(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).
Successful requests: 37,781 (8,666)
Average successful requests per day: 1,262 (1,237)
Successful requests for pages: 6,332 (1,525)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 211 (217)
Failed requests: 444 (116)
Redirected requests: 67 (16)
Distinct files requested: 556 (447)
Distinct hosts served: 1,422 (402)
Unwanted logfile entries: 492,605
Data transferred: 838,825 kbytes (199,598 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 28,029 kbytes (28,514 kbytes)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
#reqs: status code -----: ----------- 33517: 200 OK 365: 206 Partial content 67: 301 Document moved permanently 3899: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 66: 401 Authentication required 306: 404 Document not found 72: 408 Request timeout
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Each unit () represents 50 requests for pages, or part thereof.
week beg.: #reqs: pages: ---------: -----: -----: Mar/28/99: 3174: 496:Busiest week: week beginning Apr/11/99 (1,605 requests for pages).Apr/ 4/99: 8138: 1394:
Apr/11/99: 9351: 1605:
Apr/18/99: 9015: 1419:
Apr/25/99: 8103: 1418:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Each unit () represents 30 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: #reqs: pages: ---: -----: -----: Sun: 3164: 573:Mon: 5622: 1016:
Tue: 5689: 958:
Wed: 5971: 945:
Thu: 6595: 1045:
Fri: 7843: 1222:
Sat: 2897: 573:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Each unit () represents 10 requests for pages, or part thereof.
date: #reqs: pages: ---------: -----: -----: Apr/ 1/99: 1086: 167:Busiest day: Apr/16/99 (321 requests for pages).Apr/ 2/99: 1400: 223:
Apr/ 3/99: 688: 106:
Apr/ 4/99: 672: 101:
Apr/ 5/99: 1384: 292:
Apr/ 6/99: 1111: 190:
Apr/ 7/99: 1190: 186:
Apr/ 8/99: 1449: 230:
Apr/ 9/99: 1748: 288:
Apr/10/99: 584: 107:
Apr/11/99: 648: 124:
Apr/12/99: 1204: 195:
Apr/13/99: 1711: 319:
Apr/14/99: 1783: 288:
Apr/15/99: 1194: 175:
Apr/16/99: 2070: 321:
Apr/17/99: 741: 183:
Apr/18/99: 789: 129:
Apr/19/99: 1568: 244:
Apr/20/99: 1307: 185:
Apr/21/99: 1626: 266:
Apr/22/99: 1285: 195:
Apr/23/99: 1599: 231:
Apr/24/99: 841: 169:
Apr/25/99: 1055: 219:
Apr/26/99: 1466: 285:
Apr/27/99: 1560: 264:
Apr/28/99: 1372: 205:
Apr/29/99: 1581: 278:
Apr/30/99: 1026: 159:
May/ 1/99: 43: 8:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Each unit () represents 10 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: #reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 668: 102:1: 1047: 177:
2: 921: 142:
3: 1487: 290:
4: 1253: 211:
5: 1351: 240:
6: 2030: 310:
7: 2291: 374:
8: 1795: 323:
9: 1832: 293:
10: 2234: 386:
11: 1751: 292:
12: 2281: 337:
13: 2027: 319:
14: 1998: 310:
15: 1705: 297:
16: 2046: 338:
17: 1858: 341:
18: 1263: 226:
19: 1051: 170:
20: 2098: 349:
21: 1148: 198:
22: 1015: 173:
23: 631: 134:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing hosts with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.
#reqs: %bytes: host -----: ------: ---- 23: 0.03%: 27: 0.01%: 16: 0.09%: 20: 0.01%: 27: 0.01%: 36: 0.05%: 37: 0.01%: 29: 0.03%: 29: 0.02%: 77: 0.11%: 11: : 62: 0.02%: 30: 0.02%: 29: 0.02%: 10: 0.03%: 29: 0.06%: 21: 0.01%: 28: 0.02%: 527: 4.18%: 44: 0.03%: 43: 0.04%: 58: 0.07%: 18: 0.01%: 35: 0.02%: 30: 0.08%: 54: 0.02%: 40: 0.02%: 20: 0.02%: 11: : 33: 0.10%: 32: 0.08%: 22: 0.04%: 26: 0.05%: 49: 0.31%: 42: 0.02%: 12: 0.04%: 12: 0.05%: 33: 0.07%: 30: 0.12%: 15: 0.06%: 35: 0.09%: 18: 0.04%: 22: 0.96%: 40: 0.03%: 13: 0.02%: 12: 0.07%: 12: 0.03%: 57: 0.05%: 31: 0.09%: 22: 0.01%: 20: 0.01%: 44: 0.23%: 27: 0.01%: 11: : 24: 0.01%: 16: 0.03%: 33: 0.03%: 12: 0.03%: 20: 0.01%: 51: 0.04%: 31: 0.01%: 10: : 31: 0.09%: 48: 0.03%: 43: 0.11%: 40: 0.01%: 29: 0.01%: 22: 0.04%: 13: 0.07%: 37: 0.08%: 49: 0.15%: 22: 0.07%: 45: 0.12%: 57: 0.03%: 19: 0.02%: 27: 0.02%: 78: 0.15%: 23: 0.04%: 15: : 27: 0.05%: 24: 0.12%: 27: 0.02%: 19: 0.01%: 30: 0.05%: 15: 0.01%: 26: 0.11%: 51: 0.19%: 27: 0.01%: 18: 0.10%: 41: 0.06%: 28: 0.05%: 11: : 58: 0.30%: 31: 0.10%: 15: 0.01%: 27: 0.03%: 27: 0.01%: 10: : 10: 0.04%: 31: 0.10%: 14: 0.03%: 84: 0.46%: 24: 0.02%: 27: 0.01%: 13: 0.03%: 13: 0.01%: 27: 0.02%: 10: 0.05%: 11: : 27: 0.01%: 28: 0.05%: 150: 0.12%: 27: 0.18%: 87: 0.52%: 12: 0.03%: 225: 0.42%: 56: 0.18%: 148: 0.65%: 24: 0.14%: 31: 0.02%: 81: 0.39%: 39: 0.02%: 166: 0.23%: 31: 0.03%: 11: : 20: : 53: 0.10%: 30: 0.15%: 27: 0.06%: 73: 0.34%: 27: 0.01%: 28: 0.01%: 15: 0.03%: 10: 0.02%: 40: 0.02%: 53: 0.06%: 43: 0.11%: 20: 0.01%: 50: 0.05%: 10: 0.01%: 25: 0.08%: mars.zu.ac.ae 41: 0.06%: alpha 20: 0.02%: libertador-vlan1-cm130.fibertel.com.ar 69: 0.06%: as1-24.netverk.com.ar 22: 0.09%: ares.244.236.210.in-addr.arpa 12: 0.02%: bexpcy.kfunigraz.ac.at 50: 0.23%: ws01is11.highway.telekom.at 24: 0.01%: pm19-1.rock.accessin.com.au 28: 0.08%: delta.alphalink.com.au 23: 0.05%: d86.cia.com.au 16: : myalla0.connect.com.au 11: 0.01%: myangup0.connect.com.au 21: 0.01%: manta.pnc.com.au 31: 0.21%: webo.vtcif.telstra.com.au 48: 0.04%: venice.tip.csiro.au 33: 0.07%: s1-168.curtin.edu.au 30: 0.01%: proxy.murdoch.edu.au 29: 0.01%: calamari.its.uow.edu.au 66: 0.03%: aaossn.aao.gov.au 57: 0.05%: aatssq.aao.gov.au 28: 0.08%: px1.syd.aone.net.au 20: 0.01%: horta-pc136.ulb.ac.be 24: 0.16%: proxy-sofia.eunet.bg 47: 0.01%: lin02.joinnet.com.br 36: 0.02%: lin10.joinnet.com.br 38: 0.01%: lin11.joinnet.com.br 12: 0.01%: lin27.joinnet.com.br 33: 0.02%: lin31.joinnet.com.br 16: : lin32.joinnet.com.br 35: 0.02%: lin34.joinnet.com.br 42: 0.01%: lin35.joinnet.com.br 46: 0.03%: lin37.joinnet.com.br 12: 0.01%: lin45.joinnet.com.br 72: 0.04%: lin46.joinnet.com.br 11: : lin48.joinnet.com.br 12: 0.02%: lin59.joinnet.com.br 32: 0.01%: lin60.joinnet.com.br 88: 0.13%: mod55.joinnet.com.br 47: 0.10%: sagui.inf.ufrgs.br 53: 0.12%: barthem.if.ufrj.br 26: 0.07%: fn158.pris.bc.ca 28: 0.10%: vcta01m02-122.bctel.ca 21: 0.03%: vcta01m07-20.bctel.ca 81: 0.10%: mail.comdev.ca 22: 0.04%: sunset.cs.concordia.ca 43: 0.04%: ms01-298.tor.istar.ca 50: 0.09%: ms01-363.tor.istar.ca 44: 0.15%: ms01-445.tor.istar.ca 71: 0.13%: ms01-68.tor.istar.ca 70: 0.18%: ms03-109.tor.istar.ca 14: 0.01%: stj124.nf.sympatico.ca 36: 0.09%: webcache.ucs.ualberta.ca 58: 0.43%: phoenix.phy.ulaval.ca 27: 0.06%: venus.astro.umontreal.ca 20: 0.03%: cust153.tnt1.dial.mtl1.uunet.ca 60: 0.52%: krill.phys.uvic.ca 13: 0.03%: proxy4.datacomm.ch 47: 0.02%: rif7.iiic.ethz.ch 100: 0.49%: pc23.chemoil.int.ch 23: 0.09%: pc26.chemoil.int.ch 71: 0.13%: tc3-43.adsnet.com 69: 0.16%: emprx3.aexp.com 95: 0.16%: audal023.aud.alcatel.com 31: 0.20%: adinet.analog.com 32: 0.11%: 98a7c231.ipt.aol.com 11: 0.03%: 98a9ce2d.ipt.aol.com 10: : 98cbd50a.ipt.aol.com 12: 0.09%: cache-da02.proxy.aol.com 14: 0.11%: cache-da03.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.02%: cache-da04.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.01%: cache-da06.proxy.aol.com 15: : cache-da13.proxy.aol.com 18: 0.06%: cache-db04.proxy.aol.com 12: 0.09%: cache-db06.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.05%: cache-db08.proxy.aol.com 14: 0.02%: cache-db10.proxy.aol.com 12: 0.02%: cache-db12.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.01%: cache-db13.proxy.aol.com 15: 0.52%: cache-dc04.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.09%: cache-dc05.proxy.aol.com 11: : cache-dc06.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.01%: cache-dc13.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.03%: cache-dd03.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.02%: cache-ra01.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.02%: cache-rc02.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.01%: cache-re01.proxy.aol.com 11: 0.02%: cache-rf01.proxy.aol.com 14: 0.06%: cache-rh02.proxy.aol.com 14: 0.01%: cache-ri01.proxy.aol.com 14: 0.03%: cache-ri02.proxy.aol.com 17: 0.04%: cache-ri03.proxy.aol.com 20: 0.01%: cache-rj01.proxy.aol.com 19: 0.01%: cache-rj03.proxy.aol.com 16: 0.05%: cache-rk01.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.08%: cache-rk02.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.01%: cache-rk03.proxy.aol.com 23: 0.08%: cache-rm02.proxy.aol.com 12: 0.04%: cache-rm03.proxy.aol.com 10: 0.01%: cache-rn01.proxy.aol.com 15: 0.03%: cache-rn02.proxy.aol.com 15: 0.02%: cache-rn03.proxy.aol.com 22: 0.01%: cache-ro01.proxy.aol.com 17: 0.01%: cache-ro03.proxy.aol.com 27: 0.21%: ww-pa01.proxy.aol.com 20: 0.07%: ww-pa02.proxy.aol.com 29: 0.11%: ww-pa03.proxy.aol.com 81: 0.07%: ppp2051.on.bellglobal.com 29: 0.26%: blv-proxy-04.boeing.com 10: : helium.books2read.com 12: : host5-99-59-33.btinternet.com 21: 0.01%: usilws18.ca-nethaven.com 55: 0.15%: atm105ip195.cadvision.com 27: 0.04%: dia3.chase.com 93: 0.57%: pluto.colsa.com 11: 0.03%: coopers-bh.colybrand.com 17: 0.06%: coopers-fwd.us.coopers.com 22: 0.02%: ts14-162.ctaz.com 33: 0.03%: tc81.cyberia.com 33: 0.08%: mercator.pa-x.dec.com 300: 0.33%: gatekeeper.eastman.com 50: 0.02%: spider.easyresults.com 54: 0.06%: dsl-209-162-215-58.easystreet.com 27: 0.01%: lucy.montrose.eer.com 52: 0.28%: mtlone.eicon.com 32: 0.07%: ws-23111.eicon.com 52: 0.12%: 207-229-150-32.d.enteract.com 10: 0.02%: wp1.ericy.com 220: 0.45%: pdx.flir.com 60: 0.16%: host0179.follett.com 30: 0.08%: mail.fortunebrands.com 24: 0.12%: ws77.foundation-i.com 37: 0.02%: mail.fullcompass.com 22: 0.03%: c2.googlebot.com 43: 0.04%: c3.googlebot.com 30: 0.02%: c4.googlebot.com 108: 0.21%: calnet3-112.gtecablemodem.com 21: 0.01%: cc1018261-a.srst1.fl.home.com 41: 0.65%: proxy1-external.mntp1.il.home.com 34: 0.72%: proxy2-external.mntp1.il.home.com 25: 0.15%: proxy1-external.grlnd1.tx.home.com 22: 0.08%: proxy2-external.grlnd1.tx.home.com 37: 0.01%: 38: 0.08%: 83: 0.33%: proxy4.rdc1.ab.wave.home.com 10: 0.01%: proxy5.rdc1.ab.wave.home.com 29: 0.09%: cr757730-a.wlfdle1.on.wave.home.com 23: 0.09%: s06.austin.ibm.com 21: 0.01%: ss02.co.us.ibm.com 11: : sequoia.infoseek.com 45: 0.07%: j4020.inktomisearch.com 53: 0.05%: 209-20-6-33.dialin.nmkt.interlog.com 30: 0.05%: intuitioncorp.com 28: 0.01%: maxt12m34.ipoline.com 12: 0.03%: yellow.javanet.com 29: 0.02%: ppp17.york.jymis.com 29: 0.06%: ppp9.york.jymis.com 69: 0.19%: dns.kalmbach.com 28: 0.01%: kcsg3.kcstar.com 41: 0.24%: ftp.llproducts.com 27: 0.01%: proxy1b.lmco.com 27: 0.01%: proxy3b.lmco.com 22: 0.07%: www-proxy.lvcablemodem.com 12: 0.06%: host-86-244.mediaone.com 38: 0.07%: mw-204-80-122-79.metawire.com 89: 0.32%: user-2ivfj8l.dialup.mindspring.com 32: 0.06%: user-38lcpfh.dialup.mindspring.com 41: 0.02%: ip2.ts132.ma.net1plus.com 39: 0.05%: mon-ca9-39.ix.netcom.com 31: 0.10%: h-208-12-59-49.netscape.com 42: 0.05%: imscache05.netvigator.com 172: 0.17%: scooby.northernlight.com 37: 0.09%: bem-2.dialup.northernnet.com 48: 0.07%: nwm.nwmarkets.com 31: 0.09%: ocv4-137.ocv.com 29: 0.08%: ocv4-58.ocv.com 29: 0.04%: zamboni.on.com 27: 0.01%: inet-fw1-o.oracle.com 27: 0.01%: p95.tc1.pacinfo.com 43: 0.02%: cache.penn.com 72: 0.21%: ip-21-054.phx.primenet.com 63: 0.11%: firebreath.prognet.com 33: 0.11%: akolb.qualcomm.com 10: : dfw-gate1.raytheon.com 27: 0.01%: ws68.riechesbaird.com 10: : cm-29-54-27.nycap.rr.com 75: 0.27%: dt037na5.san.rr.com 228: 1.53%: dt095na5.san.rr.com 25: 0.03%: proxye2-atm.san.rr.com 42: 0.07%: ith3-129.twcny.rr.com 27: 0.03%: socp-b.scsnet.com 21: 0.02%: stargate.sealedair.com 28: 0.08%: sgigate.sgi.com 46: 0.14%: station004.spawglass.com 89: 1.04%: surfec006.sybase.com 82: 1.19%: syzygy.com 33: 0.02%: weber.techno-link.com 113: 0.35%: ws-207-213-139-11.technologic.com 21: 0.01%: d3o25.telia.com 45: 0.16%: joongang2blue-s2.thrunet.com 16: 0.03%: host251.dmicros.u-net.com 47: 0.13%: uss.com 55: 0.45%: proxy1.wilcom.com 21: 0.05%: sc026.zianet.com 10: 0.01%: ns1.hk.bon.cz 46: 0.04%: as4-47.praha.iol.cz 12: 0.03%: ucebna12.lib.vutbr.cz 27: 0.01%: cache34.zcu.cz 12: 0.03%: br-gate.brnet.de 45: 0.08%: salzburg.rz-kl.fh-kl.de 49: 0.06%: calvin.nz.fh-koeln.de 35: 0.09%: dip-19.mz3.pools.main-rheiner.de 32: 0.08%: o07.xray.mpe.mpg.de 20: 0.01%: o09.xray.mpe.mpg.de 27: 0.05%: gustav.mpi-hd.mpg.de 31: : sun16.mpia-hd.mpg.de 34: 0.01%: hp160.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de 51: 0.05%: hp161.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de 18: 0.16%: sun184.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de 22: 0.01%: ics1f.ma.srv.t-online.de 25: 0.03%: ics2f.ma.srv.t-online.de 27: 0.05%: ion11.physik.tu-chemnitz.de 30: 0.13%: cache-t.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de 37: 0.14%: kevg2.anorg.chemie.uni-tuebingen.de 61: 0.18%: wrzx12.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de 41: 0.16%: r-188.hamburg.ipdial.viaginterkom.de 45: 0.19%: knold.ballehs.dk 30: 0.12%: pc72.ngg.dk 32: 0.07%: uaf-du-03-02.alaska.edu 10: : aurora.as.arizona.edu 119: 0.07%: dorothy.as.arizona.edu 56: 0.11%: ircamera.as.arizona.edu 30: 0.01%: morpheus.as.arizona.edu 352: 0.62%: proto.as.arizona.edu 334: 0.73%: n2mass.sao.arizona.edu 22: 0.01%: bmw.path.berkeley.edu 22: 0.13%: lab141.ac.biola.edu 27: 0.05%: keeney222-47.keeney.brown.edu 28: 0.01%: shad.bu.edu 49: 0.02%: sombrero.bu.edu 25: 0.05%: ubart13603.fal.buffalo.edu 30: 0.01%: hbar1.cosam.calpoly.edu 39: 0.03%: llovizna.calstatela.edu 36: 0.02%: 181-ppp-its.caltech.edu 13: 0.02%: 84-ppp-its.caltech.edu 34: 0.10%: blacker-113.caltech.edu 27: 0.02%: c199008.caltech.edu 21: 0.03%: cable-modem-115.caltech.edu 22: 0.08%: charter-dhcp-19.caltech.edu 72: 0.05%: dowland.caltech.edu 86: 0.16%: kumsung.gps.caltech.edu 36: 0.02%: pegasus.gps.caltech.edu 50: 0.10%: jansky.caltech.edu 38: 0.02%: kokadjo.caltech.edu 46: 0.09%: ricketts-174.caltech.edu 89: 0.02%: ricketts-179.caltech.edu 27: 0.02%: manatee.srl.caltech.edu 76: 0.55%: kilauea.submm.caltech.edu 211: 1.27%: puka.submm.caltech.edu 42: 0.03%: warning.caltech.edu 10: : h134049.dorm.clarkson.edu 20: 0.01%: nerzo.weh.andrew.cmu.edu 30: 0.10%: killik.colorado.edu 44: 0.21%: pc007095.med.cornell.edu 28: 0.01%: dm74.resnet.cornell.edu 18: 0.01%: bourbon.tn.cornell.edu 73: 0.19%: bpport.tn.cornell.edu 28: 0.01%: pulsar.tn.cornell.edu 51: 0.04%: toronegro.tn.cornell.edu 16: 0.05%: tpc.tn.cornell.edu 84: 0.08%: vero.tn.cornell.edu 27: 0.01%: kosh.dartmouth.edu 27: 0.01%: hist9.hist.emory.edu 29: 0.08%: gemini-hbf-135.hi.gemini.edu 61: 0.02%: amber.harvard.edu 11: : ascda6.harvard.edu 79: 0.07%: bond.harvard.edu 54: 0.09%: cfa0.harvard.edu 131: 0.11%: cfatmd.harvard.edu 22: 0.04%: eye-of-harmony.harvard.edu 74: 0.07%: fang.harvard.edu 29: 0.02%: gabrielle.harvard.edu 38: 0.02%: jayhawk.harvard.edu 40: 0.18%: ws71005.med.harvard.edu 27: 0.01%: mieza.harvard.edu 24: : recons.harvard.edu 28: 0.02%: dharvey.student.harvard.edu 62: 0.03%: superfly.harvard.edu 45: 0.12%: tardis.harvard.edu 83: 0.09%: makani.cfht.hawaii.edu 48: 0.04%: phaethon.ifa.hawaii.edu 21: 0.02%: pc0032.jach.hawaii.edu 38: 0.03%: haleiwa.keck.hawaii.edu 38: 0.02%: kalani.keck.hawaii.edu 43: 0.05%: manele.keck.hawaii.edu 29: 0.05%: fw200.heald.edu 24: 0.06%: fw245.heald.edu 28: 0.05%: d400shepherd11.slis.indiana.edu 26: 0.10%: alpha4.phys.latech.edu 52: 0.38%: shatir.nmsu.edu 89: 0.04%: s2mass.ctio.noao.edu 27: 0.01%: mdm-486.kpno.noao.edu 56: 0.45%: pearl.kpno.noao.edu 43: 0.02%: taupe.kpno.noao.edu 189: 0.06%: bruckner.tuc.noao.edu 95: 0.09%: mele.tuc.noao.edu 23: 0.01%: sibelius.tuc.noao.edu 56: 0.11%: comanche.aoc.nrao.edu 102: 0.32%: serpens.aoc.nrao.edu 55: 0.02%: vangogh.cv.nrao.edu 57: 0.13%: dorado.astro.nwu.edu 114: 0.33%: sagitta.ociw.edu 28: 0.01%: galileo.mps.ohio-state.edu 38: 0.05%: rosse.mps.ohio-state.edu 29: 0.02%: seyfert.mps.ohio-state.edu 36: 0.02%: coma.phy.ohiou.edu 12: 0.03%: osuokc0600.osuokc.edu 28: 0.02%: pom-dhcp-83-211.pomona.edu 150: 0.13%: alphaori.princeton.edu 62: 0.03%: apache.princeton.edu 71: 0.09%: hydra.princeton.edu 52: 0.07%: tama.princeton.edu 38: 0.14%: dynamic-addr-142-48.resnet.rochester.edu 27: 0.01%: resnet-1834.dynamic.rpi.edu 29: 0.04%: geller.phys.rpi.edu 41: 0.13%: cii3130-20.rcs.rpi.edu 37: 0.01%: rts5p13.xyp.rpi.edu 22: 0.06%: roentgen.rutgers.edu 28: 0.01%: raptor.sachem.edu 29: 0.01%: campisi-01050.linc.scu.edu 36: 0.02%: gwolf.smsu.edu 70: 0.03%: marie-pri29.smsu.edu 30: 0.02%: physicscart.smsu.edu 36: 0.04%: temp307pc.smsu.edu 36: 0.02%: augusta.stsci.edu 29: 0.01%: marvel.stsci.edu 95: 0.14%: hatshepsut.sogs.stsci.edu 55: 0.02%: verona.stsci.edu 35: 0.04%: s544a8.som.suffolk.edu 75: 0.08%: gremlin.ess.sunysb.edu 32: 0.18%: lab-085.oal.tamu.edu 16: 0.07%: rebo.hao.ucar.edu 37: 0.02%: clotho.astro.ucla.edu 34: 0.02%: pascal.astro.ucla.edu 39: 0.02%: quad700.astro.ucla.edu 33: 0.10%: rastaban.astro.ucla.edu 111: 0.05%: sofia.astro.ucla.edu 45: 0.02%: anqet.astro.ufl.edu 33: 0.22%: dhcp80ff6cc3.itc.uiowa.edu 33: 0.02%: bayou-75.slip.uiuc.edu 20: 0.01%: brks-146.dhcp.umass.edu 23: 0.07%: auk.phast.umass.edu 482: 0.06%: bonanza.phast.umass.edu 28: 0.01%: cannon.phast.umass.edu 57: 0.03%: daisy.phast.umass.edu 212: 0.81%: kutath.phast.umass.edu 29: 0.01%: messier.phast.umass.edu 736: 8.02%: north.phast.umass.edu 113: 0.09%: pegasus.phast.umass.edu 82: 0.04%: redtail.phast.umass.edu 122: 0.13%: stratford.phast.umass.edu 28: : nsas100p10.remote.umass.edu 56: 0.01%: nsas100p20.remote.umass.edu 28: : nsas100p25.remote.umass.edu 28: : nsas100p30.remote.umass.edu 59: : nsas100p35.remote.umass.edu 26: 0.01%: nsas100p39.remote.umass.edu 24: 0.01%: nscs24p4.remote.umass.edu 29: : nscs25p10.remote.umass.edu 54: 0.03%: nscs25p19.remote.umass.edu 25: 0.01%: nscs29p7.remote.umass.edu 29: : nscs44p14.remote.umass.edu 58: : nscs46p5.remote.umass.edu 22: 0.04%: dustem.astro.umd.edu 38: 0.01%: union43.ccs.itd.umich.edu 49: 0.02%: sdsspc3.physics.lsa.umich.edu 20: 0.01%: westquad-189-206.reshall.umich.edu 27: 0.02%: zoa.phys.unm.edu 40: 0.03%: gliese.cop.uop.edu 16: 0.03%: sc2-8.sc.usd.edu 37: 0.17%: vulcan.elen.utah.edu 28: 0.02%: desmond.as.utexas.edu 38: 0.02%: ens317-42.ece.utexas.edu 35: 0.27%: ens334-19.ece.utexas.edu 38: 0.02%: ens507-46.ece.utexas.edu 23: 0.01%: cacheflow1.gw.utexas.edu 36: 0.01%: coma.uwyo.edu 28: 0.01%: noatak.uwyo.edu 45: 0.04%: ras8934.uwyo.edu 21: 0.05%: ttau.phy.vanderbilt.edu 43: 0.07%: bootp-233-144.bootp.virginia.edu 24: 0.13%: bootp-235-39.bootp.virginia.edu 30: 0.02%: vwc225.vwc.edu 78: 0.13%: beluga.astro.washington.edu 29: 0.01%: dione.astro.washington.edu 33: 0.02%: orca.astro.washington.edu 36: 0.02%: cs302-34.spmodem.washington.edu 10: : urania.astro.wesleyan.edu 22: 0.06%: inktomi.doit.wisc.edu 31: 0.15%: libro-c01.wittenberg.edu 29: 0.07%: as0-isdn-26.wustl.edu 116: 0.50%: hh154ws36.hh154lab.wwu.edu 11: : lis041.lis.wwu.edu 67: 0.04%: mizar.physics.wwu.edu 38: 0.01%: ultra1.caha.es 20: 0.01%: inf4.cambrescat.es 60: 0.17%: lpss1.ing.iac.es 16: 0.01%: 42181.rad.telefonica.es 52: 0.04%: ester.astro.helsinki.fi 28: 0.01%: snafu.phys.jyu.fi 72: 0.11%: jymy08.math.public.jyu.fi 78: 0.49%: paja5.st.public.jyu.fi 99: 0.14%: paja6.st.public.jyu.fi 28: 0.01%: paja8.st.public.jyu.fi 34: 0.05%: typy.oulu.fi 28: 0.05%: vegemite.astro.utu.fi 43: 0.03%: epilobe.bdl.fr 55: 0.05%: iris.bdl.fr 29: 0.03%: rosetta.saclay.cea.fr 48: 0.45%: ppp-159-223.villette.club-internet.fr 13: 0.06%: lyon114.dtr.fr 16: 0.04%: esacom46-ext.hq.esa.fr 28: 0.01%: hautbrion.iap.fr 40: 0.04%: pauillac.iap.fr 105: 0.18%: r3400.ias.fr 36: 0.02%: cache1.serveurs-nationaux.jussieu.fr 27: 0.01%: milan.obs-besancon.fr 27: 0.02%: purcell.obs-nice.fr 30: 0.01%: mesioq.obspm.fr 63: 0.23%: lynx.di.transpac.fr 161: 0.07%: newb6.u-strasbg.fr 73: 0.21%: tntmulh7-149.abo.wanadoo.fr 38: 0.02%: beowulf.llnl.gov 10: : ursa.llnl.gov 66: 0.06%: abba.gsfc.nasa.gov 27: 0.01%: echelle.gsfc.nasa.gov 30: 0.14%: grop12.gsfc.nasa.gov 30: 0.02%: nwhite.gsfc.nasa.gov 61: 0.17%: sds-fast.gsfc.nasa.gov 39: 0.01%: beichman-charles.jpl.nasa.gov 27: 0.02%: cecelia-lawshe.jpl.nasa.gov 38: 0.03%: coma.jpl.nasa.gov 230: 1.62%: eisws5.jpl.nasa.gov 27: 0.01%: ezra.jpl.nasa.gov 36: 0.01%: fornax.jpl.nasa.gov 27: 0.01%: garyb-nt.jpl.nasa.gov 20: 0.02%: gveeder-pc.jpl.nasa.gov 30: 0.03%: heag4.jpl.nasa.gov 80: 0.11%: helyos.jpl.nasa.gov 162: 0.17%: hendrika.jpl.nasa.gov 54: 0.51%: jplattpc.jpl.nasa.gov 42: 0.02%: koalablue.jpl.nasa.gov 33: 0.13%: mesa-ws-013.jpl.nasa.gov 27: 0.02%: muliphein.jpl.nasa.gov 27: 0.01%: netops4.jpl.nasa.gov 27: 0.01%: pc-elayne.jpl.nasa.gov 27: 0.01%: pdc-mac-121.jpl.nasa.gov 171: 0.12%: regulus.jpl.nasa.gov 61: 1.62%: richman.jpl.nasa.gov 28: 0.02%: rstanley.jpl.nasa.gov 28: 0.01%: sue-mac.jpl.nasa.gov 10: : tylerpc.jpl.nasa.gov 41: 0.01%: waltz.jpl.nasa.gov 172: 0.44%: edsl3.jsc.nasa.gov 60: 0.39%: theseus.iss.msfc.nasa.gov 28: 0.01%: beta.nsf.gov 13: 0.03%: puck.pnl.gov 35: 0.12%: tcs-gateway11.treas.gov 11: 0.08%: gate.pliva.hr 28: 0.02%: pecs-1.dialin.datanet.hu 49: 0.45%: chiara.csoma.elte.hu 22: 0.04%: neptun.physx.u-szeged.hu 18: 0.05%: p179.as2.exs.dublin.tinet.ie 53: 0.09%: p2.as1.portlaoise1.tinet.ie 210: 0.04%: bcproxy1.ac.il 172: 0.04%: buproxy.ac.il 10: 0.05%: ras3-p23.hrz.netvision.net.il 42: 0.03%: capella.iiap.ernet.in 67: 0.01%: ravel.brera.mi.astro.it 41: 0.01%: proxy.artov.rm.cnr.it 26: 0.04%: rtmodp12.mi.infn.it 36: 0.37%: ppp16-nas0.imola.nettuno.it 79: 0.23%: merlino.astropa.unipa.it 65: 0.32%: lavinia.dei.unipd.it 33: 0.07%: dragan.zucchetti.it 82: 0.06%: cheetah.astro.isas.ac.jp 59: 0.06%: dusty.sci.isas.ac.jp 40: 0.14%: aries.z.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp 19: 0.02%: orion.z.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp 29: 0.49%: dhcp-202-133.mtk.nao.ac.jp 49: 0.01%: biro.mtk.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 39: 0.01%: crux.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 32: 0.01%: t196.tokai.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp 51: 0.26%: canon-proxy.in.canon.co.jp 16: 0.03%: hmtx1.hitachi.co.jp 10: 0.02%: hmtx2.hitachi.co.jp 15: 0.03%: hmtx4.hitachi.co.jp 48: 0.14%: bamboo.seino.co.jp 27: 0.01%: ss.cc.affrc.go.jp 34: 0.10%: nat7.aitai.ne.jp 15: 0.02%: ppp187.tokyo-ins2.dti.ne.jp 20: 0.01%: ppt916.nod.kanazawa.nsk.ne.jp 12: 0.07%: proxy-3.iap.tokyo.webtv.ne.jp 27: 0.01%: hamosu.yonsei.ac.kr 22: 0.02%: cache3.kornet.nm.kr 18: 0.08%: proxyjm.jmrab.edu.lb 43: 0.02%: charon.nofs.navy.mil 32: 0.01%: aries.usno.navy.mil 21: 0.01%: gateway-fincen.uscg.mil 110: 0.41%: p1p24.netservice.com.mx 10: 0.02%: p1p5.netservice.com.mx 55: 0.19%: mazatlan0109.infosel.net.mx 23: 0.03%: tntmex6-1-91.telmex.net.mx 72: 1.17%: tntroma2-1-244.telmex.net.mx 33: 0.01%: norma.astro.ugto.mx 17: 0.03%: kbu-14-63.tm.net.my 32: 0.02%: pm3-2-12.accessive.net 22: 0.04%: cache-engine-02.chi.ais.net 20: 0.01%: dus-145-253-66-50.arcor-ip.net 21: 0.01%: dialup1-x600-137.aspi.net 30: : dialup1-x600-246.aspi.net 31: 0.19%: lew-sat.astercity.net 16: 0.03%: 104.detroit-11-12rs.mi.dial-access.att.net 27: : 212.newark-25-30rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 27: 0.01%: 217.newark-25-30rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 27: 0.01%: 12.newark-28-29rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 27: : 168.newark-28-29rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 27: : 75.newark-33-34rs.nj.dial-access.att.net 20: 0.01%: 36.albuquerque-05-10rs.nm.dial-access.att.net 35: 0.11%: 252.new-york-61-62rs.ny.dial-access.att.net 37: 0.38%: grifter.eng.bellsouth.net 52: 0.06%: v90modem8.capella.bigsky.net 52: 0.04%: pisc02.blast.net 27: 0.01%: pisc04.blast.net 133: 0.66%: cache.bora.net 30: 0.02%: wapa-webcache.bright.net 20: 0.01%: ts-nakusp-p14.cancom.net 15: 0.03%: c-engine2.ten34.ces.net 13: 0.03%: cgowave-37-237.cgocable.net 10: : tuba.clari.net 60: 0.14%: ts004d35.lax-ca.concentric.net 85: 0.66%: proxy1.cso.net 30: 0.01%: tuc73.dakotacom.net 14: 0.02%: sdn-ar-007casfrap017.dialsprint.net 31: 0.07%: atl2-wc2.atlas.digex.net 27: 0.02%: apool4.digicon.net 35: 0.01%: pool378-cvx.ds40-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 34: 0.02%: pool436-cvx.ds40-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 34: 0.10%: pool542-cvx.ds40-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 57: 0.04%: pool663-cvx.ds40-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 11: 0.01%: pool044-cvx.ds51-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 26: 0.01%: pool096-cvx.ds54-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 27: : pool229-cvx.ds54-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 33: 0.05%: pool287-cvx.ds57-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 51: 0.33%: pool119-cvx.ds63-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 11: : pool497-cvx.ds63-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 48: 0.01%: pool599-cvx.ds66-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 42: 0.01%: pool554-cvx.ds68-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net 28: 0.01%: ip-78-86.evc.net 29: 0.01%: ppp28-38.gis.net 34: 0.10%: pool-207-205-163-209.nwrk.grid.net 53: 0.10%: lsajca130-030.dsl.gtei.net 37: 0.05%: router52-2d34.hamilton.net 48: 0.09%: pm1s44.rockport.heartland.net 11: 0.01%: oca-p1-26.hitter.net 103: 0.29%: tnt8-216-180-14-135.dialup.hiwaay.net 23: 0.01%: slip129-37-37-106.il.us.ibm.net 31: 0.06%: pm2-109.crp.infi.net 83: 0.13%: kpt-c-208-25-251-77.intermediatn.net 17: 0.08%: tl-2.proxy.is-europe.net 19: 0.06%: iport126.iwaynet.net 10: : theseus.wwwcache.ja.net 14: 0.03%: pleiades-52.col.jadeinc.net 29: 0.07%: 209-142-46-158.stk.jps.net 39: 0.36%: cache1.kolumbus.net 18: 0.09%: cache2.kolumbus.net 33: 0.11%: cache3.kolumbus.net 34: 0.05%: karola.komtel.net 11: 0.01%: cache22-noc.kornet21.net 56: 0.15%: cache31-noc.kornet21.net 32: 0.05%: cache41-noc.kornet21.net 12: 0.03%: ce1.lightspeed.net 79: 0.26%: xcom-78-11.mdc.net 21: 0.01%: nic-c29-069.mw.mediaone.net 77: 0.13%: jbrowntwelve.ne.mediaone.net 29: 0.02%: msilvest.ne.mediaone.net 30: 0.08%: we-24-130-48-46.we.mediaone.net 34: 0.01%: pm182-10.dialip.mich.net 28: 0.01%: proxy.misc.net 27: 0.01%: nat199.234.mpoweredpc.net 68: 0.30%: apollo-al0455.multiweb.net 29: 0.10%: termiet.nl.net 35: 0.10%: sd.cache.nlanr.net 16: 0.07%: cache05.cache.nuri.net 32: 0.01%: cache13.cache.nuri.net 54: 0.11%: as5200-1-28.dial-up.ocsnet.net 30: 0.08%: hicks195-236.optonline.net 32: 0.20%: lyn48-215.optonline.net 26: : ppp-207-105-152-117.nhwd02.pacbell.net 14: 0.07%: adsl-216-102-196-92.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net 20: 0.01%: ppp-207-104-16-153.snrf01.pacbell.net 42: 0.08%: adp8471-5-20.pixi.net 31: 0.02%: denville3-29.planet.net 27: : denville3-40.planet.net 27: 0.01%: denville3-41.planet.net 27: : denville3-45.planet.net 29: 0.02%: denville3-46.planet.net 29: 0.12%: denville3-47.planet.net 27: : denville3-48.planet.net 27: 0.01%: denville3-52.planet.net 29: : denville3-58.planet.net 72: 0.07%: denville3-68.planet.net 20: 0.01%: surf952.pompano.net 40: 0.03%: proxy19.ykt.prodigy.net 13: 0.04%: sju-208-249-78-127.prw.net 35: 0.01%: ip10.mountain-view.ca.pub-ip.psi.net 48: 0.05%: ip78.isdn5-boston.ma.pub-ip.psi.net 32: 0.10%: ip239.laurel.md.pub-ip.psi.net 31: 0.04%: ip160.garden-city6.ny.pub-ip.psi.net 24: 0.01%: ip200.garden-city6.ny.pub-ip.psi.net 31: 0.29%: ip98.garden-city6.ny.pub-ip.psi.net 34: 0.07%: cs5-16.hol.ptd.net 24: 0.05%: ppp-157-8.pubnix.net 22: 0.04%: cacheflow.rosprint.net 27: : spy1.ny.rubis.net 19: 0.01%: spy2.ny.rubis.net 25: 0.06%: glcsma-01-36.port.shore.net 20: 0.01%: kel112.silk.net 29: 0.01%: ppp2-141.dnv.soltec.net 21: : chcgb111-02.splitrock.net 25: 0.05%: mdstb102-37.splitrock.net 14: 0.01%: phl2b112-19.splitrock.net 20: 0.01%: max9-43.stc.net 20: 0.01%: new-chmiusr0-a01.chatham.tds.net 29: 0.05%: hoard.cache.thenap.net 28: 0.08%: dial-46-max-bbvt-01.ramp.together.net 76: 0.30%: dial-59-tnt-03.udial.together.net 21: 0.05%: dial-89-btvt.udial.together.net 20: 0.01%: backman.slc.urjet.net 45: 0.09%: dialup196.tnnas2.usit.net 27: 0.02%: ldsl169.dnvr.uswest.net 28: 0.08%: ndsl239.dnvr.uswest.net 23: 0.02%: tdialup205.phnx.uswest.net 20: 0.01%: 1cust26.tnt9.phoenix.az.da.uu.net 115: 0.21%: 1cust126.tnt5.covina.ca.da.uu.net 28: 0.01%: 1cust38.tnt1.santa-barbara.ca.da.uu.net 20: 0.01%: 1cust42.tnt3.thousand-oaks.ca.da.uu.net 20: 0.01%: 1cust112.tnt3.chi1.da.uu.net 26: 0.01%: 1cust249.tnt10.dfw5.da.uu.net 20: 0.05%: 1cust147.tnt28.dfw5.da.uu.net 41: 0.08%: 1cust49.tnt35.dfw5.da.uu.net 12: 0.06%: 1cust233.tnt6.fort-lauderdale.fl.da.uu.net 47: 0.11%: 1cust175.tnt1.tampa.fl.da.uu.net 29: 0.02%: 1cust204.tnt1.seymour.in.da.uu.net 26: 0.22%: 3cust146.tnt3.lax1.da.uu.net 29: 0.03%: 1cust169.tnt6.lax1.da.uu.net 20: 0.01%: 1cust200.tnt4.brentwood.ny.da.uu.net 18: 0.02%: 1cust193.tnt1.charleston.wv.da.uu.net 54: 0.09%: slot0-86.ts0.cv.oh.verio.net 14: 0.03%: ctv-gw.pa.verio.net 10: : 250-101.warpone.net 45: 0.07%: lon-qbu-bsj-vty13.as.wcom.net 10: 0.03%: proxy-525.public.rwc.webtv.net 27: 0.01%: sdts1-77.znet.net 17: 0.03%: sdts2-114.znet.net 22: 0.01%: ns01.chello.nl 27: 0.01%: poort112-ip-x2.enertel.cybercomm.nl 11: 0.10%: i115.asd.euronet.nl 97: 0.32%: i652.asd.euronet.nl 17: 0.06%: n502.arnhem.telekabel.euronet.nl 84: 0.11%: 7.153.dialin.mxs.nl 38: 0.01%: ws24.sron.nl 49: 0.19%: vp231-182.worldonline.nl 82: 0.13%: dv0106-0.dial.wxs.nl 31: 0.12%: vl0135-0.dial.wxs.nl 36: 0.01%: proxy01.wxs.nl 22: 0.04%: proxy.vgs.sn.no 72: 0.37%: pcetnomus09.uio.no 21: 0.01%: p6.hn1.wave.co.nz 19: 0.03%: b001-m006-p005.wgtn.clear.net.nz 30: 0.01%: judy.aas.org 27: 0.01%: lynn.aas.org 53: 0.10%: host120.afionline.org 50: 0.05%: area51.chi-squared.org 42: 0.03%: bess-proxy4.edutech.org 159: 0.07%: eso-wall-ext.hq.eso.org 46: 0.13%: unknown-23-152.memorialcare.org 97: 0.30%: c01.naoj.org 21: 0.01%: nothus.planetary.org 14: 0.03%: bee.tiaa-cref.org 45: 0.04%: juno.astro.amu.edu.pl 29: 0.09%: misio.camk.edu.pl 12: 0.03%: ppp64-38.ci.uw.edu.pl 22: 0.02%: fizwe5.fic.uni.lodz.pl 12: 0.03%: ekolog2.biol.uni.wroc.pl 13: 0.02%: bba2-p7.telepac.pt 12: 0.03%: falcon9.mat.uc.pt 27: 0.01%: delphi.oal.ul.pt 170: 0.21%: zeus.sai.msu.ru 34: 0.12%: storm.ptc.spbu.ru 45: 0.15%: edda.oso.chalmers.se 19: 0.07%: moskva.biochem.kth.se 29: 0.02%: dialup239-7-1.swipnet.se 13: 0.03%: dialup74-1-57.swipnet.se 12: 0.03%: nere161.c3l.tyreso.se 24: 0.41%: proxyc3.cyberway.com.sg 17: 0.17%: fwall.firat.edu.tr 84: 0.10%: iaa11.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw 23: 1.44%: mail.cwb.gov.tw 20: 0.01%: elepc52.bell.ac.uk 10: 0.01%: arachnid.bournemouth.ac.uk 25: 0.01%: cass67.ast.cam.ac.uk 28: 0.04%: xpc6.ast.cam.ac.uk 49: 0.01%: katje.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk 27: 0.02%: uhsul1.herts.ac.uk 29: 0.01%: icstar7.ph.ic.ac.uk 21: 0.02%: starpc2.livjm.ac.uk 27: 0.02%: ppnt50.physics.ox.ac.uk 22: 0.03%: josesun.roe.ac.uk 28: 0.05%: mull.roe.ac.uk 11: 0.03%: scm-pc-181.tees.ac.uk 30: 0.02%: du-1311.claranet.co.uk 48: 0.02%: steveshouse.demon.co.uk 28: 0.05%: webcache01p.cache.pol.co.uk 13: 0.03%: lib13.chs.chico.k12.ca.us 86: 0.45%: cerberus.city.palo-alto.ca.us 10: 0.01%: b194.triton.cc.il.us 22: 0.01%: st-209-175-74-45.zion.lake.k12.il.us 29: 0.02%: sdorris.fairview.auburn.k12.me.us 10: 0.03%: proxy.gwhs.k12.ny.us 23: 0.01%: bess-proxy.douglas.k12.or.us 1990: 10.33%: [not listed: 552 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain -----: ------: ------ 9933: 23.20%: .edu (USA Educational) 2355: 9.36%: umass.edu 936: 2.63%: caltech.edu 910: 2.05%: arizona.edu 733: 0.83%: harvard.edu 525: 0.66%: noao.edu 367: 0.63%: cornell.edu 194: 0.54%: wwu.edu 5933: 19.60%: .com (Commercial) 996: 3.77%: aol.com 388: 2.65%: home.com 385: 1.94%: rr.com 82: 1.19%: syzygy.com 89: 1.04%: sybase.com 93: 0.57%: colsa.com 5585: 15.81%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 571: 4.21%: 141 901: 2.72%: 208 115: 1.11%: 192 492: 1.00%: 209 260: 0.71%: 207 216: 0.69%: 205 310: 0.63%: 200 238: 0.55%: 194 5250: 12.14%: .net (Network) 295: 1.20%: webtv.net 481: 0.98%: uu.net 226: 0.68%: psi.net 85: 0.66%: cso.net 133: 0.66%: bora.net 411: 0.62%: earthlink.net 90: 0.56%: kolumbus.net 1884: 6.09%: .gov (USA Government) 1758: 5.91%: nasa.gov 687: 2.16%: .ca (Canada) 278: 0.59%: istar.ca 60: 0.52%: uvic.ca 506: 1.94%: .nl (Netherlands) 2: 0.79%: leidenuniv.nl 131: 0.54%: euronet.nl 825: 1.86%: .fr (France) 114: 0.58%: ias.fr 312: 1.85%: .mx (Mexico) 157: 1.40%: net.mx 630: 1.56%: .jp (Japan) 351: 0.81%: ac.jp 114: 1.56%: .tw (Taiwan) 23: 1.44%: gov.tw 613: 1.47%: .de (Germany) 354: 1.09%: .it (Italy) 432: 0.92%: .fi (Finland) 305: 0.76%: jyu.fi 557: 0.83%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 231: 0.71%: .us (United States) 454: 0.71%: .au (Australia) 183: 0.63%: .ch (Switzerland) 123: 0.58%: int.ch 685: 0.60%: .br (Brazil) 99: 0.52%: .hu (Hungary) 32: 0.42%: .sg (Singapore) 94: 0.41%: .no (Norway) 411: 0.41%: .uk (United Kingdom) 209: 0.34%: .ru (Russia) 132: 0.32%: .se (Sweden) 81: 0.31%: .dk (Denmark) 30: 0.28%: .bg (Bulgaria) 62: 0.25%: .at (Austria) 142: 0.23%: .es (Spain) 131: 0.22%: .pl (Poland) 17: 0.17%: .tr (Turkey) 73: 0.14%: .ie (Ireland) 399: 0.13%: .il (Israel) 13: 0.09%: .hr (Croatia) 22: 0.09%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet) 95: 0.08%: .cz (Czech Republic) 18: 0.08%: .lb (Lebanon) 20: 0.08%: .my (Malaysia) 90: 0.08%: .ar (Argentina) 25: 0.08%: .ae (United Arab Emirates) 65: 0.07%: .pt (Portugal) 9: 0.06%: .cn (China) 100: 0.06%: .mil (USA Military) 41: 0.06%: [domain not given] 1: 0.06%: .mg (Madagascar) 40: 0.04%: .nz (New Zealand) 42: 0.03%: .in (India) 57: 0.03%: .kr (South Korea) 10: 0.03%: .ua (Ukraine) 27: 0.02%: .be (Belgium) 1: 0.02%: .sk (Slovak Republic) 7: 0.01%: .hk (Hong Kong) 7: 0.01%: .si (Slovenia) 7: 0.01%: .uy (Uruguay) 3: 0.01%: .bm (Bermuda) 1: : .bb (Barbados)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: directory -----: ------: --------- 37781: 100%: /2mass/ 18393: 92.04%: /2mass/gallery/ 9057: 1.78%: /2mass/overview/ 4631: 1.56%: /2mass/etc/ 2569: 1.43%: /2mass/releases/ 68: 1.09%: /2mass/publications/ 585: 1.04%: /2mass/data_processing/ 58: 0.57%: /2mass/test/ 201: 0.06%: /2mass/index/
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Status Code Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Daily Report: Hourly Summary: Host Report: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: File Type Report: File Size Report)
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 806: 0.11%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/ 728: 0.49%: May/ 1/99 04:25: /2mass/overview/home.html 697: 0.31%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/toc.html 692: 0.01%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/masthead.html 682: 0.05%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/overview/home_off.gif 681: 0.06%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/overview/dataacc_off.gif 669: 0.06%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/overview/survdp_off.gif 669: 0.06%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/overview/gallery_off.gif 663: 0.06%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/overview/pipe_off.gif 663: 0.05%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/overview/search_off.gif 662: 0.05%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/overview/internal_off.gif 658: 0.54%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/etc/logos/2mass_bar.gif 655: 0.45%: May/ 1/99 04:26: /2mass/releases/sampler/cdrom.jpg 651: 0.06%: May/ 1/99 04:26: /2mass/etc/icons/sredball.gif 636: 0.07%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/etc/logos/umass_logo3.gif 635: 0.12%: May/ 1/99 04:26: /2mass/etc/logos/nasaball.gif 634: 0.43%: May/ 1/99 03:21: /2mass/etc/logos/ipac_emb_xsm.gif 627: 0.01%: May/ 1/99 04:26: /2mass/etc/logos/jpl_logo.gif 627: 0.19%: May/ 1/99 04:26: /2mass/etc/logos/tinycitlogo.gif 619: 0.26%: Apr/30/99 20:10: /2mass/gallery/ 594: 0.41%: Apr/30/99 20:35: /2mass/gallery/orion.jpg 591: 2.04%: Apr/30/99 20:10: /2mass/gallery/hyg.jpg 565: 1.48%: Apr/30/99 20:10: /2mass/gallery/mthopk.jpg 527: 0.26%: Apr/30/99 20:10: /2mass/gallery/m51a.jpg 524: 0.11%: Apr/30/99 20:10: /2mass/gallery/light.gif 494: 0.01%: Apr/30/99 20:10: /2mass/gallery/spacer.gif 454: 0.03%: Apr/30/99 20:07: /2mass/overview/internal_on.gif 453: 0.03%: Apr/30/99 20:07: /2mass/overview/home_on.gif 453: 0.04%: Apr/30/99 20:07: /2mass/overview/survdp_on.gif 453: 0.04%: Apr/30/99 20:07: /2mass/overview/pipe_on.gif 453: 0.04%: Apr/30/99 20:07: /2mass/overview/dataacc_on.gif 451: 0.03%: Apr/30/99 20:07: /2mass/overview/search_on.gif 447: 0.04%: Apr/30/99 20:07: /2mass/overview/gallery_on.gif 370: 0.50%: Apr/30/99 21:23: /2mass/gallery/pallas2.jpg 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Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
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