IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #12 Minutes
IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #12 Minutes,
Attendees: R. Cutri, T. Evans, L. Fullmer, T. Jarrett, D. Kirkpatrick,
B. Light, S. Terebey.
- B. Light:
reported on the first measurements of
relative positional offsets of sources processed using nominal R2-R1
pipeline and R1 frames processed using KAMPHOT. The R1 KAMPHOT
processing uses the R2-R1 psf, since creating an R1 psf is futile.
Plots of dx and dy versus the R2-R1 magnitude of sources
dx = x(R2-R1) - x(R1-KAMPHOT)
dy = y(R2-R1) - y(R1-KAMPHOT)]
show no systematic offsets, and the dispersion in the dx and dy is
approximately 0.05 pixels in the range m<11. The next step is to
examine the difference between "normal" R1 processing and KAMPHOT R1.
S. Terebey: is continuing work on a general psf
model. She reported progress on understanding the blurring effect of
the bi-linear interpolation algorithm used in construction of the coadd
L. Fullmer: is working on producing 3-color
images using GEOM to register images, and display with a 24-bit
monitor. Challenges include finding proper parameters to use with GEOM
since the images are not being combined with MOSAIC, and setting the
proper stretches in the 3 bands to make nice images. Linda will
consult with Tom Jarrett on the latter issue.