The following table contains brief descriptions of the entries in the Survey, 6x and Calibration Merged Extended Source Information Tables. The merged source tables contain the mean positions magnitudes and uncertainties for extended sources detected multiple times in each of the 2MASS data sets. The merging was carried out using an autocorrelation of the respective databases to identify groups of resolved extractions that are positionally associated with each other, all lying within a 5.0" radius circular region. A number of confirmation statistics are also provided in the tables that can be used to test for source variability, and the general quality of the merge. The merging procedure and the derived quantities are described in Section A6.1.
The order of the entries in this table is the same as that presented in the IRSA/GATOR query page for these tables.
The columns in the following table are:
Column order subject to reorganization
Column Name | Format | Units | nulls | Description |
Group Identifiers, Detection Statistics and Confusion | ||||
gcntr | %10d | --- | no | Unique identifier of the merged group within
a given database. This value is set to be the cntr/pts_key
value of the "seed" extraction for the group (see
The gcntr identifier is given in the individual WDB records for all extractions that are members of merged groups. Links between the cntr/pts_key WDB identifiers of the individual group members and the group identifier, gcntr, are provided in the Survey, 6x and Calibration Merged Extended Source Cross-Reference tables. Note: gcntr is unique only within a given database. Sources in the Merged Survey, 6x and Calibration Tables with the same gcntr identifiers are not the same object on the sky. |
napp | %5d | --- | no | Total number of extractions associated with this merged group. This number can be larger than the number of scans covering the group position (spos) because it can include multiple extractions within a scan and because of the approximate nature of spos. |
gcnf | %1d | --- | no | Merge confusion flag. This column indicates
if this merged group contains extractions that were positionally associated
with more than one group.
sdet | %5d | --- | no | Number of unique scans in which this merged source is detected in any band. If sdet < napp, then the source is artificially split in at least one scan. |
Position Information | ||||
ra | %10.6f | deg | no | Average right ascension of the merged group.
For the Survey and 6x WDBs, this is the variance-weighted average right ascension, computed using the positional uncertainties of each extraction in the group. For the Calibration WDB, this is the unweighted average right ascension of all extractions in the group. NOTE: All extractions within a group are used in computing the average right ascension. |
dec | %10.6f | deg | no | Average declination of the merged group.
For the Survey and 6x WDBs, this is the variance-weighted average declination, computed using the positional uncertainties of each extraction in the group. For the Calibration WDB, this is the unweighted average declination of all extractions in the group. NOTE: All extractions within a group are used in computing the average declination. |
emj_mrg | %10.4e | arcsec | no | Semi-major axis of the average position error ellipse.
For the Survey and 6x WDBs, the position error ellipse parameters are computed from the covariance of the positions of all extractions in the merged group. For the Calibration WDB, the semi-major axis is the larger of the standard deviation of the mean right ascension or declination. If the right ascension error is larger, then emn_ang=90. If the declination error is larger, then emn_ang=0. |
emn_mrg | %10.4e | arcsec | no | Semi-minor axis of the average position error ellipse.
For the Survey and 6x WDBs, the position error ellipse parameters are computed from the covariance of the positions of all extractions in the merged group. For the Calibration WDB, the semi-minor axis is the smaller of the standard deviation of the mean right ascension or declination. If the right ascension error is smaller, then emn_ang=0. If the declination error is smaller, then emn_ang=90. |
ean_mrg | %3d | deg | no | Position angle of the
average position error ellipse (degrees E of N).
For the Survey and 6x WDBs, the position error ellipse parameters are computed from the covariance of the positions of all extractions in the merged group. For the Calibration WDB, ean_mrg has values of "0" or "90" only. The value indicates whether the standard deviation of the mean right ascension (ean_mrg=90) or declination (ean_mrg=0) is larger. |
sep_avg | %10.4e | deg | yes | Average radial separation from mean group position for all extractions in the group. |
sep_sig | %10.4e | deg | yes | Standard deviation of the average radial separation from the mean group position for all extractions in group. |
use_cntr | %10d | --- | yes | WDB cntr/pts_key identifier
of the extraction in this group that lies farthest from the edge of
the scan in which it was detected. This is analogous to the
algorithm used to resolve multiply-detected sources during the
generation of the All-Sky XSC (V.4).
However, this column does not necessarily identify extractions
in the Merged Survey Extended Source WDB that were selected for
the Survey or 6x XSC because not all scans were considered for
Catalog selection.
This column is null if all extractions in the group lie within 10" of a scan edge. |
smin | %5d | --- | no | Minimum number of scans that cover the 1.5" radius circular region centered on the mean position of the group. |
smax | %5d | --- | no | Maximum number of scans that cover the 1.5" radius circular region centered on the mean position of the group. |
spos | %5d | --- | no | Estimated number of scans that cover the mean group position. This number is computed assuming that the scan boundaries follow great-circles interpolated between the reconstructed 3-band coverage corners of the scan. Because the true telescope scan path sometimes deviated from great circles, and because reconstructed positions of a source from different scans will be distributed over a finite area, the number of detections of a merged source reported (napp and sdet) can sometimes exceed spos. |
Photometric Information | ||||
j_m_7_avg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Average 7 arcsec radius circular aperture J magnitude
of selected
extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the WDB
extractions that meet the following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in this group is zero (j_n_7=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
h_m_7_avg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Average 7 arcsec radius circular aperture H magnitude
of selected
extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the WDB
extractions that meet the following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable H-band detections in this group is zero (h_n_7=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
k_m_7_avg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Average 7 arcsec radius circular aperture Ks magnitude
of selected
extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the WDB
extractions that meet the following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable Ks-band detections in this group is zero (k_n_7=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
j_mstdev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Standard deviation of the mean 7" radius circular J band magnitude
for selected extractions in the group.
If there is only one usable J-band 7" aperture measurement in the group (j_n_7=1), this column is set to 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (j_msig_7). This column is null if the number of usable J-band 7" aperture measurements in the group is zero (j_n_7=0). |
h_mstdev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Standard deviation of the mean 7" radius circular H band magnitude
for selected extractions in the group.
If there is only one usable H-band 7" aperture measurement in the group (h_n_7=1), this column is set to 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (h_msig_7). This column is null if the number of usable H-band 7" aperture measurements in the group is zero (h_n_7=0). |
k_mstdev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Standard deviation of the mean 7" radius circular Ks band magnitude for selected extractions in the group.
If there is only one usable Ks-band 7" aperture measurement in the group (k_n_7=1), this column is set to 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (k_msig_7). This column is null if the number of usable Ks-band 7" aperture measurements in the group is zero (k_n_7=0). |
max_7_flg | %1d | --- | yes | Maximum J, H or Ks 7" radius circular aperture photometry confusion flag (j_flg_7, h_flg_7, k_flg_7) among all selected extractions in this group. Non-zero values indicate some level of stellar contamination of this extended source. |
j_m_k20fe_avg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Average J isophotal fiducial elliptical aperture magnitude
(j_m_k20fe) of selected
extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the WDB
extractions that meet the following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in this group is zero (j_n_k20fe=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
h_m_k20fe_avg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Average H isophotal fiducial elliptical aperture magnitude
(h_m_k20fe) of selected
extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the WDB
extractions that meet the following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable H-band detections in this group is zero (h_n_k20fe=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
k_m_k20fe_avg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Average Ks isophotal fiducial elliptical aperture magnitude
(k_m_k20fe) of selected
extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the WDB
extractions that meet the following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable Ks-band detections in this group is zero (k_n_k20fe=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
j_mstdev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Standard deviation of the mean "k20fe" isophotal fiducial elliptical
J band magnitude for selected extractions in the group.
If there is only one usable J-band isophotal measurement in the group (j_n_k20fe=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (j_msig_k20fe). This column is null if the number of usable J-band isophotal measurements in the group is zero (j_n_k20fe=0). |
h_mstdev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Standard deviation of the mean "k20fe" isophotal fiducial elliptical
H band magnitude for selected extractions in the group.
If there is only one usable H-band isophotal measurement in the group (h_n_k20fe=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (h_msig_k20fe). This column is null if the number of usable H-band isophotal measurements in the group is zero (h_n_k20fe=0). |
k_mstdev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Standard deviation of the mean "k20fe" isophotal fiducial elliptical
Ks band magnitude for selected extractions in the group.
If there is only one usable Ks-band isophotal measurement in the group (k_n_k20fe=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (k_msig_k20fe). This column is null if the number of usable Ks-band isophotal measurements in the group is zero (k_n_k20fe=0). |
max_k20fe_flg | %1d | --- | yes | Maximum J, H or Ks "k20fe" isophotal fiducial elliptical photometry confusion flag (j_flg_k20fe, h_flg_k20fe, k_flg_k20fe) among all selected extractions in this group. Non-zero values indicate some level of stellar contamination of this extended source. |
j_m_7_wavg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Inverse-variance-weighted average 7" circular aperture J magnitude
of selected extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the
magnitudes and uncertainties of all extractions that meet the
following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes and uncertainties of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the weighted average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in this group is zero (j_n_7=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the weighted average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
h_m_7_wavg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Inverse-variance-weighted average 7" circular aperture H magnitude
of selected extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the
magnitudes and uncertainties of all extractions that meet the
following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes and uncertainties of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the weighted average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable H-band detections in this group is zero (h_n_7=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the weighted average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
k_m_7_wavg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Inverse-variance-weighted average 7" circular aperture Ks magnitude
of selected extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the
magnitudes and uncertainties of all extractions that meet the
following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes and uncertainties of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the weighted average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable Ks-band detections in this group is zero (k_n_7=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the weighted average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
j_m_7_wunc | %10.4e | mag | yes | Uncertainty of the inverse-variance-weighted average 7" circular
aperture J magnitude.
If there is only one usable J-band aperture measurement in the group (j_n_7=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (j_msig_7. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in the group is zero (j_n_7=0). |
h_m_7_wunc | %10.4e | mag | yes | Uncertainty of the inverse-variance-weighted average 7" circular
aperture H magnitude.
If there is only one usable H-band aperture measurement in the group (h_n_7=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (h_msig_7. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in the group is zero (h_n_7=0). |
k_m_7_wunc | %10.4e | mag | yes | Uncertainty of the inverse-variance-weighted average 7" circular
aperture Ks magnitude.
If there is only one usable Ks-band aperture measurement in the group (k_n_7=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (k_msig_7. This column is null if the number of usable Ks-band detections in the group is zero (k_n_7=0). |
j_m_k20fe_wavg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Inverse-variance-weighted average of the "k20fe" isophotal fiducial
elliptical J magnitude
of selected extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the
magnitudes and uncertainties of all extractions that meet the
following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes and uncertainties of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the weighted average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in this group is zero (j_n_k20fe=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the weighted average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
h_m_k20fe_wavg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Inverse-variance-weighted average of the "k20fe" isophotal fiducial
elliptical H magnitude
of selected extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the
magnitudes and uncertainties of all extractions that meet the
following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes and uncertainties of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the weighted average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in this group is zero (h_n_k20fe=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the weighted average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
k_m_k20fe_wavg | %7.4f | mag | yes | Inverse-variance-weighted average of the "k20fe" isophotal fiducial
elliptical Ks magnitude
of selected extractions in the merged group. This is computed using the
magnitudes and uncertainties of all extractions that meet the
following criteria:
The average is computed by first converting the magnitudes and uncertainties of the individual selected extractions to flux units, evaluating the weighted average of the flux distribution, and then converting back into magnitude units. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in this group is zero (k_n_k20fe=0). Note: Because upper limits are not included in the average, the weighted average magnitude will systematically overestimate the brightness of faint sources near the sensitivity limit of the observations that are detected fewer times than are possible (sdet<spos). |
j_m_k20fe_wunc | %10.4e | mag | yes | Uncertainty of the inverse-variance-weighted "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical J magnitude.
If there is only one usable J-band isophotal measurement in the group (j_n_k20fe=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (j_msig_k20fe. This column is null if the number of usable J-band detections in the group is zero (j_n_k20fe=0). |
h_m_k20fe_wunc | %10.4e | mag | yes | Uncertainty of the inverse-variance-weighted "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical H magnitude.
If there is only one usable H-band isophotal measurement in the group (h_n_k20fe=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (h_msig_k20fe. This column is null if the number of usable H-band detections in the group is zero (h_n_k20fe=0). |
k_m_k20fe_wunc | %10.4e | mag | yes | Uncertainty of the inverse-variance-weighted "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical Ks magnitude.
If there is only one usable Ks-band isophotal measurement in the group (k_n_k20fe=1), this column is set to the 1-sigma uncertainty of that measurement (k_msig_k20fe. This column is null if the number of usable Ks-band detections in the group is zero (k_n_k20fe=0). |
j_n_7 | %5d | --- | no | Number of extractions using in the average and weighted average
7" circular aperture magnitude computations. This is the subset of
extractions in the group that meet the following criteria:
h_n_7 | %5d | --- | no | Number of extractions using in the average and weighted average
7" circular aperture magnitude computations. This is the subset of
extractions in the group that meet the following criteria:
k_n_7 | %5d | --- | no | Number of extractions using in the average and weighted average
7" circular aperture magnitude computations. This is the subset of
extractions in the group that meet the following criteria:
j_n_k20fe | %5d | --- | no | Number of extractions using in the average and weighted average
"k20fe" isophotal fiducial elliptical magnitude computations. This is the
subset of extractions in the group that meet the following criteria:
h_n_k20fe | %5d | --- | no | Number of extractions using in the average and weighted average
"k20fe" isophotal fiducial elliptical magnitude computations. This is the
subset of extractions in the group that meet the following criteria:
k_n_k20fe | %5d | --- | no | Number of extractions using in the average and weighted average
"k20fe" isophotal fiducial elliptical magnitude computations. This is the
subset of extractions in the group that meet the following criteria:
j_mchisq_7 | %6.2f | --- | yes | Chi-squared statistic for the distribution of selected J-band
7" circular aperture magnitudes and uncertainties in the merged group.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable J-band aperture measurements in the group. |
h_mchisq_7 | %6.2f | --- | yes | Chi-squared statistic for the distribution of selected H-band
7" circular aperture magnitudes and uncertainties in the merged group.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable H-band aperture measurements in the group. |
k_mchisq_7 | %6.2f | --- | yes | Chi-squared statistic for the distribution of selected Ks-band
7" circular aperture magnitudes and uncertainties in the merged group.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable Ks-band aperture measurements in the group. |
j_mndev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest negative deviation from weighted average 7" circular aperture
J magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled by the
photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable J-band aperture measurements in the group. |
h_mndev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest negative deviation from weighted average 7" circular aperture
H magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled by the
photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable H-band aperture measurements in the group. |
k_mndev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest negative deviation from weighted average 7" circular aperture
H magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled by the
photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable Ks-band aperture measurements in the group. |
j_mxdev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest positive deviation from weighted average 7" circular aperture
J magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled by the
photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable J-band aperture measurements in the group. |
h_mxdev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest positive deviation from weighted average 7" circular aperture
H magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled by the
photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable H-band aperture measurements in the group. |
k_mxdev_7 | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest positive deviation from weighted average 7" circular aperture
Ks magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled by the
photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable Ks-band aperture measurements in the group. |
j_mchisq_k20fe | %6.2f | --- | yes | Chi-squared statistic for the distribution of selected J-band "k20fe"
isophotal fiducial elliptical magnitudes and uncertainties in the merged group.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable J-band aperture measurements in the group. |
h_mchisq_k20fe | %6.2f | --- | yes | Chi-squared statistic for the distribution of selected H-band "k20fe"
isophotal fiducial elliptical magnitudes and uncertainties in the merged group.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable H-band aperture measurements in the group. |
k_mchisq_k20fe | %6.2f | --- | yes | Chi-squared statistic for the distribution of selected Ks-band "k20fe"
isophotal fiducial elliptical magnitudes and uncertainties in the merged group.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable Ks-band aperture measurements in the group. |
j_mndev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest negative deviation from weighted average "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical J magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled
by the photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable J-band isophotal measurements in the group. |
h_mndev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest negative deviation from weighted average "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical H magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled
by the photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable H-band isophotal measurements in the group. |
k_mndev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest negative deviation from weighted average "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical Ks magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled
by the photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable Ks-band isophotal measurements in the group. |
j_mxdev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest positive deviation from weighted average "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical J magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled
by the photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable J-band isophotal measurements in the group. |
h_mxdev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest positive deviation from weighted average "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical H magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled
by the photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable H-band isophotal measurements in the group. |
k_mxdev_k20fe | %10.4e | mag | yes | Largest positive deviation from weighted average "k20fe" isophotal
fiducial elliptical Ks magnitude among all extractions in the group, scaled
by the photometric uncertainty of the extraction.
This column is null if there are fewer than 2 usable Ks-band isophotal measurements in the group. |
Shape Information | ||||
r_k20fe_avg | %6.1f | arcsec | yes | Average value of the 20 mag/arcsec2 Ks elliptical isophote semi-major axis (r_k20fe) for the merged group. Individual extractions were used in the computation of the mean size only if their semi-major axis (r_k20fe), axis ratio (k_ba) and major axis position angle (k_phi) values are not null. |
k_ba_avg | %5.3f | --- | yes | Average value of the 20 mag/arcsec2 Ks elliptical isophote axial ratio (k_ba) for the merged group. Individual extractions were used in the computation of the mean size only if their semi-major axis (r_k20fe), axis ratio (k_ba) and major axis position angle (k_phi) values are not null. |
k_phi_avg | %3d | deg | yes | Average value of the 20 mag/arcsec2 Ks elliptical isophote semi-major axis position angle (k_phi) for the merged group. Individual extractions were used in the computation of the mean size only if their semi-major axis (r_k20fe), axis ratio (k_ba) and major axis position angle (k_phi) values are not null. |
k_n_shape | %4d | --- | yes | Number of extractions with valid shape parameters contributing to the average size, axial ratio and position angle computations. |
r_k20fe_rms | %10.4e | arcsec | yes | Standard deviation of the mean 20 mag/arcsec2 Ks elliptical isophote. |
k_ba_rms | %10.4e | --- | yes | Standard deviation of the mean 20 mag/arcsec2 Ks elliptical isophote axial ratio. |
k_phi_rms | %10.4e | deg | yes | Standard deviation of the mean 20 mag/arcsec2 Ks elliptical isophote major axis position angle. |
sup_ba_avg | %5.3f | --- | yes | Average value of the (J+H+Ks) "super-coadd" elliptical isophote axial ratio (k_ba) for the merged group. Individual extractions were used in the computation of the mean size only if their semi-major axis (sup_r_3sig), axis ratio (sup_ba) and major axis position angle (sup_phi) values are not null. |
sup_phi_avg | %3d | deg | yes | Average value of the (J+H+Ks) "super-coadd" elliptical isophote major axis position angle (k_phi) for the merged group. Individual extractions were used in the computation of the mean size only if their semi-major axis (sup_r_3sig), axis ratio (sup_ba) and major axis position angle (sup_phi) values are not null. |
sup_n_shape | %4d | --- | no | Number of extractions with valid shape parameters contributing to the average "super-coadd" size, axial ratio and position angle computations. |
sup_ba_rms | %10.4e | --- | yes | Standard deviation of the mean "super-coadd" elliptical isophote axial ratio. |
sup_phi_rms | %10.4e | deg | yes | Standard deviation of the mean "super-coadd" elliptical isophote major axis position angle. |
Quality Information | ||||
n_dist | %4d | --- | no | Number of extractions in the group that lie within 15" of a scan edge. |
rel_avg | %c | --- | no | Average reliability score for all extractions in the group. This is computed by converting the reliability score (rel) to an integer between 1 and 5 (rel=F and A, respectively), averaging the integers, and converting back into a letter score. Averages with fractional parts >0.5 were rounded up to the nearest integer, otherwise they were rounded down. |
[Last Updated: 2006 September 28; by S. Wheelock & R. Cutri]