IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting Minutes, #54
IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #54 Minutes, 2/07/95
T.Chester, R.Cutri, J.Fowler,T.Jarrett, L.Hermans,
D.Kirkpatrick, G.Kopan, B.Light, C.Lonsdale,
H.McCallon, M.Moshir, S.Wheelock, J.White
- Disk Space Shortage
- Action Items - Old and New
- Galaxy Processing Review
- Science Team Meeting
- Working Group Meeting Agenda
- Disk Space Shortage --
M. Moshir reported that he was unable to write the output of his M92
analysis to /proj/2mass because of a shortage of disk space. S. Wheelock
volunteered to delete some files to free the small amount of space needed
(about 25 MBytes), but since we are obviously pushing the limits of the
space again, and since this problem keeps coming up and can only get worse
as more telescope data become available, it was decided to take action to
acquire more disk space for 2MASS analysis and development. T. Chester
volunteered to apply for the purchase of more disk space in whatever form is
most readily obtainable and maintainable by the systems group.
- Action Items - Old and New --
C. Lonsdale distributed a list of action items from the January 27-28
review. This list contained personnel assignments for most of the items.
Negotiation of resource allocations may be pursued individually. It was also
pointed out that writeups of previous action items closed at the January 27-28
review are due in LATeX format this Friday (February 10). [Note: G.
Laughlin subsequently distributed an email message that specified the
location where such memos are to be delivered; the name of this subdirectory
is /proj/2mass/doc/latex/psrc.mtg, and LATeX files and their associated
postscript files are requested to be named with the author initials at the
front, e.g., gxl_analysis.memo.tex, gxl_analysis.memo.fig1.ps, etc.).]
Anyone needing help with the LATeX format may contact C. Lonsdale, T. Evans,
or G. Laughlin.
- Galaxy Processing Review --
A review of the galaxy processing will be held in March. The tentative
date is March 9-10. The tentative location is Boston, Massachusetts (the
actual building and room are yet to be identified).
- Science Team Meeting --
A 2MASS science team meeting will be held at IPAC next week on Thursday
and Friday (February 16-17). The agenda and list of presenters and subjects
have been distributed. The entire 2MASS working group is requested to be
available to support this meeting.
- Working Group Meeting Agenda --
This working group meeting and all in the foreseeable future will be
conducted in a manner designed to minimize the investment of developer time.
This means that roundtable status reports are not planned, and a clear
statement of the agenda will be attempted at the start of the meeting so
that members who are not needed or involved in some or all of the issues to
be discussed may depart as early as possible. For these time-saving measures
to work, it is essential that members with questions, problems, or any type
of uncertainty be absolutely forthcoming in requesting group attention (or
at the very least, in notifying J. Fowler via email) of whatever problem
they are experiencing. If this approach turns out to let problems fester
longer than more formal protocols, we will return to status reports and more
time-consuming meetings. Recall that subsystem design walkthroughs have been
planned all along, and cognizant engineers who do not request that some
meeting agenda include such scrutiny of their subsystems will eventually be
requested to present such material (note that this may be advisable BEFORE a
baseline implementation design is even in effect, such as we have been
pursuing for the EXEC and PCP subsystems). The first sign that this approach
is alive and well is expected to be the appearance SOON of subsystem interface
specifications, which may be delivered to /proj/2mass/doc/design/sis.