ISOLWS Water Vapor Spectra: (M. Harwit et. al.)

LWS spectra of low luminosity Virgo spirals Beverly Smith

Interstellar Cirrus. An image and LWS spectrum of the cirrus with CII present.

Saturn. An LWS spectrum. ("ISO LWS measurement of the far-infrared spectrum of Saturn", Davis, G. R. et al.)

Saturn.An LWS spectrum showing Deuterated Molecular Hydrogen (HD) superimposed on an image of Saturn.

S140. An LWS spectrum. ("Extended fine structure and continuum emission from S140/L1204", Emery, R.)

S106: LWS spectra of the star forming HII region S106 showing the prescence of OI, OII, CII. ESA/ISO and the LWS Consortium.

W Hya. An LWS spectrum. ("The rich far-infrared water vapour spectrum of W Hya", Barlow, M. J.)

LWS spectra of S106, Cirrus, NGC7027 and Antennae with detection at 158 microns of CII

LWS grating spectrum of IRC +10216 "Detection of far-infrared rotational lines of water vapour toward W Hydrae", David A. Neufeld.

LWS spectrum of the dark molecular cloud SgrB2. (Keene, J. et al.)

Galactic Center. LWS Grating Parallel Mode Photometry scans (left panels) of the Galactic Center compared with the IRAS HIRES maps of the same region (right panels) at 60 and 100 microns. (Caux, E. & Vivares, F.)

Galactic Center. A blowup of the LWS Grating Parallel Mode Photometry scans (left) of the Galactic Center compared with the IRAS HIRES maps of the same region (right) at 60 and 100 microns. (Caux, E. & Vivares, F.)

Galactic Center. Emission in the 10 detectors of LWS in the blownup region of the LWS Grating Parallel Mode Photometry scans of the Galactic Center. (Caux, E. & Vivares, F.)

Galactic Center. ISO LWS Grating Parallel Mode Photometry Scans of the Galactic Center (F. Vivares & E Caux - CESR Toulouse, France)

LWS detection of Hydrogen Flouride