SWS spectra of water vapor on Titan: ESA/ISO/SWS and Coustenis/Salama et al

ISO SWS spectrum of the Red Rectangle

Arp 220 : SWS spectra of the starburst galaxy Arp 220.

Antennae Galaxies. An SWS spectra of the colliding galaxies. ("SWS spectroscopy of the colliding galaxies NGC 4038/4039", Kunze, D. et al.)

GL 2591.An SWS spectrum of the young star. ("Detection of hot, abundant water toward AFGL 2591", Helmich, F. P. et al. & "Infrared absorption of H2O toward massive young stars", van Dishoeck, E. F. et al.)

ISOSWS spectrum of GL 2591 that clearly exhibits the prescence of water absorption lines. ESA/ISO SWS and F.P. Helmich et al.

Carbon-rich stars. An SWS spectrum of three evolved stars. ("The shape and strength of circumstellar PAH emission bands", Molster, F. J. et al.)

Water absorption. SWS spectra showing this feature towards massive young stars. ("Infrared absorption of H2O toward massive young stars", van Dishoeck, E. F. et al.)

Jupiter. An SWS spectrum. ("First results of SWS observations of Jupiter", Encrenaz, Th. et al.)

M82. An SWS spectrum of this starburst. ("Europe's space telescope ISO reveals the energy source of luminous galaxies")

WR11. An SWS spectrum. ("ISO-SWS spectrophotometry of galactic Wolf-Rayet stars: preliminary results", van der Hucht, K. A.)

SWS (S01) spectrum of the source RAFGL 7009S ESA/ISO SWS and L. d'Hendecourt et al.

SWS (S01) spectrum of NGC7538 IRS9 ESA/ISO SWS and Whittet, D. et al.

SWS spectra of NGC 7027 and NGC 6543 ESA/ISO SWS and D.A. Beintema et al. et al.

SWS Fabry Pérault spectrum of NGC 6543 with detailed sulphur line ESA/ISO and the SWS Consortium

SWS grating spectrum of W Hydrae ESA/ISO SWS and David A. Neufeld.

SWS spectra of NGC 6946 ESA/ISO SWS

SWS Spectra Of the Galaxy Circinus ESA/ISO SWS

SWS Spectra Of The Galactic Center ESA/ISO SWS and D.Lutz.