Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 19:25:14 -0800 (PST)
Message-Id: <>
To: 2mass
Subject: 2MASS WG Mtg #142 Minutes
Cc: chas,, stiening, bgreen
Content-Length: 3917
X-Lines: 99
Status: RO

           IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #142 Minutes

Attendees: R. Beck, R. Cutri, T. Evans, J. Fowler, L. Fullmer,
           T. Jarrett, D. Kirkpatrick, G. Kopan, B. Light,
           J. Mazzarella, H. McCallon, B. Nelson, B. Wheaton,
           J. White


1.) Southern Observatory Status
2.) 2MASS WG Meeting Schedule
3.) 2MAPPS 2.0 Test Status
4.) Soft-Saturation Image Status
5.) QA Database Queries
6.) Engineering Database Status


1.) Southern Observatory Status

    R. Cutri reported that the southern observatory is currently
expected to see first light on March 9.

2.) 2MASS WG Meeting Schedule

   R. Cutri reported that the IPAC 2MASS Working Group meeting on
24 February will be held in the upstairs conference room and will
include discussions with Bill Green.

3.) 2MAPPS 2.0 Test Status

    The testing of 2MAPPS 2.0 has proceeded through the first
night of the RTB, 980114n. Cognizant engineers are requested to
examine data products relevant to their subsystems and make
appropriate fixes and redeliveries. All tests are running on
barney in /b1/OPS (e.g., the first night is in /b1/OPS/980114n).
    T. Evans reported that she had encountered a photometric
anomaly in scan 135: the saturation count appears to be off for a
J source needed for photometric estimation of a bright object via
the first-persistence-object method. She and J. Fowler will try
to track down the source of the problem.
    H. McCallon reported that three scans had failed in the
pattern matching processing; the scans were incorrectly passed on
for downstream processing, where band-to-band discrepancies
appeared. This was fortuitous, since it provided information
useful in locating most of the sources for the problem, but a
complete fix has not yet been accomplished.
    R. Cutri reported that the subsystem cognizant science team 
members would give the acceptance reports at the March 2 meeting.
They are to have their material ready for review one week prior
to the meeting.

4.) Soft-Saturation Image Status

    J. White and J. Fowler reported that the code is ready for
soft-saturation image utilization in RDFRAME, DARKS, and DFLAT.
This refers to the use of individual pixel thresholds for tagging
"saturation" (i.e., "soft" saturation or significant
nonlinearity) rather than a single threshold for all pixels in a
band. Since B. Wheaton has not yet completed the computation of
the real thresholds, J. Fowler has created a soft-saturation
image for each band that contains the previous single-number
threshold for all pixels. These are in FITS format and named
jsat.fits, hsat.fits, and ksat.fits; they will reside in the
datan and datas directories above the observation-night level,
from where EXEC and PCP will copy them to the obsdate/data and
sdata directories for use in the pipeline. Although the dummy
images have been delivered and EXEC will copy them as stated
above, it was decided not to deliver the new versions of RDFRAME,
DARKS, and DFLAT until some testing has been done in the DARKS
test environment. The new version of RDFRAME also includes the
code for recognizing missing-frame indicators in scan headers and
returning an appropriate error code to the calling routine; the
observatory is not yet writing such keywords in the headers, but
this should cause no problem.

5.) QA Database Queries

    T. Evans and R. Cutri reported that a meeting will be held on
February 11 in the upstairs conference room to discuss QA queries
in the 2MASS Database. Interested parties are invited to attend.

6.) Engineering Database Status

    T. Evans reported that she and S. Wheelock will be
distributing an email memo in the next day or so that discusses
the current understanding, capabilities, and plans for support of
engineering database analysis. Recipients are requested to review
and comment on the material.