prospects in certain evolutionary or
mass/temperature regimes which will provide a more unified
understanding of massive stars and luminous extragalactic stellar

At the meeting, the relationships between hot and cool massive stars
will be considered in observational and theoretical contexts in the
following topic areas:

1. Evolutionary Connections
  * Evolution across the HRD at different metalicities
  * Evolution of angular momentum across the HRD
  * Role of magnetic fields
  * Binary vs. single-star evolution

2.  Late and End Phases
  * Post-RSG and blue-loop stars
  * Supernovae from red vs. blue progenitors
  * Gamma-ray bursts and their relation to W-R stars
  * Gamma-ray burst hosts as star-forming galaxies

3.  Atmospheres
  * Uncertainties of basic stellar parameters
  * State of the art models
  * Role of convection
  * Abundance determinations in hot and cool supergiants

4.  Mass Loss
  * Mass-loss rates across the upper HRD
  * Mass-loss mechanisms for hot and cool stars
  * Non-standard mechanisms - convection, magnetic fields
  * Episodic mass loss and pulsations in hot and cool stars

5.  Interacting Winds and Circumstellar Environments
  * Interaction between winds from different evolutionary phases
  * Role of shocks
  * Role of binaries, and relation to morphology
  * Resolved circumstellar material
  * Dust formation in RSGs, LBVs, OH-IR stars, W-R stars

The meeting should be a milestone in bringing together two
communities of stellar research experts.  The program will consist
of invited reviews, contributed talks, and posters.  The conference
talks and posters will be published in the Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series.  A more detailed agenda and tentative
speakers can be found on the conference website (see above).  The
conference will open with registration and a reception on Sunday
evening November 9.  Three full days of scientific sessions will
follow November 10-12, including opportunity for discussion as
a forum.

REGISTRATION is now open on the conference website.  The registration
fee covers the opening reception, conference materials, coffee
breaks, catered lunches, and transportation between the Pasadena
Hilton and Caltech over the meeting dates.  The fee is $275 for
registration, which closes on October 3.  The registration fee applies
to participants only, but family members may attend the reception
and/or lunches if arranged in advance with the LOC; please contact for more information.

* --> Conference attendance must be limited to 80, to promote an
effective workshop atmosphere, so register early! <-- *

ABSTRACTS for posters and contributed talks should be submitted at
the time of registration.  Contributed talks will have a duration
of 10-15 min plus 5 minutes of discussion.  The number of contributed
talks will be limited: speakers selected by the SOC will be notified
by October 10.  Talk requests that cannot be accommodated will be
encouraged to be presented as posters.

SUPPORT funding for a very limited number of junior researchers will
be available.  Please contact for more

LODGING is available at the prevailing Caltech rate (currently $159
per night plus taxes) at the Pasadena Hilton Hotel.  Links to the
hotel reservation pages can be found on the conference website.
These business-class lodgings are located adjacent to the Paseo
shopping plaza which hosts a variety of dining and entertainment
options.  They are also located 15 min walking distance from Old
Town Pasadena, one of the most popular restaurant districts in
Southern California.  Room reservations must be made by October 3.
The number of rooms available to our attendees is limited, so reserve
early to avoid the possibility of higher rates or more distant
accommodations.  Transportation to and from the hotel to the meeting
at Caltech will be provided (included with the registration fee)
over the meeting dates.  Other local accomodations are available
for participants providing their own transportation.

PASADENA is best known as the host city for the Tournament of Roses
Parade, but it is also home to Caltech, the Huntington Gardens, and
the Norton Simon Museum of Art.  The historic Griffith Observatory
and Mt. Wilson Observatory are both a short drive.

TRANSPORTATION from Los Angeles International or Burbank Regional
Airports to the conference hotels is provided by a variety of van

contains information that will help plan your travel to Pasadena.
Additional advice and links are provide on the conference Venue and
Transportation page.

For more information, or if you have any questions about the meeting,
please send an email to

We look forward to seeing you in November!

   Sincerely yours,

   The Hot and Cool SOC               	The Hot and Cool LOC

   Phil Bennett (St. Mary's Univ)         Adwin Boogert (NHSC)
   Gloria Koenigsberger (UNAM)            Schuyler van Dyk (SSC)
   Claus Leitherer (STScI) - chair        William Latter (NHSC)
   Jacco van Loon (Keele Univ)            Alesia McCrary (NHSC)
   Phil Massey (Lowell Obs)               M.E. McElveney (NHSC)
   Jon Monnier (Univ Michigan)            Pat Morris (NHSC) - chair
   Pat Morris (Caltech/IPAC)              Helga MyCroft (IPAC/JPL)
   Stan Owocki (Univ Delaware)            Elena Scire (SSC)
   Nathan Smith (Univ Cal/Berkeley)       Susan Stolovy (SSC)

"Hot and Cool: Bridging Gaps in Massive Star Evolution"
November 10-12, 2008