Next: Conclusions
Up: Alternative Flat-Fielding Strategies
Previous: Dome Flats
The ideal way to measure the flat-field response would be to observe a single,
bright point source 256x256 times, so it was centered on different
array pixel each time. The flat would then be constructed by
combining the signal from each illuminated pixel from all of the
frames. Of course, such a scheme is not practical because it would take
lots of time, the atmospheric transparency and seeing variations would
cause the star brightness to vary slightly in each exposure, and the
sky background could vary.
An alternative way to construct such a flat might be to use the fact
that 2MASS will observe millions of sources each night with a wide
variety of color and brightness and background levels. If over the
course of one or more nights, each pixel sees the same
brightness distribution of sources to within some limit (
), then
all of the frames taken over that time period could be combined to generate
a very good flat-field image. For such a procedure to work it would be
necessary to show that the distribution of sources seen by each pixel
is indeed identical, and to devise the proper way to combine all survey
- Advantages:
- The color of the flat-field is matched perfectly to
the average source color. Because this flat is constructed from
point source measurements, it accurately measures the point source optical
transfer function of the system. This procedure takes advantage of the
unique nature of the 2MASS data set, and it requires no distinct flat-field
- Disadvantages:
- Calculations based on the density of sources predicted
by Jarrett's models (Reference 8) suggest that as many as 25-50 nights'
data must be combined to obtain uniform illumination of each pixel.
This would not be possible of the detector and/or telescope responsivities
were found to be unstable over these time scales. Developing such a
procedure would take a significant new effort and would severely
impact the current 2MAPPS design. Finally, such a procedure remains
hypothetical, but could be easily tested off-line when more Protocamera test
data has been collected.
Next: Conclusions
Up: Alternative Flat-Fielding Strategies
Previous: Dome Flats
Gaylin Laughlin
Thu Feb 16 15:47:28 PST 1995