The goals of the meeting were:
--- With modifications, the current approach appears capable of exceeding the level 1 photometric requirements; for sources with 8 < K < 12, 2.5% repeatability has been achieved in uncrowded fields using aperture photometry; simulations suggest that 1-2% photometry should be possible in uncrowded fields.
--- Both analysis of the M92 field and preliminary results from simulations (see below) suggest that the level 1 astrometric specifications can be met and/or exceeded over a large fraction of the sky. Whether this statement applies to the entire sky depends on both the number of proper motion stars (currently drawn from the PPM catalog) in scan overlap regions and the efficacy of post-processing algorithms in carrying out a "global" astrometric and photometric solution; further analysis is required.
[See viewgraph summary documents from: Beichman (Point Source Processing for 2MASS; overview) Chester and McCallon; Evans and Wheelock; Moshir] --- Kopan reported on a "hybrid" approach (using the DAOFIND algorithm to locate candidate point sources and the KAMPHOT algorithm to define final centroid and photometric parameters) which appears capable of a possible 6-fold increase in point-source extraction efficiency. The group urged that a careful comparison of the DAOPHOT and KAMPHOT source location algorithms be undertaken particularly in simulated crowded fields. This approach appears promising and may provide a significant saving in processing time/hardware.
--- Schneider, Seitzer, Cutri and Elias (in the context of their calibration star summary) will summarize the arguments in favor of setting as a project GOAL (as opposed to a new level 1 requirement), achieving 2% photometry for stars K < 12. It is anticipated that the arguments will center on dwarf/giant population discrimination, but may also include photometric discrimination of masses and possibly chemical composition among low mass dwarf stars). We recommend discussing this at the upcoming Science Team meeting.
--- There will also need to be be work (involving the IPAC simulator) and the survey simulator (currently under development by Rudenko at UMass) aimed at refining the survey strategy (tiling strategy; field overlap) to optimize photometric and positional accuracy in all parts of the sky. We recommend that this be discussed by the Science Team; a coordination plan needs to be established.
[see summary documents by Jarrett and Light; Light and Jarrett; Fundamental Limits of Photometry] --- Jarrett and Light were urged to carry out simulations which would provide a context for the Science Team's eventually evaluating the suitability of the KPNO 1.3m telescope for the Northern Hemisphere survey should financial considerations drive us to consider this possibility. We have recommended that if possible, they have results available in time for the team meeting. (See 2MASS Protocam Numerical Simulations:Stars)
We recommend that the Science Team carefully discuss the simulations which will prove most challenging to the current algorithms. Jarrett and Light indicate that a version of the simulator should be available for remote use relatively soon. In order to both organize the approach to simulations, and to control the processing load at IPAC, we recommend that the Science Team develop a coordinated, prioritized list of simulation/reduction tasks.
We recommend careful discussion of the the April/May prototype camera run at the upcoming Science Team meeting. The Lonsdale document should be reviewed prior to that discussion. (See Prototype Camera Observation Plan for April 1995 Run)
Cutri and Skrutskie will develop appropriate tests and a flat-fielding strategy during the upcoming prototype camera run (April/May). We recommend their discussing the flat-fielding issues at the upcoming Science Team meeting.
This is viewed as critical to understanding the fundamental sources of error (and thus of potential cost/performance trades) and requires serious study by IPAC and the Science Team.
We recommend that the Science Team discuss how best to develop a procedure for scrutinizing the assumptions underlying the error tree and for developing a list of simulations and observations aimed at understanding the errors affecting the derived photometric and positional uncertainties.
Schneider, Cutri, Seitzer and Elias will develop a brief (2 page) document summarizing the rationale for this decision. They will also summarize the advantages of setting a goal of 2% photometry for sources K < 12 in uncrowded fields (see summary under 1 above).
It is essential that the calibration strategy and the overall requirements and desirable goals be discussed thoroughly at the upcoming Science Team meeting.