Horsehead Nebula at 7 and 15 microns: ESA/ISO/ISOCAM and L. Nordh (Stockholm Observatory) et al.

ISOCAM image of the quasar BR1202-0725: ESA/ISO/ISOCAM and K. Leech et. al.

ISOCAM images of Lindroos binary systems and the PSFs. ESA/ISO/ISOCAM and A. Moneti et al.

ISOCAM image of Centaurus A: ESA/ISO/ISOCAM, CEA-Saclay and I.F. Mirabel et al.

NGC 6946. A linear stretch with 7 micron -> cyan; 15 micron -> red ("ISOCAM observations of NGC 6946: Mid-IR structure", Malhotra et al.)

NGC 6946. A log stretch with 7 micron -> cyan; 15 micron -> red ("ISOCAM observations of NGC 6946: Mid-IR structure", Malhotra et al.)

Trifid Nebula : ISOCAM image taken at 11.5 microns: ESA/ISO, ISOCAM and J. Cernicharo et al.

Antennae Galaxies. An ISOCAM composite 7/15 micron image and a DSS 'R' image. ("ISOCAM Observations of the Antennae Galaxies", Vigroux, L. et al.)

Helix Planetary Nebula: ISOCAM 6.75 micron image : ESA/ISO, ISOCAM and Pierre Cox et al.

ISO-Gal. An ISOCAM image of the Milky Way at l=45 degrees with the 15 micron filter. The square is the 12 micron finding chart from IRAS for the observation. ("First ISOCAM images of the Milky Way", Pérault, M. et al.)

M51. Latest ISOCAM map of the Whirlpool Galaxy.

M51. An ISOCAM map of the Whirlpool Galaxy. ("ISOCAM Mapping of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)", Sauvage, M. et al.)

Arp 220. An ISOCAM image. ("ISO-SWS Spectroscopy of Arp 220 - A highly obscured Starburst Galaxy", Sturm, E. et al. & "What powers luminous infrared galaxies?", Lutz, D. et al.)

Comet Hale-Bopp A 15 micron image. (Image by R. Walsh and B. Altieri from observations by P. Lamy.)

ISOCAM 15 micron image of the Hubble Deep Field South area (Michael Rowan-Robinson et al.)

Hubble Deep Field. A 15 micron image. (Michael Rowan-Robinson et. al.)

The Lockman Hole. A 7 micron image. (Dr. Yoshiaki Taniguchi of Tohoku University heads this consortium of Japanese institutes and the University of Hawaii)

M83. ISOCAM images of M83. ("ISOCAM 4 micron imaging of the nuclear starburst in M83", Rouan, D. et al.)

Comet P/Wirtanen. A 5 micron ISOCAM image with 48'' x 48'' field of view. (Image by B. Altieri from observations by P. Lamy).

M83. An image from the LW2 filter. ("journal des astronomes francais"; Jun 1996)

Rho Oph. A composite 7/15 micron image. ("ISOCAM mapping of the Rho Oph main cloud", Abergel, A. et al.)

Supernova Remnant in Cassiopia A: ESA/ISO, ISOCAM/CEA and P. Lagage et al.

ISOCAM image of the nearby Sb galaxy NGC 7331 (from Smith 1997, ApJ Letters, submitted)