IPAC 2MASS Protocamera Run Bad Scans, 95-05-09
IPAC 2MASS Protocamera Run, Bad Scans 95-05-09
95-05-09 scans 2-181
---- -------
3 posrec failed trying to reconstruct the kamphot output
7-8 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
121 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
124 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
127-144 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
148-150 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
151-154 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
156-157 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
159 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
161 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
164-165 posrec failed trying to reconstruct both the daophot and kamphot output
Last updated: August 15, 1995...Gaylin Laughlin