"To guarantee precision sufficient to support the accuracy requirements specified in the 2MASS Level 1 Science Objectives and Specifications document (see section 1.1, item 5), the following precision requirements are levied on the 2MAPPS subsystems. Position coordinates and their uncertainties shall be represented in disk files with a precision corre- sponding to at least 0.02 seconds of arc, and computations involving position coordinates and their uncertainties shall be done in double precision as needed to guarantee conservation of this precision. This implies file formats representing position parameters accurate to three decimal places when represented in seconds of time, two decimal places when represented in seconds of arc or camera pixels, and six decimal places when represented in floating-point degrees. Photometric quantities and their uncertainties shall be represented with a minimum precision of 0.001 magnitudes, with similar requirements regarding computational pre- cision needed to guarantee conservation of this precision and correspond- ing precision when other photometric representations are used."