IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #107 Minutes

IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #107 Minutes 11/05/96

Attendees: R. Cutri, T. Evans, J. Fowler, L. Fullmer, G. Kopan, B. Light, C. Lonsdale, J. Mazzarella, H. McCallon, S. Wheelock, J. White


  1. Status Reports


  1. Status Reports

    R. Cutri: Most of the concrete has been poured for the Mt. Hopkins telescope site. The dome should be up by early December. The three-channel camera was cooled down, and when the electronics were powered up, it was found that they had failed. A bad board is suspected, and IR Labs is looking into the problem.

    The delay in obtaining three-channel data at IPAC cannot be absorbed without a slip; as a goal, the slip in the 2MAPPS version 2.0 delivery will be held to half the three-channel data slip, which implies a September '97 delivery rather than June '97. This goal is subject to further modification depending on what other problems arise.

    Development of database access tools needs to begin soon. While these tools will eventually be installed on karloff, this will not be possible while Nian is installing and testing Informix on that system. The group agreed that this initial development, which includes running an http server, will be done on kinski.

    An internal milestone of December 5 has been adopted for delivery of 2MAPPS 0.2. A subsystem-by-subsystem review of progress toward this goal will be conducted.

    The cognizant engineers are requested to identify what analysis tasks will need to be supported when three-channel data are available at IPAC. To a large extent, this will probably take the form of parameter tuning exercises, but other types of analysis may be needed, and advance planning will help coordinate the analysis support.

    T. Evans: MAPCOR functionality now includes the R1 data merge, R1 magnitude normalization to R2 aperture magnitude, and PSF mag normalization to aperture magnitude. I'm presently adding the recalculation of saturated R1 magnitudes from the first persistence artifact, as well as the "purging" of persistence artifacts. A new version of the MAP01 SIS, correctly incorporating purge flags and data, will appear later this week.

    The first official 2MASS DB team meeting (Tues. 1pm) began defining the DB task plan and schedule. I will be spending about half my 2MASS time on DB tasks very soon!

    J. Fowler: About 80% of the DARKS subsystem has been coded and is being tested with protocam dark and twilight flat scans chosen by R. Cutri and made available in 2MAPPS format by J. White, who also wrote the DARKS wrapper script and a test wrapper script for that. Good dark frames have been obtained, but the saturation-rejection code is apparently failing to prevent bad data from going into the responsivity calculations.

    A major redelivery of software to 2MAPPS is coming up in which modifications to a large number of SIS's is to be implemented. The programs involved must be redelivered in the proper sequence, or else the pipeline will fail; these include FREXAS, PFPREP, POSFRM (the temporary substitute), PICMAN, PROPHOT, MAPCOR, BANDMERGE, POSPTS (the temporary substitute), BFILL, CALMON, and CONMAN.

    The PFPREP version that uses dynamic allocation and has the corrected SOLO file output code has been finished and is being used in tests by H. McCallon; it appears to be working correctly. It will be redelivered as part of the coordinated redelivery discussed above.

    L. Fullmer: The CONMAN function now reads a corners file for one night to determine pairs of overlapping scans. The overlap area of each pair is defined and source-lists from the paired scans are compared within the overlap area. For each scan a table of unmatched sources is produced as well as a table of matched sources with match information, including position and photometric differences. For the night a confirmation summary table lists match statistics for each scan. More statistics are being added to this summary table.

    A plan for presenting QUALITY nightly quick-look information in HTML pages viewable with a Web browser is being developed.

    B. Light: The major functions of the PROPHOT subsystem are currently operational, and have been tested over multiple runs through test data. One small concern in the integration with the PIXPHOT subsystem is that some sources are being lost/doubled at the boundaries of the detection list/seeing parameter. Whenever a detection list is presented to PROPHOT, and a seeing parameter is available, PROPHOT will process point sources. A poor initial assumption linked the seeing parameter and detection list, and the fact that all frames should be processed to the same scan (Y) boundary. As this may not be the case, PROPHOT should be flexible enough to handle a list/seeing parameter that does not extend to the full limit of the current list of processed frames passed to it. Bugs in this fix are being worked out and a new version will be delivered shortly.

    Actual saturated/bad pixel counts are now being calculated and reported by PROPHOT. This information is required by MAPCOR, and is the first step in populating all aperture photometry, especially that from FREXAS/POSFRM, with counts of saturated and bad pixels affecting the standard aperture.

    H. McCallon: A technique has been developed which allows automated generation of FORTRAN code for the 42 routines which compute the coefficients needed to solve the 3-band position reconstruction equations. These routines form the core around which POSFRM is being written. A program (SIMFEX) has been written which simulates H and K band "fex" (FRX01) files by modifying the J-band fex file. SIMFEX allows translation, rotation and rescaling of the frames along with magnitude adjustments and the addition of random extraction errors. A capability is being added to PFPREP to compute and output a file of estimated frame positions ("fest") for each band which will have the same form as the "fpos" (POS01) file coming out of POSFRM. The fest output will not reflect information from matches to astrometric reference stars and will be of considerably lower positional accuracy. It will provide the apriori input to POSFRM and could be used by downstream processors in place of fpos for tests not requiring accurate positions.

    S. Wheelock: Several changes have been made to CALMON since the last report:

    An on/off switch has been set up for EXEC to read indicating whether to call APYCAL after all scans have run thru the PCP.

    APYCAL has been written. It computes the appropriate calibration value for each band based on information in the CAL03 file (using appropriate airmass information taken from the FRX02 file) for each source in the GAL08 file. It only works on scans which have been determined to be photometric. All magnitudes in GAL08 are calibrated (psfmag/bfmag, stdapm, r1apmag and lrgapm/lim95). However, if any is negative or > 90, calibration is not applied. CAL01 is written. All magnitudes are calibrated in CAL01. Calibration values are carried at the end of each record (one/band) in order to be able to recalibrate at a later date.

    A problem has been observed when using vi while remotely logged in to lugosi or karloff; the window sizes are mismatched, and certain operations cannot be performed (G. Kopan has also seen this problem). S. Lo has been alerted to this problem.

    J. White: Work has continued on the tapeload, tapedupe and tape archive software. This software is not complete. Functional requirements and observatory I/F specs need to be defined before additional work can proceed. Moreover, the frame differential subtraction/addition software provided to me to allow hardware tape compression does not run.

    DARKS subsystem support was provided, including an EXEC level script used to invoke the DARKS subsystem. The RDFRAME software was modified to provide Read1, Read2-Read1, frame count, and FITS headers to the DARKS FORTRAN program.