IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #95 Minutes
IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #95 Minutes 6/04/96
Attendees: R. Beck, R. Cutri, T. Evans, J. Fowler, L. Fullmer,
T. Jarrett, D. Kirkpatrick, G. Kopan, B. Light,
C. Lonsdale, H. McCallon, J. White
Status Reports
Besides general status reports, considerable attention was focused on the
status of 2MAPPS liens and action items. R. Cutri is maintaining a list of
these and their status, and he will be issuing an updated list to the project
soon, so those areas will not be dealt with in as much detail herein.
- J. Fowler -- The DARKS subsystem design is
behind schedule; work in support of POSMAN has taken most of the time
that would have been used for DARKS; it is not expected to create a
problem. The liens and action items on BANDMERGE are closed except for
one action item involving use of flags that have not been defined yet.
The liens on the PIXCAL/DFLAT subsystem are almost closed, as the
persistence problem is solved but may have an effect on sparse scans,
and the high density problem is expected to be alleviated (if not
cured) by the same fix as persistence, but this remains to be shown.
- C. Lonsdale -- The DataBase study is
progressing. She went to Johns Hopkins to see an example of the
"Objectivity" data base and consider its applicability to 2MASS. The
new SyBase is in-house with the IQ Accelerator implemented, and T.
Evans will test it. J. Good is checking indexing and data partitioning
schemes for 2MASS use.
- D. Kirkpatrick -- The paper on late M dwarfs is
ready to go to the Ap. J. He had a three night run at CTIO to check up
on some protocam objects with no optical counterparts; he found two of
three still where the protocam saw them, indicating that they are real
and not asteroids. He also reobserved some protocam stars at Palomar.
- R. Cutri -- A telecon was held Monday with NASA
HQ. Delays at Telic will slow down the work on the camera; three
channel data will not be received at IPAC until sometime in August at
the earliest. The telescope base has been redesigned for greater
strength by M3; the mirror is now being polished. M. Bicay is
optimistic about finding funding for the key projects. A new method for
estimating magnitudes from the first (and maybe subsequent) persistence
apparition(s) is exected to add 3.5 magnitudes of photometric dynamic
range to the bright end of what 2MASS can accomplish; this should add
about 10,000 objects.
- B. Light -- PROPHOT parts have been manufactured
and have compiled. The built-in aperture photometry has been
implemented, and the full position error covariance matrix and peak
pixel values are now being output. He is working on the deblending code
and cosmic ray removal. The new SIS versions have been issued.
- T. Evans -- Most of the work remaining on MAPCOR
is SDS writing. Tests now show that aperture corrections, Read1
normalization, and PSF-fit normalization to aperture corrected
photometry can meet the project requirements. She is studying Read1
saturated source photometry using persistence artifacts.
- J. White -- Rev. J of the Obs/IPAC Interface
Document has been signed off. RDFRAME has been rewritten with
initial-frame-skip capability and saturation processing. The Obs Date
parameter is now a 6-character string, no longer an 8-character string;
this is the format in which it will flow through 2MAPPS, so subsystem
cognizant engineers should take note of any possible impacts. The DLT
tape device has been connected to lugosi; TAPELOAD has been modified to
use it, and tests have been done which indicate proper execution.
- G. Kopan -- Progress has been made on PIXPHOT
and FREXAS. The latter now has the aperture photometry code from
PROPHOT. The PICMAN action items on kernel size and detection S/N have
been closed, and work is continuing on the remaining action items.
- L. Fullmer -- Sample QUALITY quick-look tables
have been designed; responses are solicited.
- R. Beck -- Setting up for PIXCAL testing is
underway and almost ready for the new code once it's delivered. Work
with J. White on PCP design is progressing.
- H. McCallon -- The linear Read1 offset model has
been added to the SLVALL module. Redefinition of some coordinate
systems has been completed, including a change to the U-Scan definition
that should optimize the representation of coadded images. The first
approximation frame-to-frame-offset algorithm has been designed and
will be implemented in PFPREP, the new prepocessor module for POSFRM.
The coordinate transformation subroutines have been written. The two
peg pattern matcher is being rewritten for POSFRM use. Work is
proceeding with J. Fowler on PFPREP, which will also generate the
merged extraction file (POS08) and files to support PICMAN's removal of
cosmic ray hits (POS10) in addition to the first approximation
frame-to-frame offsets (POS09).
- T. Jarrett -- Work on GALWORKS is proceeding.