IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #1 Minutes
IPAC 2MASS Science and Analysis Working Group Meeting #1
Minutes, 9/06/95
Attendees: R. Cutri, L. Fullmer, T. Jarrett, D. Kirkpatrick,
G. Laughlin, B. Light, C. Lonsdale, M. Moshir, S. Terebey
The purpose of this new working group meeting is to have an informal
forum for an in-depth discussion of on-going 2MASS analysis and science
issues. The group will meet weekly at 10am on Wednesdays in the large
conference room. There will be no formal agenda; instead we will ask
for status reports from people with active tasks, and will address
the questions, problems, ideas, etc. that any group member wishes to raise.
The idea is to keep everybody well educated about progress in all areas of
2MASS analysis and science, and to tap everyone's brains for creative
ideas and solutions to problems.
At the kickoff meeting September 6th, we initiated the discussion by going
round the table and asking for status reports on everyone's activities.
Not all people present were reached by the end of the hour, therefore some
reports were postponed till the next meeting.
- M. Moshir: Mehrdad has begun work with H.
McCallon on position reconstruction issues. He is working on the
formulation of correctly assigning probabilities to the match scenarios
which are used in the two-peg method.
- L. Fullmer: is working with R. Cutri to clean up
problems with galaxy extractions in Coma caused by the bright star mask.
- R. Cutri: Roc reported for S. Wheelock since she
had to miss the meeting. Sherry and Roc have been working on the
photometric calibration, and have derived new airmass corrections for
each night, following the recently completed photometric
post-processing run. The curves are now much improved, though it seems
that some standard stars have systematic offsets as large as 5-10%.
Roc is in contact with the UKIRT standard star folks (via John
Carpenter), who have acknowledged the presence of offsets this large,
though they haven't informed us which stars are affected.
In addition to a band-by-band photometric calibration, Roc has been
looking at the robustness of a color calibration. He finds a nice
extinction curve for (J-Ks), but there is too little dynamic range in
Roc also raised the question of benchmarking galaxy extractions using
FOCAS, as requested by M. Strutski. We will use a single strip through
Coma to do this task.
- G. Laughlin: Announced her availability to help
with some analysis tasks; she will take on the galaxy extraction
verification task using FOCAS, working with Roc and Carol.