IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #9 Minutes
IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #9 Minutes,
Attendees: T. Chester, R. Cutri, T. Evans, D. Kirkpatrick,
G. Laughlin, B. Light, C. Lonsdale, S. Terebey
- D. Kirkpatrick: announced that the memo by C.
Beichman and himself on the '92-'94 database has been released. The
total sky coverage for this database is 160 square degrees. Davy is
now searching the database for new late-type stars and brown dwarfs
with high proper motion by identifying objects with no POSS
counterparts. So far he's found two objects for which there is a
possible POSS counterpart shifted slightly from the 2MASS position,
indicating proper motions of up to 1 arcsec per year if the
identification is correct, and two objects with no POSS candidate id at
- S. Terebey: showed some point source profiles
for bright stars that she has been studying with a view towards fitting
the wings better so that we can trim the bright star exclusion radii as
much as possible, and hopefully recover a bit more survey coverage. So
far she has fitted double gaussians and gaussian plus power law models,
finding a better fit with the latter.
- R. Cutri: announced that he's ready to apply
the final calibration to the 95 database. This will be done with an
awk script which will apply the aperture corrections, etc.