R. Cutri reported that work on the telescope optics is expected to be completed by October 15, and delivery to the observatory is scheduled for early January. The telescope slewing motors have been tested successfully. A telescope operations review is scheduled for late October.
R. Cutri reported that a DBMS Selection Review presentation would be held Friday at 10 AM. The criteria used in the study will be described, and a recommendation for a decision is to be made.
One of the topics that arose several times in the 2MAPPS 0.1 testing (see the next item) involved accessing files written by one subsystem from within another. Some shuffling around of file locations was found to be necessary, and this sometimes solved one problem while creating another (to uncover and resolve such things was, of course, among the primary reasons for doing the testing in the first place). J. White mentioned four methods that may be used by a subsystem to access files written by an upstream subsystem, and a fifth was suggested later by T. Conrow that will be included here. These are:
ENVIR. VARIABLE EXPLANATION |-------------------|------------------------------------ SCRDIR pointer to pixcal scratch directory RAWDIRSFN file with 3 (j,h,k) raw data pointers SCANDIR pointer to scan tree (scan level) SDATADIR ptr to sdata dir in scan tree QUALDIR ptr to qual dir in scan tree FLATDIR ptr to flat dir in scan tree OFDIR ptr to of dir in scan tree SRCDIR ptr to src dir in scan tree POSDIR ptr to pos dir in scan tree IMAGEDIR ptr to image dir in scan tree EXTDDIR ptr to extd dir in scan tree XIMGDIR ptr to ximg dir in scan tree PCPDIR ptr to pcp dir in scan treeFor illustration, we will include an example of how to use these to access a file in another directory whose full path is not known. This example uses functions available in our versions of Sun FORTRAN pointed out by G. Kopan and T. Evans. In this sample code fragment, it will be assumed that a program needs to open the POS01 file for band J and a scan number represented as a CHARACTER*3 variable named ScNum that is already defined. It is known that the file needed is in the POSMAN subdirectory represented by the environ- mental variable POSDIR, and the POS01 SIS states that the file name has the form
CHARACTER*100 PthNam C Call GetEnv('POSDIR',PthNam) Open (20, File = PthNam(1:LNBLNK(PthNam)) // '/j' // ScNum + // '.fpos')
The GetEnv subroutine returns the actual pathname for the POSMAN directory in the variable PthNam (e.g., '/l2/950503n/s012/pos'). The LNBLNK function returns the position of the last nonblank character in the string used as its argument, so that referencing columns 1 through last-nonblank eliminates the trailing blanks in the pathname (note that although most people have written their own functions to do what LNBLNK does, there has already been a conflict when several identically named functions were delivered to a multi- subsystem integration, so the use of LNBLNK is preferred, although one must be aware that it does not exist in every FORTRAN vendor's set of intrinsic functions or may have a different name).
J. White also reported that EXEC/PCP "grep's" for certain "bad words" to help uncover problems, and so any casual use of these words can be misleading. He requested that such words be used when applicable and not otherwise. These words include (in case-insensitive letters): error, undefined, unknown, core, no match, no such, can't open, not found.
R. Cutri congratulated the development team for the considerable success experienced so far in the 2MAPPS 0.1 testing. The test began last Thursday, and by Friday, the processing had proceeded to the last stage of the scan pipeline, GALWORKS, where some file configuration problems led to the deci- sion to call a halt until further consultation with T. Jarrett would be possible after his return from an observing trip to Palomar. Earlier this week such work was undertaken, and progress is being made, although some files needed are still not quite ready, so total completion of the scan pipeline has not yet occurred. Some preliminary analysis of the intermediate products has been done, and as a result some changes are being made to some routines. The photometry and position reconstruction both look very good. As expected, several interface adjustments were found to be needed and have been made.
All cognizant engineers are requested to review the output from their subsystems. The two test scans are 023 and 083 of 950503. The directories to be perused are /l2/950503n/s023 and l2/950503n/s083 and their standard subdirectories, e.g., flat, src, pos, image, and extd. A preliminary look at run times is also requested, although it is recognized that currently some debug output and other nonproduction processing is taking place.
Once the initial flurry of redeliveries has settled down, the job of accepting nonemergency redeliveries will be done once a week. It was decided that a new 2MAPPS build will be done on Thursday mornings, after which the two test scans will be rerun. This schedule will begin about the second week of October. At that time, routine redeliveries should be made by end-of-day on Wednesdays. As part of the accepting of redeliveries, R. Beck will archive the previous versions, copy the relevant files from the /2massc/del/src and data directories, and then delete the copied files in the delivery area.