Tom then plotted shape within a scan, using a six-star average to compute this seeing estimate. He found that in the previously identified anomalous scans there were regions within the scan where shape and sigma went wild.
Subsequent to the meeting Tom discovered that the anomalous sigmas were due to contamination of his `star' sample by galaxies, and that with these galaxies removed the shape parameter appears to track the seeing quite well. We will therefore investigate using shape, determined prior to GALWORKS in the pipeline, as a means of inputting to PROPHOT a monitoring of the seeing, so that PSF can be revised within a scan, as necessary.
Davy is now turning his attention to objects in the R-K=3-4 range, with unusually red J-K or H-K color; such objects would be candidate red QSOs, by analogy to the colors of the PG QSOs.