2MAPPS Software Interface Specification DBM03 3.1 97/08/26 Interface Name: DBMAN/DB Minor Planet Data Interface Type of Interface: Database (Informix) Field Data Specification Written By: DBMAN _______________________________ T. Evans Read By: Informix DB Description: DBMAN loads 2MASS data into the Informix 2MASS database. This SIS describes the DB fields (AKA "table columns") for the minor planet data. Each of these entries contains a minor planet position prediction that has been positionally matched to a 2MASS src (given by the hemis + date + scan + id key). Descriptions of other DB data are found in the other DBMxx SISs. Also, information from each DBMAN run will also be written to a UNIX summary file. The DB table containing this data from survey scans is named "mp_mch", and the table containing this data from calibration scans is named "mp_mch_c". Both are in the "tmass" DB. If a field is not applicable or contains a "bad or N/A measurement value" (see previous 2MAPPS SISs for details) for a certain source, the field will contain "NULL" values as defined by the DB. The descriptions below contain the following information: 1. "Name" contains the names of the DB fields or table columns. Note that they are all in lower case, because the DB doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case names. If there is a number in parentheses after the name, please refer to the numbered notes at the end of the descriptions for more information. Some fields are repeated 3 times, once for each band, but are found only once in the description below; these fields contain "<b>" in the name, where "b" is understood to mean "j", "h", and "k". NOTE: The "cntr" column MUST be the first column in each table. 2. "Description" contains short descriptions of the field contents. 3. "Units" contains the units of the values in the fields. 4. "DBType" contains the DB data storage types for the fields. Note that some data types are further defined by values in parentheses following the type name. Also, these types are NOT cast in stone and could change, especially for the position fields. 5. "Null" indicates (y/n) whether the DB fields accept NULL values. 6. "Idx" contains a code indicating whether fields are indexed and what type of indexes they have. If the code is "0", the field is not indexed. If it is "1", the field has a simple index. If there is a "u" after the digit(s), the index is a "unique" one. If the code has a 2-digit number, the first digit indicates to which composite index the field belongs, and the second digit indicates the ordering of the fields within the composite index. 7. "Fmt" contains a C-like description of the best formats for displaying the field contents, *excluding* a leading space for field separation. 8. "Tbl" contains the (sub-)table ID to which the fields belong. NOTE: The "cntr" field will be the first field in each sub-table, and is used as a join index. The 1st sub-table ("01") is the "main" sub-table, and must contain one entry per table cntr number; any other sub-table will not contain an entry for a cntr number if its fields would all be NULL. 9. "Min" and "Std" indicate (y/n) whether the DB fields are found in the "mini" and "standard" table output views. NOTE: A line beginning with "-------" can only be used herein to delineate the section of field/data dictionary lines seen below. Name Description Units DBType Null Idx Fmt Tbl Min Std ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cntr entry counter (key) number (unique within table) - integer n 1u 8d 01 y y hemis hemisphere (N/S) of observation - char(1) n 21 1s 01 n y date observation date - date n 22 yymmdd 01 n y scan scan number (unique within date) - smallint n 23 3hd 01 n y id 2MASS source ID number - integer n 24 6d 01 y y mch_cnf (1) match confidence parameter - decimal(4,2) n 1 5.2f 01 y y id_mp minor planet ID - char(35) n 1 35s 01 y y ra right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) deg decimal(8,5) n 1 9.5f 01 y y dec declination (J2000 decimal deg) deg decimal(7,5) n 1 9.5f 01 y y x unit sphere x value - decimal(9,9) n 0 12.9f 01 n n y unit sphere y value - decimal(9,9) n 0 12.9f 01 n n z unit sphere z value - decimal(9,9) n 0 12.9f 01 n n <b>_noise (2) noise in <band> coadd image DN decimal(4,2) n 0 5.2f 01 n n r_helio MP heliocentric distance AU decimal(8,6) n 0 9.6f 01 n n r_geo MP geocentric distance AU decimal(8,6) n 0 9.6f 01 n n phase MP phase angle deg decimal(6,3) n 0 7.3f 01 n n v_mag MP visual magnitude mag decimal(5,3) n 1 6.3f 01 y y mu MP proper motion "/hr decimal(6,3) n 0 7.3f 01 n n theta MP angle of proper motion (E of N) deg decimal(4,1) n 0 5.1f 01 n n err_maj (3) major axis of 1-sigma error ellipse arcsec decimal(4,1) n 1 5.1f 01 n y err_min minor axis of 1-sigma error ellipse arcsec decimal(4,1) n 1 5.1f 01 n y err_ang angle of error ellipse major axis (E of N) deg decimal(4,1) n 0 5.1f 01 n y pts_key (4) key to point src data DB record - integer n 0 9d 01 n n spt_ind spatial (x,y,z) index key - integer y 0 9d 01 n n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- total # columns = 26, # bytes/row = 139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: (1) MchCnf is expected to be a 2-D chisquare parameter; it will be clipped on the high side at 99.99 if necessary. (2) The coadd-image noise is the noise quoted in the header of the coadd image file covering the part of the scan where the minor planet was predicted to be. (3) The last three parameters refer to the error ellipse associated with a two-dimensional Gaussian model for the position uncertainty, with the ellipse being the isodensity contour that crosses the major and minor axes at one sigma on those axes; ErrAng is the angle eastward from north to the nearest major axis of the error ellipse. (4) Point src record key: no default (non-null) This field will be set to the key of the record containing the associated point src data (see SIS DBM01). The point src data will also have the same date, hemisphere, scan, id keys.