(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Successful requests: 54,839
Average successful requests per day: 7,834
Successful requests for pages: 7,052
Average successful requests for pages per day: 1,007
Failed requests: 197
Redirected requests: 171
Distinct files requested: 1,621
Distinct hosts served: 2,225
Unwanted logfile entries: 119,031
Data transferred: 3,457 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 505,869 kbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
#reqs: status code -----: ----------- 48604: 200 OK 534: 206 Partial content 92: 301 Document moved permanently 79: 302 Document found elsewhere 5701: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 27: 401 Authentication required 14: 403 Access forbidden 150: 404 Document not found 6: 408 Request timeout
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Each unit () represents 60 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: #reqs: pages: ---: -----: -----: Sun: 3526: 524:Mon: 4483: 632:
Tue: 5618: 864:
Wed: 19604: 2397:
Thu: 10767: 1112:
Fri: 5749: 776:
Sat: 5092: 747:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Each unit () represents 60 requests for pages, or part thereof.
date: #reqs: pages: ---------: -----: -----: Jul/ 3/00: 2576: 366:Busiest day: Jul/ 5/00 (2,397 requests for pages).Jul/ 4/00: 5618: 864:
Jul/ 5/00: 19604: 2397:
Jul/ 6/00: 10767: 1112:
Jul/ 7/00: 5749: 776:
Jul/ 8/00: 5092: 747:
Jul/ 9/00: 3526: 524:
Jul/10/00: 1907: 266:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Each unit () represents 15 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: #reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 1241: 170:1: 2175: 229:
2: 2017: 327:
3: 1854: 250:
4: 1552: 242:
5: 1875: 297:
6: 3072: 397:
7: 3221: 400:
8: 4618: 558:
9: 2889: 350:
10: 4491: 511:
11: 2581: 320:
12: 2643: 289:
13: 2225: 243:
14: 2560: 303:
15: 2259: 282:
16: 1899: 300:
17: 1499: 195:
18: 1041: 164:
19: 1727: 232:
20: 1952: 246:
21: 2003: 297:
22: 1603: 211:
23: 1842: 239:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing hosts with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.
#reqs: %bytes: host -----: ------: ---- 14: : 20: 0.01%: 17: 0.62%: 24: 0.02%: 14: : 16: 0.01%: 12: : 10: : 17: : 12: : 60: 0.04%: 80: 0.01%: 61: 0.02%: 19: 0.01%: 31: 0.01%: 31: 0.01%: 13: : 129: 0.03%: 40: : 279: 0.79%: 197: 0.11%: 14: : 23: 0.01%: 19: : 14: : 41: 0.32%: 58: 0.02%: 24: 0.01%: 26: 0.01%: 107: 0.02%: 47: : 19: 0.01%: 17: 0.02%: 14: : 16: 0.01%: 84: 0.03%: 82: 0.01%: 254: 0.26%: 77: 0.01%: 134: 0.07%: 18: 0.01%: 14: : 182: 0.22%: 131: 0.26%: 37: 0.11%: 45: 0.13%: 43: 0.10%: 53: 0.05%: 12: 0.18%: 35: 0.02%: 99: 0.05%: 14: : 106: 0.08%: 135: 0.03%: 38: 0.01%: 27: 0.30%: 12: : 14: : 46: 0.04%: 37: 0.02%: 44: 0.02%: 16: 0.01%: 52: 0.04%: 110: 0.04%: 16: : 100: 0.29%: 48: 0.03%: 31: 0.38%: 10: 0.30%: 14: : 14: : 14: : 41: 0.01%: 19: 0.01%: 14: : 36: 0.01%: 107: 0.09%: 14: : 11: : 37: 0.01%: 138: 0.02%: 13: : 115: 0.01%: 20: 0.06%: 19: 0.01%: 34: 0.01%: 39: 0.01%: 40: 0.01%: 16: 0.01%: 40: 0.05%: 13: : 11: : 17: 0.01%: 19: : 34: : 11: 0.29%: 14: : 1590: 5.31%: 43: 0.06%: 34: 0.01%: 12: : 91: 0.02%: 18: : 32: 0.02%: 32: 0.35%: 112: 0.05%: 15: : 20: : 40: : 21: 0.01%: 14: : 49: 0.02%: 70: 0.02%: 15: : 95: 0.02%: 10: : 15: 0.02%: 15: 0.02%: 389: 0.80%: 89: 0.06%: 88: 0.02%: 18: 0.03%: 126: 0.07%: 15: : 25: : 15: : 12: : 32: 0.01%: 181: 0.47%: 24: 0.30%: 12: 0.01%: 181: 0.27%: 25: 0.03%: 28: 0.02%: 20: : 20: 0.58%: 82: 0.07%: 15: : 36: : 41: 0.06%: 57: 0.02%: 17: 0.09%: 161: 0.76%: 10: : 33: 0.03%: 112: 0.04%: 25: 0.01%: 30: 0.02%: 122: 0.37%: 68: 0.01%: 13: : 22: : 115: : 10: : 10: 0.02%: 38: 0.05%: 27: 0.03%: 65: 0.05%: 14: : 10: 0.29%: 14: : 20: 0.01%: crv2ppp-184.uc.infovia.com.ar 23: 0.01%: lilen.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar 11: 0.01%: sunsite.uba.ar 93: 0.03%: pc8-c706.uibk.ac.at 67: 0.04%: afrodite.astro.univie.ac.at 17: 0.02%: atto.astro.univie.ac.at 10: : proxy.tirol.chello.at 39: 0.01%: firew21.mobilkom.at 45: 0.07%: tk212017073050.teleweb.at 12: 0.02%: krypton.woodside.com.au 84: 0.09%: auriga.atnf.csiro.au 117: 0.02%: pisces.atnf.csiro.au 61: 0.09%: cache1.uwn.unsw.edu.au 17: 0.01%: aaocbnu1.aao.gov.au 14: : 037.0104.cns.iprimus.net.au 12: 0.01%: adsl-2736.turboline.skynet.be 78: 0.04%: adsl-5845.turboline.skynet.be 24: 0.01%: proxy.dglnet.com.br 10: : junior.netcon.com.br 29: 0.02%: nutspgw.nutec.com.br 12: : ascta002p143.onda.com.br 37: 0.01%: aslda005p094.onda.com.br 23: : pib0044.prointernet.com.br 41: 0.35%: edglobo.terraempresas.com.br 39: 0.02%: m94.bctel.ca 13: : nvcr01m08-92.bctel.ca 191: 0.09%: hwcgate.hc-sc.gc.ca 122: 0.03%: on-tor-blr-a58-04-1052.look.ca 32: 0.01%: gmq.esd.mun.ca 117: 0.03%: pisces.drao.nrc.ca 21: 0.01%: loki.ibd.nrc.ca 22: 0.02%: sage.bio.ns.ca 13: 0.01%: oscafw.osc.on.ca 24: 0.03%: px1he.ss.wave.shaw.ca 24: 0.08%: px2he.ss.wave.shaw.ca 20: 0.01%: spc-isp-ham-uas-11-80.sprint.ca 32: : crux.stmarys.ca 34: 0.01%: mitchell.stmarys.ca 26: 0.01%: sehv-1-ltq-96.lino.sympatico.ca 63: 0.37%: web-cache.lino.sympatico.ca 16: : ariel.astro.ubc.ca 15: 0.01%: pc82.gnst.ucalgary.ca 23: 0.01%: pc34-209.lib.ucalgary.ca 15: : sucellus.astro.umontreal.ca 33: 0.01%: bat.cita.utoronto.ca 15: 0.32%: proxy2zhb.bluewin.ch 342: 0.20%: zhb139pub141.bluewin.ch 12: 0.02%: zhb139pub70.bluewin.ch 13: 0.01%: asterix.unibe.ch 14: : ns.dfuls.cl 40: 0.27%: cache1.reuna.cl 13: 0.01%: manzur.multi.net.co 19: 0.01%: garm.activeindexing.com 10: 0.01%: firewall.aerotherm.com 14: : sam1.allmerica.com 27: 0.04%: hp3-204-45.bogota.andinet.com 14: : ac8abab7.ipt.aol.com 50: 0.35%: ac8b32ac.ipt.aol.com 17: : ac945133.ipt.aol.com 119: 0.05%: aca404d1.ipt.aol.com 14: : aca52e21.ipt.aol.com 12: : cache-da03.proxy.aol.com 14: : cache-ra03.proxy.aol.com 10: : cache-ra05.proxy.aol.com 11: : cache-rb05.proxy.aol.com 14: 0.02%: cache-rb07.proxy.aol.com 16: 0.01%: cache-rc02.proxy.aol.com 12: 0.01%: cache-rf01.proxy.aol.com 12: : cache-rf03.proxy.aol.com 21: : cache-rg06.proxy.aol.com 14: : cache-rk03.proxy.aol.com 14: : cache-rl07.proxy.aol.com 10: : cache-rl08.proxy.aol.com 11: : cache-rm02.proxy.aol.com 11: : cache-rm03.proxy.aol.com 16: 0.01%: cache-rp01.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.04%: cache-rp02.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.01%: cache-rp03.proxy.aol.com 10: : cache-rp05.proxy.aol.com 10: : cache-rp07.proxy.aol.com 13: 0.01%: cache-rq01.proxy.aol.com 30: : cache-rq06.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.01%: cache-rr04.proxy.aol.com 10: : cache-rr05.proxy.aol.com 43: 0.33%: cache-tok-aa01.proxy.aol.com 42: 0.14%: cache-tok-aa02.proxy.aol.com 39: 0.08%: cache-tok-aa03.proxy.aol.com 44: 0.52%: cache-tok-ab01.proxy.aol.com 29: 0.06%: cache-tok-ab02.proxy.aol.com 40: 0.06%: cache-tok-ab03.proxy.aol.com 65: 0.03%: intgate.argonaut.com 22: 0.02%: naofw4105.arthurandersen.com 18: : webcache1.ball.com 18: 0.01%: pppa2-resaledesmoinesb1-2r7036.saturn.bbn.com 17: 0.02%: pppa89-resaleeugene1-2r7169.saturn.bbn.com 86: 0.03%: firewall.bbrown.com 203: 0.26%: geekport.be.com 34: 0.01%: h-135-104-52-65.research.bell-labs.com 81: 0.13%: blhpgafwa.bellatlantic.com 19: 0.32%: ch5smc.bellglobal.com 15: : ppp1951.on.bellglobal.com 108: 0.04%: blv-proxy-03.boeing.com 37: 0.33%: blv-proxy-04.boeing.com 14: : blv-proxy-06.boeing.com 49: 0.02%: www-proxy.cal.boeing.com 99: 0.05%: slb-proxy-01.boeing.com 67: 0.03%: slb-proxy-02.boeing.com 37: 0.02%: slb-proxy-03.boeing.com 17: : stl-proxy-01.boeing.com 35: 0.02%: stl-proxy-03.boeing.com 49: 0.02%: host212-140-19-247.btinternet.com 213: 0.13%: firewall.callargi.com 15: 0.01%: fwma1.certco.com 16: : dhcp-cps-vlan40-41-163.cisco.com 20: 0.31%: globalb3.citicorp.com 26: 0.01%: pc-nb-cc32.coastalnet.com 83: 0.14%: intergate.cymer.com 88: 0.12%: proxy-2.daimler-benz.com 12: : ip-202-162.phx.dial.dancris.com 16: : attcat.ds-us.com 27: 0.01%: antigone.lvs.dupont.com 23: 0.02%: ws-23111.eicon.com 76: 0.62%: proxy2.ericy.com 97: 0.36%: wp3.ericy.com 202: 0.22%: mulder.f5.com 11: 0.01%: gateway3.gap.com 140: 0.03%: crawler.googlebot.com 14: : proxy1-external.hoover1.al.home.com 20: : cx138667-b.pv1.ca.home.com 89: 0.33%: cx483934-a.pv1.ca.home.com 15: 0.03%: c598183-a.aurora1.co.home.com 31: 0.02%: proxy1-external.elmwd1.la.home.com 67: 0.39%: proxy2-external.elmwd1.la.home.com 142: 0.39%: cc280514-a.owml1.md.home.com 21: 0.04%: cc449450-a.whmh1.md.home.com 420: 2.29%: proxy1-external.msnv1.occa.home.com 613: 5.64%: proxy2-external.msnv1.occa.home.com 685: 3.93%: proxy3-external.msnv1.occa.home.com 39: 0.07%: proxy1-external.ym1.on.home.com 22: 0.02%: proxy2-external.ym1.on.home.com 63: 0.01%: c864976-a.scllg1.pa.home.com 297: 1.60%: cx366546-a.wwck1.ri.home.com 10: 0.01%: cd837588-a.pierre1.sd.home.com 47: 0.05%: proxy2-external.vista1.sdca.home.com 180: 0.51%: proxy3.vista1.sdca.home.com 20: 0.01%: proxy3-external.pinol1.sfba.home.com 14: : c739648-a.plstn1.sfba.home.com 13: 0.13%: c1097687-a.desot1.tx.home.com 27: 0.34%: 35: 0.01%: 20: 0.29%: cdf5w98.cas.honeywell.com 150: 0.03%: az15cnt04.iac.honeywell.com 17: 0.30%: boirel1.hp.com 111: 0.04%: w3gw.hughes.com 43: 0.33%: ip166-225-199.ts7.phx.inficad.com 28: 0.05%: j200.inktomi.com 27: : wm3023.inktomi.com 14: : proxy1.hd.intel.com 16: 0.01%: atropos4.jf.intel.com 75: 0.04%: gateway-1.jhancock.com 34: 0.02%: proxy01.jnj.com 14: 0.01%: proxyf.kodak.com 88: 0.06%: proxy1a.lmco.com 87: 0.04%: proxy1b.lmco.com 91: 0.31%: proxy2b.lmco.com 14: : sag.lmsal.com 206: 0.64%: hoproxy1.proxy.lucent.com 94: 0.48%: hoproxy2.proxy.lucent.com 50: 0.02%: www.lynchmarks.com 18: 0.53%: tide72.microsoft.com 164: 0.17%: user-2ini9ah.dialup.mindspring.com 87: 0.04%: user-37ka04o.dialup.mindspring.com 46: 0.44%: user-38lc79b.dialup.mindspring.com 14: : user-38ld4em.dialup.mindspring.com 126: 0.17%: mccoy.mmm.com 14: 0.03%: wwwgate31.motorola.com 15: : imscache02.netvigator.com 15: 0.01%: tswc8091.netvigator.com 24: 0.01%: daprx02.ext.nokia.com 144: 0.09%: ensgg004.nortelnetworks.com 214: : marvin.northernlight.com 14: : m88-mp1-cvx1b.bre.ntl.com 111: 0.03%: fw.pebio.com 72: 0.05%: socks.picker.com 14: : c21364-001.powersurfr.com 12: : fishkill2-out.putnaminv.com 19: 0.01%: ext-41087.rational.com 25: 0.05%: bos-gate1.raytheon.com 79: 0.04%: 209-122-199-48.s302.tnt4.lnh.md.dialup.rcn.com 15: : hcprx001.rexnord.com 56: 0.03%: external.rsc.rockwell.com 14: : cs2886-19.austin.rr.com 127: 0.40%: mkc-31-225-136.kc.rr.com 305: 1.26%: mkc-94-171-130.kc.rr.com 28: 0.01%: d185d0741.rochester.rr.com 24: : 24-25-206-133.san.rr.com 177: 0.95%: dt0f2n27.tampabay.rr.com 20: 0.01%: gso163-25-023.triad.rr.com 89: 0.39%: ith2-c6b.twcny.rr.com 15: : tacoma-proxy3.russell.com 16: 0.01%: cerberus.s2k.com 388: 1.38%: appleip-gateway.sonic.com 23: 0.01%: cpe-024-221-040-139.phoenix.speedchoice.com 10: : frink.swales.com 157: 0.43%: cdm87-024.sana.tcainternet.com 321: 0.36%: d3o85.telia.com 74: 0.10%: dsl-64-192-144-17.telocity.com 35: 0.01%: 216-203-166-73.ticnet.com 21: : cache02.uskonet.com 18: 0.01%: host.volocom.com 16: 0.01%: gateway1.wachovia.com 10: : p185.as-l001.contactel.cz 12: 0.02%: proxy.contactel.cz 33: 0.02%: c-engine2.ten.cz 44: 0.04%: ppp53.brno.worldonline.cz 17: : h- 74: 0.04%: h- 23: 0.01%: ssc2.aip.de 29: 0.01%: dtm2-t4-2.atm-bb.de 272: 2.18%: ffm2-t3-1.atm-bb.de 10: 0.13%: ffm2-t3-2.atm-bb.de 10: 0.24%: ffm2-t4-2.atm-bb.de 341: 0.24%: kln2-t2-2.atm-bb.de 23: 0.02%: kln2-t3-1.atm-bb.de 39: 0.02%: nbg2-t3-1.atm-bb.de 61: 0.01%: nbg2-t3-2.atm-bb.de 68: 0.45%: proxy4.bmw.de 18: 0.32%: rcsun1.dss.dornier.dasa.de 15: : gate.dornier.dasa.de 93: 0.38%: gatek.vs.dasa.de 14: : leviathan.fh-friedberg.de 67: : isit.isit.fhg.de 15: : bla.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de 12: 0.32%: leo.uni-sw.gwdg.de 68: 0.02%: gate.demhd.isar.de 34: 0.01%: ppc-7.mpa-garching.mpg.de 95: 0.01%: sun15.mpia-hd.mpg.de 34: 0.01%: sun22.mpia-hd.mpg.de 11: 0.29%: sun40.mpia-hd.mpg.de 342: 0.16%: sun7.mpia-hd.mpg.de 13: 0.01%: dial20.rzg.mpg.de 71: 0.10%: dialin114-nt.pg5.frankfurt.nikoma.de 22: 0.03%: dialin38-nt.pg9.frankfurt.nikoma.de 15: : isdn.sae-elektronik.de 20: : server1.software-ag.de 23: 0.01%: p3e9ea091.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 14: : cw06.f1.srv.t-online.de 11: : cw07.f1.srv.t-online.de 11: : cw05.ma1.srv.t-online.de 11: 0.01%: cw06.ma1.srv.t-online.de 17: 0.02%: cw08.ma1.srv.t-online.de 14: : a1as04-p165.bln.tli.de 14: : a1as05-p24.bln.tli.de 14: : a1as06-p226.bln.tli.de 14: : a1as07-p126.bln.tli.de 19: : a1as09-p38.bln.tli.de 241: 0.08%: ceres.tls-tautenburg.de 35: 0.01%: windofix.tls-tautenburg.de 43: 0.01%: rzis3a.rz.tu-bs.de 137: 0.11%: seenix.lrt.mw.tu-muenchen.de 22: 0.30%: hspc62.hs.uni-hamburg.de 68: 0.02%: www-proxy.urz.uni-heidelberg.de 44: 0.03%: eddie.wh.uni-heidelberg.de 108: 0.05%: berk19.oc.uni-koeln.de 15: 0.01%: trex.rrz.uni-koeln.de 16: : strahlenbio3.radklin.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de 34: 0.01%: pec-150-253.tnt7.b2.uunet.de 20: : pec-11-118.tnt1.hh2.uunet.de 37: 0.01%: pec-61-69.tnt1.me.uunet.de 1293: : pm1-77.xnc.de 76: 0.02%: msx-hil-12-27.ppp.cybercity.dk 63: 0.02%: msx-lyn-19-35.ppp.cybercity.dk 21: : dialin-109-067.mobilixnet.dk 84: 0.34%: planetariet02.webpartner.dk 16: 0.01%: ringo.as.arizona.edu 78: 0.02%: zwicky.as.arizona.edu 133: 0.06%: n2mass.sao.arizona.edu 84: 0.04%: chub.bu.edu 31: : apollo.caltech.edu 48: 0.01%: charter-185-143.caltech.edu 64: 0.03%: charter-dhcp-166.caltech.edu 15: : dhcp-151-181.caltech.edu 25: : kokadjo.caltech.edu 24: : mop.caltech.edu 216: 0.09%: leda.palomar.caltech.edu 11: 0.09%: hedgehog.rem.cmu.edu 40: : boheme.phys.columbia.edu 36: 0.01%: compton.phys.columbia.edu 71: 0.06%: giacometti.phys.columbia.edu 25: 0.01%: bourbon.tn.cornell.edu 97: 0.04%: isc2.tn.cornell.edu 344: 0.19%: smaug.astr.cwru.edu 83: 0.02%: cfara1.harvard.edu 37: 0.01%: draupadi.harvard.edu 14: : eliot.harvard.edu 114: 0.04%: exile.harvard.edu 663: 1.36%: fd3sed.harvard.edu 66: 0.01%: jayhawk.harvard.edu 528: 0.29%: leavitt.harvard.edu 15: 0.01%: ws70003.med.harvard.edu 16: 0.01%: mieza.harvard.edu 60: 0.07%: monoceros.harvard.edu 25: : superfly.harvard.edu 14: : rust.ifa.hawaii.edu 119: 0.14%: ulirg.ifa.hawaii.edu 18: 0.30%: mahealani.otted.hawaii.edu 17: 0.01%: quigon.pha.jhu.edu 127: 0.07%: vulpecula.pha.jhu.edu 27: 0.10%: llproxy.ll.mit.edu 16: 0.01%: physpc25.phy.mtu.edu 25: : ctiovb.ctio.noao.edu 65: 0.15%: pecan.kpno.noao.edu 15: 0.01%: khairy.tuc.noao.edu 990: 0.67%: w114.tuc.noao.edu 147: 0.23%: serrano.aoc.nrao.edu 14: : phy-dhcp-98-167.mps.ohio-state.edu 57: 0.01%: helios.phy.ohiou.edu 650: 0.12%: herschel.phy.ohiou.edu 144: 0.07%: dhcp7-96.ecn.ou.edu 24: : ra.phyast.pitt.edu 127: 0.40%: dyn-228-160.sdsu.edu 10: : ev-99-qui12b.stanford.edu 19: 0.03%: eifo1.ucsf.edu 21: : osiris.astro.ufl.edu 64: 0.02%: dial0-171.dialin.uic.edu 73: 0.01%: bonanza.astro.umass.edu 60: 0.01%: cannon.astro.umass.edu 12: : dorado.astro.umass.edu 16: : fermat.astro.umass.edu 62: 0.06%: north.astro.umass.edu 54: : nova.astro.umass.edu 82: 0.01%: rainbow.astro.umass.edu 18: : umbriel.astro.umass.edu 15: : ara.astro.umd.edu 24: : sdsspc3.physics.lsa.umich.edu 16: 0.01%: alethea.astro.umn.edu 16: 0.01%: kinnehora.astro.umn.edu 17: 0.29%: spc97.lib.upenn.edu 40: 0.01%: morales.physics.upenn.edu 26: 0.01%: higgspc.physics.utah.edu 14: : ns.eenet.ee 24: : isou48r.vilspa.esa.es 26: 0.02%: gencat.es 14: : lpss32.ing-slo.iac.es 39: 0.01%: lpss42.ing-slo.iac.es 47: 0.01%: shiva7.ing-slo.iac.es 10: : scorpio.roque.ing.iac.es 160: 0.03%: afro.oan.es 32: 0.01%: user227.modemdecable.ono.es 15: : 156-barc-x44.libre.retevision.es 30: 0.01%: 84-leon-x13.libre.retevision.es 39: 0.31%: cliente-213227010017.cm128.grnpa.supercable.es 34: 0.01%: escp1.tsai.es 443: 0.12%: usuario3-37-18-209.dialup.uni2.es 10: : usuario3-37-19-67.dialup.uni2.es 16: : usuario3-37-29-27.dialup.uni2.es 14: : dynamic25.isdn.jyu.fi 30: 0.02%: dynamic28.isdn.jyu.fi 14: : free-1-32.dyn.nic.fi 35: 0.03%: nics.nic.fi 129: 0.24%: rosetta.saclay.cea.fr 19: 0.01%: ppp-173-184.villette.club-internet.fr 190: 0.92%: e009.dhcp212-17.cybercable.fr 124: 0.02%: volta.cybercable.fr 10: : du-208-81.paris.dialup.freesurf.fr 33: 0.07%: proxy2v.grolier.fr 67: 0.01%: hautbrion.iap.fr 14: : pcunix09.iap.fr 59: 0.02%: pcunix21.iap.fr 102: 0.03%: dyn-213-36-66-165.ppp.libertysurf.fr 19: 0.01%: ppp180-besancon.libertysurf.fr 114: 0.05%: garfield.ast.obs-mip.fr 39: 0.01%: pcdavoust.ast.obs-mip.fr 132: 0.26%: courry.obspm.fr 14: : mesiow.obspm.fr 35: 0.01%: tenneck.obspm.fr 174: 0.02%: r120m176.cybercable.tm.fr 101: 0.01%: alose.observ.u-bordeaux.fr 53: 0.10%: www.ias.u-psud.fr 70: 0.02%: mix-rennes201-1-167.abo.wanadoo.fr 41: 0.04%: cck.aps1.anl.gov 14: : sentinel.nv.doe.gov 16: 0.01%: ocswall01.fda.gov 89: 0.02%: fsui02.fnal.gov 16: 0.01%: robey.llnl.gov 14: : draco.arc.nasa.gov 16: 0.01%: hakuin.arc.nasa.gov 33: 0.01%: ssa1.arc.nasa.gov 49: 0.32%: cobe6.gsfc.nasa.gov 19: 0.01%: galu.gsfc.nasa.gov 21: : marcy.gsfc.nasa.gov 15: : jlintott.astrophysics.hq.nasa.gov 18: 0.30%: choffman.hst.nasa.gov 32: 0.05%: avso-grafx2.jpl.nasa.gov 15: : kolvir.jpl.nasa.gov 134: 0.26%: pkulkarni.jpl.nasa.gov 14: : dwineman.larc.nasa.gov 151: 0.92%: seraph2.lerc.nasa.gov 15: 0.01%: eb14csx.ies.msfc.nasa.gov 18: 0.01%: muse2.msfc.nasa.gov 14: : ssc1911472.ssc.nasa.gov 24: 0.30%: grover.cit.nih.gov 26: 0.01%: bayley.nwr.noaa.gov 20: : m113-as101.elender.hu 105: 0.12%: m115-as104.elender.hu 27: 0.34%: tty-76.nas1.euroweb.hu 19: 0.01%: tty-97.nas1.euroweb.hu 39: 0.09%: jumper.itb.hu 14: : a-14-101.cust.iol.ie 23: 0.01%: ras3-p15.hrz.netvision.net.il 67: : bison.tifr.res.in 49: 0.05%: talia.bo.astro.it 63: 0.11%: abacab.mporzio.astro.it 113: 0.01%: merlino.pd.astro.it 39: 0.05%: matrix.to.astro.it 38: 0.01%: spagna.to.astro.it 13: : isdn14-mo.datas.it 11: 0.44%: willy.pea.enel.it 22: 0.06%: h213-3-92.mi.infinito.it 48: 0.05%: ppp-112-187-fi01u-dada6.iunet.it 10: : ppp02-19.dial-access.stm.it 14: : a-ce6-50.tin.it 14: : a-co4-4.tin.it 29: 0.01%: a-mi58-62.tin.it 192: 0.55%: gw2a61-1-d213.wind.it 19: : cougar.astro.isas.ac.jp 152: 0.04%: dhcp8.z.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp 24: 0.01%: echelle.mtk.nao.ac.jp 141: 0.08%: wise81.mn.waseda.ac.jp 31: 0.02%: cykka1ds73.mie.mesh.ad.jp 31: 0.01%: mac-chami.bug.co.jp 14: : proxy1.yrp.nttdocomo.co.jp 122: 0.06%: otw3-11.biwa.ne.jp 13: : ykic0547.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp 20: 0.01%: 203-141-109-197.ip.xaxon.ne.jp 16: 0.01%: cse39-1.tokyo.mbn.or.jp 48: 0.01%: pel.itpa.lt 36: : sn2.plh.af.mil 112: 0.04%: px0o.wpafb.af.mil 24: 0.11%: rchase.arl.mil 34: 0.02%: bfce.heidelberg.army.mil 55: 0.33%: beatrix.usno.navy.mil 14: : ppp1-42.mol.com.mk 96: 1.48%: customer-gdl-193-135.megared.net.mx 25: 0.02%: customer-tep-216-17.megared.net.mx 10: 0.01%: du-148-233-176-73.prodigy.net.mx 15: 0.01%: du-148-233-214-34.prodigy.net.mx 10: : du-148-233-75-83.prodigy.net.mx 23: 0.02%: du-148-233-96-229.prodigy.net.mx 36: 0.03%: du-148-235-240-137.prodigy.net.mx 18: 0.01%: brf-cache11.jaring.my 63: 0.06%: ptl-cache6.jaring.my 14: : surf15-252.bur.adelphia.net 37: 0.02%: 174-pool1.ras10.midea.agisdial.net 16: : cvx01-089.gst.aloha.net 67: 0.03%: test-scooter.pa.alta-vista.net 25: : 164.phoenix-15-20rs.az.dial-access.att.net 93: 0.14%: 66.dallas-09rh15rt-tx.dial-access.att.net 33: 0.02%: 116.louisville-08-09rs.ky.dial-access.att.net 14: : 250.mercerville-16-17rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 29: 0.01%: 184.newark-11-12rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 14: : 26.newark-23-24rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 10: : 205-219-66-64.bayarea.net 29: 0.01%: 00-48-54-6b-d7-cf.bconnected.net 17: : host-73a-27.dial.beeb.net 13: 0.03%: adsl-151-201-22-160.bellatlantic.net 27: : fcs03mia.mia.bellsouth.net 16: : msn-12-27.dial.binc.net 18: 0.01%: cache-bas.cableinet.net 57: 0.04%: cache.chilesat.net 14: : globeid-66.26.rev.fr.colt.net 21: 0.04%: ts023d28.det-mi.concentric.net 41: 0.31%: dsl-reiter.conxion.net 11: 0.03%: csvr2022.linz.cso.net 14: : spp-068068.cho.cstone.net 182: 0.04%: cvip-5800-2-ppp55.csufresno.net 67: 0.02%: ce3.macau.ctm.net 127: 0.12%: usr11-dialup57.mix2.boston.cw.net 127: 0.04%: usr13-dialup45.mix1.willowsprings.cw.net 14: : sdn-ar-003nccharp256.dialsprint.net 10: : sdn-ar-008casfrmp106.dialsprint.net 14: : pool0266.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 14: : pool0706.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 16: 0.01%: pool0169.cvx26-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 14: : pool0270.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 14: : pool0624.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 26: 0.01%: pool0685.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 32: 0.01%: pool0724.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 14: : pool0216.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 14: : pool0329.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 14: : pool0016.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 15: : pool0076.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 19: 0.01%: pool0638.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 14: : pool0925.cvx6-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net 12: : cbl-ipac-a.hs.earthlink.net 11: 0.01%: 11: : 3ff89116.dsl.flashcom.net 14: : d821bce1.dsl.flashcom.net 65: 0.03%: tsftl2-366.gate.net 95: 0.64%: gip-copenhagen-cache-1.gip.net 29: 0.02%: epcm-1.ded.globalserve.net 18: 0.59%: lsanca1-ar4-225-139.elnk.dsl.gtei.net 15: 0.01%: lsanca1-ar2-083-134.dsl.gtei.net 21: 0.01%: h52.s212.ts32.hinet.net 39: 0.02%: ip-brm-53.hurricane.net 35: 0.01%: slip139-92-235-179.ams.nl.ibm.net 23: 0.04%: acceso-ac.mad.idec.net 11: 0.01%: ppp-21.ts-2-bay.nyc.idt.net 13: 0.07%: ttyd1a.ott.igs.net 249: 0.11%: p41-21.tnt-1.ij.net 13: 0.01%: ip209-183-86-110.ts.indy.net 29: 0.01%: dialup-63-courthouse.inna.net 92: 0.03%: 209-209-19-178.oak.inreach.net 14: : host037.nj-tnt02.interactive.net 14: : host230.nj-tnt02.interactive.net 14: : dialupserver6.intermediatn.net 14: 0.01%: master.proxy.ision.net 16: 0.29%: bellona.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 16: : bread.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 56: 0.05%: curtius.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 12: 0.01%: evander.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 21: 0.02%: febris.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 24: 0.02%: mustard.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 18: 0.01%: paprika.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 30: 0.02%: porus.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 21: : posh.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 19: 0.01%: virtus.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net 20: : anchovy.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 16: : basil.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 14: : fides.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 19: : ham.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 30: : mozzarella.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 13: : olive.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 10: : pineapple.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 32: : tomato.ulcc.wwwcache.ja.net 67: 0.02%: ppp-usr-isa-090.jonction.net 14: : dialup- 15: 0.01%: dialup- 12: : dialup- 40: : chpxy01-chrtr01.ne.mediaone.net 28: 0.05%: chpxy02-chrtr02.ne.mediaone.net 147: 0.02%: h004005330e91.ne.mediaone.net 82: 0.05%: h0040d00bd850.ne.mediaone.net 18: 0.01%: h00609775e521.ne.mediaone.net 46: 0.48%: h00c0a834376c.ne.mediaone.net 16: : moria.ne.mediaone.net 34: 0.04%: yuanchunhsd.ne.mediaone.net 350: 0.95%: we-24-130-54-247.we.mediaone.net 60: 0.02%: dom5-246.menta.net 257: 0.75%: cdsl250.boi.micron.net 16: : cu3-046.molalla.net 13: 0.32%: surf01-24-2.naplesfl.net 18: 0.01%: netcache-1.opaltelecom.net 361: 0.51%: adsl-63-206-195-81.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net 50: 0.09%: pppv-64-5-6-143.florence.pciwest.net 18: : host70.pell.net 208: 0.08%: unknown-239-168.pilot.net 16: 0.02%: 05-053.050.popsite.net 17: : node-cffba9ab.powerinter.net 14: : host29-55.prestige.net 14: : slip-32-100-149-117.wa.us.prserv.net 123: 0.06%: slip-32-101-23-252.wa.us.prserv.net 55: 0.05%: ip41.montreal16.dialup.canada.psi.net 15: 0.01%: ip30.los-angeles29.ca.pub-ip.psi.net 10: : ip26.louisville15.ky.pub-ip.psi.net 15: : ip97.cambridge1.ma.pub-ip.psi.net 14: : ip179.white-plains10.ny.pub-ip.psi.net 63: 0.17%: sfr-ca3a-33.rasserver.net 33: 0.02%: cache-2.sbo.ma.webcache.rcn.net 57: 0.02%: cache-2.lnh.md.webcache.rcn.net 85: 0.05%: ppp-246.tnt-1.hou.smartworld.net 66: 0.03%: sttn-sh5-port78.snet.net 138: 0.04%: ppp-208-171-194-113.10.softcom.net 92: 0.52%: d33.pm15.sonic.net 96: 0.24%: d33.pm8.sonic.net 62: 0.03%: dll2a020-0127.splitrock.net 50: 0.02%: minna030-0093.splitrock.net 15: : tc08-112.strato.net 15: 0.01%: p3e9c1416.dip.t-dialin.net 11: 0.29%: pc19f6c21.dip.t-dialin.net 34: 0.01%: pc19f9b2b.dip.t-dialin.net 23: 0.01%: pd4b9d5c5.dip.t-dialin.net 46: 0.02%: pd4b9d945.dip.t-dialin.net 39: 0.01%: proxy3.t-online.net 77: 0.30%: cust-mail.bc.tac.net 17: : edtn006928.hs.telusplanet.net 20: 0.01%: tcnet08-32.austin.texas.net 22: 0.01%: nc-1.mid1.tm.net 44: 0.04%: dialc86.bois.uswest.net 10: 0.02%: dialupg215.clsp.uswest.net 20: 0.01%: dslpppd179.dnvr.uswest.net 24: : 1cust170.tnt1.san-francisco3.ca.da.uu.net 104: 0.30%: 1cust181.tnt1.san-francisco3.ca.da.uu.net 15: 0.09%: 1cust6.tnt1.san-francisco3.ca.da.uu.net 122: 0.05%: 2cust171.tnt1.san-francisco3.ca.da.uu.net 73: 0.12%: 1cust203.tnt5.san-francisco3.ca.da.uu.net 114: 0.12%: 1cust86.tnt5.san-francisco3.ca.da.uu.net 60: 0.02%: 1cust114.tnt19.dfw5.da.uu.net 19: 0.01%: 1cust239.tnt5.boise.id.da.uu.net 25: : 1cust152.tnt2.jasper.in.da.uu.net 103: 0.03%: 1cust108.tnt3.mel1.da.uu.net 13: : 1cust100.tnt2.freehold.nj.da.uu.net 19: 0.05%: 1cust45.tnt3.rome-utica.ny.da.uu.net 17: : 2cust98.tnt5.montreal.qb.da.uu.net 60: 0.42%: 1cust144.tnt2.austin2.tx.da.uu.net 15: : 1cust31.tnt3.austin2.tx.da.uu.net 59: 0.02%: 1cust166.tnt2.denton.tx.da.uu.net 456: 0.38%: 1cust21.tnt1.rtm1.nl.uu.net 15: 0.01%: modemcable138.108-201-24.mtl.mc.videotron.net 83: 0.02%: modemcable053.39-200-24.mtl.mc.videotron.net 10: : p12-jacana-gui.tch.virgin.net 15: : hil-qbu-ppz-vty88.as.wcom.net 71: 0.19%: par-qbu-gpb-vty69.as.wcom.net 100: 0.03%: quincy-ip-7-131.dynamic.ziplink.net 31: 0.41%: orthos.zks.net 14: : cacheserver.ibw.com.ni 14: : node12c73.a2000.nl 17: 0.30%: pm17d211.iae.nl 16: : pm17d360.iae.nl 17: 0.01%: gaasp.strw.leidenuniv.nl 19: 0.05%: dummy2.minvenw.nl 34: 0.01%: juw17.nfra.nl 16: : anaximander.astro.rug.nl 14: 0.30%: poseidon.sron.rug.nl 39: 0.14%: ruung8.phys.uu.nl 15: 0.01%: ruungc.phys.uu.nl 18: 0.01%: helios.astro.uva.nl 22: : ipc379ba5c.dial.wxs.nl 13: : ipc379d80c.dial.wxs.nl 146: 0.09%: firewall.hlk.no 78: 0.54%: ipnak1-c8.xtra.co.nz 18: : wf252.aero.org 22: : usrh-5-21.hip.cam.org 20: : opus1.hq.eso.org 71: 0.09%: sci35.hq.eso.org 16: : sci36.hq.eso.org 20: : st18.hq.eso.org 15: : eagle-rock.lapl.org 429: 0.59%: c01.naoj.org 75: 0.02%: dhcp240-91.dev.oclc.org 64: 0.06%: tc1-48.sdc.org 23: 0.01%: triage.unihealth.org 153: 0.46%: gate1.wadsworth.org 14: : lynx.ncac.torun.pl 24: 0.01%: pa186.jeleniag.ppp.tpnet.pl 31: 0.02%: pc179.krakow.ppp.tpnet.pl 16: : pa26.nowysacz.sdi.tpnet.pl 104: 0.01%: orion.cst.tpsa.pl 109: 0.09%: psyche.cst.tpsa.pl 14: : 195-23-156-61.nr.ip.pt 208: 0.11%: 195-23-164-179.nr.ip.pt 23: : p086-254.netc.pt 29: 0.01%: coi1-ppps49.nortenet.pt 118: 0.08%: gw.multinet.ro 19: 0.02%: proxy.urc.ac.ru 28: 0.02%: ppp-66-77-gw.burnet.ru 17: : ns.parkline.ru 14: : bavur.oso.chalmers.se 146: 0.05%: taz.astro.su.se 16: : palo13.pacific.net.sg 15: : wwwcache.ulak.net.tr 74: 0.02%: pp3.proxy.hgc.com.tw 197: 0.04%: proxyftp.tyrc.edu.tw 57: 0.02%: lnx7.sr.bham.ac.uk 105: 0.02%: cass50.ast.cam.ac.uk 18: : cass67.ast.cam.ac.uk 19: : line2.slip.csx.cam.ac.uk 135: 0.10%: natsuki.star.le.ac.uk 18: 0.01%: pjrpc.bnsc.rl.ac.uk 10: : cube.roe.ac.uk 477: 0.11%: bluebell.csv.warwick.ac.uk 43: 0.02%: iclgatea.iclnet.co.uk 16: : webcachehp1a.cache.pol.co.uk 10: 0.01%: webcachehp2a.cache.pol.co.uk 14: 0.01%: webcachehp6a.cache.pol.co.uk 13: 0.02%: dennis.aberdeen.net.uk 34: 0.01%: hide209.nhs.uk 248: 0.74%: bessproxy.lbusd.k12.ca.us 199: 0.69%: dns166.idns.state.il.us 78: 0.25%: fred.itg.state.mn.us 109: 0.03%: sclsnet-pri-35-ppp.suffolk.lib.ny.us 10: 0.01%: npopub11.multnomah.lib.or.us 132: 0.63%: proxy.ndf.mweb.co.za 10: : vtex263133-185.telco.co.zw 4779: 13.31%: [not listed: 1,380 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain -----: ------: ------ 11755: 34.39%: .com (Commercial) 3001: 16.25%: home.com 804: 3.03%: rr.com 1501: 2.50%: aol.com 388: 1.38%: sonic.com 302: 1.12%: lucent.com 173: 0.98%: ericy.com 339: 0.67%: mindspring.com 18: 0.53%: microsoft.com 476: 0.52%: boeing.com 10148: 18.40%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 1665: 5.67%: 204 1300: 3.48%: 212 551: 1.18%: 195 688: 1.17%: 193 327: 1.09%: 134 784: 1.00%: 210 335: 0.77%: 216 41: 0.64%: 38 8400: 14.24%: .net (Network) 776: 1.93%: mediaone.net 1347: 1.90%: uu.net 196: 0.78%: sonic.net 262: 0.75%: micron.net 130: 0.67%: uswest.net 95: 0.64%: gip.net 429: 0.62%: pacbell.net 47: 0.60%: gtei.net 20: 0.59%: cmc.net 4409: 6.63%: .de (Germany) 791: 3.02%: atm-bb.de 126: 0.71%: dasa.de 6572: 6.02%: .edu (USA Educational) 1632: 1.82%: harvard.edu 1105: 0.84%: noao.edu 869: 2.33%: .gov (USA Government) 606: 1.90%: nasa.gov 668: 2.02%: .us (United States) 248: 0.74%: ca.us 199: 0.69%: il.us 1581: 1.79%: .fr (France) 314: 0.93%: cybercable.fr 965: 1.68%: .ca (Canada) 50: 0.59%: ucalgary.ca 238: 1.63%: .mx (Mexico) 238: 1.63%: net.mx 714: 1.39%: .it (Italy) 192: 0.55%: wind.it 953: 1.25%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 429: 0.59%: naoj.org 313: 0.88%: .nl (Netherlands) 315: 0.83%: .mil (USA Military) 138: 0.63%: .za (South Africa) 138: 0.63%: co.za 215: 0.56%: .hu (Hungary) 391: 0.55%: .ch (Switzerland) 369: 0.54%: bluewin.ch 959: 0.55%: .es (Spain) 97: 0.54%: .nz (New Zealand) 89: 0.54%: co.nz 325: 0.46%: .pl (Poland) 1072: 0.40%: .uk (United Kingdom) 249: 0.40%: .br (Brazil) 259: 0.40%: .dk (Denmark) 658: 0.35%: .jp (Japan) 56: 0.28%: .cl (Chile) 367: 0.24%: .au (Australia) 287: 0.18%: .tw (Taiwan) 286: 0.18%: .at (Austria) 293: 0.13%: .pt (Portugal) 146: 0.09%: .no (Norway) 100: 0.08%: .cz (Czech Republic) 118: 0.08%: .ro (Romania) 114: 0.07%: .be (Belgium) 88: 0.07%: .my (Malaysia) 93: 0.05%: .fi (Finland) 68: 0.05%: .ru (Russia) 165: 0.05%: .se (Sweden) 62: 0.02%: .ar (Argentina) 34: 0.01%: .sg (Singapore) 26: 0.01%: .il (Israel) 48: 0.01%: .lt (Lithuania) 15: 0.01%: .co (Colombia) 71: 0.01%: .in (India) 14: : .ee (Estonia) 5: : .kr (South Korea) 5: : .sk (Slovak Republic) 14: : .ni (Nicaragua) 14: : .mk (Macedonia) 15: : .ie (Ireland) 11: : .ph (Philippines) 15: : .tr (Turkey) 10: : .is (Iceland) 10: : .zw (Zimbabwe) 7: : .ua (Ukraine) 4: : .cy (Cyprus) 5: : .cx (Christmas Island) 5: : .hr (Croatia) 2: : .uy (Uruguay) 2: : .gr (Greece) 1: : .th (Thailand)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: directory -----: ------: --------- 54839: 100%: /2mass/ 39074: 97.49%: /2mass/gallery/ 5859: 1.35%: /2mass/releases/ 8416: 0.59%: /2mass/etc/ 59: 0.14%: /2mass/publications/ 299: 0.11%: /2mass/overview/ 118: 0.08%: /2mass/data_processing/
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 1707: 0.24%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/logos/2mass_sm_wh.gif 1686: 0.06%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/icons/nav.gif 1620: 0.42%: Jul/10/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gcsm.jpg 1126: 0.21%: Jul/10/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/pow.jpg 763: 0.22%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/ 664: 1.49%: Jul/10/00 05:04: /2mass/gallery/chamirneb.jpg 633: 0.10%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gc.html 593: 0.09%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/logos/ipac_emb_xsm.gif 591: : Jul/10/00 02:01: /2mass/gallery/sigma2.gif 588: : Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/icons/new.gif 587: : Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/icons/arrow.gif 586: : Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/icons/bar2.gif 584: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/releases/second/dvdrom.gif 583: 0.06%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/logos/umass_logo.gif 576: : Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/logos/jpl_logo.gif 576: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/logos/nasaball.gif 576: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/etc/logos/tinycitlogo.gif 455: 0.07%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/ 441: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 06:59: /2mass/gallery/pow.html 400: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 05:36: /2mass/gallery/mthopksm.jpg 318: 0.26%: Jul/10/00 06:53: /2mass/gallery/dumbbell.jpg 281: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:23: /2mass/gallery/n7419.jpg 270: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m15.jpg 267: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/ring.jpg 253: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:04: /2mass/gallery/powarc.html 237: 0.07%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/m8.jpg 205: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/crab.jpg 205: 0.34%: Jul/10/00 05:06: /2mass/gallery/ngc1068.jpg 194: 28.10%: Jul/10/00 00:14: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gcatlas.jpg 193: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 02:10: /2mass/gallery/westerlund1.jpg 191: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/m17sm.jpg 177: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m104.jpg 176: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/m78.jpg 176: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m13.jpg 174: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m33.jpg 174: : Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/alpha.gif 165: 0.29%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/m82.jpg 164: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m51.jpg 162: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m64.jpg 162: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/lmc.jpg 162: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 02:11: /2mass/gallery/ngc205sm.jpg 162: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m65.jpg 160: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/ 159: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m66.jpg 158: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/n891.jpg 157: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m81.jpg 157: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m61.jpg 156: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 05:05: /2mass/gallery/ngc253.jpg 155: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/maf2.jpg 151: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m84.jpg 149: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/m20.jpg 149: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m88.jpg 148: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:07: /2mass/gallery/n5247.jpg 147: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f6sm.gif 147: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/m83.jpg 147: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii1f1sm.jpg 147: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/orion.jpg 146: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f3sm.gif 145: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f8sm.gif 145: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/sigma.gif 145: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f2sm.gif 144: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f7sm.gif 144: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/seciv4s13.gif 144: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m90.jpg 143: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 02:13: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc2903.jpg 143: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/n4214.jpg 143: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f11sm.gif 143: 0.09%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f1sm.jpg 142: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/le.gif 142: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m87.jpg 141: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m89.jpg 141: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/ge.gif 141: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m91.jpg 141: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/w51.jpg 141: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/ngc2024.jpg 141: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 02:11: /2mass/gallery/ngc7331.jpg 141: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/iras20306+4005sm.jpg 140: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m99.jpg 140: 0.06%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/ngc1097_2.jpg 139: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f2sm.gif 139: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:30: /2mass/gallery/ic443.jpg 138: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f3sm.gif 138: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f4sm.gif 138: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m94.jpg 138: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f7sm.gif 138: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m106.jpg 138: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m98.jpg 137: 0.08%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/monr2sm.jpg 137: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m108.jpg 137: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/m105.jpg 136: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/ngc4945.jpg 135: : Jul/10/00 06:31: /2mass/releases/second/aaa.gif 133: 0.08%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/spr99/afgl5180_2.jpg 133: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/k3_50.jpg 130: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m6.jpg 129: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m3.jpg 129: 0.06%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/spr99/sh252.jpg 129: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/sh254_8.jpg 127: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/cepha.jpg 127: : Jul/10/00 06:48: /2mass/etc/icons/at_work.gif 126: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/rcw38.jpg 126: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 02:11: /2mass/gallery/harrington_abell.jpg 125: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/l1551.jpg 124: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m14.jpg 123: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 04:01: /2mass/gallery/uranep2.jpg 122: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/rcw108.jpg 122: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m2.jpg 122: 0.02%: Jul/ 9/00 22:12: /2mass/gallery/pallas2.jpg 122: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m29.jpg 121: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/rcw87.jpg 120: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m10.jpg 120: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m23.jpg 120: 0.10%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/images_galaxies.html 119: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m12.jpg 119: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:23: /2mass/gallery/m7.jpg 119: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m4.jpg 118: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/n2346.jpg 117: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/ngc6369.jpg 117: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m37.jpg 117: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/30dor.jpg 116: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/iras20050+2720.jpg 115: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m9.jpg 114: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m28.jpg 114: 0.07%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/eskimo.jpg 114: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m19.jpg 114: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m22.jpg 114: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/maf1.jpg 114: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/ngc6818.jpg 113: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/ngc6781.jpg 112: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m46.jpg 110: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:30: /2mass/gallery/ngc3877.jpg 110: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m38.jpg 110: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:23: /2mass/gallery/pleiades.jpg 110: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:30: /2mass/gallery/n49.jpg 110: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m54.jpg 109: : Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/sun.gif 109: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m30.jpg 109: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 05:07: /2mass/gallery/m1-67.jpg 109: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/butterfly.jpg 108: 0.07%: Jul/10/00 06:25: /2mass/gallery/ngc416.jpg 108: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/praesepe.jpg 108: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:46: /2mass/gallery/abell3558sm.jpg 108: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m41.jpg 107: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:46: /2mass/gallery/abell3627.jpg 107: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m53.jpg 107: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/cena.jpg 106: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:30: /2mass/gallery/rcw103.jpg 106: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:46: /2mass/gallery/ngc1275.jpg 106: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m55.jpg 105: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m62.jpg 105: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:30: /2mass/gallery/casa.jpg 105: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m50.jpg 104: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/m69.jpg 103: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m72.jpg 101: 0.04%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/messiercat.html 101: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 01:50: /2mass/gallery/fest1-457.jpg 101: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m80.jpg 100: 0.10%: Jul/10/00 06:23: /2mass/gallery/trumpler27.jpg 100: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 01:50: /2mass/gallery/gc.jpg 100: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 02:14: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc4710.jpg 99: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m75.jpg 99: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:33: /2mass/gallery/powarc1.html 99: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 03:42: /2mass/gallery/m79.jpg 98: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 03:37: /2mass/gallery/baadesm.jpg 98: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/rafgl5173.jpg 97: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/n7814.jpg 97: 0.06%: Jul/10/00 02:15: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc4189.jpg 97: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:23: /2mass/gallery/m93.jpg 97: 11.10%: Jul/ 9/00 22:17: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gc.jpg 97: 0.07%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/images_hii.html 96: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 02:15: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc6181.jpg 96: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:52: /2mass/gallery/47tuc.jpg 96: 0.09%: Jul/10/00 06:25: /2mass/gallery/hurt_cluster.jpg 96: 0.06%: Jul/10/00 02:14: /2mass/gallery/spr99/newgal1.jpg 96: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 02:15: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc4654.jpg 96: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/bd_40_4124.jpg 95: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:23: /2mass/gallery/quintuplet.jpg 95: 0.06%: Jul/10/00 02:18: /2mass/gallery/spr99/ngc4689.jpg 94: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/ggd12-15.jpg 94: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/mwc297.jpg 94: 0.07%: Jul/10/00 05:38: /2mass/gallery/spr99/sh155.jpg 94: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/ttauri.jpg 94: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 02:15: /2mass/gallery/spr99/n7479.jpg 94: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/n6946.jpg 94: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:23: /2mass/gallery/ic348.jpg 94: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/m100.jpg 94: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:25: /2mass/gallery/lynga7.jpg 93: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 06:27: /2mass/gallery/rcra.jpg 93: 0.01%: Jul/10/00 01:46: /2mass/gallery/ngc5907.jpg 93: 0.05%: Jul/10/00 02:15: /2mass/gallery/spr99/newgal2.jpg 93: 0.02%: Jul/10/00 06:25: /2mass/gallery/ton2.jpg 93: 0.03%: Jul/10/00 06:25: /2mass/gallery/pal6.jpg 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