2MAPPS Software Interface Specification DBM07 3.0 97/05/28 Interface Name: DBMAN/DB Tile Data Interface Type of Interface: Database (Informix) Field Data Specification Written By: DBMAN _______________________________ T. Evans Read By: Informix DB Description: DBMAN loads 2MASS data into the Informix 2MASS database. This SIS describes the DB fields (AKA "table columns") for the survey tile data. Note also that data for calibration scans will be kept in a separate calibration DB, designed for storing data for numerous scans of the same areas of sky. Descriptions of other DB data are found in the other DBMxx SISs. Also, information from each DBMAN run will also be written to a UNIX summary file. The DB table containing this data from survey scans is named "tile_dat", in the "tmass" DB. This data belongs to a group of data labelled the "scan DB" for convenience, to separate it from the extracted source list data labelled the "source DB". There are 4 different "scopes" of the data in the "scan DB": tile, night/ hemisphere, scan, and coadd. Except for tile and night/hemisphere (hereafter called simply "night"), each scope is a subset of the one preceeding it; for example, there are up to 999 scans per night, with x coadds for each scan, etc. Additionally, much of the night data, mainly calibration data, have duplicate fields for each band. The entire sky is covered by overlapping strips called "tiles", which define the strips to be scanned in the survey. Thus each scan belongs to exactly one tile, but each tile may be scanned more than once, usually on different nights, until data having acceptable quality is taken. If a field is not applicable or contains a "bad or N/A measurement value" (see previous 2MAPPS SISs for details) for a certain entry, the field will contain "NULL" values as defined by the DB. The descriptions below contain the following information: 1. "Name" contains the names of the DB fields or table columns. Note that they are all in lower case, because the DB doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case names. If there is a number in parentheses after the name, please refer to the numbered notes at the end of the descriptions for more information. NOTE: The "cntr" column MUST be the first column in each table. 2. "Description" contains short descriptions of the field contents. 3. "Units" contains the units of the values in the fields. 4. "DBType" contains the DB data storage types for the fields. Note that some data types are further defined by values in parentheses following the type name. Also, these types are NOT cast in stone and could change. 5. "Null" indicates (y/n) whether the DB fields accept NULL values. 6. "Idx" contains a code indicating whether fields are indexed and what type of indexes they have. If the code is "0", the field is not indexed. If it is "1", the field has a simple index. If there is a "u" after the digit(s), the index is a "unique" one. If the code has a 2-digit number, the first digit indicates to which composite index the field belongs, and the second digit indicates the ordering of the fields within the composite index. 7. "Fmt" contains a C-like description of the best formats for displaying the field contents, *excluding* a leading space for field separation. 8. "Tbl" contains the (sub-)table ID to which the fields belong. NOTE: The "cntr" field will be the first field in each sub-table, and is used as a join index. The 1st sub-table ("01") is the "main" sub-table, and must contain one entry per table cntr number; any other sub-table will not contain an entry for a cntr number if its fields would all be NULL. 9. "Min" and "Std" indicate (y/n) whether the DB fields are found in the "mini" and "standard" table output views. NOTE: A line beginning with "-------" can only be used herein to delineate the section of field/data dictionary lines seen below. Name Description Units DBType Null Idx Fmt Tbl Min Std ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tile_id (1) tile ID number - integer n 1u 5d 01 y y ra right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of tile definition deg decimal(9,6) n 1 10.6f 01 y y dec declination (J2000 decimal deg) of tile definition deg decimal(8,6) n 1 10.6f 01 n n cdec char. declination (J2000 deg) of tile definition deg char(3) n 1 3s 01 y y glon galactic longitude (decimal deg) of tile definition deg decimal(9,6) n 1 10.6f 01 n y glat galactic latitude (decimal deg) of tile definition deg decimal(9,6) n 1 10.6f 01 n y x unit sphere x value of tile definition - decimal(10,9) n 0 12.9f 01 n n y unit sphere y value of tile definition - decimal(10,9) n 0 12.9f 01 n n z unit sphere z value of tile definition - decimal(10,9) n 0 12.9f 01 n n n_obs number of times (scans) tile has been observed - smallint n 1 3hd 01 n n date_last date of last observation - date y 0 yymmdd 01 n n scan_last scan number of last observation - smallint y 0 3hd 01 n n status (2) observation and processing status flag (-,T,V) for tile - char(1) y 1 1s 01 y y priority (3) observation and processing priority flag (0-10) for tile - smallint n 1 2hd 01 y y n_good number of good observations - smallint y 1 3hd 01 n y date_best date of best observation - date y 0 yymmdd 01 n y scan_best scan number of best observation - smallint y 0 3hd 01 n y qual_best (4) quality parameter (0-10) of best observation - smallint y 1 2hd 01 y y scan_key (5) key to best scan data record - integer y 0 6d 01 n n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- total # columns = 19, # bytes/row = 76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: (1)tile_id Tile ID numbers can run from 0 to 999999; numbers < 80000 are used for northern survey tiles, and numbers >= 100000 are used for southern survey tiles. (Numbers between 80000 and 99999 are used for test and calibration tiles.) (2)status The status field can be set to: <NULL> : no pending observation or processing T : observed and written to tape at observatory V : received and tape verified at IPAC (3)priority This field will be set to the priority of (re-)observing this tile. It will normally be 10 - qual_best, but can be set manually. (4)qual_best This field will be set to the quality parameter (0-10) of the best observation, where 0 is unobserved, and 10 is without fault. (5)scan_key The scan_key field will be set to the key of the record containing the corresponding "best scan" data in the "scan DB". If the field is NULL or 0, no processed data for this tile has been entered into the DB.