Please see the Explanatory Supplement for the most detailed technical information on 2MASS and the data releases. Other technical documents can likely be found here.
Here's a short list of DVD devices with which users have successfully read both sides of the Release DVD-ROM:
The Release Catalogs, as well as the Release Scan Information Table, and other supporting files, can be obtained at this ftp site.
Yes, full-resolution JPG renditions of Atlas Images and Atlas Image mosaics can be found on the 2MASS Image Galleries.
Given the sheer volume of Image data, the production of a DVD-ROM of this sort is prohibitive. However, the full-resolution Atlas Images will soon become available online. In the meantime, the compressed Atlas Images are currently online via the IRSA Survey Visualizer.
The Explanatory Supplement is intended to be a "living document", i.e., it is modified at frequent intervals, such that a hardcopy soon becomes outdated. However, for future releases, we will offer the Supplement as a single document on the DVD-ROM versions of the releases.
The Second Incremental Data Release is imminent!
To see what will be publicly available in the upcoming Second Incremental Release (~47% of sky), please see the Release preview page, specifically, the high-resolution preview tool.
Last update: 2000 Feb 29,
Back to the First Incremental Data Release Page.