This led to some 2MAPPS design modifications. Since it was planned anyway to load the tapes on disk upon receipt in order to verify that the tapes can be read, 2MAPPS will have an operating mode in which it processes only the calibration scans, which can probably be done immediately after loading to disk. Quality checking on this much should reveal whether extensive problems requiring significant rescans are needed in most cases. Isolated survey scans with fatal problems peculiar to themselves would slip through, but this may not be a frequent failure mode, and normal processing may still be done soon enough so that rescans could be requested while the sky is still available. When none of this succeeds, the rescans would have to be done when the sky comes around again, and this kind of recovery is expected to happen occasionally. So the plan as stated would have a high probability of solving the problem of identifying unacceptable coverage within two weeks of data receipt in a large fraction of the cases.
The conclusion was that the document should state the requirement clearly with this interpretation, and 2MAPPS will incorporate the ability to run in a calibration-only mode. It was decided that keeping the products from this mode was probably not cost-effective, and that the calibration scans should be run again when the entire night's data are processed.
One useful suggestion that came out of the SIS discussion was that a standard FDD coding requirement should be incorporated that requires each output table or FITS file header to contain a line indicating the version identification of the generating program and the processing date and time (J. Fowler may be contacted for information on obtaining the date/time information in Fortran). In the case of table files, the corresponding line from the program that generated an input table file should be carried over into any output table files, along with other header information (this is normally done anyway with FITS headers, where entire headers are copied from input to output, with "history" lines being added to indicate processing program version and date/time). There was some concern about snowballing the file size, so the information carryover idea will be considered a guideline, not a requirement.
Whether to blank pixels or supply location information was deferred, but the place in 2MAPPS for doing either of these tasks was identified: GALWORKS, which has all the information needed in memory at one time.