Sword of Orion
In the constellation of Orion, the hunter's belt is seen as three distinctive stars in a row.
Hanging just "below" this belt is a fuzzy region, easily seen with the naked eye on a dark night,
which is known as the "Sword," or "Great Nebula" of Orion.
At a distance of 1500 light years, this is the nearest large region of star formation and is one
of the most intensly studied regions of the sky. A giant stellar nursery, the Orion nebula is home
to thousands of young stars, some of which are known to have disks of dust that may be forming
new planets. At its core, a cluster of four massive stars (known as the Trapezium)
provide most of the energy that causes this nebula to glow.
In fact, the visible part of this nebula is just the glowing tip of a much larger cloud of dust
and gas extending up and to the left. Known as the Orion A Molecular Cloud, this vast storehouse
of material that can form new stars is hard to see except where hot, young stars have burst out
and illuminate its surface.