IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #14 Minutes
IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #14
Minutes, 12/13/95
Note - there was no meeting on December 6th due to the User's
Commitee Meeting
Attendees: T. Evans, L. Fullmer, D. Kirkpatrick, G. Laughlin, B. Light,
C. Lonsdale, S. Terebey, S. Wheelock
- S. Wheelock and R. Cutri: are preparing a memo
describing the results of their detailed analysis of the completeness
and reliability of
point source extractions from all the calibration fields in the
April 22 through May 10 data. Sherry presented C&R as a function of
source density: there are few really high source density fields amongst the
calibration fields they have been working with, and no evidence for a
decline in C or R was seen with increasing source density in any band.
Last week it was reported that the main cause of low C&R is poor seeing;
a better estimate of the behavior than reported last week is that C&R
begins to fall off at pfrac of about 0.4 to 0.45, corresponding to FWHM
of 3.2 - 3.4 arcseconds. For the small number of fields with good seeing
for which C is anomalously low Sherry demonstrated that the incompleteness
is due to poor positional reconstruction on one scan. One additional scan
has poor reliability due to a bright star with several attendant spurious
- D. Kirkpatrick: reported the results of his Palomar 200 inch spectroscopic
run with the double spectrograph. He observed two high proper
motion candidates and one giant candidate, and was rewarded with
the discovery that one of the high proper motion candidates is an M7 dwarf,
only the 30th such star ever discovered. A third candidate high proper
motion star couldn't be observed because no star was apparent on the guide
camera at either the 2MASS position, the position of the most likely POSS
counterpart, or any reasonable track for the object. Davy will return
to this object in the spring with COSMIC, which can be used to take a deep