A New Wolf-Rayet Star in Cygnus, A. Pasquali (ESO/ST-ECF), F. Comeron
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A Subaru/High Dispersion Spectrograph Study of Lead (Pb) Abundances in
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Radio Spectral Index Variations and Physical Conditions in Kepler's
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Probing the Asteroid Belt with 2MASS, M.V. Sykes (UofA), R.M. Cutri,
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The Determination of Teff for Metal-Poor A-Type Stars Using V
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Chemical Composition of the Carbon-rich, Extremely
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Classifying Luyten Stars Using an Optical-Infrared Reduced Proper-Motion
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Characterization of M, L, and T Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,
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The Reddest Quasars. II. A Gravitationally Lensed FeLoBAL Quasar,
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Astrometry Survey Missions Beyond the Magnitude Limit,
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Deep Near-Infrared Observations of the X-Ray Emitting Class 0 Protostar
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Evidence of Cloud Disruption in the L/T Dwarf Transition, A.J. Burgasser
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A Second "Taffy" Galaxy Pair, J.J. Condon (NRAO), G. Helou, and T.J.
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Non-emission-line young stars of intermediate mass, P. Manoj,
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Substructure of the Outer Galactic halo from the 2-Micron All-Sky Survey,
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Observations of the Unusual Counterpart to the X-ray Pulsar AX J0051733,
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Comparison of Bar Strengths in Active and Non-Active Galaxies,
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Shocked molecular gas towards the supernova remnant G359.1-0.5 and the
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Serendipitous Detection of Galaxies Behind the Milky Way from the DENIS
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Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Mysterious PreMain-Sequence
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The Chemical Composition of Carbon-rich, Very Metal Poor Stars: A New
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Chandra Observations of High-Mass Young Stellar Objects in the Monoceros
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FIRST 0747+2739: A FIRST/2MASS Quasar with an Overabundance of C IV
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WIYN Open Cluster Study. X. The K-Band Magnitude of the Red Clump as a
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An Adaptive Optics Survey of M8-M9 Stars: Discovery of Four Very Low Mass
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Mid-Infrared and CO Observations of the Infrared/X-Ray Luminous Seyfert
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A Detailed Study of G173.58+2.45: an Intermediate-Mass Star-forming
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X-Ray Properties of Young Stellar Objects in OMC-2 and OMC-3 from the
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Kinematic and Morphological Modeling of the Bipolar Nebula Sa 2-237,
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The Density Profile of the Dark Matter Halo of NGC 4605, A.D. Bolatto,
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The Reddest Quasars, M.D. Gregg, M. Lacy (UC Davis/LLNL), R.L. White
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PMN J0134-0931: A Gravitationally Lensed Quasar with Unusual Radio
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Molecular and Ionic Shocks in the Supernova Remnant 3C 391, W.T. Reach,
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