IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #73 Minutes
IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #73 Minutes, 9/19/95
Attendees: T. Chester, T. Evans, J. Fowler, G. Kopan, B. Light,
C. Lonsdale, S. Terebey, J. White
- SDS Work
- Observatory/IPAC Interace Document, Rev. I
- SDS Work-- The main activity at this time is SDS
writing. The only outstanding issue
is flowchart software. Developers using DOS/MS-Windows word processing and
flowcharting software are all set up (actually, the flowchart software has
been ordered but hasn't arrived; however, it has been shown to work as
needed). It is hoped that Macintosh users will be able to use the existing Mac
software ported to the WIRE Mac. T. Evans reported that a demo of another
unix-based flowchart program has been obtained and set up; this is called
RoboChart. B. Light will investigate this program. [Note: after the meeting,
B. Light discovered that this program looks quite good, and we will pursure
obtaining a fully functional copy.]
- Observatory/IPAC Interace Document, Rev. I--
J. White reported that he has finished writing a draft of Revision I of
the Observatory/IPAC Interface Document. This includes changes suggested by M.
Rudenko. J. Fowler will proofread the draft.