As part of this exercise, PROPHOT produced its first output source list. J. Fowler reported that BANDMERGE has also produced its first output source file. The latter was based on subsystem simulation test input, not protocam data; the special test bed is needed so that all types of confusion can be precisely set up and tested. R. Cutri reported that K. Lester's protocam data conversion program was just becoming capable of generating protocam based input for BANDMERGE to use for testing. This will be used once all code branches have been exercised via subsystem simulation test data; the current test set only verifies the mainline processing, i.e., input, band-merging, position refinement, and output. All confusion processing code is in place but has not yet been tested. Statistical processing is not yet installed. Large test sets will be generated later for timing purposes.
This raised the question of whether the optical catalog association processing would be done in DBMAN or in POSPTS, or whether POSPTS might produce a file for use by DBMAN. The current plan is to include optical association columns in the point source file generated by POSPTS, eliminating the need for such processing in DBMAN.