Web Server Statistics for [www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass]

Program started at Mon, Apr 24 2000 07:00.
Analyzed requests from Mon, Apr 17 2000 07:00 to Mon, Apr 24 2000 07:00 (7.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Successful requests: 25,421
Average successful requests per day: 3,631
Successful requests for pages: 3,568
Average successful requests for pages per day: 509
Failed requests: 644
Redirected requests: 66
Distinct files requested: 2,040
Distinct hosts served: 1,388
Corrupt logfile lines: 3
Unwanted logfile entries: 357,411
Data transferred: 1,045 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 152,965 kbytes

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

#reqs: status code
-----: -----------
23032: 200 OK
  117: 206 Partial content
   65: 301 Document moved permanently
    1: 302 Document found elsewhere
 2272: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
   22: 401 Authentication required
   18: 403 Access forbidden
  599: 404 Document not found
    5: 408 Request timeout

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 20 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: #reqs: pages: 
---: -----: -----: 
Sun:  2686:   304: ++++++++++++++++
Mon:  4316:   579: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue:  2919:   413: +++++++++++++++++++++
Wed:  4915:   733: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu:  5788:   894: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri:  3467:   423: ++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:  1330:   222: ++++++++++++

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 25 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs: pages: 
---------: -----: -----: 
Apr/17/00:  3712:   511: +++++++++++++++++++++
Apr/18/00:  2919:   413: +++++++++++++++++
Apr/19/00:  4915:   733: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Apr/20/00:  5788:   894: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Apr/21/00:  3467:   423: +++++++++++++++++
Apr/22/00:  1330:   222: +++++++++

Apr/23/00:  2686:   304: +++++++++++++
Apr/24/00:   604:    68: +++
Busiest day: Apr/20/00 (894 requests for pages).

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Each unit (+) represents 15 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs: pages: 
--: -----: -----: 
 0:   397:    45: +++
 1:   659:    86: ++++++
 2:   696:    90: ++++++
 3:   265:    38: +++
 4:   579:    66: +++++
 5:   798:    83: ++++++
 6:   937:   126: +++++++++
 7:  1503:   216: +++++++++++++++
 8:  1132:   137: ++++++++++
 9:  1304:   142: ++++++++++
10:  1206:   159: +++++++++++
11:  1220:   149: ++++++++++
12:  1313:   140: ++++++++++
13:  1841:   275: +++++++++++++++++++
14:   819:   145: ++++++++++
15:  1212:   160: +++++++++++
16:   664:   143: ++++++++++
17:   894:   172: ++++++++++++
18:  1624:   230: ++++++++++++++++
19:  3161:   587: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20:  1128:   120: ++++++++
21:   752:    99: +++++++
22:   689:    95: +++++++
23:   628:    65: +++++

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing hosts with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----: ------: ----
   55:  0.15%:
   19:  0.05%:
   18:  0.01%:
  134:  0.07%:
   14:  0.01%:
   49:  0.13%:
   28:  0.02%:
   17:  0.01%:
   12:  0.03%:
   13:       :
   32:       :
   27:  0.02%:
   36:  0.02%:
   17:  0.02%:
   15:  0.01%:
   20:  0.04%:
   15:  0.01%:
 2353: 21.87%:
   14:       :
   17:  0.01%:
  630:  1.63%:
   21:  0.01%:
   15:  0.01%:
   15:  0.02%:
   24:  0.01%:
   14:  0.01%:
   14:  0.01%:
   15:  0.01%:
   16:  0.03%:
   14:  0.01%:
   14:  0.01%:
   15:  0.03%:
   70:       :
   39:  0.36%:
   33:  0.02%:
   97:  0.53%:
   35:  0.03%:
   81:  0.06%:
   20:  0.01%:
   61:  0.02%:
   39:  0.02%:
   15:  0.01%:
   65:  0.92%:
   26:  0.01%:
  123:  0.17%:
  145:  0.19%:
   14:  0.01%:
   20:  0.03%:
   39:  0.02%:
   19:  0.04%:
   47:  0.04%:
   58:  0.25%:
  111:  0.11%:
   32:  0.02%:
   30:  0.04%:
   26:  0.01%:
  100:  0.09%:
   14:  0.01%:
   15:  0.01%:
   53:  0.10%:
   15:  0.01%:
   12:       :
   38:  0.19%:
   21:  0.05%:
   21:  0.03%:
   35:  0.17%:
   10:       :
   16:  0.01%:
  113:       :
   22:  0.01%:
  111:  0.74%:
   50:  0.12%:
   14:  0.01%:
   21:  0.11%:
   54:  0.09%:                         host001249.arnet.com.ar
   25:  0.06%:                        oceti.astro.univie.ac.at
   13:  0.01%:                   212186002204.11.vie.surfer.at
   13:       :                     netcachesyd1.ozemail.com.au
   39:  0.02%:                     netcachesyd2.ozemail.com.au
   55:  0.02%:                     netcachesyd3.ozemail.com.au
   17:  0.01%:                           bradman.atnf.csiro.au
   24:  0.01%:                              rangoon.anu.edu.au
   13:  0.01%:                           metra.ucc.usyd.edu.au
   39:  0.02%:                                  ntf.one.net.au
   10:  0.01%:                                             bla
   11:       :                        ol46-203.openlink.com.br
   29:  0.02%:                      dl-cco2-032.poa.zaz.com.br
   14:  0.01%:                      dl-tnt1-230.poa.zaz.com.br
   57:  0.03%:                 dl-tnt2-c8d50830.poa.zaz.com.br
   32:  0.01%:                              alpha.das2.inpe.br
   14:  0.01%:                    bc-van-nwt-a53-01-87.look.ca
   28:  0.01%:                       cnq6-57.cablevision.qc.ca
   65:  0.04%:                      whitestar.iras.ucalgary.ca
   14:  0.01%:                     hilarion.astro.umontreal.ca
   32:  0.01%:                       chomsky.astro.utoronto.ca
   52:  0.02%:                        chooyu.astro.utoronto.ca
  112:  1.31%:                        lhotse.astro.utoronto.ca
   12:  0.01%:                        ys244f.steac014.yorku.ca
   14:  0.01%:                           andalue.diq.uchile.cl
   42:  0.18%:                          serial15130.epm.net.co
   33:  0.19%:                                crawl1.alexa.com
   19:  0.02%:                                crawl2.alexa.com
   41:  0.03%:                            98ae6223.ipt.aol.com
   41:  0.17%:                            98cccd11.ipt.aol.com
   13:  0.03%:                        cache-dp03.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                        cache-dq07.proxy.aol.com
   38:  0.02%:                        cache-dt13.proxy.aol.com
   23:  0.05%:                        cache-ra03.proxy.aol.com
   20:  0.04%:                        cache-ra05.proxy.aol.com
   12:  0.72%:                        cache-ra06.proxy.aol.com
   17:  0.15%:                        cache-ra07.proxy.aol.com
   20:  0.07%:                        cache-rb01.proxy.aol.com
   16:  0.01%:                        cache-rb05.proxy.aol.com
   14:  0.01%:                        cache-rb06.proxy.aol.com
   27:  0.01%:                        cache-rb07.proxy.aol.com
   12:  0.30%:                        cache-rc01.proxy.aol.com
   31:  0.04%:                        cache-rc02.proxy.aol.com
   13:  0.01%:                        cache-rc03.proxy.aol.com
   13:  0.01%:                        cache-rc05.proxy.aol.com
   10:  1.44%:                        cache-rc06.proxy.aol.com
   11:  0.29%:                        cache-rc09.proxy.aol.com
   16:  0.02%:                        cache-rf01.proxy.aol.com
   10:       :                        cache-rf03.proxy.aol.com
   28:  0.02%:                        cache-rg06.proxy.aol.com
   11:  0.01%:                        cache-rh01.proxy.aol.com
   15:  0.01%:                                kccfpxy2.att.com
   14:  0.01%:                       ppp1004.on.bellglobal.com
   41:  0.14%:                             melnc01.bigpond.com
   42:       :                host212-140-35-59.btinternet.com
   14:       :                host212-140-4-176.btinternet.com
   31:  0.03%:                  host62-7-32-237.btinternet.com
   14:  0.01%:             h-207-148-138-16.dial.cadvision.com
   39:  0.02%:                           uxracfw1.casecorp.com
   19:  0.01%:                                 mail.celera.com
   16:  0.01%:                 nbn-tnt1-pool1-8.coastalnet.com
   88:  0.08%:                             pandora.compusa.com
   48:  0.19%:                           mercator.pa-x.dec.com
   15:  0.01%:                  firewall.edisonenterprises.com
   61:  0.04%:                            typhoon.epi-tech.com
   64:  0.07%:                    ppp163.bc1.56k.execulink.com
   60:  0.12%:                                external.fds.com
   14:  0.01%:                              atlas2.gateway.com
   23:  0.01%:                   calnet3-112.gtecablemodem.com
   74:  0.08%:               proxy1-external.chnd1.az.home.com
   12:  0.02%:                   c286393-a.aurora1.co.home.com
   15:  0.01%:               proxy1-external.hwrd1.md.home.com
   16:  0.01%:                   cc342283-a.chrtn1.sc.home.com
   14:  0.01%:                  c356930-a.pinol1.sfba.home.com
  162:  3.72%:              proxy1-external.spokn1.wa.home.com
   81:  0.22%:                    c283707-a.vncvr1.wa.home.com
   13:  0.01%:          
   36:  0.03%:             cr714913-a.surrey1.bc.wave.home.com
   18:  0.02%:          
   32:  0.02%:              cr673443-a.bloor1.on.wave.home.com
   39:  0.02%:                              ss04.ny.us.ibm.com
   14:  0.01%:                             lynx.infogrames.com
   16:  0.19%:                                j200.inktomi.com
   14:  0.12%:                              wm3023.inktomi.com
   14:  0.01%:                     proxy.integrityonline18.com
   15:  0.02%:                        itchy3-46-148.ionsys.com
   10:  0.03%:                                  www.ip3000.com
   88:  0.18%:                               dl29.jadetech.com
   88:  0.11%:                    jerviswebb-cp.jerviswebb.com
   14:  0.01%:                                proxy.mcmail.com
   22:  0.02%:                               zipper.mdsroc.com
   17:  0.01%:                            tide77.microsoft.com
   21:  0.02%:              user-38ld7g9.dialup.mindspring.com
   10:  0.01%:                    dynamic13.research.moore.com
   14:  0.01%:                                  mscarriers.com
   22:  0.01%:                        pcd010200.netvigator.com
   10:  0.02%:                        pcd039011.netvigator.com
   43:       :                           taz.northernlight.com
   80:  0.09%:                       fw-summit.us.novartis.com
   37:  0.05%:                                 a242.pesaro.com
   20:  0.01%:                            ppp41ml.qwksilvr.com
  185:  1.09%:                          dfw-gate2.raytheon.com
  134:  0.28%: 209-94-152.218.s472.tnt1.spng.ma.dialup.rcn.com
   16:  0.01%: 216-164-238-202.s456.tnt9.lnh.md.dialup.rcn.com
   14:  0.01%:          rrcentralflorida-165.254.44.cfl.rr.com
  121:  1.27%:                           mkc-184-173.kc.rr.com
  184:  0.08%:                             dt035ne7.san.rr.com
   26:  0.04%:                               socp-b.scsnet.com
   11:       :                                 hal.seagoat.com
   14:  0.01%:                   asy13.as3.sol.superonline.com
   61:  0.05%:                                     news.ti.com
   32:  1.12%:                       tempest.trgnetworking.com
  101:  0.58%:                               proxy1.wilcom.com
   16:  0.02%:                                gateway.wjsa.com
   19:  0.04%:                             nbg2-t3-1.atm-bb.de
  270:  0.39%:                   opti114.maschbau.fh-aachen.de
   15:  0.01%:                       leviathan.fh-friedberg.de
   41:       :                                isit.isit.fhg.de
   14:  0.01%:                                proxy-006.inx.de
   45:  0.06%:                         dial3-212.netcologne.de
   15:  0.12%:                        cw03.ka1.srv.t-online.de
   36:  0.21%:                        cw04.ka1.srv.t-online.de
   49:  0.02%:                      windofix.tls-tautenburg.de
   94:  1.12%:           130-149-145-31.dialup.cs.tu-berlin.de
   14:  0.01%:                   nafp2-211.rz.uni-frankfurt.de
   39:  0.02%:                       hal21.usm.uni-muenchen.de
   12:  0.02%:                    pec-70-235.tnt4.hh2.uunet.de
   26:  0.09%:                        20.ppp1-8.worldonline.dk
   13:  0.08%:                          fai-ce-1.ne.alaska.edu
   14:  0.01%:                          aspc163.as.arizona.edu
   18:  0.01%:                           cosmos.as.arizona.edu
   56:  0.05%:                          dorothy.as.arizona.edu
   16:       :                            ethel.as.arizona.edu
   86:  0.20%:                            gecko.as.arizona.edu
   22:  0.02%:                         hedgehog.as.arizona.edu
   47:  0.02%:                        kingsholm.as.arizona.edu
   14:  0.01%:                         wharfrat.as.arizona.edu
   82:  0.10%:                          flwo48.sao.arizona.edu
   20:  0.02%:                          flwo60.sao.arizona.edu
   36:  0.02%:                          n2mass.sao.arizona.edu
   14:  0.01%:                            durand2.inre.asu.edu
  112:  0.20%:                              creek.berkeley.edu
   56:  0.05%:                              quest.berkeley.edu
   21:  0.02%:                            hodag.boisestate.edu
   45:  0.05%:                                     chub.bu.edu
   65:  0.02%:                                  mirador.bu.edu
   34:  0.02%:                                   waihao.bu.edu
   51:  0.40%:                     cable-modem-115.caltech.edu
   38:  0.03%:                     charter-185-143.caltech.edu
   23:  0.01%:                    charter-dhcp-166.caltech.edu
   22:  0.01%:                          iupika.gps.caltech.edu
   46:  0.14%:                        rosalind.gps.caltech.edu
   15:  0.01%:                             kokadjo.caltech.edu
  125:  0.09%:                                 mop.caltech.edu
   29:  0.02%:                      aldarion.submm.caltech.edu
   74:  0.34%:                              anchor.harvard.edu
   47:  0.02%:                               angie.harvard.edu
   21:  0.01%:                               ibera.harvard.edu
   13:  0.05%:                              khumbu.harvard.edu
   35:  0.02%:                               mando.harvard.edu
   77:  0.08%:                            superfly.harvard.edu
   34:  0.02%:                              trifid.harvard.edu
  150:  0.48%:                            baade.ifa.hawaii.edu
   79:  0.11%:                          bobjmac.ifa.hawaii.edu
   15:  0.01%:                           luyten.ifa.hawaii.edu
   10:  0.01%:                             pua.jach.hawaii.edu
   55:  0.03%:                        kawaaloa.keck.hawaii.edu
  114:  0.14%:                         moomomi.keck.hawaii.edu
   27:  0.01%:                              isu-cache1.isu.edu
   22:  0.01%:                               gargi.pha.jhu.edu
   27:  0.04%:                               marie.pha.jhu.edu
   19:  0.02%:                               mizar.pha.jhu.edu
   17:  0.01%:                         dell0043.salem.kent.edu
   79:  0.03%:                               ursula.lowell.edu
   32:  0.02%:                             fenway.phys.lsu.edu
  129:  1.78%:                                  bsd.monroe.edu
   47:  0.02%:                                vela.phy.nau.edu
  124:  0.04%:                            s2mass.ctio.noao.edu
   42:  0.05%:                              tigua.aoc.nrao.edu
   36:  0.02%:                                octo.cv.nrao.edu
   73:  0.07%:      joey-joe-joe-jr.pittsburgh.resnet.pitt.edu
   82:  0.04%:                            apache.princeton.edu
   45:  0.01%:                           lucifer.princeton.edu
   54:  0.02%:                           procyon.princeton.edu
   15:  0.01%:                          prospero.princeton.edu
   52:  0.03%:                             shiva.princeton.edu
   33:  0.02%:                            pollux.astro.psu.edu
   15:  0.01%:                                px.astro.psu.edu
   14:  0.01%:                       wayback.pas.rochester.edu
   47:  0.30%:                           ws035180.clcs.siu.edu
   40:  0.01%:                         biopp.slac.stanford.edu
   32:  0.01%:                                  duri.stsci.edu
   31:  0.01%:                                 maclp.stsci.edu
   32:  0.97%:                                needle.stsci.edu
   84:  0.11%:                                tender.stsci.edu
   62:  0.01%:                                  vree.stsci.edu
   14:  0.01%:                                 slam.phy.uc.edu
   33:  0.02%:                           clotho.astro.ucla.edu
   22:  0.05%:                            zosma.astro.ucla.edu
  176:  0.15%:                             anqet.astro.ufl.edu
   33:  0.13%:                           ignatius.mse.uiuc.edu
   14:  0.03%:                               jansky.pa.uky.edu
  286:  0.49%:                                titan.pa.uky.edu
   27:  0.06%:                          fermat.astro.umass.edu
   35:  0.02%:                             hnr.astro.umass.edu
   44:  0.01%:                           north.astro.umass.edu
   14:  0.01%:                           smurf.astro.umass.edu
   14:       :                     v90-232-98.dialup.umass.edu
   94:  0.18%:                          pleiades.astro.umd.edu
   51:  0.11%:                        cs3170-23.itlabs.umn.edu
   17:  0.05%:                            elmer.itlabs.umn.edu
   15:  0.01%:                             d22-181.uoregon.edu
   17:  0.23%:                          webref110.lib.utah.edu
   11:  0.07%:                            vulcan.as.utexas.edu
   39:  0.02%:                       a023034.n1.vanderbilt.edu
   17:  0.65%:                            hall.bancsabadell.es
   26:  0.07%:                                 lgs-lap.caha.es
   16:  0.01%:                          esacom48.vilspa.esa.es
   39:  0.01%:                           isou54r.vilspa.esa.es
   14:  0.01%:                           isou55r.vilspa.esa.es
   25:  0.01%:                         lpss10.roque.ing.iac.es
   36:  0.01%:                                   coyote.oan.es
   31:  0.35%:                               proxy.rcanaria.es
   35:  0.04%:                            cm00577.telecable.es
   11:  0.05%:               usuario3-37-12-153.dialup.uni2.es
   32:  0.01%:                          m500.astro.helsinki.fi
   10:  0.02%:                                  ce-1.pp.htv.fi
   70:  0.05%:                             cache-tre-2.inet.fi
   14:  0.01%:                           dynamic06.isdn.jyu.fi
   58:  0.07%:                           dynamic57.isdn.jyu.fi
   17:  0.01%:                                 xii5.mit.jyu.fi
  103:  0.67%:                                     nacs.nic.fi
   28:  0.02%:                                 virtanen.tpu.fi
   36:  0.02%:                            nicmos.saclay.cea.fr
   57:  0.07%:                          sappcc91.saclay.cea.fr
   16:  0.01%:                            sappcg.saclay.cea.fr
   27:  0.01%:                             volta.cybercable.fr
   17:  0.02%:                                hautbrion.iap.fr
   32:  0.01%:                                 pcunix09.iap.fr
   29:  0.02%:                                 gaia01.obspm.fr
   10:  0.01%:                       r121m153.cybercable.tm.fr
   21:  0.02%:                        r121m26.cybercable.tm.fr
   12:       :             mix-boulogne-104-223.abo.wanadoo.fr
   67:  1.02%:                           colossus.arc.nasa.gov
   87:  0.05%:                             cygnus.arc.nasa.gov
   13:  0.97%:                             daiken.arc.nasa.gov
   72:  0.13%:                           darkstar.arc.nasa.gov
   44:  0.04%:                             cobe6.gsfc.nasa.gov
   62:  0.03%:                          lecanard.gsfc.nasa.gov
   24:  0.02%:                         cocosg3mac.jpl.nasa.gov
   10:  1.02%:                              jazz2.jpl.nasa.gov
   13:  0.97%:                        jerry238317.jpl.nasa.gov
   49:  0.01%:                     k137-78-212-22.jpl.nasa.gov
   16:  0.01%:                             kromos.jpl.nasa.gov
   14:  0.01%:                               a1ys.rrd.ornl.gov
   44:  0.04%:                                 cache2.grnet.gr
   11:  0.01%:                              electra.bajaobs.hu
   32:  0.01%:                          yuri-200.abirnet.co.il
   14:  0.01%:                            horizon.mri.ernet.in
   65:  0.01%:                               bison.tifr.res.in
   18:  0.02%:                              rohini.tifr.res.in
   14:  0.01%:                             biplano.bo.astro.it
   32:  0.01%:                                zeus.bo.astro.it
  233:  0.12%:                              mostro.pd.astro.it
   20:  0.01%:                                 terra.bo.cnr.it
   21:  0.01%:                                a-co10-42.tin.it
   22:  0.05%:                                 a-co6-30.tin.it
   28:  0.04%:                        merlino.astropa.unipa.it
   17:       :                           ballade.mtk.nao.ac.jp
   14:  0.01%:                           echelle.mtk.nao.ac.jp
   22:  0.01%:                              tr.ae.titech.ac.jp
   14:  0.01%:                    15.gate1.misawa.attmil.ne.jp
   14:  0.01%:                             ppp22.cnet-sb.ne.jp
   11:  0.02%:                       ppp18.tokyo-ap4.dti.ne.jp
   15:  0.01%:                    p848bcf.mta6.ap.so-net.ne.jp
   13:  0.01%:                             ppp023.t3.rim.or.jp
   15:  0.01%:                                     pel.itpa.lt
   15:  0.01%:                                srvr4.telecom.lt
   86:  0.25%:                                  sn2.plh.af.mil
   47:  0.04%:                                   r13.intnet.mu
   23:  0.12%:                                 octli.inaoep.mx
  201:  3.99%:             customer-gdl-192-249.megared.net.mx
   14:  0.01%:                du-148-233-237-75.prodigy.net.mx
   40:  0.03%:                du-148-233-61-159.prodigy.net.mx
   14:  0.01%:                              sci0211.sci.net.mx
  235:  2.16%:                            glg-cache9.jaring.my
   16:  0.01%:                           jrc-194-199.tm.net.my
   14:  0.01%:       135.tucson-06-07rs.az.dial-access.att.net
   24:  0.03%:      244.seattle-21-22rs.wa.dial-access.att.net
   15:  0.01%:                        cacheraq01sub05.bbsi.net
  185:  0.46%:            adsl-141-150-47-190.bellatlantic.net
   14:  0.01%:            adsl-151-204-64-155.bellatlantic.net
  175:  0.29%:          client-209-158-222-99.bellatlantic.net
   52:  0.10%:          client-209-158-223-11.bellatlantic.net
   13:  0.06%:            host-216-76-201-20.bhm.bellsouth.net
   16:       :               waba-3640-2-cs-22.dial.bright.net
   45:  0.17%:                               d107.ccountry.net
   19:  0.02%:                             dsl1-203.choice.net
   11:  0.03%:                  ts018d10.det-mi.concentric.net
   88:  0.09%:                  ts035d21.lap-ca.concentric.net
   15:  0.01%:                                    coxfiber.net
   15:  0.06%:                                  proxy1.cso.net
   99:  0.15%:                       spp-068145.cho.cstone.net
   17:  0.17%:             sdn-ar-003njnewap245.dialsprint.net
   14:       :     pool0130.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :     pool0233.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :     pool0381.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:  0.01%:     pool0563.cvx17-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:  0.01%:     pool0012.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :     pool0787.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :     pool0831.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :     pool1176.cvx36-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:       :      pool0193.cvx5-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net
   14:  0.01%:  cbl025.pool004.ch001-pasadena.hs.earthlink.net
   41:  0.02%:                        205-214-38-12.gw.eni.net
   28:  0.02%:                                 cf3.germany.net
   18:  0.01%:           lsanca1-ar6-184-113.elnk.dsl.gtei.net
  105:  0.09%:           lsanca1-ar6-185-137.elnk.dsl.gtei.net
   14:  0.01%:                                p2-3-1.hinet.net
   54:  0.11%:                          h179.s4.ts31.hinet.net
   17:  0.97%:                    athm-209-219-xxx-68.home.net
   78:  0.07%:                      24-216-126-149.hsacorp.net
   16:  0.01%:                     ip65.tnt01.richmond.i-c.net
   66:  0.91%:                          acceso-0e.mad.idec.net
   33:  0.16%:                          acceso-15.mad.idec.net
   32:  0.48%:                             p47-193.max4.ij.net
  115:  0.48%:                             p47-236.max4.ij.net
   33:  0.24%:                            p40-101.tnt-1.ij.net
   49:  0.33%:                            p40-186.tnt-1.ij.net
   49:  0.86%:                             p40-97.tnt-1.ij.net
   95:  1.93%:                            p43-131.tnt-2.ij.net
   39:  1.54%:                            p85-183.tnt-3.ij.net
   10:       :                              apollo.infinet.net
   17:  0.05%:                   host178.tnt02.interactive.net
   28:  0.01%:            kpt-c-208-25-251-95.intermediatn.net
   12:  0.01%:                     bellona.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   11:  0.01%:                      virtus.mcc.wwwcache.ja.net
   24:  0.02%:    dialup-
   14:  0.01%:   dialup-
   44:  0.03%:                           wc-np3.hk.linkage.net
   86:  0.49%:                we-24-130-54-247.we.mediaone.net
   14:  0.01%:                        pm463-30.dialip.mich.net
   11:  0.02%:                                  78.nations.net
   17:  0.01%:                    tmhk-cas1-cs-26.newnorth.net
   24:  0.01%:               08-vald-064.dial.optilinkcomm.net
   14:  0.01%:           ppp-209-79-180-105.vntrcs.pacbell.net
   16:  0.01%:                          10-061.022.popsite.net
   11:  0.96%:                              server.provide.net
   37:  0.02%:            slip-32-100-232-123.ny.us.prserv.net
   11:  0.01%:             slip-32-101-234-91.va.us.prserv.net
   22:  0.01%:            ip89.toronto42.dialup.canada.psi.net
   14:  0.01%:                ip236.bedford4.ma.pub-ip.psi.net
   21:  0.02%:             ip216.ridgewood10.nj.pub-ip.psi.net
   14:  0.09%:          ip103.philadelphia12.pa.pub-ip.psi.net
   32:  0.03%:                 cache-2.lnh.md.webcache.rcn.net
   37:  0.06%:                                i-39.rockies.net
   64:  0.55%:                          proxy2.qzn.skyinet.net
   16:  0.01%:                       btvlb102-31.splitrock.net
   14:  0.01%:                     orlda010-0713.splitrock.net
   11:  0.03%:                      p3e9d0d79.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:  0.01%:                      p3e9d434d.dip.t-dialin.net
   35:  0.23%:                      p3e9e1fae.dip.t-dialin.net
   33:  0.30%:                      p3e9ed7f5.dip.t-dialin.net
   30:       :                      pc19f007c.dip.t-dialin.net
  105:  0.99%:                      pc19f614e.dip.t-dialin.net
   70:  0.15%:                      pc19f75a2.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                      pc19f9af0.dip.t-dialin.net
   17:  0.05%:                      pc19f9b0f.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                      pd4b9d6a5.dip.t-dialin.net
  115:  0.10%:                      pd4b9d869.dip.t-dialin.net
   14:       :                      pd4b9d8bb.dip.t-dialin.net
   29:  0.05%:                             proxy3.t-online.net
   36:  0.09%:                             hume.ti.telenor.net
   15:  0.01%:                      cache-5.server.telinco.net
   32:  0.01%:                   tcnet01-091.houston.texas.net
   86:  0.09%:                              gtw02-dfw.txed.net
   13:  0.01%:                              tyrcache.tyler.net
  122:  0.40%:                          p36.nas4.is3.u-net.net
   29:  0.01%:                      dialupg127.clsp.uswest.net
   19:  0.07%:                      dialupg179.clsp.uswest.net
   33:  0.06%:                       edslppp34.eugn.uswest.net
   24:  0.03%:                     dialupgg171.mpls.uswest.net
   16:  0.01%:                      pdialup162.slkc.uswest.net
  112:  0.14%:                   1cust250.tnt17.chi5.da.uu.net
   11:  0.01%:         1cust240.tnt3.cedar-rapids.ia.da.uu.net
   90:  0.24%:         2cust105.tnt1.gardnerville.nv.da.uu.net
   57:  0.05%:                1cust95.tnt12.plano.tx.da.uu.net
   14:  0.01%:               2cust89.tnt1.juanita.wa.da.uu.net
   15:  0.01%:                   1cust129.tnt19.rtm1.nl.uu.net
   10:  0.02%:                          user01544.du.se.uu.net
  592:  0.68%:    modemcable195.48-200-24.mtl.mc.videotron.net
   68:  0.07%:                   mfs-pci-bqk-vty11.as.wcom.net
   12:  0.01%:         ppp124-245-189-212.cvx-rot-04.zonnet.nl
   10:  0.01%:                                  cs814.aero.org
   52:  0.02%:                                  ge172.aero.org
   12:  0.01%:                             gatekeeper.chmc.org
   95:  0.15%:                                 dmd1.hq.eso.org
   39:  0.02%:                                insw8.hq.eso.org
   64:  0.08%:                             pc003122.hq.eso.org
  150:  2.88%:                             eagle-rock.lapl.org
   12:       :                                  eram.lhric.org
   40:  0.02%:                                    c01.naoj.org
   14:  0.01%:                        pb46.krakow.ppp.tpnet.pl
   14:  0.01%:                     pe105.warszawa.ppp.tpnet.pl
   44:  0.01%:                          magalhaes.img.lx.it.pt
   15:  0.01%:                              torga.img.lx.it.pt
   15:  0.01%:                               pr1-ts.telepac.pt
  145:  0.23%:                              galeao.di.fc.ul.pt
   14:  0.01%:                                ikon.iki.rssi.ru
   32:  0.01%:                         bifrost.oso.chalmers.se
  118:  0.06%:                            trud.oso.chalmers.se
   39:  0.09%:                       yggdrasil.oso.chalmers.se
   14:  0.01%:                               v42.communique.se
   35:  0.12%:                          m61.ryd.student.liu.se
   34:  0.04%:                        gubim-18-131.gazi.edu.tr
  105:  0.05%:                        aspc204.astro.ncu.edu.tw
  206:  0.25%:                       stardust.astro.ncu.edu.tw
   23:  0.01%:                       line18.slip.csx.cam.ac.uk
   38:  0.03%:                          phy-pc2235.leeds.ac.uk
   17:  0.01%:                             kenny.pst.qub.ac.uk
   25:  0.02%:                                   miranda.bl.uk
   13:       :                          modem43.fred.pol.co.uk
   50:  0.04%:                                  hide195.nhs.uk
   83:  0.17%:                         bcc-gw.brevard.cc.fl.us
   12:  0.01%:                              web.sd02.k12.id.us
   21:  0.02%:                             foxvalley.tec.wi.us
 2368: 10.51%: [not listed: 888 hosts]

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
 6000: 32.80%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 2355: 21.87%:   160
  109:  2.01%:   203
  651:  1.64%:   163
  121:  1.13%:   207
  363:  1.11%:   216
   67:  1.04%:   195
  213:  0.96%:   200
  160:  0.58%:   212
 4770: 17.13%: .net (Network)
  412:  5.86%:   ij.net
  487:  1.97%:   t-dialin.net
   99:  1.07%:   idec.net
   17:  0.97%:   home.net
   11:  0.96%:   provide.net
  427:  0.86%:   bellatlantic.net
  601:  0.68%:   videotron.net
   64:  0.55%:   skyinet.net
 3881: 16.71%: .com (Commercial)
  526:  4.47%:   home.com
  847:  4.39%:   aol.com
  338:  2.38%:   rr.com
   32:  1.12%:   trgnetworking.com
  189:  1.10%:   raytheon.com
  101:  0.58%:   wilcom.com
 4394:  8.67%: .edu (USA Educational)
  129:  1.78%:   monroe.edu
  252:  1.18%:   stsci.edu
  435:  0.79%:   hawaii.edu
  360:  0.71%:   caltech.edu
  310:  0.54%:   harvard.edu
  300:  0.51%:   uky.edu
  583:  4.42%: .gov (USA Government)
  563:  4.40%:   nasa.gov
  296:  4.16%: .mx (Mexico)
  273:  4.04%:   net.mx
  502:  3.29%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
  150:  2.88%:   lapl.org
  712:  2.24%: .de (Germany)
   94:  1.12%:   tu-berlin.de
   67:  0.51%:   t-online.de
  255:  2.17%: .my (Malaysia)
  239:  2.16%:   jaring.my
  223:  1.85%: .uk (United Kingdom)
   10:  1.70%:   net.uk
  354:  1.50%: .ca (Canada)
  196:  1.35%:   utoronto.ca
  271:  1.24%: .es (Spain)
   17:  0.65%:   bancsabadell.es
  332:  0.85%: .fi (Finland)
  103:  0.67%:   nic.fi
  243:  0.29%: .se (Sweden)
  313:  0.29%: .tw (Taiwan)
  391:  0.28%: .it (Italy)
  221:  0.26%: .pt (Portugal)
   96:  0.26%: .mil (USA Military)
  316:  0.25%: .fr (France)
  145:  0.21%: .us (United States)
   42:  0.18%: .co (Colombia)
   34:  0.12%: .dk (Denmark)
   45:  0.12%: .at (Austria)
  219:  0.10%: .au (Australia)
  172:  0.10%: .br (Brazil)
  138:  0.09%: .jp (Japan)
   55:  0.09%: .ar (Argentina)
   44:  0.04%: .gr (Greece)
   47:  0.04%: .mu (Mauritius)
   36:  0.04%: .tr (Turkey)
   34:  0.04%: .il (Israel)
   97:  0.03%: .in (India)
   30:  0.02%: .lt (Lithuania)
   28:  0.01%: .pl (Poland)
   10:  0.01%: [domain not given]
   12:  0.01%: .hu (Hungary)
   18:  0.01%: .cl (Chile)
   14:  0.01%: .ru (Russia)
   14:  0.01%: .nl (Netherlands)
    4:       : .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
    5:       : .ch (Switzerland)
    7:       : .lb (Lebanon)
    3:       : .kr (South Korea)
    3:       : .th (Thailand)
    3:       : .nz (New Zealand)
    2:       : .be (Belgium)
    1:       : .cz (Czech Republic)
    1:       : .mk (Macedonia)
    1:       : .za (South Africa)
    1:       : .sg (Singapore)
    1:       : .vn (Vietnam)
    1:       : .pe (Peru)
    1:       : .ro (Romania)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
25421:   100%: /2mass/
14309: 90.15%:   /2mass/gallery/
 5352:  6.77%:   /2mass/releases/
 4685:  1.03%:   /2mass/etc/
  213:  0.67%:   /2mass/data_processing/
   28:  0.56%:   /2mass/publications/
  223:  0.34%:   /2mass/overview/
  110:  0.02%:   /2mass/index/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 1017:  0.86%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gcsm.jpg
  858:  0.11%: Apr/24/00 06:57: /2mass/etc/icons/nav.gif
  857:  0.44%: Apr/24/00 06:57: /2mass/etc/logos/2mass_sm_wh.gif
  530:  0.40%: Apr/24/00 06:49: /2mass/gallery/pow.jpg
  499:  0.47%: Apr/24/00 06:59: /2mass/
  372:  0.09%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/releases/second/dvdrom.gif
  367:  0.12%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/logos/umass_logo.gif
  363:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/logos/jpl_logo.gif
  363:       : Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/icons/arrow.gif
  360:       : Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/icons/new.gif
  359:  0.19%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/logos/ipac_emb_xsm.gif
  358:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/icons/bar2.gif
  358:  0.05%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/logos/nasaball.gif
  355:  0.08%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/etc/logos/tinycitlogo.gif
  290:  0.36%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/ngc7331.jpg
  267:  0.14%: Apr/24/00 05:08: /2mass/gallery/
  267:  0.70%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/gallery/lynga7.jpg
  205:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 02:11: /2mass/gallery/mthopksm.jpg
  164:  0.07%: Apr/24/00 06:56: /2mass/gallery/pow.html
  124:  0.13%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/
  124:  0.07%: Apr/23/00 20:04: /2mass/gallery/2mass_msx_gc.html
  113:  0.14%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii1f1sm.jpg
  111:       : Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/le.gif
  111:  0.02%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f6sm.gif
  111:  0.25%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f1sm.jpg
  110:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f3sm.gif
  110:  0.02%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f7sm.gif
  110:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f8sm.gif
  110:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f11sm.gif
  110:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii2f2sm.gif
  109:       : Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/ge.gif
  108:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/aaa.gif
  108:       : Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/seciv4s13.gif
  107:       : Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/sigma.gif
  105:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f3sm.gif
  104:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f4sm.gif
  104:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f7sm.gif
  102:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 05:47: /2mass/releases/second/doc/figures/secii3f2sm.gif
   93:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m33.jpg
   90:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m51a.jpg
   89:       : Apr/23/00 19:43: /2mass/gallery/sigma2.gif
   87:  0.01%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m64.jpg
   85:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m66.jpg
   85:       : Apr/24/00 06:57: /2mass/gallery/alpha.gif
   83:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m61.jpg
   82:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/powarc.html
   79:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m65.jpg
   78:  0.05%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m89.jpg
   78:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m98.jpg
   77:  0.07%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m8.jpg
   77:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m88.jpg
   77:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m91.jpg
   77:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m87.jpg
   75:  0.05%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m90.jpg
   74:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m84.jpg
   74:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/crab.jpg
   74:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m99.jpg
   72:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 04:43: /2mass/gallery/lmc.jpg
   72:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m106.jpg
   71:  0.02%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m94.jpg
   70:  0.04%: Apr/24/00 04:44: /2mass/gallery/maf2.jpg
   70:  0.02%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m105.jpg
   68:  0.02%: Apr/24/00 04:41: /2mass/gallery/n891.jpg
   68:  0.05%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/m13.jpg
   67:  0.03%: Apr/24/00 06:37: /2mass/gallery/ring.jpg
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File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
12816: 90.90%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
 8917:  3.69%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
 2468:  3.09%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
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    8:  0.26%: .tbl
    6:  0.11%: .mpeg
   68:  0.04%: [not listed: 3 extensions]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

       size: #reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0:  3124:       : 
   1b-  10b:     0:       : 
  11b- 100b:   949:  0.01%: 
 101b-  1kb:  1475:  0.04%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 12833:  5.62%: 
 10kb-100kb:  5908: 11.58%: 
100kb-  1Mb:   991: 30.91%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:   117: 27.15%: 
 10Mb-100Mb:    24: 24.70%: 

This analysis was produced by analog3.11/Unix.
Running time: 12 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)

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