The NLTT (New Luyten Two Tenths) Catalogue gives information on tens of thousands of proper motion stars discovered during Luyten's survey of POSS-I plates. These objects include nearby dwarfs of solar metallicity and generally more distant, Population II stars of high space motion. There are 311 NLTT objects falling within the 2MASS protocam survey area. To date, we have recovered 247 at their predicted 1993 positions. The other 64 include a few fainter, bluer stars below the limit of the 2MASS survey, but most of the remaining objects have been temporarily lost simply because of poorly recorded 1950 positions. We are in the process of comparing the POSS-I images in these areas with the later-epoch 2MASS images to recover these ``lost'' objects.
The 247 stars already identified include objects with motions between 0.2 and 1.5 arcseconds per year and with colors spanning the width of the H-R diagram, from the bright B dwarf Regulus down to M dwarfs at the survey limit in K. Most of these stars, particularly those with smaller motions, have not been followed up due to the scant data previously available (mainly just POSS-I blue and red magnitudes). Data from the 2MASS survey will provide much needed additional information.
Figure 1 shows the POSS-I R magnitudes (taken from the digitized APM Northern
Sky Catalogue) combined with 2MASS protocam magnitudes for these objects.
If we assume momentarily that all of the stars shown in the plot are
dwarfs of solar metallicity, we can assign a unique for each R-K
color, thus deriving a photometric parallax for each object. Objects
nearest the Sun fall along the upper envelope; distances are labelled
for the three NLTT objects in Figure 1 which are already listed in the
Third Edition of the Catalogue of Nearby Stars. The plot shows a number
of other objects
presumably within 25 parsecs of the Sun which are not included in the
latest Edition. These are prime targets for further study. The coolest
NLTT objects shown here are of spectral type
M5 V. For comparison,
the positions of several ultra-cool dwarfs (types of M7 V or later) are also
plotted (where the R magnitude is from the APM survey and the K magnitude
is from the literature). The coolest M dwarf so far identified in the
2MASS protocamera data is also shown, its position confirming an estimated
type of
M6-7 V.
Not all of the stars plotted here, of course, will have solar metallicity, or, for that matter, be stars lying along a hydrogen-burning main sequence. Easily distinguished from the other objects, at R-K = 0.36 and R = 15.42, is the previously catalogued DA6 white dwarf LP 322-267.
From the standpoint of this author, there are two driving scientific investigations which a follow-up of the NLTT objects, particularly by the full-blown 2MASS survey, can address:
Figure 1: Color-magnitude diagram of the NLTT objects (solid points)
falling within the area surveyed by the 2MASS protocamera. For comparison
are shown the locations of ultra-cool dwarfs (open squares) and the coolest
dwarf detected to date in the 2MASS protocamera data (cross).
In all cases, the
R magnitudes come from the APM survey of POSS-I plates and the K magnitudes
are from 2MASS (except for the ultra-cool dwarfs, whose K magnitudes are
taken from the literature). Distances for those NLTT objects appearing in
the latest edition of the Catalogue of Nearby Stars are also labelled.