J. Fowler and G. Kopan have developed a trial method for attempting asymmetrical trimming, known as "recursive median-distance rejection". This works as follows: The value farthest from the median is rejected; the median is recomputed; the value farthest from the new median is rejected, and the median is again recomputed; this is continued until half of the values in the stack have been rejected, and then the remaining values are averaged (the number of rejections could be a parameter, but currently we have been trimming about half of the values, 25% from the high end and 25% from the low end). This appears to be stable for the pixel values we have seen, and should be a more robust way to trim before averaging. J. Fowler will develop a testbed and try this algorithm out; if it appears promising, it will be coded into DFLAT and tried on scans known to produce visible anti-persistence artifacts in coadded images.
A news item related to PIXCAL/DFLAT was pointed out by R. Cutri: the PIXCAL/DFLAT SDS has been signed off. Roc obtained the signature of the cognizant science team member R. Elston during a recent collaborative observing trip.