Web Server Statistics for [www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass]

Program started at Mon, Jun 19 2000 07:00.
Analyzed requests from Mon, Jun 12 2000 07:00 to Mon, Jun 19 2000 06:59 (7.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Successful requests: 49,206
Average successful requests per day: 7,029
Successful requests for pages: 6,855
Average successful requests for pages per day: 979
Failed requests: 170
Redirected requests: 108
Distinct files requested: 1,422
Distinct hosts served: 1,985
Corrupt logfile lines: 1
Unwanted logfile entries: 314,917
Data transferred: 3,399 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 497,323 kbytes

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

#reqs: status code
-----: -----------
45373: 200 OK
  328: 206 Partial content
  105: 301 Document moved permanently
    3: 302 Document found elsewhere
 3505: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
    1: 400 Bad request
   23: 401 Authentication required
    5: 403 Access forbidden
  127: 404 Document not found
   14: 408 Request timeout

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 60 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: #reqs: pages: 
---: -----: -----: 
Sun:  3382:   513: +++++++++
Mon:  7474:  1125: +++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 17827:  2447: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed:  7645:   983: +++++++++++++++++
Thu:  6844:   801: ++++++++++++++
Fri:  3450:   533: +++++++++
Sat:  2584:   453: ++++++++

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 80 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs: pages: 
---------: -----: -----: 
Jun/12/00:  5902:   921: ++++++++++++
Jun/13/00: 17827:  2447: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Jun/14/00:  7645:   983: +++++++++++++
Jun/15/00:  6844:   801: +++++++++++
Jun/16/00:  3450:   533: +++++++
Jun/17/00:  2584:   453: ++++++

Jun/18/00:  3382:   513: +++++++
Jun/19/00:  1572:   204: +++
Busiest day: Jun/13/00 (2,447 requests for pages).

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 10 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs: pages: 
--: -----: -----: 
 0:  2779:   358: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1:  1350:   177: ++++++++++++++++++
 2:  1550:   162: +++++++++++++++++
 3:  2094:   279: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4:  1529:   189: +++++++++++++++++++
 5:  3624:   452: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6:  1876:   299: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7:  2320:   350: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8:  2655:   383: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9:  2420:   320: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10:  2902:   374: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11:  3231:   397: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:  1799:   258: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13:  2506:   348: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14:  1738:   305: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15:  1552:   212: ++++++++++++++++++++++
16:  2228:   271: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17:  1121:   191: ++++++++++++++++++++
18:  1122:   185: +++++++++++++++++++
19:  1377:   206: +++++++++++++++++++++
20:  1965:   222: +++++++++++++++++++++++
21:  1945:   238: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
22:  1744:   317: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23:  1779:   362: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing hosts with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----: ------: ----
   29:  0.10%:
   57:  0.22%:
   14:       :
   40:  0.01%:
   34:  0.18%:
   75:  0.12%:
   27:       :
   11:       :
   41:  0.02%:
   14:       :
   45:       :
  103:  0.05%:
   15:       :
   26:       :
   61:  0.05%:
   65:  0.01%:
  188:  0.04%:
  116:  0.22%:
   90:  0.01%:
  179:  1.77%:
   64:  0.06%:
   29:  0.01%:
   14:       :
  240:  0.24%:
   57:  0.02%:
  177:  0.06%:
   11:       :
   66:  0.07%:
   39:  0.01%:
   16:       :
   14:       :
   27:  0.09%:
  172:  0.05%:
   26:  0.02%:
   25:  0.02%:
   13:       :
   22:  0.02%:
   41:  0.04%:
   14:  0.19%:
   16:       :
   46:  0.06%:
   26:  0.03%:
   11:       :
   99:  0.26%:
   46:  0.02%:
 1342: 10.54%:
   17:  0.01%:
   23:  0.01%:
  265:  0.19%:
  324:  0.20%:
   14:       :
   14:       :
   23:  0.02%:
  106:  0.07%:
   20:       :
   11:       :
   14:       :
   32:  0.01%:
   16:       :
   17:       :
   17:  0.19%:
   13:  0.03%:
   21:  0.04%:
  258:  1.18%:
   14:       :
  191:  0.30%:
   64:  0.06%:
   16:  0.02%:
   11:       :
   76:  0.03%:
   31:  0.01%:
  242:  0.18%:
   11:  0.19%:
   17:       :
   14:       :
   23:       :
   88:  0.08%:
   63:  0.02%:
   31:  0.04%:
   14:       :
   28:  0.05%:
   14:       :
   13:  0.01%:
   24:       :
   19:  0.03%:
   15:  0.03%:
   95:  0.11%:
   32:       :
   16:       :
  124:  0.06%:
   95:  0.03%:
   70:  0.06%:
   16:       :
   16:       :
   27:       :
   20:       :
   14:       :
   75:  0.02%:
   14:       :
   81:  0.04%:
  185:  0.35%:
   17:  0.01%:
   12:  0.03%:
  133:  0.18%:
   15:       :
   25:       :
   16:       :
   45:  0.01%:
  115:       :
   12:       :
   14:       :
   13:  0.01%:
   16:       :
   29:  0.01%:
   19:  0.01%:
   11:  0.01%:
   20:  0.01%:
   14:       :
   92:  0.06%:
   10:       :                             maq034e.advance.com.ar
   15:       :                          cache2.wcs.infovia.com.ar
   20:       :                                   alvin.unc.edu.ar
   14:       :                
   40:  0.05%:                            atto.astro.univie.ac.at
   14:  0.01%:                                  cache01.netway.at
  232:  1.25%:                           out-kuf-2-ibk.netwing.at
   51:  0.20%:                 chello213047234055.tirol.surfer.at
   22:  0.30%:                     proxy-pre-ros.alphalink.com.au
   47:  0.02%:                                 cache6.ihug.com.au
   32:       :                        peterp.static.satnet.com.au
   15:       :                               auriga.atnf.csiro.au
   76:  0.13%:                                   misty.anu.edu.au
   27:  0.02%:                              proxy2.cc.swin.edu.au
   45:  0.11%:                             cache1.uwn.unsw.edu.au
   69:  0.03%:                              metra.ucc.usyd.edu.au
   14:  0.01%:                              ragtime2.iinet.net.au
   31:  0.01%:                                 retro.iinet.net.au
  256:  0.92%:                         proxy02.syd.iprimus.net.au
   86:  0.02%:                               bridge2.q-net.net.au
   15:       :                   dkbh-t-003-p-125-222.tmns.net.au
   14:       :                    dkbh-t-004-p-127-52.tmns.net.au
   57:  0.02%:                    ldip-t-003-p-55-191.tmns.net.au
   30:  0.04%:                                   webproxy.imec.be
   20:  0.02%:                               remus.telenet-ops.be
   15:       :                200-191-196-208-as.acessonet.com.br
   18:       :                         pib0044.prointernet.com.br
   14:       :                         pib0066.prointernet.com.br
   14:       :                         pib0078.prointernet.com.br
   23:       :                         pib1023.prointernet.com.br
  114:  0.27%:                    spo-5-as04-7-a152.gd.uol.com.br
   10:       :                              pcastro12.if.ufrgs.br
   77:  0.02%:                                       savuti.ub.bw
   15:       :            static24-72-6-226.reverse.accesscomm.ca
   11:       :                              cache01.tor.axxent.ca
   10:  0.01%:                               host40.coq-col.bc.ca
   24:  0.02%:                              nvcr01m07-54.bctel.ca
  117:  0.52%:                                 tonyk.ccore.mun.ca
   55:  0.02%:                                 castor.drao.nrc.ca
   18:       :                              as52-comm1-041.orc.ca
   15:       :                                mitchell.stmarys.ca
   17:       :                  regnsk03d03010159.sk.sympatico.ca
   32:       :                               nadir.ee.ualberta.ca
   32:       :                          chomsky.astro.utoronto.ca
   17:  0.10%:                                en-215.ab.videon.ca
   18:  0.01%:                             zhb141pub66.bluewin.ch
   67:  0.08%:                     pop-zh-2-dialup-46.freesurf.ch
   25:  0.28%:                                 sidewinder.4mc.com
   15:       :                                        fw1.abb.com
   11:  0.02%:                             firewall.aerotherm.com
   19:  0.01%:                                   crawl1.alexa.com
   87:  0.02%:                                   crawl2.alexa.com
   11:  0.19%:                         208-216-180-101.amazon.com
   42:  0.02%:                               ac85a483.ipt.aol.com
   82:  0.05%:                               ac8bc55d.ipt.aol.com
  127:  0.34%:                               ac9c3a00.ipt.aol.com
   15:  0.01%:                           cache-df03.proxy.aol.com
   12:       :                           cache-df04.proxy.aol.com
   13:       :                           cache-df05.proxy.aol.com
   15:       :                           cache-df08.proxy.aol.com
   16:  0.02%:                           cache-dg02.proxy.aol.com
   15:  0.01%:                           cache-dg05.proxy.aol.com
   11:       :                           cache-dg06.proxy.aol.com
   21:  0.63%:                           cache-dg07.proxy.aol.com
   14:  0.01%:                           cache-dg08.proxy.aol.com
   15:  0.01%:                           cache-dh02.proxy.aol.com
   12:       :                           cache-dh03.proxy.aol.com
   11:       :                           cache-dh04.proxy.aol.com
   12:  0.03%:                           cache-dh05.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-dh07.proxy.aol.com
   11:       :                           cache-dh09.proxy.aol.com
   20:  0.01%:                           cache-dk09.proxy.aol.com
   15:  0.01%:                           cache-dl02.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-dl03.proxy.aol.com
   12:       :                           cache-dl08.proxy.aol.com
   13:  0.19%:                           cache-dm06.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-dm08.proxy.aol.com
   11:       :                           cache-dm09.proxy.aol.com
   14:  0.01%:                           cache-dp03.proxy.aol.com
   15:       :                           cache-dp05.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-dp09.proxy.aol.com
   12:       :                           cache-dq01.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-dq05.proxy.aol.com
   20:       :                           cache-dq07.proxy.aol.com
   22:  0.01%:                           cache-dr02.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-dr03.proxy.aol.com
   11:       :                           cache-dr05.proxy.aol.com
   12:       :                           cache-ra03.proxy.aol.com
   12:       :                           cache-ra05.proxy.aol.com
   15:       :                           cache-rb07.proxy.aol.com
   12:  0.01%:                           cache-rc02.proxy.aol.com
   14:       :                           cache-rg06.proxy.aol.com
   21:  0.01%:                           cache-rk03.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-rk05.proxy.aol.com
   13:  0.01%:                           cache-rk08.proxy.aol.com
   10:  0.02%:                           cache-rl01.proxy.aol.com
   21:       :                           cache-rl07.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                           cache-rl08.proxy.aol.com
   15:  0.01%:                           cache-rm02.proxy.aol.com
   12:       :                           cache-rm03.proxy.aol.com
   10:  0.06%:                           cache-rm05.proxy.aol.com
   16:       :                           cache-rq06.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                                   awfw3.belcan.com
   14:       :                          ppp5357.on.bellglobal.com
   17:  0.01%:                                wccp3.bendcable.com
   18:  0.19%:                                melnc01.bigpond.com
   21:  0.01%:                            blv-proxy-01.boeing.com
   58:  0.03%:                            blv-proxy-05.boeing.com
   12:       :                            slb-proxy-03.boeing.com
   94:  0.12%:                             tics1a.buckeyeinet.com
   78:  0.04%:                                 python.cabelas.com
   22:  0.03%:                              firewall.callargi.com
   12:  0.01%:                                 dns.carmodeler.com
  219:  1.35%:                                   fw.chromatic.com
   10:  0.01%:                             mail.conectiv-comm.com
  113:  0.25%:    ftwal1d-hfc-0251-d8d9c442.rdc1.fl.coxatwork.com
   14:       : alsv2-blk2-hfc-0251-d1db16bc.rdc2.occa.coxatwork.com
   25:  0.02%:   alsv3a-hfc-0251-d8d966ab.rdc2.occa.coxatwork.com
   39:  0.06%:                           user203.lwpw-02.cwia.com
   85:  0.04%:                     ip-202-28.phx.dial.dancris.com
   73:  0.21%:                     ip-202-81.phx.dial.dancris.com
   74:  0.02%:                                   ip13-166.dbc.com
   10:       :                              icebox.deepcanyon.com
   18:  0.02%:                        modem27.de-pm10.delanet.com
   15:  0.01%:                          dragonfire3.delta-air.com
   11:       :                             net0116058.direcpc.com
   14:       :                             gateway.electrocom.com
   24:  0.02%:                           dhcp-164.electrocorp.com
   14:       :                           n07h0202.ex-pressnet.com
   18:  0.11%:                            unknown-12-95.fibre.com
  135:  0.09%:                                   ncache1.ford.com
  170:  0.30%:                                       mail.frc.com
   18:  0.01%:                                  dns1.fujisawa.com
   16:  0.07%:                                gateway.fultech.com
   19:  0.03%:                               overlord.gartner.com
   14:  0.03%:                                orion.agt.gmeds.com
  275:  0.07%:                               crawl1.googlebot.com
   16:  0.03%:                      calnet3-112.gtecablemodem.com
   28:  0.01%:                        sc012004.kl.semi.harris.com
   14:       :                               hds-gateway.hdsc.com
  102:  0.82%:                   proxy1-external.rdc1.az.home.com
   26:  0.07%:                   proxy2-external.rdc1.az.home.com
   23:  0.01%:                  proxy2-external.poco1.bc.home.com
   58:  0.16%:                         cx138667-b.pv1.ca.home.com
   30:       :                  proxy2-external.owml1.md.home.com
   14:  0.01%:                 proxy2-external.adubn1.nj.home.com
   45:  0.01%:                  proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com
   29:  0.01%:                  proxy3-external.avnl1.nj.home.com
  153:  1.15%:                   proxy4-external.rdc1.on.home.com
   16:       :               proxy1-external.pinol1.sfba.home.com
   14:       :               proxy1-external.chstfld1.va.home.com
  156:  0.46%:                        c44393-c.sttln1.wa.home.com
   14:  0.02%:            
   49:  0.02%:             
   55:  0.04%:                       proxy4.rdc1.ab.wave.home.com
   73:  0.02%:                 cr105891-a.crdva1.bc.wave.home.com
   93:  0.87%:                   cr499334-a.rct1.bc.wave.home.com
   23:  0.02%:             
   78:  0.02%:                       proxy5.rdc1.on.wave.home.com
   32:       :                   cr198976-a.yec1.on.wave.home.com
  118:  0.71%:                    cr119584-a.ym1.on.wave.home.com
  105:  0.39%:                           palwebproxy2.core.hp.com
   24:       :                                sungold2.de.ibm.com
   11:  0.02%:                                sungold3.de.ibm.com
   15:  0.01%:                                sungold6.de.ibm.com
   15:  0.03%:                                sungold7.de.ibm.com
   22:  0.01%:                                sungold8.de.ibm.com
   14:  0.01%:                                sungold9.de.ibm.com
  105:  0.03%:                                 ss10.ny.us.ibm.com
   96:  0.69%:                                 dynacs.infohwy.com
   28:  0.05%:                                   j200.inktomi.com
  643:  0.22%:                                     www.ip3000.com
  251:  0.39%:                                eclipse.javanet.com
   30:  0.02%:                                  ns1.littondsd.com
  259:  0.87%:                                   proxy1a.lmco.com
  321:  0.47%:                                   proxy1b.lmco.com
   20:  0.11%:                                       ian2.lnc.com
  122:  0.17%:                                 olly.loudcloud.com
   45:  0.01%:                          drproxy2.proxy.lucent.com
   73:  0.02%:                                dhcp027.64.lvcm.com
   39:  0.01%:                          ppp151-global6.mageos.com
   32:  0.08%:                           globe1-fw01.nyc.mail.com
   21:  0.30%:                                      mattsonir.com
   14:  0.03%:                              rcn-dhcp0403.mcit.com
   11:       :                                   proxy.mcmail.com
   24:  0.01%:                      mw-204-80-122-79.metawire.com
   15:  0.01%:                 user-37kbake.dialup.mindspring.com
   51:  0.02%:                                      cloak.ndb.com
   18:  0.01%:                         olkck001044.netvigator.com
   73:  0.02%:                               barrierc241.nike.com
   30:  0.02%:                           esprx04kpn.ext.nokia.com
   56:       :                           marvin.northernlight.com
   33:  0.01%:                   ppp-44-211-26-209.okeechobee.com
  115:  0.79%:                                 chpm3-1-57.olg.com
   30:  0.01%:                                       s58.onix.com
   14:  0.01%:                                 delta.orbotech.com
   39:  0.01%:                            pm-red-26.outlawnet.com
   37:  0.13%:                               periny-wall.peri.com
   14:       :                                    pg8proxy.pg.com
   14:       :                              epost-nt.qualcomm.com
   14:       :                        ts1-268.f2081.quebectel.com
   42:  0.02%: 209-6-188-141.c3-0.wth-ubr2.sbo-wth.ma.cable.rcn.com
   13:       :        209-122-254-1.s1.tnt1.lnh.md.dialup.rcn.com
  104:  0.27%:                                  gw.realintent.com
   16:  0.01%:                                      mail.rlyl.com
  528:  1.57%:                         cs28102-106.houston.rr.com
   29:  0.18%:                              mkc-163-192.kc.rr.com
  165:  0.18%:                            24-25-216-86.san.rr.com
   19:  0.02%:                           dt120na5.tampabay.rr.com
   45:  0.04%:                                   swbcs002.sbc.com
   24:  0.04%:                               mailgate.shiprps.com
   30:  0.01%:                                     ccp.skypub.com
   83:  0.04%:                                     rtf.skypub.com
   13:  0.01%:                                     sam.skypub.com
   14:       :                                     sns.skypub.com
  121:  0.54%:                         workstation-143.source.com
   12:  0.03%:                         steelcase-cp.steelcase.com
   97:  0.03%:                               mail.sterlingpub.com
  105:  0.10%:                            relay.strategic-sys.com
   11:  0.01%:                      asy11.as3.sol.superonline.com
  274:  0.31%:                             host21-48.symantec.com
  482:  1.83%:                                     sol.syzygy.com
  301:  0.65%:                                    d3o85.telia.com
   32:       :                     dsl-216-227-118-9.telocity.com
   14:       :                              a10.ns60.theriver.com
   14:       :                             userag87.uk.uudial.com
   14:       :                             userep21.uk.uudial.com
   24:  0.01%:                                    test-1.xift.com
   15:       :                                       max.xros.com
   28:  0.01%:                                prometheus.terms.cz
   15:       :                           ppp116.cb.worldonline.cz
   52:  0.01%:                                hmb2-t7-1.atm-bb.de
  210:  1.07%:                                nbg2-t1-2.atm-bb.de
   77:  0.02%:                                nbg2-t3-1.atm-bb.de
   22:  0.01%:                                nbg2-t3-2.atm-bb.de
   12:  0.10%:                                 bayer3.bayer-ag.de
  109:  0.21%:                                 firewall.bayern.de
   14:       :                                   isit.isit.fhg.de
  228:  1.86%:                                    schlitz.gfai.de
   22:  0.01%:                                 proxy.intershop.de
  148:  0.07%:                          ibm-1.mpa-garching.mpg.de
  110:  0.02%:                          ppc-7.mpa-garching.mpg.de
   10:  0.59%:                        norbert.mpe-garching.mpg.de
   27:  0.20%:                                    web1.pironet.de
   18:       :                 dialppp-1-88.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
   48:  0.13%:                            cache00.erlm.siemens.de
   46:  0.01%:                            cache01.erlm.siemens.de
  106:  0.01%:                      r104.str.dial.surf-callino.de
   36:  0.01%:                      r827.str.dial.surf-callino.de
   11:  0.02%:                             dialup-110.bi.teuto.de
   14:       :                             a1as02-p244.bln.tli.de
   14:       :                             a1as03-p109.bln.tli.de
   19:       :                             a1as11-p121.bln.tli.de
  157:  0.06%:                              a1as05-p31.stg.tli.de
   24:  0.01%:                             a1as06-p159.stg.tli.de
   34:       :                            betty.astro.uni-jena.de
   37:  0.02%:                             berk19.oc.uni-koeln.de
  118:  0.35%:                 ait320.ait.physik.uni-tuebingen.de
  170:  0.05%:                         pec-105-1.tnt5.s2.uunet.de
  670:  0.02%:                                     pm1-115.xnc.de
   14:       :                           cache-aalb-2.stofanet.dk
  103:  0.04%:                               tdk38.teledanmark.dk
   79:  0.01%:                                 bok.as.arizona.edu
  134:       :                              bokpc2.as.arizona.edu
   38:  0.01%:                              bokpcy.as.arizona.edu
   46:  0.01%:                              etacha.as.arizona.edu
   20:       :                            morpheus.as.arizona.edu
   56:       :                             n2mass.sao.arizona.edu
   49:  0.04%:                                 aster.berkeley.edu
   14:       :                              triscuit.berkeley.edu
   94:  0.02%:                             hodag-1.boisestate.edu
   29:       :                                        chub.bu.edu
   15:       :                                 badger.caltech.edu
   15:       :                                camelot.caltech.edu
   27:       :                                chandra.caltech.edu
   27:       :                        charter-185-143.caltech.edu
   51:  0.03%:                       charter-dhcp-166.caltech.edu
   15:       :                             iupika.gps.caltech.edu
   94:  0.06%:                                 mmstar.caltech.edu
   25:       :                                    mop.caltech.edu
   20:       :                                   sola.caltech.edu
   16:       :                          kilauea.submm.caltech.edu
   35:  0.01%:                                  tycho.caltech.edu
  271:  0.07%:                               astro2.cnnet.clu.edu
  119:  0.01%:                           boheme.phys.columbia.edu
   10:       :                                 wsphb.phys.cua.edu
   22:       :                                smaug.astr.cwru.edu
   44:  0.20%:                      d-mhslc-36y-114.fullerton.edu
   32:       :                       gemini-hbf-136.hi.gemini.edu
   55:  0.05%:                     dhcp-205-200.cc.gettysburg.edu
   23:  0.01%:                                   attu.harvard.edu
   23:       :                                   bond.harvard.edu
   17:  0.03%:                                cfampt1.harvard.edu
   47:  0.01%:                                  exile.harvard.edu
   16:       :                                 fd3sed.harvard.edu
  133:  0.01%:                                jayhawk.harvard.edu
   10:       :                                 khumbu.harvard.edu
   54:  0.04%:                                 lagoon.harvard.edu
   20:       :                                macondo.harvard.edu
   71:  0.26%:                           boltzmann.ifa.hawaii.edu
   45:  0.01%:                                 nic.ifa.hawaii.edu
   41:  0.01%:                                   acs7.pha.jhu.edu
   14:       :                            annabel-lee.pha.jhu.edu
   15:  0.01%:                                 llproxy.ll.mit.edu
  185:  0.13%:                                     lowell.mit.edu
  111:  0.22%:                           pcmainimage.muh.musc.edu
   95:  0.24%:                            cache-scs-lv.nevada.edu
  142:  0.01%:                                     nadir.nmsu.edu
   24:       :                               ctiow6.ctio.noao.edu
   30:       :                               s2mass.ctio.noao.edu
   84:  0.03%:                           crystal.sunspot.noao.edu
   33:       :                              mintchip.tuc.noao.edu
   24:  0.01%:                                  hades.cv.nrao.edu
   37:  0.02%:                                 sadira.gb.nrao.edu
   22:  0.01%:                                reber.astro.nwu.edu
   37:  0.02%:                                r9pc4.bobst.nyu.edu
   71:  0.05%:                              osuokc0588.osuokc.edu
   27:  0.05%:                                    g47x4.ouhsc.edu
   22:       :                                ppp178.dial.pdx.edu
   14:       :                                     hydra.rice.edu
   48:  0.01%:                  scr-dorm144-dhcp54.scrippscol.edu
   32:       :                                0018510852.smsu.edu
   17:       :                                  pc-astro.smsu.edu
   33:       :                                temo345-11.smsu.edu
   32:       :                                temp326-00.smsu.edu
   57:  0.04%:                                    amber.stsci.edu
   15:  0.33%:                                   bounty.stsci.edu
   20:       :                                 cruachan.stsci.edu
   38:  0.04%:                             darksky.sogs.stsci.edu
   16:       :                          081-115.dialup.sunysb.edu
  197:  0.15%:                       hven.dupont01.swarthmore.edu
   20:  0.01%:                                   crux.astr.ua.edu
   17:  0.19%:                                   trc3.bus.ucf.edu
   22:  0.01%:                                 boron.uchicago.edu
   14:       :                                   edg.uchicago.edu
   17:       :                                  blazar.ps.uci.edu
   23:  0.04%:                                ucop002016.ucop.edu
   88:  0.04%:                                hydra.astro.ufl.edu
  175:  0.01%:                               osiris.astro.ufl.edu
   23:  0.01%:                    ppp-s127-n141-as3.nerdc.ufl.edu
   25:  0.09%:                                tanner.phys.ufl.edu
   15:       :                                  phobos.pa.uky.edu
   78:  0.01%:                            bonanza.astro.umass.edu
   14:       :                             cannon.astro.umass.edu
   47:  0.02%:                             dorado.astro.umass.edu
   18:       :                             fcrao2.astro.umass.edu
   96:  0.03%:                            messier.astro.umass.edu
  144:  0.20%:                              north.astro.umass.edu
   12:       :                               nova.astro.umass.edu
  223:  0.03%:                             osprey.astro.umass.edu
   22:       :                            pegasus.astro.umass.edu
  211:  0.36%:                          protostar.astro.umass.edu
   26:  0.02%:                            rainbow.astro.umass.edu
   80:  0.01%:                            scruffy.astro.umass.edu
   18:       :                            umbriel.astro.umass.edu
   15:  0.01%:                             wigeon.astro.umass.edu
   69:  0.01%:                       v90-232-248.dialup.umass.edu
   14:       :                          nscs22p4.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                         nscs23p20.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                         nscs24p19.remote.umass.edu
   28:       :                          nscs24p5.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                         nscs27p13.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                         nscs28p18.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                          nscs28p6.remote.umass.edu
   14:       :                          nscs46p3.remote.umass.edu
   15:  0.01%:                              pc236a030.med.unc.edu
   10:  0.01%:                                 store2.asn.unt.edu
   11:  0.30%:                      jevs-computer.v24.uthscsa.edu
   33:  0.30%:                          astsun.astro.virginia.edu
   39:  0.04%:                        pillan.astro.washington.edu
   12:       :                             antares.astro.yale.edu
   71:  0.01%:                              isou54r.vilspa.esa.es
   10:  0.03%:                   208-sevi-x11.libre.retevision.es
   28:  0.01%:                                      escp1.tsai.es
   14:       :                                  astrosg.ft.uam.es
   14:       :                                    pcreb2.am.ub.es
   16:       :                                 dmatrix.fis.ucm.es
   54:       :                                    epix.fis.ucm.es
   22:  0.02%:                          ppp-44-200.worldonline.es
  164:  0.06%:                          ppp-44-224.worldonline.es
  368:  0.09%:                           corona.astro.helsinki.fi
   32:       :                            ester.astro.helsinki.fi
   83:       :                             m500.astro.helsinki.fi
   63:  0.01%:                             maksamakkara.cc.jyu.fi
   14:       :                              dynamic14.isdn.jyu.fi
   14:       :                                    evo.math.jyu.fi
   14:       :                                        nacs.nic.fi
   11:  0.12%:                                   pc088046.oulu.fi
   26:  0.03%:                                 titan.astro.utu.fi
   26:  0.01%:                         dialup3.modem.a2i-micro.fr
   72:  0.38%:                      esrelay001.caissedesdepots.fr
   75:  0.06%:                      esrelay002.caissedesdepots.fr
   78:  0.02%:              ppp-107-249.villette.club-internet.fr
   16:  0.02%:                        e009.paris-17.cybercable.fr
   12:       :                                volta.cybercable.fr
   22:  0.10%:                   marseille-v90-51.pops.easynet.fr
   64:  0.01%:                                    pcunix09.iap.fr
   28:       :                                     pommard.iap.fr
   93:  0.04%:                                     vamos.inria.fr
   14:       :                                          pc.mis.fr
   15:       :                              shama.obs-besancon.fr
   49:  0.03%:                          r120m176.cybercable.tm.fr
   17:  0.02%:                              ufc162.univ-fcomte.fr
   24:  0.01%:                     ca-ol-sqy-16-13.abo.wanadoo.fr
   71:  0.02%:                    marseille-17-162.abo.wanadoo.fr
   43:  0.01%:                       raspail-19-32.abo.wanadoo.fr
   97:  0.04%:                   xmarseille-101-91.abo.wanadoo.fr
   24:       :                  ppp-142.dialup-141.worldonline.fr
   25:  0.09%:                   ppp-79.dialup-144.worldonline.fr
  123:  0.04%:                   ppp-68.dialup-146.worldonline.fr
  140:  0.08%:                                sentinel.nv.doe.gov
   20:       :                                ameyer.arc.nasa.gov
   61:  0.20%:                              colossus.arc.nasa.gov
   14:       :                                 draco.arc.nasa.gov
   16:       :                               bobcat.gsfc.nasa.gov
   72:  0.02%:                             dinsdale.gsfc.nasa.gov
   35:  0.01%:                              echelle.gsfc.nasa.gov
   14:       :                                 kosh.gsfc.nasa.gov
  274:  1.29%:                                   bb5.jpl.nasa.gov
   17:       :                            bbaggettpc.jpl.nasa.gov
   45:  0.01%:                                 cubin.jpl.nasa.gov
   21:  0.03%:                              farzinmh.jpl.nasa.gov
   49:  0.02%:                               foxfire.jpl.nasa.gov
   41:  0.01%:                               hadrian.jpl.nasa.gov
  127:  0.05%:                              jplattpc.jpl.nasa.gov
   22:       :                       k137-78-212-211.jpl.nasa.gov
   15:       :                        k137-78-212-26.jpl.nasa.gov
   21:       :                                  lear.jpl.nasa.gov
   79:  0.19%:                         pc99264161315.jpl.nasa.gov
  102:  0.19%:                            vbaxter-pc.jpl.nasa.gov
   11:  0.01%:                              ncprog3.larc.nasa.gov
   14:       :                                 wt22.larc.nasa.gov
   20:  0.04%:                              seraph2.lerc.nasa.gov
   15:       :                        aries-137.dialin.datanet.hu
   47:  0.01%:                              m114-as103.elender.hu
   78:  0.03%:                             tty-11.nas1.euroweb.hu
   70:  1.59%:                            tty-131.nas1.euroweb.hu
  169:  0.03%:                             tty-85.nas1.euroweb.hu
   28:  0.01%:                             tty-93.nas1.euroweb.hu
   15:       :                                colosus2.iucc.ac.il
   48:       :                                      ns.prl.res.in
   15:       :                              ares.arcetri.astro.it
   34:  0.01%:                              gaia.arcetri.astro.it
   14:       :                            venere.arcetri.astro.it
   13:  0.19%:                                  talia.bo.astro.it
   51:  0.01%:                                merlino.pd.astro.it
   93:  0.03%:                                 mostro.pd.astro.it
   20:       :                                   gaia.to.astro.it
   96:  0.42%:                                    homer.cineca.it
   17:       :                                  willy.pea.enel.it
   77:  0.04%:                              pc-pezzuto.le.infn.it
   16:       :                       ppp-157-248.26-151.libero.it
   80:  0.04%:                       ppp-214-249.26-151.libero.it
   19:       :                                      cibs19.sns.it
   15:  0.01%:                        ppp02-01.dial-access.stm.it
   18:       :                                     a-co4-3.tin.it
   24:  0.02%:                                    a-co6-39.tin.it
   79:  0.02%:                                   a-pd15-23.tin.it
   10:       :                                    a-sa4-62.tin.it
   89:  0.02%:                           romoli.agraria.unitus.it
   25:  0.04%:                                gw5a61-d236.wind.it
   15:       :                      gandhrva.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp
   10:       :                            ispgw011.ritsumei.ac.jp
   29:  0.23%:                          gw1-2.sigma.tosho-u.ac.jp
   10:       :                     netzer.mtk.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
   12:  0.01%:                           ykka6ds72.mie.mesh.ad.jp
   19:  0.01%:                                mac-chami.bug.co.jp
   10:       :                              tyo124.gate.nec.co.jp
   18:  0.01%:                              tyo126.gate.nec.co.jp
   15:       :                              tyo127.gate.nec.co.jp
   12:       :                              tyo128.gate.nec.co.jp
   13:       :                              tyo129.gate.nec.co.jp
   10:  0.19%:                              tyo130.gate.nec.co.jp
   20:  0.01%:                              tyo131.gate.nec.co.jp
   14:       :                                 njrc-p2.njrc.co.jp
   93:  0.04%:                                server7.janis.or.jp
   13:  0.03%:                             c148151.ap.plala.or.jp
   23:       :                             proxyr3.cyberia.net.lb
   43:  0.14%:                                        pel.itpa.lt
   14:       :                               ppp07-0708-047.pt.lu
 1084:  6.26%:                              clotho.edwards.af.mil
   33:       :                                     sn2.plh.af.mil
   10:  0.01%:                                     rchase.arl.mil
  132:  0.11%:                                sdpc36.nrl.navy.mil
   10:       :                               vivaldi.nrl.navy.mil
   20:  0.01%:                  du-148-233-169-213.prodigy.net.mx
   11:  0.01%:                  du-148-233-231-141.prodigy.net.mx
   10:       :              customer-148-223-22-122.uninet.net.mx
   47:  0.03%:                                   cca132.alava.net
   15:       :                         h213-48-44.pd1.albacom.net
   43:  0.02%:             dyn1-tnt7-116.detroit.mi.ameritech.net
  148:  0.05%:                dusdi4-145-253-116-050.arcor-ip.net
   10:       :       5.los-angeles-03-04rs.ca.dial-access.att.net
   93:  0.24%:     229.sacramento-15rs16rt.ca.dial-access.att.net
   64:  0.10%:     188.sanjose-01-02rs16rt.ca.dial-access.att.net
  243:  0.43%:     248.sanjose-01-02rs16rt.ca.dial-access.att.net
  129:  0.08%:      38.sanjose-10-15rs16rt.ca.dial-access.att.net
   32:  0.04%:       7.minneapolis-18-19rs.mn.dial-access.att.net
   14:       :      52.mercerville-26-27rs.nj.dial-access.att.net
   14:       :          213.newark-06-07rs.nj.dial-access.att.net
   14:       :          198.newark-31-32rs.nj.dial-access.att.net
   19:       :        159.new-york-40-45rs.ny.dial-access.att.net
   69:  0.02%:               host-216-78-101-40.asm.bellsouth.net
   32:  0.01%:                         fcs00jax.jax.bellsouth.net
   33:  0.04%:                host-208-60-255-5.mia.bellsouth.net
  238:  1.98%:                                     cache.bora.net
   75:  0.46%:                click-cl4-cache4.ilford.mdip.bt.net
  106:  0.30%:                                 cache.chilesat.net
   12:  0.19%:                              csvr2021.linz.cso.net
  269:  0.09%:                      cvip-mod2-ppp29.csufresno.net
   56:  0.03%:                             tc5-2-11.cyberport.net
   18:  0.01%:            221-133.tnt-1.harrisburg.desupernet.net
  301:  0.86%:                sdn-ar-002varichp173.dialsprint.net
   37:  0.01%:                sdn-ar-006florlap081.dialsprint.net
   12:       :                              darwin84.stk.dowo.net
   15:       :        pool0945.cvx12-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   10:       :        pool0342.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :        pool0657.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   93:  0.04%:        pool0330.cvx19-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :        pool0026.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :        pool0434.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :        pool0560.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   12:       :        pool1034.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :         pool0201.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :         pool0478.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :         pool0043.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :         pool0308.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   16:       :         pool0366.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   18:       :         pool0673.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
  126:  0.03%:                    njc1-02-70.dial.psc.eclipse.net
  104:  0.03%:                 dsl.
   17:       :                  youre.a.h00ker.at.emptyspaces.net
   10:  0.01%:                                      proxy.evc.net
   91:  0.04%:                            dialin-76093.ewetel.net
   66:  0.22%:                    p78.amax2.dialup.hou1.flash.net
   62:  0.35%:                          d83b3917.dsl.flashcom.net
   22:  0.02%:                     63-248-52-73.usa3.flashcom.net
   10:       :                          x2-571.mtl.generation.net
   26:  0.17%:         dialin-194-29-41-78.frankfurt.gigabell.net
   27:  0.02%:        dialin-194-29-42-113.frankfurt.gigabell.net
   51:  0.02%:                         gip-bogota-cache-1.gip.net
  177:  0.18%:              primevoice-router.ded.globalserve.net
   48:  0.46%:               lsanca1-ar4-250-042.biz.dsl.gtei.net
   12:       :                              h237.s99.ts.hinet.net
   17:       :                            h97.s215.ts32.hinet.net
   20:  0.13%:                             acceso-0c.mad.idec.net
   33:  0.02%:                             acceso-50.mad.idec.net
   51:  0.38%:                             acceso-96.mad.idec.net
   14:       :                           webcache-08.p.ps.ifl.net
  140:  0.08%:                                 p43-5.tnt-2.ij.net
   14:       :                   host191.nj-tnt02.interactive.net
   14:       :                     dialupserver6.intermediatn.net
   55:  0.23%:                            client228-50.intrex.net
   16:       :                             master.proxy.ision.net
   10:       :                          bread.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   10:       :                         chilli.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   14:       :                           posh.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   10:       :                    mozzarella.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   32:  0.09%:         dialup-
   22:       :                              kt-np1.hk.linkage.net
  134:  0.16%:                                  nb230.logitek.net
   74:  0.11%:                 el07-24-29-234-140.ce.mediaone.net
   98:  0.01%:                      h004005330e91.ne.mediaone.net
  445:  0.95%:                   we-24-130-54-247.we.mediaone.net
   13:  0.19%:                    we-24-130-68-58.we.mediaone.net
   14:       :                   stgt-3e3620bb.pool.mediaways.net
   13:       :                           pm470-29.dialip.mich.net
   15:       :                                 sv.cache.nlanr.net
   10:  0.01%:                        occ-isdn-c4-184.onecall.net
   44:  0.01%:                        d70-86.mlfdct.optonline.net
   24:       :         adsl-63-194-247-238.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net
   14:       :          adsl-63-199-203-15.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net
   14:       :          adsl-63-206-233-41.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net
   46:  0.05%:             ppp-206-170-218-113.nhwd02.pacbell.net
   38:  0.01%:              ppp-207-104-100-83.sndg02.pacbell.net
   18:       :           adsl-63-198-32-44.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net
  195:  1.89%:          adsl-63-201-35-162.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net
   30:  0.02%:                                 ppp242.peconic.net
   10:  0.15%:                                    host51.pell.net
   15:       :                               arce7.singa.pore.net
   33:  0.03%:                slip-32-101-212-59.ma.us.prserv.net
   31:  0.21%:                slip-32-101-156-21.md.us.prserv.net
   14:       :               slip-32-100-255-195.va.us.prserv.net
   64:  0.01%:                              196-28-48-99.prtc.net
   15:       :                      ip193.dialup.tokyo.jp.psi.net
   11:       :                   ip254.dallas41.tx.pub-ip.psi.net
   51:  0.03%:                               du177096.iro.ptd.net
   22:  0.03%:                           moscow16-a2.rosprint.net
   42:  0.01%:                                 dialup101.serv.net
   81:  0.62%:                        hstna020-0429.splitrock.net
   14:       :                        lsana060-0976.splitrock.net
   62:  0.01%:                         p3e99029c.dip.t-dialin.net
   92:  0.60%:                         p3e990432.dip.t-dialin.net
   84:  0.32%:                         p3e9b9846.dip.t-dialin.net
  118:  0.67%:                         p3e9bbc65.dip.t-dialin.net
   47:  0.03%:                         p3e9bc982.dip.t-dialin.net
   27:       :                         p3e9c06d2.dip.t-dialin.net
  121:  0.83%:                         p3e9c271f.dip.t-dialin.net
   16:  0.02%:                         p3e9d0739.dip.t-dialin.net
   35:       :                         p3e9ed210.dip.t-dialin.net
   17:       :                         p3e9ed308.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                         p3e9ee008.dip.t-dialin.net
   17:  0.02%:                         p3e9ee247.dip.t-dialin.net
   10:       :                         p3ee01078.dip.t-dialin.net
  162:  0.18%:                         p3ee0f34e.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                         pc19f01ae.dip.t-dialin.net
   18:       :                         pc19f1cb1.dip.t-dialin.net
   17:       :                         pc19f7f6b.dip.t-dialin.net
   23:  0.02%:                         pc19f980a.dip.t-dialin.net
   67:  0.02%:                                proxy3.t-online.net
  113:  0.05%:                      clgr003475.hs.telusplanet.net
   14:       :                      asnet01-141.houston.texas.net
   15:       :                      host-96.borgdialin.thebiz.net
   50:  0.12%:                                 75-236.thevine.net
   15:  0.01%:                   dial-44-tnt-03.btvt.together.net
   10:       :                         dialupc192.clsp.uswest.net
   17:  0.02%:                         dialupd141.clsp.uswest.net
   13:  0.01%:                            ydsl105.sttl.uswest.net
  174:  1.01%:                          ydslppp62.sttl.uswest.net
   23:  0.02%:             1cust35.tnt2.san-fernando.ca.da.uu.net
  176:  0.04%:          1cust224.tnt1.san-francisco3.ca.da.uu.net
   97:  0.61%:              1cust136.tnt2.valparaiso.in.da.uu.net
  108:  0.08%:               1cust76.tnt1.greensboro.nc.da.uu.net
   41:  0.04%:             1cust164.tnt1.cincinnati3.oh.da.uu.net
   27:  0.04%:                1cust234.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net
  144:  0.07%:                 1cust146.tnt2.austin2.tx.da.uu.net
   14:       :                1cust125.tnt1.wheeling.wv.da.uu.net
  101:  0.03%:                       1cust134.tnt4.rtm1.nl.uu.net
   85:  0.02%:                                    op188.value.net
   15:       :                                     op83.value.net
  101:  0.03%:     modemcable010.228-200-24.hull.mc.videotron.net
  386:  1.04%:      modemcable123.102-200-24.mtl.mc.videotron.net
   10:       :                     proxy-563.public.rwc.webtv.net
   10:       :                     proxy-612.public.rwc.webtv.net
   10:  0.03%:                     proxy-613.public.rwc.webtv.net
   11:       :                     proxy-616.public.rwc.webtv.net
   11:  0.02%:                     proxy-617.public.rwc.webtv.net
   15:  0.03%:                     proxy-618.public.rwc.webtv.net
  184:  0.07%:                                cgmd80032.chello.nl
   38:  0.01%:                             pc-astro1.astro.uva.nl
   12:       :                      ti34a65-0348.dialup.online.no
   23:  0.02%:                                   proxy.xtra.co.nz
  121:  0.02%:                            cacheflow2.iconz.net.nz
   27:  0.02%:                                amnhhost56.amnh.org
   33:       :                                   sci36.hq.eso.org
   35:  0.01%:                                       c01.naoj.org
   17:       :                                     mouth2.ngs.org
  131:  0.01%:                                ahwahnee.ucllnl.org
   16:  0.01%:                                    secprx01.un.org
   55:  0.02%:                           clmpc06.petex.bielsko.pl
   19:  0.01%:                                   178.ci.uw.edu.pl
   40:  0.04%:                                   183.ci.uw.edu.pl
   11:       :                           pb50.tarnow.sdi.tpnet.pl
   95:  2.30%:                              proxy.world.uevora.pt
   80:  0.07%:                                nucleo1.astro.up.pt
   11:       :                                    asy5csc2.rnc.ro
   34:  0.03%:                                    proxy.urc.ac.ru
  187:  0.26%:                             ppp-66-74-gw.burnet.ru
   32:       :                                        core.sao.ru
  139:  1.65%:                        cache.substantion.surnet.ru
   13:  0.01%:                            cf1-adapter1.isu.net.sa
   16:  0.01%:                            cf2-adapter1.isu.net.sa
  124:  0.05%:                               lab2.oso.chalmers.se
   16:       :                               trud.oso.chalmers.se
   33:  0.15%:                         d212-151-110-52.swipnet.se
   19:  0.01%:                                 proxy2.chula.ac.th
   29:  0.01%:                      dial-in-usr-6617.ttnet.net.tr
   93:  0.01%:                          outflows.astro.ncu.edu.tw
  178:  0.06%:                                  proxy.tyrc.edu.tw
   13:       :                               proxyftp.tyrc.edu.tw
   10:       :                                   rdec.rdec.gov.tw
   30:  0.24%:                                 r56-68.seed.net.tw
   31:  0.01%:                            mraosd.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk
   23:  0.04%:                                icstar7.ph.ic.ac.uk
   66:  0.06%:                                 pallas.ph.ic.ac.uk
   93:  0.03%:                              natsuki.star.le.ac.uk
   24:       :                           sousun3.phys.soton.ac.uk
   12:  0.01%:                            pc195-90.lews.uhi.ac.uk
   15:  0.01%:                               dialup44.ednet.co.uk
  482:  2.27%:                             dennis.aberdeen.net.uk
   18:       :                          out203-95.sdcoe.k12.ca.us
   35:  0.31%:                                dot.icn.state.ia.us
   20:  0.04%:                               hide-107.state.me.us
  253:  0.83%:                       gatekeeper.co.hennepin.mn.us
   56:  0.09%:                               fred.itg.state.mn.us
   79:  0.05%:                            i081110.cpa.state.tx.us
  656:  0.75%:                            dgsgtfo.dgs.state.va.us
   33:  0.01%:                                 netcache2.is.co.za
   49:  0.01%:                 pta-dial-196-31-184-149.mweb.co.za
 3857:  6.60%: [not listed: 1,177 hosts]

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
10919: 22.61%: .com (Commercial)
 1310:  4.52%:   home.com
 1503:  2.47%:   aol.com
  774:  1.97%:   rr.com
  482:  1.83%:   syzygy.com
  219:  1.35%:   chromatic.com
  587:  1.34%:   lmco.com
  121:  0.98%:   olg.com
   96:  0.69%:   infohwy.com
  301:  0.65%:   telia.com
  121:  0.54%:   source.com
 8955: 20.18%: .net (Network)
  903:  2.71%:   t-dialin.net
  376:  2.17%:   pacbell.net
  238:  1.98%:   bora.net
  640:  1.27%:   mediaone.net
  495:  1.07%:   videotron.net
  271:  1.06%:   webtv.net
  242:  1.04%:   uswest.net
  756:  0.95%:   uu.net
  643:  0.90%:   att.net
  339:  0.88%:   dialsprint.net
  106:  0.63%:   splitrock.net
  104:  0.53%:   idec.net
 8266: 19.34%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 1389: 10.66%:   195
  179:  1.77%:   145
  319:  1.44%:   204
  593:  0.66%:   212
  277:  0.56%:   194
 1282:  6.39%: .mil (USA Military)
 1121:  6.27%:   af.mil
 2654:  4.91%: .de (Germany)
  228:  1.86%:   gfai.de
  368:  1.12%:   atm-bb.de
  282:  0.68%:   mpg.de
 5491:  4.56%: .edu (USA Educational)
 1203:  0.71%:   umass.edu
  193:  2.74%: .pt (Portugal)
   99:  2.34%:   uevora.pt
  792:  2.46%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  491:  2.29%:   net.uk
 1341:  2.39%: .gov (USA Government)
 1182:  2.30%:   nasa.gov
 1130:  2.07%: .us (United States)
  309:  0.92%:   mn.us
  656:  0.75%:   va.us
  395:  2.06%: .ru (Russia)
  142:  1.77%:   surnet.ru
  423:  1.76%: .hu (Hungary)
  349:  1.74%:   euroweb.hu
  843:  1.60%: .au (Australia)
  496:  0.98%:   net.au
  350:  1.52%: .at (Austria)
  232:  1.25%:   netwing.at
 1005:  0.91%: .fr (France)
  406:  0.90%: .ca (Canada)
  117:  0.52%:   mun.ca
  843:  0.89%: .it (Italy)
  382:  0.60%: .jp (Japan)
  336:  0.32%: .tw (Taiwan)
  222:  0.29%: .br (Brazil)
  625:  0.26%: .fi (Finland)
  175:  0.20%: .se (Sweden)
  413:  0.16%: .es (Spain)
   43:  0.14%: .lt (Lithuania)
   48:  0.11%: .mx (Mexico)
  112:  0.10%: .ch (Switzerland)
  251:  0.09%: .nl (Netherlands)
  133:  0.08%: .pl (Poland)
  302:  0.07%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
   55:  0.06%: .be (Belgium)
  164:  0.05%: .nz (New Zealand)
  122:  0.05%: .dk (Denmark)
   77:  0.02%: .bw (Botswana)
   86:  0.02%: .za (South Africa)
   29:  0.01%: .sa (Saudi Arabia)
   47:  0.01%: .cz (Czech Republic)
   49:  0.01%: .ar (Argentina)
    5:  0.01%: .pe (Peru)
   19:  0.01%: .th (Thailand)
   12:  0.01%: .my (Malaysia)
   29:  0.01%: .tr (Turkey)
   56:  0.01%: .in (India)
   23:       : .lb (Lebanon)
   13:       : .sg (Singapore)
   12:       : .no (Norway)
    5:       : .nc (New Caledonia (French))
   22:       : .il (Israel)
   14:       : .lu (Luxembourg)
   14:       : .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
   11:       : .ro (Romania)
    6:       : .cl (Chile)
    2:       : .hr (Croatia)
    1:       : .si (Slovenia)
    1:       : .ua (Ukraine)
    2:       : .cy (Cyprus)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
49206:   100%: /2mass/
34857: 97.48%:   /2mass/gallery/
 6112:  1.57%:   /2mass/releases/
 6904:  0.47%:   /2mass/etc/
  285:  0.11%:   /2mass/overview/
  177:  0.08%:   /2mass/data_processing/
   32:  0.08%:   /2mass/publications/
   85:  0.01%:   /2mass/outreach/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 1442:  0.22%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/etc/logos/2mass_sm_wh.gif
 1438:  0.06%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/etc/icons/nav.gif
 1081:  0.27%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gcsm.jpg
  715:  0.16%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/pow.jpg
  663:  0.20%: Jun/19/00 06:39: /2mass/
  587:  0.08%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/powarc.html
  498:       : Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/icons/arrow.gif
  493:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/releases/second/dvdrom.gif
  492:       : Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/icons/new.gif
  490:  0.08%: Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/logos/ipac_emb_xsm.gif
  488:       : Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/icons/bar2.gif
  488:  0.05%: Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/logos/umass_logo.gif
  480:  0.37%: Jun/19/00 05:55: /2mass/gallery/gl570.jpg
  477:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/logos/tinycitlogo.gif
  475:       : Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/logos/jpl_logo.gif
  473:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/etc/logos/nasaball.gif
  439:  0.32%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/carina.jpg
  383:  0.06%: Jun/19/00 06:47: /2mass/gallery/
  330:  0.19%: Jun/19/00 06:18: /2mass/gallery/circinus.jpg
  306:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:47: /2mass/gallery/mthopksm.jpg
  278:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 06:17: /2mass/gallery/pow.html
  264:  0.08%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/m8.jpg
  254:       : Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/eta.gif
  251:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/crab.jpg
  230:       : Jun/19/00 06:06: /2mass/gallery/alpha.gif
  198:  0.34%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/ngc1068.jpg
  195:  0.05%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/m17sm.jpg
  186:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/l1551.jpg
  181:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:44: /2mass/gallery/m13.jpg
  180:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/ic443.jpg
  180:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/n7419.jpg
  176:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/m104.jpg
  167:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/w51.jpg
  167:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/m78.jpg
  167:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/powarc1.html
  166: 14.16%: Jun/19/00 06:28: /2mass/gallery/carinaatlas.jpg
  160:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:44: /2mass/gallery/n891.jpg
  160:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:03: /2mass/gallery/lmc.jpg
  159:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:44: /2mass/gallery/ngc2024.jpg
  158:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/n5247.jpg
  155:  0.10%: Jun/19/00 06:03: /2mass/gallery/monr2sm.jpg
  153:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/uranep2.jpg
  152:  0.05%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/rcw87.jpg
  150:  0.10%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/spr99/afgl5180_2.jpg
  150:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:44: /2mass/gallery/n4214.jpg
  149:  0.38%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/harrington_abell.jpg
  147:  0.05%: Jun/19/00 06:03: /2mass/gallery/k3_50.jpg
  147:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/maf2.jpg
  147:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/m1-67.jpg
  146:  0.09%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/ngc416.jpg
  145:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/iras20050+2720.jpg
  143:  0.05%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc2903.jpg
  143:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/iras20306+4005sm.jpg
  142:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/ngc7331.jpg
  141:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:44: /2mass/gallery/n2346.jpg
  141:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/ngc205sm.jpg
  138:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/m83.jpg
  137:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 06:03: /2mass/gallery/sh254_8.jpg
  137:  0.07%: Jun/19/00 06:03: /2mass/gallery/ngc1097_2.jpg
  136:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/pallas2.jpg
  136:  0.07%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/spr99/sh252.jpg
  135:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/ngc6781.jpg
  135:  0.05%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii1f1sm.jpg
  134:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/ngc6369.jpg
  134:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/ngc253.jpg
  134:  0.25%: Jun/19/00 03:11: /2mass/gallery/m82.jpg
  133:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:08: /2mass/gallery/m51.jpg
  133:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/ngc4945.jpg
  133:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f2sm.gif
  132:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f3sm.gif
  132:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:14: /2mass/gallery/m84.jpg
  132:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:08: /2mass/gallery/m33.jpg
  132:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/cepha.jpg
  132:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:03: /2mass/gallery/gc.jpg
  132:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f8sm.gif
  131:       : Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/sun.gif
  131:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f6sm.gif
  131:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f7sm.gif
  131:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/casa.jpg
  130:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/rcw38.jpg
  130:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/lkha198.jpg
  130:  0.14%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/trumpler27.jpg
  130:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f11sm.gif
  129:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/rcw108.jpg
  129:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:03: /2mass/gallery/fest1-457.jpg
  128:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/30dor.jpg
  128:  0.08%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/eskimo.jpg
  127:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/
  127:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 01:55: /2mass/gallery/orion.jpg
  126:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:14: /2mass/gallery/m66.jpg
  126:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/sigma.gif
  125:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:09: /2mass/gallery/m61.jpg
  124:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:09: /2mass/gallery/m64.jpg
  124:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/ge.gif
  124:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/powarc2.html
  124:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:09: /2mass/gallery/m65.jpg
  123:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/rcw103.jpg
  123:  0.08%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f1sm.jpg
  122:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/le.gif
  122:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/seciv4s13.gif
  122:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/butterfly.jpg
  121:       : Jun/19/00 05:54: /2mass/etc/icons/at_work.gif
  121:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f4sm.gif
  121:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:12: /2mass/gallery/m105.jpg
  120:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:09: /2mass/gallery/m81.jpg
  119:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f3sm.gif
  119:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 05:58: /2mass/gallery/ngc6818.jpg
  118:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f2sm.gif
  118:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f7sm.gif
  117:  0.04%: Jun/19/00 01:56: /2mass/gallery/m20.jpg
  117:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:11: /2mass/gallery/m90.jpg
  117:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:12: /2mass/gallery/m99.jpg
  116:       : Jun/19/00 06:54: /2mass/releases/second/aaa.gif
  116:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:11: /2mass/gallery/m87.jpg
  116:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:11: /2mass/gallery/m94.jpg
  115:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:11: /2mass/gallery/m89.jpg
  115:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/bd_40_4124.jpg
  114:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:11: /2mass/gallery/m88.jpg
  114:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:12: /2mass/gallery/m106.jpg
  114:  0.03%: Jun/19/00 05:56: /2mass/gallery/rafgl5173.jpg
  113:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/v713mon.jpg
  112:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 03:11: /2mass/gallery/m91.jpg
  112:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/ttauri.jpg
  112:  0.02%: Jun/19/00 06:01: /2mass/gallery/ngc3877.jpg
  109:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 05:59: /2mass/gallery/powarc8.html
  109:  0.01%: Jun/19/00 03:05: /2mass/gallery/ring.jpg
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   20:       : Jun/18/00 23:11: /2mass/releases/first/doc/figures/secii3f1sm.gif
 5793: 24.05%: Jun/19/00 06:58: [not listed: 1,008 files]

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
30073: 96.93%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
 5334:  1.43%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
12203:  1.06%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
 1515:  0.37%: [directories]
   19:  0.13%: .ps   [PostScript]
   62:  0.08%: [not listed: 7 extensions]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

       size: #reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0:  4774:       : 
   1b-  10b:     0:       : 
  11b- 100b:  1707:       : 
 101b-  1kb:  1828:  0.01%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 25615:  3.78%: 
 10kb-100kb: 12155:  7.75%: 
100kb-  1Mb:  2609: 28.25%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:   466: 42.83%: 
 10Mb-100Mb:    52: 17.37%: 

This analysis was produced by analog3.11/Unix.
Running time: 11 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

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