Web Server Statistics for [www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass]

Program started at Mon, May 15 2000 07:00.
Analyzed requests from Mon, May 08 2000 07:00 to Mon, May 15 2000 06:44 (7.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Successful requests: 24,551
Average successful requests per day: 3,512
Successful requests for pages: 3,635
Average successful requests for pages per day: 519
Failed requests: 439
Redirected requests: 88
Distinct files requested: 1,224
Distinct hosts served: 1,397
Corrupt logfile lines: 1
Unwanted logfile entries: 251,729
Data transferred: 919,747 kbytes
Average data transferred per day: 131,601 kbytes

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

#reqs: status code
-----: -----------
22423: 200 OK
  159: 206 Partial content
   78: 301 Document moved permanently
   10: 302 Document found elsewhere
 1969: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
   39: 401 Authentication required
    2: 403 Access forbidden
  393: 404 Document not found
    5: 408 Request timeout

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 20 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: #reqs: pages: 
---: -----: -----: 
Sun:  1927:   227: ++++++++++++
Mon:  3568:   662: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue:  4105:   649: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed:  4071:   548: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu:  5424:   754: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri:  3395:   523: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:  2061:   272: ++++++++++++++

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 20 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs: pages: 
---------: -----: -----: 
May/ 8/00:  2941:   563: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
May/ 9/00:  4105:   649: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
May/10/00:  4071:   548: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
May/11/00:  5424:   754: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
May/12/00:  3395:   523: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
May/13/00:  2061:   272: ++++++++++++++

May/14/00:  1927:   227: ++++++++++++
May/15/00:   627:    99: +++++
Busiest day: May/11/00 (754 requests for pages).

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 8 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs: pages: 
--: -----: -----: 
 0:   849:    87: +++++++++++
 1:   506:    68: +++++++++
 2:   505:    89: ++++++++++++
 3:   786:   114: +++++++++++++++
 4:  1013:   101: +++++++++++++
 5:   503:   105: ++++++++++++++
 6:   633:   117: +++++++++++++++
 7:  1157:   176: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 8:  1814:   337: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9:  1985:   277: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10:  1940:   261: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11:  1248:   226: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:   848:   151: +++++++++++++++++++
13:  1545:   201: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14:  1423:   162: +++++++++++++++++++++
15:   640:   115: +++++++++++++++
16:  1332:   198: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
17:   792:   109: ++++++++++++++
18:   876:   119: +++++++++++++++
19:   736:    96: ++++++++++++
20:  1008:   130: +++++++++++++++++
21:   764:   133: +++++++++++++++++
22:   797:   143: ++++++++++++++++++
23:   851:   120: +++++++++++++++

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing hosts with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----: ------: ----
   20:  0.01%:
   91:  0.37%:
   25:       :
   28:  0.05%:
   50:  0.03%:
   10:  0.02%:
  122:  0.63%:
   14:  0.01%:
   14:  0.01%:
   31:  0.02%:
  134:  0.13%:
   20:  0.02%:
   14:  0.01%:
   14:  0.01%:
   85:  1.46%:
  385:  1.65%:
   92:  0.74%:
   44:  0.01%:
   29:  0.04%:
   14:  0.01%:
  143:  0.53%:
   21:  0.02%:
   59:  0.03%:
   34:  0.02%:
   17:       :
   60:  0.01%:
   20:  0.13%:
  171:  1.81%:
   14:  0.01%:
   17:  1.13%:
   53:  1.61%:
   79:       :
   16:  0.03%:
   26:  0.04%:
   26:  0.07%:
  141:  0.24%:
   14:  0.01%:
  109:  0.23%:
   44:  0.02%:
   75:  0.12%:
   15:  0.04%:
   20:  0.01%:
   41:  0.15%:
   18:  0.07%:
   55:  0.07%:
   10:       :
   10:  0.02%:
   10:       :
   12:  0.04%:
   25:  0.02%:
   62:  0.17%:
   30:  0.12%:
  119:  0.13%:
   35:  0.12%:
   90:  0.14%:
   15:  0.13%:
   22:  0.34%:
   20:  0.02%:
   23:  0.07%:
   25:       :
   58:  0.13%:
   14:  0.01%:
  145:  0.27%:
   93:  1.86%:
   16:       :
  102:  0.11%:
   12:  0.01%:
   61:  1.18%:
   11:  1.12%:
   18:  0.04%:
  190:  0.41%:
  163:  0.19%:
   14:  0.01%:
   11:  0.02%:
   10:  0.02%:
  118:  0.15%:
   68:  0.07%:
   16:  0.03%:
   14:  0.01%:
   87:  0.16%:
   12:  0.02%:
   26:  0.08%:
   13:       :
   14:  0.01%:
   14:  0.01%:
   12:  0.01%:
   20:  0.01%:
   10:  0.01%:                            maq034e.advance.com.ar
   12:  0.16%:                           host009103.arnet.net.ar
   19:  0.01%:                          h200043168089.ssd.net.ar
   20:  0.01%:                                subwpc3.oeaw.ac.at
   21:  0.03%:                          out-kuf-2-ibk.netwing.at
   61:  0.15%:                  n260p014.adsl.highway.telekom.at
   97:  0.18%:                n500p020.dipool.highway.telekom.at
   58:  0.12%:                                 proxy1.cic.com.au
   19:  0.02%:                              port17.hotnet.com.au
   16:       :                            cache1.optusnet.com.au
  160:  0.19%:                             orpheus.atnf.csiro.au
   15:  0.01%:                                 macval.anu.edu.au
   33:  0.02%:                             proxy1.cc.swin.edu.au
   57:  0.17%:                           mania.ph.unimelb.edu.au
   67:  0.03%:                                astrohp9.ulb.ac.be
   20:  0.10%:                              aix11.segi.ulg.ac.be
   19:  0.03%:                                      mail.kppr.be
   15:       :                200-191-196-23-as.acessonet.com.br
   30:  0.05%:                200-191-196-51-as.acessonet.com.br
   15:       :               200-191-199-168-as.acessonet.com.br
   16:  0.01%:               200-191-199-204-as.acessonet.com.br
   20:  0.23%:                200-191-199-34-as.acessonet.com.br
   15:  0.01%:                       pib00108.prointernet.com.br
   15:  0.02%:                        pib0076.prointernet.com.br
   22:  0.01%:                        pib0081.prointernet.com.br
   15:       :                        pib0083.prointernet.com.br
   16:  0.01%:                        pib1031.prointernet.com.br
   61:  0.12%:                   spo-5-as02-7-a189.gd.uol.com.br
   35:  0.02%:                  dial-bhz-c8c0bbd0.bhz.zaz.com.br
   19:  0.02%:                                raoni.das2.inpe.br
   39:  0.03%:                                    rafaela.lna.br
   58:  0.13%:                       dialin-160-43.tor.primus.ca
   24:  0.03%:                                  proxy.cssh.qc.ca
   15:  0.02%:                          cacheflow1.sasknet.sk.ca
   42:  0.07%:                           fisher.cita.utoronto.ca
   23:  0.02%:                              arizona.uwaterloo.ca
  136:  1.19%:                         line694-basel.datacomm.ch
   38:  0.06%:                                    icasg1.epfl.ch
   44:  0.01%:                                  amorgos.unige.ch
   14:  0.01%:                               luisiniv.urbanet.ch
   28:  0.06%:                              ac9a9b45.ipt.aol.com
   10:  0.09%:                          cache-da05.proxy.aol.com
   11:  0.01%:                          cache-db07.proxy.aol.com
   12:  0.02%:                          cache-dc02.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                          cache-rg06.proxy.aol.com
   12:  0.02%:                          cache-rk03.proxy.aol.com
   11:  0.02%:                          cache-rm02.proxy.aol.com
   15:  0.02%:                            avfwclient.corp.av.com
   58:  0.10%:                             ch2oco.bellglobal.com
   63:  0.34%:                           iocfirewall2ext.bls.com
   30:  0.05%:                           blv-proxy-02.boeing.com
   80:  0.10%:                           slb-proxy-01.boeing.com
   18:  0.02%:                host212-140-156-6.host.btclick.com
   17:       :                        62-6-211-254.btconnect.com
   17:       :                        62-6-212-237.btconnect.com
   51:  0.06%:                      textronreporting.cardlog.com
   14:  0.01%:                                dialup8.coinet.com
   37:  0.06%:                           zmapxy01.zma.compaq.com
   12:  0.03%:                                     user1.cox.com
   38:  0.03%:                              connect.pa-x.dec.com
   17:  0.01%:                               uufe2-pub.dttus.com
  207:  1.29%:                                proxy.edgemark.com
   11:  0.01%:                                  proxy2.ericy.com
   23:  0.01%:                           anderson_r.erim-int.com
   19:  0.03%:                                 bunsen.excite.com
   89:  1.62%:                 unknown-18-roc.globalcrossing.com
   29:  0.03%:                             crawler.googlebot.com
   14:  0.01%:                     calnet3-112.gtecablemodem.com
   71:  0.73%:                     c598183-a.aurora1.co.home.com
   16:  0.01%:               proxy1-external.bllngs1.mt.home.com
   47:  0.66%:                  proxy2-external.rdc1.on.home.com
   41:  0.19%:                  proxy3-external.rdc1.on.home.com
   35:  0.12%:                  proxy4-external.rdc1.on.home.com
   14:  0.01%:                 cr934760-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com
   58:  0.08%:                cr35205-a.ktchnr1.on.wave.home.com
   59:  0.13%:                     proxy3.mtnk1.on.wave.home.com
   84:  0.54%:                      proxy5.rdc1.on.wave.home.com
   16:  0.01%:                 cr423919-a.slnt1.on.wave.home.com
   25:  0.02%:                          palwebproxy1.core.hp.com
  102:  0.17%:                              taurus6.uk.ihost.com
   17:  0.03%:                       thomasg-to.dhcp.inktomi.com
   24:  0.19%:                                  j200.inktomi.com
  104:  0.10%:                                 y1500.inktomi.com
   22:  0.03%:                                ds1n2-21.invsn.com
  301:  1.33%: cm-205-140-65-71.booneville.galaxy.ispchannel.com
   57:  0.07%:                                   proxy.jdstg.com
   14:  0.01%:                        modem039-fairfax.lakes.com
  148:  0.34%:                                  proxy1a.lmco.com
  265:  0.77%:                                  proxy1b.lmco.com
   37:  0.04%:                                 rc97.mindsync.com
   15:  0.02%:                            wwwgate11.motorola.com
   14:  0.01%:                            wwwgate12.motorola.com
   13:  0.02%:                               10warp76.newtel.com
  178:       :                          marvin.northernlight.com
   15:  0.01%:                              httpe4.northgrum.com
   16:  0.01%:                            prufire-new.prusec.com
   33:  0.06%:                             dynamic423.remedy.com
   31:  0.05%:                           ritig16.rit.reuters.com
   10:  0.02%:                            cs274-30.austin.rr.com
   10:  0.02%:                      clt25-75-213.carolina.rr.com
   39:  0.05%:            rrcentralflorida-165.241.45.cfl.rr.com
   20:  0.01%:                              dt05q3n5b.elp.rr.com
   12:  0.01%:                 a24b161n156client39.hawaii.rr.com
  116:  0.26%:                        d185d1490.rochester.rr.com
   89:  0.91%:                        gso28-249-043.triad.rr.com
   40:  0.37%:                                    www.sewsus.com
   12:       :                              siigw.spaceimage.com
   14:  0.01%:                                177-m46.summer.com
  119:  0.20%:                                   d3o85.telia.com
   29:  0.01%:                                   gate100.trw.com
   14:  0.01%:                            userbq19.uk.uudial.com
   12:       :                            userbr11.uk.uudial.com
   32:  0.02%:                               ferret01.webtop.com
   30:  0.04%:                               nbg2-t1-2.atm-bb.de
   20:  0.02%:                               nbg2-t3-2.atm-bb.de
  104:  0.71%:                         outside1.degussa-huels.de
   64:  0.03%:                         leviathan.fh-friedberg.de
   14:       :                                  isit.isit.fhg.de
   22:  0.01%:                          fast.mpe-garching.mpg.de
   26:  0.01%:                       mpesun6.mpe-garching.mpg.de
   15:  0.02%:                              sun22.mpia-hd.mpg.de
   45:  0.02%:                        windofix.tls-tautenburg.de
   18:  1.13%:                         ip30.arcnxr12.ras.tele.dk
  110:  0.28%:                              dirty.as.arizona.edu
   40:  0.04%:                          lightning.as.arizona.edu
   12:  0.01%:                           morpheus.as.arizona.edu
   28:  0.07%:                             puppis.as.arizona.edu
   47:  0.07%:                            sirius.lpl.arizona.edu
  192:  0.44%:                            n2mass.sao.arizona.edu
   16:  0.03%:                              durand2.inre.asu.edu
   13:  1.13%:                                 toby.berkeley.edu
   16:  0.01%:                                       chub.bu.edu
  120:  0.21%:                            shanti.eng.buffalo.edu
   14:  0.01%:                        225-pppold-its.caltech.edu
   16:  0.02%:                               camelot.caltech.edu
   34:  0.02%:                       charter-185-143.caltech.edu
   20:  0.03%:                      charter-dhcp-166.caltech.edu
   12:       :                      charter-dhcp-240.caltech.edu
   68:  0.02%:                               kokadjo.caltech.edu
   10:       :                                  monk.caltech.edu
   42:  0.02%:                                   mop.caltech.edu
  127:  0.28%:                                nicmos.caltech.edu
   22:  0.01%:                         thebe.palomar.caltech.edu
   36:  2.31%:                          tenaya.submm.caltech.edu
   14:  0.01%:                                  firewall.ciu.edu
   35:  0.02%:                               beaver.colorado.edu
   41:  0.02%:                               nebula.colorado.edu
  110:  0.38%:                     dhcp211-080.housing.csulb.edu
   63:  0.02%:                             heather.dartmouth.edu
   15:  0.01%:                                 orion.eng.fsu.edu
   16:       :                             cfppp1-07.harvard.edu
   29:  0.04%:                                khumbu.harvard.edu
   87:  1.43%:                                lennon.harvard.edu
   14:  0.01%:                                 mdsed.harvard.edu
   26:  0.01%:                                zocalo.harvard.edu
   16:  0.01%:                               hoku.ifa.hawaii.edu
   50:  0.04%:                           irtf_hpc.ifa.hawaii.edu
   63:  0.13%:                               thunder.sns.ias.edu
   10:  0.02%:                             bess2.proxy.lacoe.edu
   63:  0.03%:                                    logrus.mit.edu
   10:  0.02%:                            aglayout2.bas.ncsu.edu
   48:  0.04%:                                  exojove.nmsu.edu
   37:  0.02%:                              ctio36.ctio.noao.edu
   33:  0.03%:                              ctiowe.ctio.noao.edu
   77:  0.08%:                              s2mass.ctio.noao.edu
   32:  0.02%:                               pecan.kpno.noao.edu
   68:  0.04%:                               gremlin.cv.nrao.edu
   46:  0.04%:                         kepler.mps.ohio-state.edu
   14:  0.01%:                              n18h157.dhcp.oxy.edu
   32:  0.02%:                                muse.princeton.edu
   59:  0.30%:                              sirius.princeton.edu
   37:  0.02%:                                 hart-mac.sdsc.edu
   56:  0.07%:                                 moore-pb.sdsc.edu
   19:  0.01%:                                 slowboat.sdsc.edu
   16:  0.01%:                                tooby-mac.sdsc.edu
   14:  0.01%:                               hydra.seti-inst.edu
   20:  0.01%:                                  snoopy.stsci.edu
   61:  0.10%:                            095-044.ess.sunysb.edu
   81:  0.12%:                             cassini2.uchicago.edu
   14:  0.01%:                                som-87-40.ucsf.edu
   40:       :                              osiris.astro.ufl.edu
  103:  1.44%:                                 zeeman.pa.uky.edu
  186:  0.05%:                           bonanza.astro.umass.edu
   28:       :                            cannon.astro.umass.edu
   44:  0.03%:                            condor.astro.umass.edu
   72:  0.41%:                             north.astro.umass.edu
   16:  0.01%:                           redtail.astro.umass.edu
   26:  0.07%:                           umbriel.astro.umass.edu
   55:  0.03%:                           libr-539.dhcp.umass.edu
   15:       :                      v90-232-162.dialup.umass.edu
   14:       :                      v90-232-195.dialup.umass.edu
   15:       :                      v90-232-252.dialup.umass.edu
   14:       :                       v90-232-60.dialup.umass.edu
   14:       :                        nscs21p18.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                        nscs22p19.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                        nscs22p20.remote.umass.edu
   15:       :                         nscs25p2.remote.umass.edu
   34:  0.02%:                                 ara.astro.umd.edu
   12:       :                      rotse7.physics.lsa.umich.edu
   29:  0.03%:                       sdss3.physics.lsa.umich.edu
   33:  0.02%:                               krusty.phys.unm.edu
   21:  0.13%:                             clsi176.clsi.upmc.edu
   42:  0.03%:                              grad06.as.utexas.edu
   81:  0.13%:                           ne100225.ni.utoledo.edu
   16:  0.01%:                            icache-3.doit.wisc.edu
   34:  0.03%:                                  ik-57.arrakis.es
   53:  0.09%:                                   lada.cca.iac.es
   56:  0.04%:                           auriga.roque.ing.iac.es
   81:  0.06%:                                  tihuya.ll.iac.es
   17:  0.03%:                  be-100-madr-x2.red.retevision.es
   15:  0.01%:                            m500.astro.helsinki.fi
   37:  0.05%:                             dynamic07.isdn.jyu.fi
   14:  0.01%:                             dynamic17.isdn.jyu.fi
   15:       :                             dynamic25.isdn.jyu.fi
   14:       :                             dynamic26.isdn.jyu.fi
   14:  0.01%:                             dynamic34.isdn.jyu.fi
   57:  0.16%:                                       nacs.nic.fi
   19:  0.06%:                                taikdyn548.uiah.fi
   64:  0.05%:                                  hautbrion.iap.fr
   42:  0.06%:                                    vamos.inria.fr
   94:  0.12%:                         r123m161.cybercable.tm.fr
   35:  0.15%:                               horus.eea.u-psud.fr
   33:  0.02%:                                newb6.u-strasbg.fr
   42:  0.04%:                               cobe6.gsfc.nasa.gov
   32:  0.02%:                             skys2-f.gsfc.nasa.gov
  490:  4.31%:                              cheetah.jpl.nasa.gov
   23:  0.03%:                              ekan-nt.jpl.nasa.gov
   19:  0.02%:                              mviotti.jpl.nasa.gov
  160:  0.87%:                              number6.jpl.nasa.gov
   14:  0.01%:                        pc98309172629.jpl.nasa.gov
   66:  0.02%:                                 rigg.jpl.nasa.gov
   17:  1.15%:                         sohus-mac-g3.jpl.nasa.gov
   61:  0.16%:                           ssc1911472.ssc.nasa.gov
   34:  0.01%:                           ra03-43.lib.ouhk.edu.hk
   36:  0.01%:                                     phoebe.ucc.ie
   41:  0.01%:                                 bison.tifr.res.in
   24:  0.02%:                            hymen.arcetri.astro.it
   25:  0.03%:                          pegasus.arcetri.astro.it
   16:  0.02%:                           fedro.brera.mi.astro.it
   15:  0.02%:                                spagna.to.astro.it
   13:  0.02%:                           ppp-20-61-125.libero.it
   18:  0.10%:                       ppp18-nas0.imola.nettuno.it
   24:  0.04%:                                  a-co10-43.tin.it
   21:  0.02%:                                  a-co11-22.tin.it
   17:  0.01%:                                  a-rm20-57.tin.it
   19:  0.03%:                      mi1-389.dialup.tiscalinet.it
   11:  0.02%:                      rm3-959.dialup.tiscalinet.it
   40:  0.01%:                           peter_pan.dibe.unige.it
   34:  0.02%:                      alab12.a.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp
  192:  0.43%:                       dhcp8.z.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp
   39:  0.03%:                                db01.mtk.nao.ac.jp
  675:  3.43%:                               mz02u.nro.nao.ac.jp
   26:  0.06%:               p29-dn03kiryunisiki.gunma.ocn.ne.jp
   16:  0.02%:                                dhcp4234.ztv.ne.jp
   16:  0.01%:             tokyo-ppp-210-253-98-231.interq.or.jp
   60:  0.10%:                               cache.chonnam.ac.kr
  148:  0.54%:                        user123.s139.samsung.co.kr
   21:  0.01%:                                         ml1.fi.lt
   38:  0.01%:                               sw1ext.eglin.af.mil
   15:  0.02%:                            vaidyanm-98.plk.af.mil
   42:  1.48%:    dial-up-ppp2-207-249-94-127.vianetworks.com.mx
   43:  0.07%:                   du-148-223-197-6.prodigy.net.mx
   90:  0.25%:                  du-148-235-109-28.prodigy.net.mx
   62:  0.08%:             customer-148-223-142-34.uninet.net.mx
   32:  0.03%:                           hnl02-079.gst.aloha.net
   14:       :               skzdi7-213-023-008-022.arcor-ip.net
   10:  0.01%:      71.greenville-03-04rs.sc.dial-access.att.net
   14:  0.01%:                d17-xa101h1-toro-pdi.attcanada.net
   17:  0.11%:                d91-xf101h2-mtrl-pdi.attcanada.net
   19:  0.03%:               adsl-138-89-37-178.bellatlantic.net
   62:  1.36%:               adsl-151-197-22-73.bellatlantic.net
   57:  0.07%:             host-209-214-170-25.sdf.bellsouth.net
   41:  0.04%:                    ts006d34.den-co.concentric.net
   14:  0.01%:       pool0595.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   15:  0.01%:       pool0741.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   19:  0.02%:       pool1061.cvx28-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:  0.01%:       pool0324.cvx33-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:  0.01%:       pool0030.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   29:  0.02%:       pool0700.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   24:  0.01%:        pool0054.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:  0.01%:        pool0144.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   18:  0.01%:        pool0170.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :        pool0527.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   17:  0.01%:        pool0717.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   28:  0.01%:        pool1212.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :        pool0418.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   19:  0.01%:                                   c1.euroseek.net
  104:  0.49%:                              ix14.fast-search.net
  126:  0.08%:                              ix15.fast-search.net
   14:  0.01%:                 pool-207-205-135-28.atln.grid.net
   13:       :                  lsanca1-ar8-040-079.dsl.gtei.net
   17:  0.16%:                            acceso-9d.mad.idec.net
   46:  2.32%:                             41781242.innernet.net
   12:       :                    pineapple.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   11:       :                       tomato.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   27:  0.02%:                              node107.cld.kota.net
   44:  0.07%:         dialup-
  377:  0.50%:      dialup-
  127:  1.29%:     dialup-
   10:  0.11%:      dialup-
   17:  0.71%:    dialup-
   17:  0.01%:                     h0020182a6707.ne.mediaone.net
   59:  0.02%:                     h004005330e91.ne.mediaone.net
   44:  0.04%:                     216-53-210-067.ppp.mpinet.net
  152:  1.26%:                           surf-32-30.naplesfl.net
   14:  0.01%:                    nas-52-163.austin.navipath.net
   16:  0.01%:                 01-vald-08a.dial.optilinkcomm.net
   10:  0.02%:                                i-cafe.orizont.net
   39:  0.38%:       adsl-216-101-133-215.dsl.frsn01.pacbell.net
  139:  0.29%:        adsl-63-194-253-154.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net
   14:  0.01%:        adsl-63-199-202-174.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net
   88:  0.26%:              ppp-206-170-6-166.rdcy01.pacbell.net
   58:  0.12%:        adsl-63-202-233-193.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net
   61:  0.19%:        adsl-216-103-212-55.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net
   14:  0.01%:         adsl-63-194-212-14.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net
   14:  0.01%:                          ppp3.max4048.mfs.pil.net
   59:  0.01%:                                server.provide.net
   14:  0.01%:              slip-32-101-177-183.ca.us.prserv.net
   36:  0.03%:                slip166-72-224-14.pa.us.prserv.net
   14:  0.01%:                  ip43.portland8.or.pub-ip.psi.net
   14:  0.01%:                                  4-20.tuc.psn.net
   57:  0.07%:                   cache-2.lnh.md.webcache.rcn.net
  244:  0.91%:                              stn2-2-50.seatac.net
   75:  0.08%:                                  port310.sktc.net
   59:  0.07%:                          dnbr-sh1-port41.snet.net
   42:  0.11%:                              p119.cgmo.socket.net
   14:  0.01%:                       padha010-0182.splitrock.net
   16:  0.01%:                       qncya040-0486.splitrock.net
   20:  0.01%:                       wicha010-0349.splitrock.net
   17:  0.01%:          adsl-64-217-80-145.dsl.austtx.swbell.net
   32:  0.04%:                ppp-207-193-8-23.hstntx.swbell.net
   57:  0.07%:         adsl-208-189-15-249.dsl.ltrkar.swbell.net
   14:       :                        p3e9d0714.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                        p3e9d07e1.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:  0.01%:                        pc19f0196.dip.t-dialin.net
   17:       :                        pc19f5b3e.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                        pc19f5b5c.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                        pc19f7494.dip.t-dialin.net
   16:       :                        pc19f8a5c.dip.t-dialin.net
   16:  0.02%:                        pd4b9d6b8.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                        pd4b9d92d.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                        pd4b9dab4.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                        pd4b9dad9.dip.t-dialin.net
   53:  0.05%:                               proxy3.t-online.net
  151:  0.31%:                                 tl7-8-015.tca.net
   18:  0.55%:                                amarcache.tcac.net
   19:  0.07%:                    pad-cache2-1.cache.telstra.net
   39:  0.05%:                            metrop.lnk.telstra.net
   23:  0.03%:                     clgr003060.hs.telusplanet.net
  155:  0.16%:                                gtw02-dfw.txed.net
   10:  0.03%:                        dialupd241.clsp.uswest.net
   10:  0.02%:               1cust55.tnt1.flagstaff.az.da.uu.net
  231:  0.50%:                 1cust3.tnt4.phoenix2.az.da.uu.net
   14:  0.01%:               1cust120.tnt1.atlanta2.ga.da.uu.net
   10:  0.02%:             1cust154.tnt1.charleston.sc.da.uu.net
   14:  0.01%:                 1cust48.tnt1.juanita.wa.da.uu.net
   15:  0.02%:                         a210-49.hstn.tx.verio.net
  122:  0.14%:                    as5-dial54.flnt.mi.voyager.net
  109:  0.26%:                                    dpm3-23.wf.net
   19:  0.01%:                         ppp3-pool1b.fol.zebra.net
  118:  0.44%:                               wicked.estec.esa.nl
   14:  0.01%:                                 cache-1.hccnet.nl
   14:  0.02%:                             vuur.wam-bedrijven.nl
   42:  0.01%:                                   dummy.cce.ac.nz
   32:  0.01%:                               www-cache.vuw.ac.nz
   15:  0.01%:                                   sci5.hq.eso.org
   16:  0.02%:                                 pc45142.nvnet.org
   59:  0.39%:                                    tc1-10.sdc.org
   15:  0.01%:                              victoria.ucolick.org
   80:  0.96%:                             eltpc35.pol.lublin.pl
   32:  0.02%:                             sec-nat.man.polbox.pl
   43:  0.15%:                           195-23-244-227.nr.ip.pt
   39:  0.23%:                                 pr1-ts.telepac.pt
   44:  0.02%:                                galeao.di.fc.ul.pt
   35:  0.02%:                                  delphi.oal.ul.pt
   13:  0.01%:                           diesel.electroputere.ro
   32:  0.02%:                                rainbow.ivc.orw.ru
  143:  1.46%:                                     msia02.msi.se
   25:  0.05%:                             palo12.pacific.net.sg
   47:  0.11%:                              wc-sp2.loxinfo.co.th
   19:  0.01%:                      p106-bkksp3.c.loxinfo.net.th
   14:  0.01%:                             sprinter.ihlas.net.tr
   15:  0.01%:                                 proxy.tyrc.edu.tw
   16:  0.01%:                              cass04.ast.cam.ac.uk
   15:  0.02%:                              cass50.ast.cam.ac.uk
   17:  0.01%:                         line19.slip.csx.cam.ac.uk
   22:  0.02%:                              dyn025-025.mdx.ac.uk
   18:  0.06%:                               blossom.nd.rl.ac.uk
   14:  0.01%:                         newton-0541.salford.ac.uk
  164:  0.36%:                         compsci-210.sbcc.cc.ca.us
   10:  0.01%:                         admin4.gwinnett.k12.ga.us
   11:       :                         admin6.gwinnett.k12.ga.us
  422:  5.41%:                      nfmthfw.nmh.northfield.ma.us
   36:  0.23%:                               uofu1.ics.k12.ut.us
   34:  0.17%:                               uofu3.ics.k12.ut.us
 2311: 14.78%: [not listed: 915 hosts]

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
 4757: 22.01%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
  470:  3.12%:   133
   70:  2.74%:   170
  111:  1.87%:   204
  176:  1.82%:   165
  455:  1.38%:   202
  178:  1.30%:   205
   43:  1.29%:   207
    6:  1.12%:   166
  389:  0.95%:   208
  139:  0.74%:   134
  420:  0.73%:   195
  148:  0.67%:   146
  138:  0.64%:   62
 4084: 17.31%: .com (Commercial)
  465:  3.58%:   aol.com
  475:  2.51%:   home.com
  306:  1.70%:   ispchannel.com
   89:  1.62%:   globalcrossing.com
  301:  1.29%:   rr.com
  207:  1.29%:   edgemark.com
    6:  1.23%:   ctihk.com
  416:  1.11%:   lmco.com
 4467: 15.77%: .net (Network)
  587:  2.69%:   level3.net
   46:  2.32%:   innernet.net
   83:  1.39%:   bellatlantic.net
  424:  1.28%:   pacbell.net
  152:  1.26%:   naplesfl.net
    6:  1.23%:   tac.net
  244:  0.91%:   seatac.net
  295:  0.58%:   uu.net
  230:  0.57%:   fast-search.net
   18:  0.55%:   tcac.net
 3630: 10.93%: .edu (USA Educational)
  425:  2.74%:   caltech.edu
  199:  1.52%:   harvard.edu
  103:  1.44%:   uky.edu
   13:  1.13%:   berkeley.edu
  448:  0.92%:   arizona.edu
  545:  0.72%:   umass.edu
 1026:  6.87%: .gov (USA Government)
 1020:  6.85%:   nasa.gov
  718:  6.34%: .us (United States)
  424:  5.41%:   ma.us
 1020:  4.07%: .jp (Japan)
  950:  3.92%:   ac.jp
  354:  2.89%: .br (Brazil)
  296:  2.84%:   com.br
  251:  1.89%: .mx (Mexico)
   42:  1.48%:   com.mx
  152:  1.46%: .se (Sweden)
  143:  1.46%:   msi.se
  248:  1.28%: .ch (Switzerland)
  139:  1.20%:   datacomm.ch
   30:  1.28%: .dk (Denmark)
   18:  1.13%:   tele.dk
  422:  0.99%: .de (Germany)
  104:  0.71%:   degussa-huels.de
  112:  0.98%: .pl (Poland)
   80:  0.96%:   lublin.pl
  368:  0.83%: .au (Australia)
  210:  0.64%: .kr (South Korea)
  148:  0.54%:   co.kr
  317:  0.50%: .es (Spain)
  151:  0.48%: .nl (Netherlands)
  140:  0.45%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
  164:  0.44%: .pt (Portugal)
  312:  0.43%: .fr (France)
  201:  0.38%: .at (Austria)
  261:  0.34%: .it (Italy)
  185:  0.31%: .fi (Finland)
  179:  0.28%: .ca (Canada)
   42:  0.18%: .ar (Argentina)
  117:  0.17%: .be (Belgium)
  134:  0.14%: .uk (United Kingdom)
   66:  0.12%: .th (Thailand)
   27:  0.05%: .sg (Singapore)
   70:  0.04%: .mil (USA Military)
   78:  0.03%: .nz (New Zealand)
   24:  0.02%: .tr (Turkey)
   37:  0.02%: .ru (Russia)
   40:  0.02%: .ie (Ireland)
   18:  0.01%: .tw (Taiwan)
   34:  0.01%: .hk (Hong Kong)
   22:  0.01%: .lt (Lithuania)
   46:  0.01%: .in (India)
   13:  0.01%: .ro (Romania)
    5:       : .gr (Greece)
    6:       : .no (Norway)
    3:       : .ve (Venezuela)
    2:       : .hu (Hungary)
    2:       : .my (Malaysia)
    2:       : .il (Israel)
    1:       : .ee (Estonia)
    1:       : .lv (Latvia)
    1:       : .eg (Egypt)
    1:       : .hr (Croatia)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
24551:   100%: /2mass/
15465: 93.68%:   /2mass/gallery/
 3647:  3.56%:   /2mass/releases/
 4313:  1.03%:   /2mass/etc/
  206:  0.50%:   /2mass/data_processing/
  280:  0.39%:   /2mass/overview/
   24:  0.27%:   /2mass/publications/
  102:  0.02%:   /2mass/index/
   24:  0.01%:   /2mass/outreach/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 1063:  1.03%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gcsm.jpg
  717:  0.43%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/logos/2mass_sm_wh.gif
  716:  0.10%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/icons/nav.gif
  607:  0.36%: May/15/00 06:40: /2mass/gallery/pow.jpg
  485:  0.54%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/
  360:  0.10%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/releases/second/dvdrom.gif
  359:       : May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/icons/new.gif
  356:  0.01%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/icons/bar2.gif
  355:  0.12%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/logos/umass_logo.gif
  355:       : May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/icons/arrow.gif
  349:  0.20%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/logos/ipac_emb_xsm.gif
  349:  0.05%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/logos/nasaball.gif
  346:  0.01%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/logos/jpl_logo.gif
  346:  0.09%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/etc/logos/tinycitlogo.gif
  276:  0.51%: May/15/00 06:42: /2mass/gallery/hcg40.jpg
  244:  0.16%: May/15/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/
  211:  1.26%: May/15/00 04:43: /2mass/gallery/ngc3242.jpg
  171:  0.03%: May/15/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/mthopksm.jpg
  148:  0.08%: May/15/00 06:16: /2mass/gallery/pow.html
  128:  0.05%: May/15/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/m51.jpg
  106:  0.07%: May/15/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gc.html
  104:  0.15%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/
   97:  0.13%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii1f1sm.jpg
   96:       : May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/sigma.gif
   96:  0.24%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f1sm.jpg
   94:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f3sm.gif
   94:  0.02%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f7sm.gif
   94:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f8sm.gif
   94:       : May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/seciv4s13.gif
   93:  0.02%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f6sm.gif
   93:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f11sm.gif
   93:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f2sm.gif
   92:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f2sm.gif
   92:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f3sm.gif
   92:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/aaa.gif
   91:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f7sm.gif
   90:       : May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/ge.gif
   89:       : May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/le.gif
   89:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f4sm.gif
   84:  0.59%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/ngc1068.jpg
   81:  0.04%: May/15/00 04:31: /2mass/gallery/m33.jpg
   80:       : May/15/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/sigma2.gif
   78:  0.04%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/m61.jpg
   77:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m65.jpg
   76:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/m64.jpg
   75:  0.02%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m81.jpg
   74:       : May/15/00 06:16: /2mass/gallery/COmega.gif
   74:  0.56%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/m82.jpg
   73:  0.02%: May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/m104.jpg
   73:  0.26%: May/15/00 04:31: /2mass/gallery/images_galaxies.html
   73:  0.04%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m66.jpg
   72:  0.05%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m84.jpg
   72:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:31: /2mass/gallery/lmc.jpg
   71:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m87.jpg
   71:  0.05%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m90.jpg
   70:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/m94.jpg
   70:  0.05%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/ngc205sm.jpg
   69:  0.05%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m89.jpg
   69:  0.05%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m91.jpg
   68:  0.01%: May/15/00 04:17: /2mass/gallery/spr99/
   68:  0.05%: May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/m99.jpg
   68:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:35: /2mass/gallery/m88.jpg
   68:  0.04%: May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/m106.jpg
   68:  0.04%: May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/m98.jpg
   68:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/m105.jpg
   67:  0.09%: May/15/00 05:20: /2mass/gallery/messiercat.html
   67:  0.05%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/maf2.jpg
   66:  0.08%: May/15/00 00:34: /2mass/gallery/m8.jpg
   66:       : May/15/00 01:11: /2mass/gallery/alpha.gif
   66:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/n891.jpg
   66:  0.02%: May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/m108.jpg
   66:  0.03%: May/15/00 04:43: /2mass/gallery/powarc.html
   65:  0.02%: May/15/00 04:36: /2mass/gallery/ngc253.jpg
   63:       : May/15/00 04:34: /2mass/gallery/sun.gif
   63:  0.11%: May/15/00 04:33: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc4710.jpg
   62:  0.06%: May/15/00 00:36: /2mass/gallery/m17sm.jpg
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File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
13466: 93.38%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
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File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

       size: #reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
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100kb-  1Mb:   580: 21.54%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:    92: 23.74%: 
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This analysis was produced by analog3.11/Unix.
Running time: 35 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

HTML 2.0 Conformant!